General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
The Majsai family farm is a major producer of tomatoes in Hungary. The owners wanted to increase the farm’s productivity while improving the farm’s energy efficiency and reducing waste.
Grant support from the Hungarian RDP financed the building of two new glass greenhouses and a service building. A buffer tank was also installed and an existing thermowell upgraded to reduce energy consumption. Additional equipment installed included a water treatment plant, a heating system, energy saving screens, and a climate control computer.
Overall, this investment has led to at least a 10 % reduction in noise, waste, and wastewater production on the farm.
The use of suspended canal irrigation saves 20-30 % of water and fertiliser compared to conventional cultivation and the water treatment plant has reduced the amount of water used for irrigation by 30%.
Ten new employees have been hired and due to increased efficiency and higher production, the farm now provides tomatoes to Tesco and Lidl stores all year round.

Balázs Majsai
Total budget 3 222 014 (EUR)
EAFRD 1 288 748 (EUR)
National/Regional 322 187 (EUR)
Private 1 611 079 (EUR)
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