Publication - Member State Evaluation |

Support for services and infrastructure in Swedish rural areas: a follow-up based on 2014-2022 RDP support data

The Report analyses five support measures for services and infrastructure in rural areas.

  • Sweden
  • 2014-2022
  • Socio-economic impacts
Support for services and infrastructure in rural areas
Coast bridge seen from the north bank of the river Angermanalven in Sweden

The aim of the report is to contribute to 1) promoting rural local development (Focus Area 6B) and 2) increasing the accessibility and use of information and communication technologies in rural areas (Focus Area 6C). Target indicators are followed by a target value, which estimates the number of inhabitants expected to benefit. The report uses target indicators to estimate the share of the rural population that has benefited from the measures implemented under Focus Areas 6B and 6C. All data in the report comes from the Swedish Board of Agriculture's decision support system referring to the period 2014-2022 until 22 June 2022, except budget data retrieved on 10 January 2023. In the two areas, the following questions have been examined:

  • How much of the support budget has been granted and paid to beneficiaries?
  • What types of investments has the aid been used for?
  • Where in Sweden have the investments been made?
  • What proportion of the rural population has benefited from the respective support?

Two of the European Commission's Common Evaluation Questions (CEQ) 17 and 18 are also answered by answering the questions.

Some data are excluded to achieve the highest possible quality in the calculations. For example, future final payment amounts are excluded, as these may differ from granted amounts. The four investment subsidies have benefited about 30% of the 2.2 million inhabitants of rural areas. The target is for 36% to help, and thus the goal has not been reached. However, it is still possible to get the target once all aid has been disbursed. Broadband support has benefited about 2% of the rural population. The target is that approximately 4.9% will benefit. It will also likely not be reached once all aid has been disbursed. SEK 4.6 billion has been granted in broadband support, of which 64% has been paid out. Most aid has been granted in northern Sweden, particularly in Norrbotten County. Most support has gone to counties where 20-50% of the population lives in rural areas. Most investment support has gone to services and leisure in rural areas, such as grocery stores. Approximately 24% of the aid for broadband has been granted in southern Sweden, particularly in Västra Götaland County and Skåne County. The main beneficiaries of the aid were companies, which accounted for 67% of the aid granted. However, businesses and associations have benefited about as many people in rural areas.


Rita Wahlström



Swedish language

Support for services and infrastructure in rural areas

(PDF – 1.51 MB – 58 pages)