project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

TROBAT – New products for the DO Costers del Segre. New vinifications of the recovered variety Encontrado in organic farming in the DO Costers del Seg
TROBAT-nuevos productos para la DO Costers del Segre. Nuevas vinificaciones de la variedad recuperada Trobat en conreo ecológico de la DO Costers del Segre

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
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1. Introduction of new products on the market: organic single-varietal wines made from Trobat, a variety of Vitis vinifera which has historically been widely cultivated throughout the DO and is currently in danger of disappearing.
2. Genetic enrichment of the DO’s production potential, with a better typification of a variety linked to the territory, giving the end consumer a better idea of the different “terroirs” of the DO
3. Enrichment of the tools available to the sector, wineries and winegrowers, in order to obtain products with greater added value.



1.Introducción de nuevos productos en el mercado: vinos ecológicos monovarietales de Trobat,variedad de Vitis vinífera ampliamente cultivada históricamente por todo el territorio de la DO yactualmente en peligro de desaparición.
2.Enriquecimiento genético del potencial productivo de la DO, con una mejor tipificación de unavariedad ligada en el territorio, que permita dar al consumidor final una idea más cuidadosa de losvarios “terroirs” de la DO.
3.Enriquecimiento de las herramientas a disposición del sector, bodegas y viticultores, para obtenerproductos de un mayor valor añadido.


- Oenological itineraries for the vinification of the Trobat variety. The implementation of oenological procedures for the vinification of young red and rosé wines was studied.

- Establishment of agronomic itineraries to assess the adaptation of the variety to different soils and meteorological conditions, and find the best cultural practices both in dry and irrigated farming and organic farming.

- Dissemination of the results.


- Itinerarios enológicos para la vinificación de la variedad Trobat. Se estudió la implantación de procedimientos enológicos por la vinificación como negro joven y rosado.

- Establecimiento de itinerarios agronómicos para evaluar la adaptación de la variedad a diferentes suelos y condiciones meteorológicas, así como para conocer cuáles son las mejores prácticas culturales tanto en secano como regadío y el hecho del cultivo en ecológico.

- Difusión de los resultados.


The Vitis vinifera variety Trobat is considered an ancestral variety grown in the Costers del Segre DO and is currently in the process of recovery.
The project has studied the behaviour of Trobat both from an agronomic and oenological point of view with the aim of generating new market opportunities with high added value for the sector.
The study of the variety has also made it possible to generate enough information for inclusion on the list of authorised varieties in the DO specifications in the future.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 163237.03

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator