project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Use of rain nets to reduce the application of fungicides to control apple scab disease
Utilización de redes anti-lluvia para reducir la aplicación de fungicidas para el control del moteado del manzano

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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In many places, scab is the most common disease in apple production. It is caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis and its anamorph Spillocae pomi. The disease begins at the beginning of winter, caused by spores projected from the inoculum reservoir present in the fallen leaves affected the previous year, the so-called primary infections. Rain triggers the release of the spores and provides the conditions needed to germinate and infect the unripe tissues. From the first spots, new spores appear that spread the disease, affecting new leaves and fruits. Most currently produced apple varieties are susceptible to the fungus.
Disease control is achieved by applying fungicides to prevent primary infections from thriving. Ten to twenty treatments are often required during the most sensitive period, depending on weather conditions of the year. The current legislative framework for agricultural production in the European Union with regard to the use of plant protection products (Directive 91/414/EEC, Regulation 396/2005 and Directive 128/2009), the foreseeable new guidelines of the CAP (Green Deal in its strategic Farm to Fork proposal) and pressure from society are aimed at reducing pesticides, including fungicides, in apple production.
This innovative project has shown that two techniques, installing rain nets and removing inoculum from the orchard soil, are applicable to our production conditions. They improve the effectiveness of disease control and reduce or eliminate the need for fungicides. The innovation involving the use of rain nets in apple growing also affects the quality of the product obtained: negatively, causing loss of colour, and positively, reducing russeting and cracking of the fruit.


The general objective of the innovative project was the control of scab, reducing fungicides as far as possible during the apple production process. The following specific objectives were established:

  1. Assess the feasibility of installing rain nets to control apple scab
  2. Assess the effectiveness of V. inaqualis inoculum removal techniques to improve disease control


El objetivo general del proyecto innovador fue el control de moteado con la máxima reducción de fungicidas durante el proceso productivo de la manzana. Para ello se plantearon los objetivos específicos:

  1. Evaluar la viabilidad de la instalación de redes anti-lluvia
  2. Valorar la eficacia de técnicas de eliminación de inóculo de V. inaqualis


The following actions were taken:

  1. Installing rain nets in apple orchards for comparison to uncovered trees. The nets were mounted in marked out zones of two Fuji apple farms under the hail net. Two types of net were tested  in two types of cover (V5 chapel and flat). The trees under the nets were not treated with fungicides on one of the farms and occasionally on the other. On one farm, control trees were not covered with rain nets or treated with fungicides throughout the season to assess the level of disease.
  2. Carrying out an inoculum V. inaequalis reduction test in winter, in addition to fungicide treatments during spring, compared to areas without actions to decrease inoculum pressure. 



Acciones ejecutadas:

  1. Instalar en plantaciones de manzano telas anti-lluvia en comparación con árboles no cubiertos. Se probaron dos tipos de telas en dos modalidades de cubierta (capilla V5 y plana con elásticos) a temporada para apreciar el nivel de enfermedad.
  2. Llevar a cabo un ensayo de reducción de inóculo de V. inaequalis en invierno complementarios a los tratamientos fungicidas durante la primavera en comparación con zonas sin actuaciones para disminuir la presión de inóculo
Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

EUR 81 938.00

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The results of the installation of anti-rain nets show that fungicide treatments against apple scab can be eliminated or reduced in varieties with similar levels of susceptibility to Fuji, even in years when the disease has high incidence levels. In 2020, when there was a high incidence of apple scab, 20 fungicides were used in the standard parts and only 0-6 in the areas covered by the anti-rain nets, with similar results. For varieties that are more sensitive than Fuji, the number of fungicides required can also probably be reduced under nets in a similar way.

The nets modify environmental conditions in the orchard. With their protection, rain does not fall on trees directly, the duration of leaf wetness and light are shorter, and the maximum daily temperature increases during the spring. Some treatments to control other diseases such as powdery mildew and pests such as red spider mite may have more positive effects under nets. The production of the trees and the size of the fruit is not affected by this coverage, but the red colouring of the apple is reduced. Other studies show a positive effect of nets in reducing cracking and russeting in fruits sensitive to disease.

The application of inoculum reduction measures for Venturia inaequalis has been found to complement standard fungicide treatments for improving the control of primary mottling infections. This is particularly true in years of with high levels of incidence of the disease, when the disease is more apparent on the fruit than on the leaves. The most effective methods were the mechanical collection of leaves and burial by soil moving. The application of Trichoderma did not improve the result compared to conventional fungicide treatment.

Los resultados de la instalación de redes anti-lluvia demuestran que Se pueden eliminar o reducir los tratamientos fungicidas contra moteado en variedades de sensibilidad similar a la Fuji, incluso en años de fuerte incidencia de la enfermedad. En el año 2020 de fuerte incidencia de moteado se emplearon 20 fungicidas a las partes estándar y entre 0 y 6 las zonas cubiertas por las telas anti-lluvia. Para variedades más sensibles que la Fuji es posible pensar que bajo las telas se puede reducir el número de fungicidas necesarios.

Las redes modifican las condiciones ambientales en el huerto. Con su protección, la lluvia no cae directamente sobre los árboles, la duración de la humedad de las hojas y la luz son más cortas, y la temperatura máxima diaria aumenta durante la primavera. Algunos tratamientos para controlar otras enfermedades como el oídio y plagas como la araña roja puede tener efectos más positivos bajo las redes. La producción de los árboles y el tamaño del fruto no se ve afectado por esta cobertura, pero se reduce la coloración roja de la manzana. Otros estudios muestran un efecto positivo de las redes en la reducción del cracking y russeting en frutos sensibles a enfermedades.

Las medidas de reducción del inóculo de V. inaequalis han permitido apreciar que:

  • Complementan los tratamientos fungicidas estándar para mejorar el control de las infecciones primarias de moteado, especialmente en años de fuerte incidencia de la enfermedad, de manera más evidente en los frutos que en las hojas.
  • Los métodos más efectivos fueron la recogida mecánica de las hojas y el enterrado con el trabajo del suelo. La aplicación de Trichoderma no mejoró el resultado respecto del tratamiento fungicida convencional.


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