EU CAP Network conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’
The EU CAP Network conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’ took place in Estoril, Portugal, from Monday 6 May to Wednesday 8 May 2024.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Portugal
- Hybrid

In the CAP 2023-2027, Operational Group projects (OGs) continue to be a key tool for innovation and knowledge exchange. By December 2023, over 3 400 projects have been reported in the European Commission’s database, and more projects are expected to be notified by the end of 2025. This is a milestone to celebrate, but also an achievement to learn from and build upon for the time ahead.
To celebrate and showcase these achievements, foster networking and knowledge exchange, support the next generation of OG projects and incentivise transnational/cross-border OGs, the EU CAP Network support unit for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI organised the conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’. This two-and-a-half-day event took place in Estoril, Portugal, from Monday 6 May to Wednesday 8 May 2024.
Watch the best moments from the conference, including testimonies from participants

The conference was organised in combination with a the ‘EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards’.
Conference objectives
The conference brought together the best of agricultural and rural innovation in Europe. The main objective of the conference was twofold: to highlight the successful implementation of the EIP-AGRI through OG projects as one of its main building blocks, and to learn from this experience for the implementation of projects under the CAP 2023-2027.
The specific objectives of the conference were to:
- Spotlight and celebrate the achievements of over 3 400 OG projects in the EU;
- Exchange and learn from the experiences of OG projects and boost possibilities to share promising knowledge and innovations developed by OGs;
- Discuss the possibilities, including funding opportunities, to further use and upscale OG outcomes in practice, including through Horizon Europe;
- Discuss challenges and identify good practices that can support the preparation and implementation of OG projects under the CAP 2023-2027;
- Foster further networking and cooperation for innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas, including the creation of transnational/cross-border OGs;
- Enhance the synergies between CAP and Horizon Europe for the benefit of the OGs.
Topics to be addressed
The conference programme included plenary sessions with keynote speakers and interactive discussions that showcase concrete stories from relevant OGs. It also celebrated the establishment of over 3 400 OG projects throughout the EU. The event created opportunities to further disseminate and upscale project results, and help participants to better understand the broader scope of topics that can be tackled by OGs during the 2023-2027 CAP period.
In addition, the conference will address transversal issues that are relevant to the success of OGs, while discussing challenges and identifying good practices. This helped build upon existing experiences to prepare the future generation of projects.
There were plenty of opportunities for exchange and networking between the participants, and for getting inspired by concrete good practices.
Target groups
The main target audience consisted of:
- Partners in OGs (ongoing and finished);
- Managing Authorities, National Networks, AKIS Coordination Bodies, Paying Agencies;
- Other innovation actors such as farmers’ organisations, researchers, advisors, innovation support service providers, Horizon thematic and advisory networks, Horizon NCPs, and organisations that can support the further use of OG outcomes.
Download the draft agenda outline at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions regarding the conference or awards, please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have any other questions, please contact
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Additional info
Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI
EU CAP Network
The Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
EU Stakeholders
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
EU Stakeholders
Portuguese CAP Network
EU Stakeholders
Innovation in practice: Questions from the application form
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Innovation in practice: Selection process and criteria
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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
(PDF – 201.92 KB)
Innovation in practice: Field visits
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EU CAP Network team bios
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Speaker bios
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Operational Groups and Horizon projects at the Innovation exhibition
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Hugo Almeida, DG AGRI, Setting the scene: EIP-AGRI and its Operational Group projects
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Carlotta Valli, COGEA / Bip Group, Study on outcomes achieved by EIP-AGRI OG projects under the CAP
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Carmen Landuyt, OG ‘From handyman to manufacturer: professionalization of self-made mechanisation in Flanders’
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Patrizia Proietti, ATTRACTISS
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Lidia Moron-Morawska, OG ‘Cooperation for the craetion of an innovative local market’
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Sylvain Sturel, I2Connect
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Raquel Arroyo, OG ‘ECOPIONET – Innovation and bioeconomy in the rural environment’
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Susanne von Münchhausen, LIAISON / PREMIERE
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Anita Beblek, OG ‘BioStripPlant’
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Elena-Teodora Miron, modernAKIS
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Guillermina Fernández-Villar, OG ‘TERRACTIVA’
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Lisa van Dijk, EU Farmbook
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Tamara Korošec, OG ‘The role of industrial help in adaptation to climate change and in protection of agricultural resources’
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Ana Ventura, FOREST4EU
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Anri Timonen, OG ‘SMART FEED – Smart measurements in cattle feeding and health’
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