Event - Focus group

Focus Group 'Competitive and resilient mountain areas' - 2nd meeting

This is the second meeting of the Focus Group 'Competitive and resilient mountain areas', facilitated by the Support Facility 'Innovation, Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI'.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • In-person
a landscape of a valley with trees and mountains

During the meeting of the Focus Group on competitive and resilient mountain areas , the 20 Focus Group experts discuss the question on which innovative approaches and innovations linked to agriculture, forestry and bio-economy can foster the competitiveness and the socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities.


  • Collect and highlight innovative approaches and inspiring success stories on new ways of capitalising agri-food, forestry products and other bioeconomy products, including ways to cope with challenges posed by climate change, land abandonment, improve the coexistence between farming and large carnivores and take advantage of new opportunities such as social farming or health-based agritourism.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities to strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of mountain areas. These can be, for example, related to business models, markets and value chains, access to traditional and local knowledge and capacity building, new technologies and digital solutions.
  • Explore the role of social innovation and ways to increase social resilience and reinforce social communities in mountain areas, for example attracting and engaging new citizens in the agricultural, forestry or bioeconomy sectors.
  • Identify the needs to support innovation in mountain areas.
  • Propose ideas for potential Operational Groups and other innovative projects.
  • Identify research needs coming from practice and possible gaps in knowledge.

Focus Group meetings are not open to the public.

More information about the Focus Group, main challenge, tasks and the results of the meeting can be found on the Focus Group webpage.

EU CAP Network Focus Groups are temporary groups of selected experts focusing on a specific subject, sharing knowledge and experience.

Each group explores practical innovative solutions to problems or opportunities in the field and draws on experience derived from related useful projects. Each Focus Group meets twice and produces a recommendations and outcomes report.

The Focus Groups also discuss and document research results, best practices and identify the implications for further research activities that will help to solve practical problems in the sector.

EIP-AGRI Challenge video

Romanian farmer Dan Neag owns a small farm within the territory of the Apuseni Natural Park. Dan, a traditional cattle breeder, shares his firsthand experience as farmer in a protected area, discussing the challenges, opportunities and innovative approaches he applies.


English language


(PDF – 237.7 KB)

Additional info


Cluj-Napoca Romania


Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI

EU CAP Network