Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet New Entrants

All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on New Entrants at a glance.
Translations courtesy of Business…

All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on New Entrants at a glance.
Translations courtesy of Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Center (Bulgarian); CAP rural, Lavancia, Réseau National des Espaces-Test Agricoles (RENETA) and Terre de liens (French); Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Fachbereich Agrarwirtschaft Soest (German); Pana Eleanna & Takavakoglou Vasileios ( (Greek); Azienda Agricola "DORA" di Vincenza Ferrara (Italian); Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR), Rede Rural Nacional (RRN) (Portuguese).


EIP-AGRI Service Point


English language

EIP-AGRI Factsheet New entrants: English version

(PDF – 590.73 KB)

English language

EIP-AGRI Factsheet New entrants - for advisers: English version

(PDF – 659.8 KB)

English language

EIP-AGRI Factsheet New entrants - models: English version

(PDF – 803.45 KB)