Analytical work: supporting the establishment of agroforestry systems
An analysis of different approaches in selected EU Member States – working document
- 2023-2027

This report provides a snapshot of the current state of agroforestry in the EU and examines opportunities for the wider establishment, management and regeneration of agroforestry systems, with a focus on seven Member States (Austria, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, and Portugal) and the tools available in their 2023-27 CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs).
The report is structured in three sections, which provide a short overview of agroforestry in Europe, focus on the barriers and the enabling conditions for the establishment and regeneration of agroforestry, and detail the key tools available within the CSPs that can be used in a coherent way to encourage the establishment and regeneration of agroforestry in different farming and policy contexts. Annexes provide more details about agroforestry practices and support and a list of relevant publications and websites that may be of interest to CSP managing authorities and others.
This working document presents the results of the EU CAP Network’s ongoing work on agroforestry in the EU analysing different approaches to agroforestry in 7 Member States . The contents of this working document do not necessarily reflect the opinion or the position of the European Commission.
EU CAP Network
Monitoring Data Summaries - Analytical work: supporting the establishment of agroforestry systems
(PDF – 9.14 MB – 23 pages)