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EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Reducing antibiotics in pig farming: Final report

The Focus Group (FG) on how to reduce the use of antibiotics in pig farming was launched by the European Commission in…

Focus Group Reducing antibiotics: Final report (English version)

The Focus Group (FG) on how to reduce the use of antibiotics in pig farming was launched by the European Commission in 2013 as part of the activities under the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). The group identified three main interrelated areas for the reduction of antibiotic use: a) general enhancement of animal health and welfare b) specific alternatives to antibiotics including vaccination, feeding approaches and breeding c) changing attitudes, habits and human behaviour and improving the dissemination of information. Within these areas, the experts produced four clusters of proposals to contribute to cost-effective practical solutions to the reduction of the use of antibiotics. Spanish translation courtesy of the RRN (Red Rural Nacional).


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

Focus Group Reducing antibiotics: Final report (English version)

(PDF – 2.68 MB)

Spanish language

Focus Group Reducing antibiotics: Summary of the final report (Spanish version)

(PDF – 611.27 KB)