Publication - Event Reports |

1st meeting of the Thematic Group on CAP Strategic Plans: Towards Implementation - Report

The first meeting of the Thematic Group (TG) enabled members to share their insights on networking and engagement in the design of CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs).

  • 2023-2027
European union flag among fresh moss environment

The first meeting of the Thematic Group (TG) on CAP Strategic Plans: Towards Implementation allowed the exchange of experiences on partnership working and collaboration in the design and implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

The meeting started with an inspiring presentation that articulated the benefits of collaboration and partnership working in policy development and implementation. Parallel group sessions explored approaches to networking and engagement to contribute to the design of CSPs, and models of networking and engagement in CAP implementation.

TG members shared experiences and reflections from their national perspectives. A closing panel cited the design and implementation of eco-schemes and agri-environment schemes as examples of instruments that would benefit from strong engagement, and stressed the importance of monitoring and evaluation.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point



English language

Highlights Report - Thematic Group on CSPs: Towards Implementation

(PDF – 1003.54 KB)