Subgroup on LEADER and territorial development - 2nd meeting
This was the second meeting of the LEADER and territorial development Subgroup, which is part of the governance of the European CAP Network.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Brussels, Belgium
- In-person

The Subgroup on LEADER and territorial development is part of the governance of the EU CAP Network. After the launch of the Network in October 2022, this is the second year of the EU CAP Network’s operation in the 2023-2027 programming period, and this is the second meeting of the new Subgroup on LEADER and Territorial Development. The Subgroup’s focus is thematic work with CAP stakeholders and EU Member States’ administrations regarding LEADER and territorial development.
The objectives of the 2nd meeting of the Subgroup are:
- To provide an update on LEADER implementation under the CAP Strategic Plans and RDPs 2014-2022;
- To provide an update on relevant activities of the EU CAP Network linked to LEADER;
- To explore and discuss networking activities on LEADER in the Member States;
- To explore opportunities for networking and cooperation on LEADER among the Member States, including the role of National Networks; and
- To discuss ideas for LEADER activities in the next annual workplan of the EU CAP Network.
Final Agenda – 2nd Subgroup on LEADER and Territorial Development
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Additional info
Auditorium Rue de la Loi 102 Brussels Belgium
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
EU Institutions
EU CAP Network
EU CAP Network
LEADER in action - Iwona Lisztwan, DG AGRI
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EU CAP Network activities related to LEADER - David Lamb & Valdis Kudins, EU CAP Network
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Assurance on performance in the CAP 2023-27 - Roberto Calderon Rojo, DG AGRI
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EU CAP Network website updates - Susan Grieve, EU CAP Network
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ELARD LEADER Congress and activities - Marion Eckardt, ELARD
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State-of-play for LEADER in Denmark - Dea Cordt Kragh, National Network, Denmark
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LEADER related activities in Slovenia - Marjeta Jeric, Managing Authority, Slovenia
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Tartu County Youth Fund - Kristiina Tammets, Estonia
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Bodenkoffer Soil Kit - Stefan Niedermoser, LEADER Forum Austria
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The use of Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) in LEADER Finland - Kaisa Eerola, Pia Poikonen & Juha-Matti Markkola, Finland
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Interactive Session - Peter Toth, EU CAP Network
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