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EIP-AGRI Seminar on Digital Innovation Hubs: Short report

On the 1-2 June 2017, the European Commission’s DG Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) organised an EIP-AGRI…

EIP-AGRI Seminar on Digital Innovation Hubs: Short report

On the 1-2 June 2017, the European Commission’s DG Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) organised an EIP-AGRI Seminar on ‘Digital Innovation Hubs: mainstreaming digital agriculture’. 150 delegates from 24 EU member states and Serbia met in Kilkenny (Ireland) to share experiences, discuss needs and identify priority actions for developing Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) for agriculture. The participants at the seminar identified priority actions for building DIHs for agriculture which can be found in this short report.


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

EIP-AGRI Seminar on Digital Innovation Hubs: Short report

(PDF – 3.45 MB)