Publication - Briefings |

Summary and suggested actions for the effective setting up and functioning of Monitoring Committees

This summary and suggested actions below reflect the views of Thematic Group (TG) members on Monitoring Committees and centre on key themes identified by TG members.

  • 2023-2027
A tractor working in a field

This document was produced by the TG on CAP Strategic Plans: Monitoring Committees, which ran between September 2023 and January 2024. The TG focused on how Managing Authorities (MAs) will ensure the involvement of stakeholders relevant to the EAGF supported interventions under CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) in the Monitoring Committees (MCs) of the current programming period.

The summary and suggested actions included in this final paper reflect the views of TG members and centred on the key themes they identified, namely, implementation approaches, stakeholder engagement, regional MCs and the role of NNs. This paper and the inputs collected by the TG are intended to inspire all those involved in the work of MCs to consider how best to strengthen the implementation of CSPs.

The paper concludes that effective MCs are vital to the successful implementation of any funding programme, particularly for those funded by public money. In the case of CSPs, it is incumbent on MAs to capitalise on the opportunity that the presence of an MC affords in terms of ensuring that the right decisions are made at the right time, by the right people, at the appropriate level and implemented in a way that meets the needs of all those in a CSP ecosystem. To that end, MAs should also consider how best to include and utilise the expertise of NNs, stakeholder organisations, MC members and ministries.


EU CAP Network



English language

Thematic Group on CAP Strategic Plans: Monitoring Committees

(PDF – 433.55 KB)