General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Measure
LAG Napoca Porolissum set up a social inclusion centre in the village of Gilău to offer young people a space to interact and participate in various activities and events.
The centre was furnished with tables, chairs and modern technological equipment, such as laptops and interactive whiteboards.
In addition, the LAG purchased a minibus of 8+1 seats to facilitate young people’s access to events organised at the Centre or in nearby cities.
250 people participated in the activities organised in the social inclusion centre and benefited from integrated social services, such as social counselling and information provision, health education, healthy lifestyle and parental education. Several events have taken place at the Centre in Gilău.
40 young people benefited from educational, social and recreational services.
125 people benefited from vocational guidance and counselling services; 32 of them were then employed and/or integrated into the labour market.
98 people participated in a social entrepreneurship course; 30 of them submitted business plans and 8 obtained funding to implement their projects.
Children and young people from the territory participated in two camps to combat discrimination and four workshops to promote community involvement.
The LAG organised working visits for young people to the University of Agronomy in Cluj, and in turn, hosted a visit by some young people from the JaIM association in France.
Several LAGs in Romania have shown an interest in this intervention model.
The centre was the first step to addressing the main issues faced by young people in their area: poverty, lack of development opportunities and difficulty to imagine a future in their home villages. Following this project, the LAG developed other projects focused on youth, including an Erasmus+ project.

Asociația Grupul de Acțiune Locală Napoca Porolissum
Total budget 1 620 502(EUR)
EAFRD 88 931 (EUR )
National/Regional 0 (EUR)
Private 16 833 euro (EUR)
Erasmus+, POCU/HCOP (Human Capital Operational Programme) 1 514 738 (EUR)
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