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EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024

Since 2012, over 3 400 EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects (OGs) have contributed to higher productivity and sustainability in EU agriculture, forestry, and rural areas. This brochure highlights the outstanding OGs that were nominated and celebrated at the EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024.

  • 2023-2027
A hand holds a light bulb against a backdrop of trees during sunset, with sunlight streaming through the bulb.

Since the establishment of the EIP-AGRI in 2012, more than 3 400 EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects (OGs) have contributed to higher productivity and sustainability in EU agriculture, forestry, and rural areas.

To celebrate these achievements, the EU CAP Network organised the EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards 2024, dedicated to recognising outstanding Operational Groups that have developed a variety of innovative practices and products. The awards highlighted five Operational Groups in each of the six categories, ranging from digitalisation to animal welfare. Over 11 000 votes were cast for a seventh public favourite award. Out of 240 candidates, 30 projects were nominated, with seven winners awarded at a dedicated ceremony during the EU CAP Network conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’ in May 2024 in Portugal.

These are the categories defined for the awards:

Sustainable management of natural resources in farming practices

This category includes Operational Groups that demonstrate innovative practices in resource efficiency and management, supporting sustainable transitions in agricultural systems. Topics include soil and water, habitat preservation, pest control, and agroecological practices.

Business models in food supply chains

Operational Groups in this category focus on food supply chains, and marketing and consumption initiatives that have the potential to improve farm incomes, promote sustainable farming systems and contribute to local economic development.

Animal welfare and husbandry

This category focuses on Operational Groups that improve animal welfare and the sustainability of animal farms through innovative practices related to cage-free systems, precision livestock farming, and new commercial opportunities.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Operational Groups in this category explore innovative practices for climate change mitigation and adaptation, helping to strengthen resilience in agriculture and rural areas.

Sustainable forest management

In this category, Operational Groups showcase innovative forest management, including climate-smart forestry, pest and disease management, nature restoration, forest ecosystem services, new technologies and circular bioeconomy.


This category awarded Operational Groups that demonstrate the great potential of digitalisation to increase profitability, improve working conditions for farmers, foresters and others, and improve the environmental and climate impact of agriculture and forestry.


EU CAP Network
