General information
RDP Priority
- P1. Knowledge transfer and innovation
RDP Focus Area
- 1C: Lifelong learning & vocational training
RDP Measure
- M01: Knowledge transfer & information actions
A significant problem occurring in Poland in recent years is the high level of air pollution by very small particles, known as PM10 and PM2.5 particles, especially in the winter. For this reason, it was necessary to find ways to raise awareness among citizens and professionals about renewable energy applications and air quality.
The project received funds from the Technical Assistance measure of the RDP which were used to produce a Renewable Energy Guide for an Advisor, known as a ‘RES guide’ and organise training and study trips. These activities facilitated the transfer of knowledge to participants on air quality improvement and the application of renewable energy technologies in businesses and municipal enterprises. The project also organised an online RES scientific competition for agricultural / forestry school students from the Greater Poland Voivodeship (Wielkopolska).
A group of 20 people were trained in renewable energy sources. One thousand copies of a guide on renewable energy were issued and distributed and a competition was held between 28 agricultural and forestry school students.
The main benefit of the project was that it increased the knowledge and raised awareness among the inhabitants of Greater Poland about the use of renewable energy sources in the context of improving air quality.
It also provided participants with practical skills on how to use energy optimisation tools in a building.

Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów, Poznan Branch Office
Total budget 14 507.10 (EUR)
EAFRD 9 018.13 (EUR)
National/Regional 5 154.64 (EUR)
Private 334.33 (EUR)
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