Good Practice - Project

Studying and promoting biogas production in the territory of the LAG ‘Pays des Condruses’

In an area where cattle breeding is predominent, LEADER funding helped explore the potentials of producing biogas from manure produced in the farms.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P5. Resource efficiency and climate
    RDP Focus Area
    • 5C: Renewable sources & waste management


    The area covered by the Local Action Group 'Pays des Condruses' has a well developed cattle breeding sector. The existence of these farms offers great potentials for biogas production. It is estimated that if all animal waste produced in the area was used for the production of biogas, it would cover the annual consumption of electricity of the 7 towns in the LAG area.

    Since 2009 the LAG supported a series of studies on various issues related to biogas production. Studies included mapping the distribution of farms in the area and their capacity to produce biogas; identifying the areas of higher consumption of energy used for heating; examining the possibility and options of setting up cooperatives that would handle the digesters and methods of compensating their members (e.g. via dividends); how to implement dry digestion, etc. The studies were accompanied by seminars and internet publications informing farmers and citizens, study trips and production of guidelines on how to apply the dry digestion technique.



    Apart from the studies and information produced, on 4 out of the 19 high energy consumption points identified in the area, projects were launched to set up biogas plants. 



    LAG Pays des Condruses


    Total budget 200 000 (EUR);
    EAFRD 90 000 (EUR);
    National/Regional 90 000 (EUR);
    Local 20 000 (EUR).


    English language


    (PDF – 447.01 KB)