Publication - Member State Evaluation |

Study on the impact of LEADER on Lithuania’s 2014-2020 RDP

The study examined Lithuania’s 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme (RDP) to assess the added value of LEADER, examining its implementation mechanism, efficiency, effectiveness and contribution to the RDP's focus areas.

  • Lithuania
  • 2014-2022
  • Socio-economic impacts
Study on the impact of LEADER on Lithuania’s 2014-2020 RDP
Wooden house

The evaluation incorporated various research methods, including analysis of legislation, surveys, case studies and interviews focusing on 49 Local Action Groups (LAGs), 1 535 local projects and 25 cooperation projects. The research applied quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale) principles at a local level, applying twelve evaluation criteria for effectiveness and nine for efficiency.

The study also introduced a methodological innovation and a quantitative performance index to assess LEADER implementation. The evaluation suggested improvements for future data collection and revealed that the implementation of LEADER principles varied, offering avenues for better practice dissemination and overall improvement of the LEADER approach.

Rural Development Programme: LT - National

Original publication date: 2021


Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture



Lithuanian language

Study on the impact of LEADER on Lithuania’s 2014-2020 RDP

(PDF – 3.76 MB – 233 pages)