Good Practice - Project

A young Farmer investing in beehives

A young farmer applied and received funds as a new entrant to farming in seeking to establish a beekeeping farm.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Romania
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Romania

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P2. Competitiveness
    RDP Focus Area
    • 2B: Entry of skilled/younger farmers


    A young farmer in Iasa county, north east Romania, was looking to access funds in order to establish new bee colonies on his farm. The young farmer applied and received funds as a new entrant to farming. The beneficiary acquired vertical and horizontal hives, along modern apicultural equipment and bee colonies. These acquisitions were made carefully in order to ensure that equipment and the colonies acquired would be in optimal condition and thus ensure the success of the investment.


    The helped set up a successful beekeeping farm which produces nine different types of honey and related products.

    Biodiversity benefited both on the farm and the surrounding areas through the pollination of plants by the bees.

    The young farmer is in control of his income as the end products can be sold directly to consumers, resulting in greater added value for the farmer.


    Radu Stefan Plăvănescu


    Total budget 18 800 (EUR)
    RDP 14 400 (EUR)
    Private 3 600 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 356.59 KB)