General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
This project aimed to provide school students with an introduction to business and economics that would be fun and engaging, while at the same time introducing them to the basic principles of planning and implementing a business. Using a digital business simulation tool, the project organised a competition that challenged 300 students from 15 schools to run virtual enterprises. With 18 different industries to choose from, small groups of students set up and ran their own companies, competing against their peers to gain the highest scores.
15 schools from the LAG area received annual licenses for business simulations related to 18 industries, allowing for an unlimited number of users.
16 teachers were trained, giving them the opportunity to teach business and economics in an innovative way.
300 students took part in workshops and in the virtual company competition.
A modern form of learning – economic games – was showcased through this project. The supplier ensured that the simulation was kept up to date to reflect the economic situation at all times.
The project increased the social capital among its young participants, strengthening their networking and collaboration skills and giving them the chance to increase their competitiveness in the labour market in the future.

Association “Razem na wyżyny”
Total budget 11 823.26 (EUR)
EAFRD 6 827.25 (EUR)
National/Regional 3 902.36 (EUR)
Private 1 093.65 (EUR)
(PDF – 2.63 MB)