General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
The project aimed to develop a delivery service in Burgsteinfurt that would benefit local people, local retailers and the environment. The resulting CO2-neutral bike delivery service has strengthened local value creation by focusing on the advantages of local retail; flexibility, speed, trust, regionality and direct engagement with customers. Customers can order goods from local retailers by e-mail or telephone, or centrally via a municipal internet portal.
Twice a week ordered goods are delivered to customers with as electric cargo bike. The project has enabled less-mobile consumers to have the opportunity to shop locally and has made a social and ecological contribution to local added value.
Over the project period, the cargo bike enjoyed ever-increasing demand with the participation of 15 retailers.
The cargo bike has acted as a recognizable advertising medium, which contributes to people’s awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility and the importance of their decision as to where to shop.
The cargo bike model, which was specially designed for the delivery service, is now also being used by the Post Office on the Dutch side of the border.

LAG Steinfurter Land
Total budget 15 300 (EUR)
EAFRD 7 900 (EUR)
National/Regional 2 000 (EUR)
Private/own funds 5 400 (EUR)
(PDF – 448.5 KB)