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Wurzeln in der Natur: lokale Projekte bringen Hoffnung und Veränderung
Erfahren Sie, wie drei Finalisten der Rural Inspiration Awards 2019 in der Kategorie Umwelt und Klimaschutz nach und nach ländliche Landschaften, Leben und Lebensgrundlagen verändert haben, um Gemeinden und Ökosysteme gleichermaßen nachhaltig zu beeinflussen.
- GAP-Implementierung
Pilot carbon footprint reduction with innovative dairy product utilising at the same time waste from the dairy and wine industry
LEADER cooperation between the Greek dairy and wine sectors creates opportunities for new and novel nutritious food products.
- GAP-Implementierung

Operational Group for the digitalisation of the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain
Digitalised agri-food value chain data tools strengthen the competitiveness of Spanish cattle meat firms.
- GAP-Implementierung

Innovative solutions in agricultural production to increase market competitiveness, restore biodiversity and mitigate climate and environmental risks
Increasing organic orchard yields by integrating intercropped fruit trees and bushes.
- GAP-Implementierung

Construction of the Robo-Farmer autonomous robotic platform
Digitalisation of organic fruit production improved by new robotics precision technology in Romania.
- GAP-Implementierung – feito no Alentejo, com vagar (slowly made in Alentejo)
CAP funds provide an opportunity for a family farm to increase the production of organic teas and spices.
- GAP-Implementierung

SaameDigi (SámiDigi)
Digital inclusion training in Finland for elderly members of linguistic minority populations.
- GAP-Implementierung

Westhoek, ‘The New World 2.0’
Communication campaign targets depopulation challenges affecting Belgium’s coastal areas.
- GAP-Implementierung

Ecological sequence breeding technology in Aronia melanocarpa
Operational Group establishes new in vitro production process for aronia berry crops in Romania.
- GAP-Implementierung

Quintinha d’aldeia
Supporting a family firm’s production of traditional Portuguese meat sausages.
- GAP-Implementierung