LEADER and territorial development Subgroup - 1st meeting
This was the first meeting of the new LEADER and territorial development Subgroup, which is part of the governance of the European CAP Network.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Albert Borschette Congress Center Rue Froissart 36, Brussels - Brussels, Belgium
- In-person

The Subgroup’s focus is thematic work with CAP stakeholders and EU Member States’ administrations regarding LEADER and territorial development.
The LEADER and territorial development Subgroup is part of the governance of the European CAP Network. After the launch of the Network last October, 2023 is the first year of the European CAP Network’s operation in the 2023-2027 programming period and this is the first meeting of the new LEADER and territorial development Subgroup. The Subgroup’s focus is thematic work with CAP stakeholders and EU Member States’ administrations regarding LEADER and territorial development.
The objectives of the 1st meeting of the Subgroup were:
- To welcome new members of the Subgroup;
- To provide an update on LEADER implementation in the RDPs 2014-2022 and a first look at LEADER across CAP Strategic Plans;
- To present the governance structure and explain the role of the Subgroup;
- To provide an update on the European Court of Auditors report on LEADER, the Commission’s reply and follow-up actions;
- To provide an update on relevant activities of the EU CAP Network linked to LEADER;
- To explore and discuss networking activities on LEADER in the Member States.
Final agenda
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Additional info
Albert Borschette Congress Center Rue Froissart 36, Brussels
Rue Froissart 36 Brussels 1040 Belgium
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
EU Institutions
EU CAP Network
EU Stakeholders
Flipchart-making LEADER Simpler
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Flipchart-making LEADER Smarter
(PDF – 192.33 KB)
Flipchart-making LEADER Younger
(PDF – 190.26 KB)
Implementation of LEADER measures in rural development programmes 2014-2022, Iwona Lisztwan, DG AGRI, European Commission
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First look at LEADER intervention in CAP Plans 2023-27; Iwona Lisztwan, DG AGRI, European Commission
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Overview of transnational cooperation projects in 2014-2022, Peter Toth, EU CAP Network
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ECA Audit on LEADER/CLLD and where do we go from here?, Iwona Listzwan & Eduardo Serrano, DG AGRI, European Commission
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Setting up the governance, Tatjana Borbas, DG AGRI, European Commission
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Planned support from the CAP Implementation Contact Point, David Lamb, EU CAP Network
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European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP Support for LEADER and LAGs, Valdis Kudins, EU CAP Network
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Introduction to the interactive session, David Lamb, EU CAP Network
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