General information
RDP Priority
- P1. Knowledge transfer and innovation
RDP Focus Area
- 1A: Innovation & cooperation
RDP Measure
- M16: Cooperation
Beneficiary type
- Operational group
This project sought to address market demand for aronia berries as a nutritious crop that could help Romanian farmers diversify and develop new market opportunities. Aronia is considered a healthy food, and it can be used in food supplements, due to its pharmaceutical qualities. The beneficiary was an EIP Operational Group (OG) which planned to assess possibilities for large-scale production of the berry crop using high-performance technologies.
Actions focused on the berry’s Melrom variety, due to its suitability to Romanian climatic conditions. The aims involved identifying optimal production systems with short growing cycles using in vitro propagation, and confirming key influences affecting productivity in different circumstances, including greenhouses.
- A new high-performing variety of aronia called Melrom was introduced to the market.
- The variety is resistant to drought and plants are vigorous, growing up to 1.9 m. Its fruit is large and rich in bioactive compounds.
- The ripening period is in the second half of August, the fruits can remain on the plant for a long time after ripening without spoiling.

CAP support: 367 987 (EUR)
Good practice report : Aronia Melanocarpa
(PDF – 2.8 MB)
The project leader, SC Landcor Agro SRL, owns an in vitro culture laboratory and has experience of in vitro propagation of several species. It was aware of new business opportunities from developing in vitro propagation for the aronia berry, and worked with partners to implement an EIP Operational Group comprising scientists and farmers to pilot a new production line of high-productivity seedlings. The company is a member of the SC Marmalus SRL Producers Group, which is recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Blueberry Producers Association.
- Develop adequate scientific knowledge and practical expertise to produce and multiply fruit planting material for crops favoured by consumers;
- Identify enabling factors to help improve yield and productivity of the seedlings and crops; and
- Establish a skilled labour force capable of scaling up commercial production of the berries.
- Concept development and OG formation;
- Launch activities and stakeholder awareness including website development;
- Establishing a pilot module and in vitro protocol for micropropagation of aronia melanocarpa;
- Promoting results at numerous events and training sessions;
- Preparation of an operation manual for the propagation technology; and
- Dissemination of the project results.
Main results
- A new and high-performing variety of aronia called Melrom was obtained and introduced to the market, with qualitative and quantitative production characteristics and adaptability to the conditions in Romania.
- The variety is resistant to drought and plants are vigorous, growing up to 1.9 m. The fruit is large (0.9-1.3 g), and rich in bioactive compounds. It has a less astringent taste than other varieties on the market.
- The ripening period is in the second half of August, the fruits can remain on the plant for a long time after ripening without spoiling.
Key lessons
- The time to produce the planting material was shortened by applying the in vitro propagation protocol. Practically, starting from an individual, in a single year, through multiplications in successive cycles, tens of thousands of plants can be obtained.
- OG outcomes promote integrated precision agriculture, and areas occupied by these plants are reduced by arranging vertical shelves in the growing room and tables in the greenhouses for rooting-acclimatisation and fortification.
We are glad of the increased interest from those who received information about the project to extend the implementation to other species and/or other beneficiaries, and we received proposals to access new projects financed with European funds
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