Added value

70 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Food and people

A project to shorten the value chain from the farm to the consumer, to increase the availability of high-quality, local foods and to increase local business profitability.

Good Practice - Project

Improving the economic performance of a small potato producer

A small potato-growing farm used RDP support to purchase a new processing line to enhance its economic performance.

Good Practice - Project

Bakery Hrinova – Investments to increase the competitiveness of a bakery business

The Slovakian rural development programme supported a high-quality bakery business in its efforts to increase production capacity and profitability.

Good Practice - Project

Branding cereal crops for the export market

A marketing project to promote the high-quality Finnish oats to the international market and increase the income of small farms.

Good Practice - Project

Aquaponics – a greenhouse for innovative food production

The challenge of increasing food production without harming the environment might be solved through innovative production techniques, such as aquaponics.

Good Practice - Project

Art as a leverage of local development in a mountain area

A LEADER project used artistic creations to increase the attractiveness of a remote rural area and stimulate economic activity.

Good Practice - Project

Setting up a traditional bakery on a farm

A young female farmer used RDP support to set up a traditional backing oven and start selling organic bread in the local area.

Good Practice - Project

Sobrarbe, Autochthonous and Sustainable beef production

A cooperation project to promote the consumption of locally produced beef and create economic and environmental benefits.

Good Practice - Project

Collaborate for the landscape: dry-stone constructions

Promoting the use of a landscape feature, as it is the dry-stone constructions, to stimulate territorial development.

Good Practice - Project

Herrens Mark – dietary supplements for women

A micro company producing organic herbal extracts collaborated with a university and the positive results increased the demand for its products - thus generating the need for investments to increase the company’s production capacity.