General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M16: Cooperation
Today, the Baltic Sea is considered one of the world's most polluted seas. Eutrophication is one of the biggest challenges and nutrient leakage from agriculture is a major source of eutrophication. Led by the Swedish Farmers Association (LRF) and the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), this project brings together actors from different parts of the food value chain to encourage and facilitate their engagement with the challenge of increasing plant nutrient cycling to reduce nutrient leakage into the Baltic Sea. The participants are given the opportunity to jointly define their own goals and explore new technical solutions, methods, and business models that may help them to reduce nutrient leakage from their farms.
Ten companies in the food chain and 25 farmers have joined the cluster.
Information about eutrophication has reached 140 000 members of the Swedish Farmers Association (LRF) at least once per project year.
Information put out as part of WWF's communication campaign for influencing food consumers can reach between 50 000-110 000 people per post.
The project’s policy messaging has reached the Riksdag's Environment and Agriculture Committee as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Total budget 9 293 781 (SEK)
RDP contribution 6 472 385 (SEK)
Private / own 2 821 396 (SEK)
(PDF – 346.34 KB)