Event - Workshop

How can GHG emissions from agriculture be tackled via NECPs?

As part of the EU Energy Union Governance regulation, EU Member States are currently revising their 2030 national energy and climate plans, in which they are outlining their objectives, policies, targets, and measures for how to decarbonize different sectors of the economy – including agriculture.

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  • English
  • Online
How can GHG emissions from agriculture be tackled via NECPs?

Although agricultural emissions are a major drive of climate change, the suggested measures in the agricultural sector have consistently been the weakest part of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). The NECP revision process – which requires Member States to submit a drat version of their revised plans to the European Commission by the end of June this year – thus provides a key window of opportunity to tackle agricultural emissions, most notably from the use of fertilisers and livestock farming.

What measures have been proven to be most effective to reduce GHG emissions in the agriculture sector? And what are some of the bad examples of climate mitigation measures which have minimal impact or even promote unsustainable and intensive agriculture? This workshop aims to give answers to these and other questions. The expected results are to increase the capacity of civil society actors on engaging in the NECP revision process and to advocate for robust climate measures in agriculture.

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The European Environmental Bureau