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Assessing RDP Achievements and Impacts in 2019

These non-binding Guidelines aim to examine the challenges in relation to the evaluation activities for the AIR in 2019…

  • 2014-2022

These non-binding Guidelines aim to examine the challenges in relation to the evaluation activities for the AIR in 2019 by:

  • Presenting practical approaches to estimate the RDP’s net contributions to the common CAP impact indicators and assess the progress in achieving the EU level objectives; 
  • Providing support for answering the common evaluation questions (CEQs) 22-30 and for reporting on evaluation findings to the European Commission in the AIRs submitted in 2019.

The Guidelines are structured in four parts (presented in three documents):

  • PART I (primarily for Managing Authorities): informs about the legal requirements and outlines how to report in 2019 on the CEQs 22-30. Part I contains references to other existing guidance. 
  • PART II (primarily for evaluators): offers methodological support for assessing the common impact indicators of Pilar II (sectoral, environmental and socio-economic impacts). This part explains each intervention logic, the use of additional evaluation elements, explains the data requirements, the units of assessment and guides the reader through choosing the most appropriate evaluation approaches for netting out the RDP’s contributions to the values of the CAP impact indicators. Furthermore, Part II also suggests approaches to assess RDP contributions towards achieving the EU 2020 strategy and innovation. 
  • PART III: contains the fiches for answering the CEQs 22–30.
  • PART IV: contains the technical annex including more detailed information on the approaches to assess the CAP impact indicators and the glossary of terms.
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The European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development



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