Publication - Factsheets |

Factsheet - Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices

Circular economy approaches in agriculture strongly rely on reducing waste, improving efficiency, sustainable resource use, and creating synergies within the agricultural system.

Factsheet - Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices

Circular thinking prompts farmers to close the loop, recycle resources, and achieve positive environmental impact. It also encourages diversification through new markets and business development, stimulates community engagement and collaboration, and promotes the creation of a sustainable food system.

The overall objective of the EU CAP Network seminar ‘Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices’ was to find innovative solutions in response to the accessibility of energy and fertilisers by building resilient farming and food systems through smart circular economy approaches at farm and local level to safeguard food security and climate objectives.



English language

Factsheet - Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices

(PDF – 1.8 MB)