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Showcasing the added value of ecosystem services of farming in mountain areas

‘Value-added mountain farming’ is an Operational Group in Austria developing business models based on ecosystem services to improve the socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities.

  • Austria
Cattle in the moutains

Mountain areas cover approximately 30% of the EU territory, and they are facing major challenges that make them both ecologically and socially fragile. Farmer Regina Aspalter is leading an Operational Group in the Upper Austrian Kalkalpen National Park, to showcase how new business models could be created which enable farmers to generate income from ecosystem services in mountain areas. Regina says “By diversifying farming income and developing a wide range of ecosystem services, farmers can have a huge positive impact for local communities while ensuring their farms are viable, competitive and sustainable businesses.”

The new business models for mountain farmers focus specifically on ecosystem services related to nature conservation and biodiversity. In this mountainous region of Austria, certain features can be observed in high numbers, such as extensive grasslands and pastures. These have a high biodiversity of plants and insects and provide many other services, such as groundwater recharge with high water quality, as well as maintaining the typical image of the cultural landscape.

The project started in 2022, and will end in late 2024. Four farmers are involved in the Operational Group, and have been working with research organisations to assess the benefits of these ecosystem services. The project partners started by carrying out an analysis to quantify and map measurable and marketable ecosystem services in the context of mountain agriculture in the national park region.

Based on this, business models are being studied to reward farmers for environmental performance. These include grants, loan interest discounts, or acknowledgement through specific labels and certifications. To roll this out, the partners are in contact with companies, banks and public authorities.

Find out more in the article.

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Press article - Showcasing the added value of ecosystem services of farming in mountain areas

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Press article - Showcasing the added value of ecosystem services of farming in mountain areas

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