
84 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Supporting viticulture on steep slopes and terraces

Granting a premium to support viticulture on steep slopes and terraced vineyards as a high-quality farming practice

Good Practice - Project

Agri-environmental measures delivering environmental and economic win-win

A project that demonstrates how agri-environment support can significantly help the protection of the environment while also increasing the profitability of a farm.

Good Practice - Project

Improving soil quality by using sustainable practices

A family farm invested in a biogas plant to produce renewable energy while also purchasing a new tomato harvester to improve the farm’s overall income.

Good Practice - Project

BiodiverSO – rediscovering agricultural biodiversity

Protecting and promoting traditional vegetables can lead to increased incomes for farmers and environmental benefits for society.

Good Practice - Project

Restoration of the Romedenne clay-pit nature reserve

An environmental NGO implemented a project to preserve and maintain an old clay pit that provides shelter to a number of rare and endangered species.

Good Practice - Project

“Zero pesticide in our villages and cities”

A project that supported local municipalities in their campaign to reduce the use of pesticides by their citizens.

Good Practice - Project

DorfBioTop! – Enhancing local biodiversity

A LEADER project that aims to educate and support the local population, especially young people, to improve the biodiversity in the villages of the area.

Good Practice - Project

Promoting the natural resources of western Weinviertel

A LEADER project that promoted the use of the local natural heritage as a lever for sustainable local development.

Good Practice - Project

VÅTMARK KYLINGE – Creating a wetland to tackle eutrophication

The creation of wetlands in the agricultural landscape can contribute in decreasing the leakage of nutrients into water bodies.

Good Practice - Project

Developing a demonstration model of a harvesting machine for wetlands

Supporting the development of a demonstration model of a new harvesting machine adapted to the environment of Danish wetlands.