Event - Brokerage event

EU CAP Network Brokerage event ‘Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks’

The EU CAP Network Brokerage event ‘Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks’ will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 17 and 18 January 2023. It is dedicated to matchmaking and networking to support the preparation of proposals for the upcoming Horizon Europe Calls on advisory networks.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Bulgaria
  • In-person

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI organised the EU CAP Network Brokerage event ‘Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks’.

The EU CAP Network Brokerage event took place in Sofia (Bulgaria), on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 January 2023. 

a group of people standing in a green wheat field for the EU CAP Network Brokerage

Event description

This event will be dedicated to matchmaking and networking amongst advisors, farmers, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders to support the preparation of proposals for the upcoming Horizon Europe Calls on advisory networks. Additionally, the event will create opportunities for exchanging knowledge and innovative ideas and practices, that may inspire potential applicants to take part in the next Horizon Europe call.

Overall aim & objectives 

The main objective of the brokerage event is to support applicants in preparing their proposals for EU advisory networks under the Horizon Europe calls 2023-2024. 

Specific objectives include:

  • Improve the functioning of the Member States’ AKIS strategic approach under their CAP plans by integration of their advisors in the EU Advisory Networks and wider spreading of the collected practical knowledge across the Member States;
  • Support advisory applicants in finding partners specifically for the EU Advisory Network topics;
  • Improve overall awareness among advisors and farmers on the possibilities to participate in Horizon Europe projects, and the opportunities offered under its calls;
  • Increase understanding of the 2023-2024 multi-actor topics under the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 work programme with a view to improve the quality of multi-actor proposals and the complementarity of participants and actors involved in such consortia; 

The Horizon Europe - Cluster 6: “Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment” was published December 2022 and includes a call for proposals for advisory networks. On 13 and 14 December 2022, the European Commission organised Horizon Europe infodays to present the upcoming topics from Cluster 6.

Read the new EU CAP Network brochure which guides you through calls from Horizon Europe Cluster 6 and other parts of the Work Programme. Download.

Target group

This event will be dedicated to matchmaking and networking amongst advisors, farmers, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders.

Additional info


Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI

EU CAP Network



English language

Speaker and facilitator bios

(PDF – 552.57 KB)

English language

CARE4BIO: Network of National Contact Points for Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment - Bożena Podlaska, National Center for Research and Development Poland, partner CARE4BIO

(PDF – 2.35 MB)


English language

Welcome to Bulgaria – Georgi Sabev, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Bulgaria

(PDF – 2.12 MB)

English language

National agricultural advisory service and international cooperation – Dimitar Vanev, National agricultural advisory service, Bulgaria

(PDF – 3.16 MB)

English language

Basic requirements for EU Advisory Networks under Horizon Europe calls – Ana Patricia Lopez Blanco, DG AGRI

(PDF – 2.39 MB)

English language

Contribution of the EU Advisory Networks to Member States’ CAP AKIS Plans – Inge Van Oost, DG AGRI

(PDF – 3.32 MB)

English language

Practical experiences on building a proposal for the first EU Advisory Network call under the Horizon Europe format: COREnet – Patrick Pasgang, Innovatiesteunpunt, Belgium

(PDF – 1.91 MB)

English language

Tips and tricks from the Horizon 2020 EU Advisory Network i2Connect – Sylvain Sturel, APCA, France

(PDF – 1.22 MB)

English language

Tips and tricks from the Horizon 2020 EU Advisory Network FAIRshare – Tom Kelly, TEAGASC, Ireland

(PDF – 1.3 MB)