Publication - Event Reports |

Highlights report - 1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Supporting the Mental Health of Farmers and Farming Communities

The first Thematic Group meeting allowed members to discuss the root causes of mental health issues faced by farmers and farming communities, to learn from practical initiatives across the EU and discuss the next steps of the TG.

  • 2023-2027
A green field surrounded by trees with a rainbow over it

The first meeting of the Thematic Group (TG) on Supporting the Mental Health of Farmers and Farming Communities allowed members to get to know each other, reach a common understanding of the root causes of mental health issues faced by farmers and farming communities, and learn from initiatives across the EU.

Practical examples from Member States were presented, each demonstrating a different approach to mental health support focusing on prevention, detection and aid.

A long interactive session was dedicated to address mental health challenges in farming communities. Group discussions focused on support at the farm and community level, and on access to formal support. Details from these discussions were summarised in Miro boards that are available on the event page.

The discussion helped identify further topics to be developed and discussed among TG members through formal and informal exchanges. Members also discussed the next steps of the TG in view of the second and final TG meeting scheduled on 28 May 2024.


EU CAP Network


English language

Highlights Report - Supporting the Mental Health of Farmers and Farming Communities

(PDF – 1.42 MB – 3 pages)