Publikation - Event Reports |

Behebung von Datenlücken zur Bewertung der GAP-Strategiepläne

Dieser Bericht fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Workshops für bewährte Praktiken zum Thema „Behebung von Datenlücken zur Bewertung von GAP-Strategieplänen“ zusammen, der vom Europäischen Evaluierungs-Helpdesk für die GAP am 8. und 9. Juni 2023 in Malmö, Schweden, organisiert wurde.

  • Cross-cutting impacts
A picture of Malmö with the title "Addressing data gaps to evaluate CAP Strategic Plans" on it

The objective of the workshop was to identify and overcome data gaps obstructing the evaluation of CAP Strategic Plans at the national- and EU-level. The report details discussions from the workshop in identifying these data gaps as well as discussions on potential challenges and solutions in addressing them.

The report also includes suggestions on how data gaps can be closed by linking information sources to a robust evaluation framework consisting of key elements such as evaluation questions, factors of success and indicators. Various solutions are further explored that could help close CAP evaluation data gaps, such as adapting monitoring systems to new requirements, elaborating complementary studies to collect missing data on biodiversity and the development of a data management approach that focuses on necessary and available information.
