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1st meeting of the EU CAP Network Assembly - Report

The first meeting of the EU CAP Networks' Assembly laid the ground for the future work of the Assembly, the main governance body of the European CAP Network.

  • 2023-2027
Highlights Report - 1st meeting of the EU CAP Network Assembly
Members of the Assembly posing together

The first Assembly meeting had the objectives to welcome new members, present the governance structure of the EU CAP Network, explain the role of Assembly members, provide an update on the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) and EU activities, discuss the key role of the National CAP Networks, and provide an update on the activities of the EU CAP Network.

Presentations from DG AGRI representatives focused on the CAP’s new delivery model, the importance of networking and the key support that the EU CAP Network will be expected to provide. The opening session also included an update on CSP Implementation based on the recent 'CAP at a glance' publication. The following session presented the state of play of the EU CAP Network governance.

After an update on the Long-term vision for rural areas by the new Rural Pact Support Office, members were updated on EU networking activities strands (implementation, innovation, evaluation, and communication), provided by the Team leaders of the respective EU CAP Network support units.

An interactive exercise gathered Assembly members to discuss networking priorities at EU and national levels. All Assembly members were able to input about forthcoming activities in their Member States and organisations related to each CAP General Objective and horizontal matters.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point



English language

Highlights Report - 1st meeting of the EU CAP Network Assembly

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