Event - Conference

FOODRUS triple event: reducing food waste on 31 January and 1 February

Come to Navarra or follow these events online to learn about the strategies that end-users, public administrative bodies and stakeholders in the agri-food industry can implement to tackle food loss.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Cordovilla, Spain
  • Hybrid
Event poster

FOODRUS is a European Horizon 2020 project aiming to build resilient local food systems in Europe by developing circular solutions to limit food loss and waste along the agri-food value chain. As part of this mission, FOODRUS will be holding three workshops in Spain on 31 January and 1 February 2024 during the 'FOODRUS: Reduciendo el desperdicio alimentario (#ReducingFoodWaste)' event.

These workshops will:

  • Present European and national regulations and strategies for preventing food loss and food waste.
  • Raise awareness about the challenges facing value chain actors and clusters as they strive to implement these strategies.
  • Outline how the solutions developed by the FOODRUS project can help solve some of them.
  • Showcase the food waste and loss strategies undertaken by the region of Catalonia.

There will be three workshops: the Spanish 'National Replication Workshop' and the 'Regional Replication Workshop' will be held in Spanish, while the 'Open Doors Workshop' will be in English.

The Spanish National Replication Workshop will be hosted by AIN in Cordovilla (Navarre) on 31 January and 1 February. Explore European and Spanish regulations on food loss and waste prevention, learn from regional government strategies and hear from food industry leaders. FOODRUS partners will showcase project results and achievements in demonstrator regions and offer interactive training sessions to promote solution replication across the country.

The Regional Replication Workshop will explain the main food loss and waste strategies from the perspective of Catalonia. Stakeholders, companies and organisations can take part either online or in person in Pamplona, Spain.

The Open Doors Workshop is on 31 January, in Cordovilla (Navarre, Spain) or online. Discover key solutions for reducing food loss and waste in the salad, meat and fish, and bread value chains. The workshop includes presentations on the FOODRUS suite, interactive training and a Q&A session, bringing together food value chain actors, policymakers and EU projects addressing food waste.

Admission is free and details for online participation will be sent to registered participants.

Additional info


Navarra Spain
