project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Utilization of a side stream from agriculture for the production of a nutritious mushroom protein
Användning av restström från jordbruket som substrat för produktion av ett näringsrikt svampprotein

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Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Sweden
Ongoing | 2022 - 2024 Sweden
Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt


Within this project wheat bran will be supplied by Berte Qvarn and upcycled to a nutritious fungal protein biomass by Mycorena. The fungal cell walls are however to some extent rigid and therefore RISE will take part in the project and study the possibility of pre-treatments to the biomass in order to increase the protein accessibility in an in vitro digestibility study. Further, a protein extraction process, aiming to obtain a highly functional fungal protein isolate, will be explored. As a final goal, food prototypes of the fungal biomass with an increased amount of easily digestible protein produced from a waste stream, will be created. 


Målet med projektet är att svenska råvaror i större utsträckning ska kunna användas som bas i alla produktkategorier av vegetariska livsmedel. Utöver hållbarhetsaspekten som följer med lokalt producerade livsmedel och utnyttjandet av restströmmar så kommer också aspekten av att stärka den inhemska produktionen av livsmedel för att skapa en resiliens i matförsörjningssystemet. Vid odling av svampprotein kan man snabbt och på liten yta tillverka fullvärdigt protein i stor skala. Dessutom utnyttjas en restström som substrat i produktionen, vilket gör att råvaran blir ytterst konkurrenskraftig både med avseende på hållbarhet och ekonomi.

Additional comments

Wheat bran is a common side stream in the agricultural sector. In Sweden alone about 80 000 ton wheat bran is produced each year and the product mainly ends up in low value applications such as animal feed or is burnt for energy. Microbial fungi have the potential to utilize these low valued side streams to produce a highly nutritious protein. Within this project wheat bran will be supplied by Berte Qvarn and upcycled to a nutritious fungal protein biomass by Mycorena. The fungal cell walls are however to some extent rigid and therefore RISE will take part in the project and study the possibility of pre-treatments to the biomass in order to increase the protein accessibility in an in vitro digestibility study. Further, a protein extraction process, aiming to obtain a highly functional fungal protein isolate, will be explored. As a final goal, food prototypes of the fungal biomass with an increased amount of easily digestible protein produced from a waste stream, will be created. Also, a food prototype within a different segment than meat-replacers will be looked into for the protein isolat

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014SE06RDNP001 Sweden - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Västra Götalands län

€ 347297

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt


Project coordinator

  • Annika Krona

    Project coordinator

Project partners