project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Smart mycological park project to promote an inclusive and sustainable rural development through TICs in the management, regulation and commercializat
Proyecto de parque micológico inteligente para potenciar un medio rural inclusivo y sostenible mediante el uso de TICs en la gestión, regulación y comercialización de setas.

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Completed | 2020 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2020 - 2022 Spain
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The interest and economic potential of fungi resources (wild mushrooms) has remarkably increased over the last few years. The aim of this project is to develop management models, legal frameworks and ICTs for the best possible sustainable and socially inclusive use of this natural resource, while improving productivity and commercialization.


El interés por las setas ha crecido enormemente. Sin embargo hay algunas limitaciones para que la gestión sea sostenible y económicamente escalable. Por eso, FungiGo pretende articular modelos de gestión para la mejora de la competitividad en la productividad, aprovechamiento y comercialización de setas silvestres con el uso de TICs de forma sostenible, legal e inclusiva.


The multidisciplinary team composing FungiGo will carry out a number of activities focused on the following areas: 1) specialized management and knowledge of wild mushroom resources, 2) creation of socially inclusive employment, 3) generation of economic added value in related products and services, 4) establishment of appropriate legal frameworks and 5) development of ICTs that support the obtaining of information (all along the process) needed to develop Smart Mycological park pilot experiences.


FungiGo persigue realizar una serie de actividades, que den lugar a experiencias en distintos territorios que de forma multidisciplinar aborden el conocimiento específico del recurso, la forma de recolección generando empleo de calidad, la rentabilidad económica en productos y servicios, la eficacia en la aplicación de la normativa en todos los procesos, así como la obtención de herramientas que nos permitan solucionar de una forma innovadora la falta de previsión, visibilidad, trazabilidad y comercialización.


Fungigo is an innovative project that aims to carry out actions in rural areas for the sustainability of wild mushrooms, considering legal aspects and leaning on ICTs for better knowledge, prevision and traceability.
Wild mushrooms are a high-quality product, greatly valued in both rural and urban by citizens. The mycological resource offers enormous economic potential for productive areas and its long-term sustainability must be respected. The added value must revert to people, as protagonists of the territory, improving expectations and generating wealth in rural areas, while preventing social emigration.
Pilot employment experiences related to inclusive entrepreneurship and social economy enterprises across the project value chain are needed, with the ultimate aim of generate sustainable and accessible tourism.
At the same time, mycological sector requires sound regulation to ensure the legal structure and the traceability essential in any commercial product. FungiGo arises from the need to address environmental, social and economic sustainability by piloting experiences of enhanced management models inspired by Mycological Parks, which ensure the sale of products and services with social, environmental and economic guarantees.
Based on this approach and aiming to solve the problems while taking advantage of the opportunities, technology provides us a number of tools with affordable costs that allow us to reach global markets, communicating our project and its values to myriads of people. At the same time, technology will allow us, through the collection and management of large databases (Big Data), to determine the traceability of the product, enabling the monitoring of all the stages from forest to home.

Additional information

MAIN PARTNERS: ECM Ingeniería Ambiental SL, Centro de investigación tecnológica Agroalimentaria (CITA), Artículo 1 Consultores SL, Salarca Sociedad Cooperativa de iniciativa social, TRIFBOX Innovation SL 
OTHER PARTNERS: GARRAPO SL.#Colaboradores: Ayuntamiento de Candelario, Diputación de Palencia, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia Dirección de Agricultura Servicio de Montes, Fundación General de la Universidad de Valladolid (FUNGE), Instituto Europeo de Micología (EMI), Bosque Modelo Palencia, Entidad local Comunidad histórica Albarracín

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDNP001 España - Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Teruel, Salamanca

€ 526323.74

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Artículo 1 Consultores SL

    Project partner

  • Centro de investigación tecnológica Agroalimentaria (CITA)

    Project partner

  • Salarca Sociedad Cooperativa de iniciativa social

    Project partner

  • TRIFBOX Innovation SL

    Project partner