project - Research and innovation

Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe
Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe

Ongoing | 2017 - 2020 Germany
Ongoing | 2017 - 2020 Germany
Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt


The overall objective of the project is to bridge the gap between practice and science communities to ensure the implementation of innovative systems on productive grasslands. The long term goal of the project is to increase profitability of European grassland farms and to preserve environmental values. The scope of Inno4Grass is fully in line with the outcomes of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group „Permanent Grasslands” that identified the need for innovations and the possible contributions of grasslands to economic performance and to sustainability of dairy, beef and sheep production in Europe.


See objectives in English


The project will significantly contribute to the successful deployment of existing reservoir of scientific and practical knowledge and stimulate its exchange between the regions and countries. This will be achieved through:

- the establishment of Facilitator Agents network

- the arrangement plenty of meetings in all participating countries

- the creation of the project website linked to EIP-AGRI

- the prepariation of a large number of dissemination materials

- the implementation of grassland visiting training programs

- the enrichment the Encyclopedia Pratensis

- the development of new innovative decission support systems and the demand driven research agenda


The collaboration between farmers, advisors and scientists is insufficient in the countries concerned. For this reason the latest results of research are not sufficiently put into the practice and valuable knowledge related to grasslands is discovered by practitioners at a very late stage. In addition information about existing novelties introducing at farm level is not disseminated effectively to the public in all Member States

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

€ 2000000

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.


Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt

100 Practice Abstracts

In recent years, a wide range of different sustainability labels has been developed. Labels can lead to profitable business models. Increasing the sustainability often requires investments and an associated increased market price.

An important strength of labels for sustainable grasslands is the good image of grazing cows producing milk of high quality and the delivery of ecosystem services by grasslands, like animal welfare, biodiversity, nice scenery. Furthermore, Dutch farmers are highly educated and some of them are good in marketing and eager to innovate. Weaknesses are that societal developments have been ignored for too long. The prevailing culture is still conservative and frontrunners are not appreciated. A large group of farmers is not willing to develop and to innovate. It is not easy to get them on board. There are also threats from outside the farm: the lack of transparency between different sustainability labels, consumers not willing to pay for the quality they ask for, negative image of farmers spread by the media, extra labour needed and specific threats for specific areas, e.g. pressure on grasslands for buildings and infrastructure or peat soils with high water levels. Opportunities are the increased market for special products, the fact that grazing cows are seen as part of the Dutch identity and the local connection with consumers. Furthermore, there are plenty of opportunities to valorise the ecosystem services that grasslands provide. New grass-fed systems will arise that will most probably be less intensive and host different plants and different cow types. Measuring and communicating sustainability will be important to show the integral effects of production methods on our environment.

In de afgelopen jaren is een breed scala aan verschillende duurzaamheidslabels ontwikkeld. Deze labels kunnen leiden tot winstgevende verdienmodellen. Vergroting van de duurzaamheid vereist echter vaak ook investeringen en daarmee is een stijging van de marktprijs ook noodzakelijk.

Een sterk punt van het meten en waarderen van duurzaamheid van weidegang in Nederland is het goede imago van weidende koeien die kwaliteitsmelk produceren. Daarnaast ook de levering van ecosysteemdiensten door grasland, zoals dierenwelzijn, biodiversiteit en mooie landschappen. Bovendien zijn de Nederlandse boeren hoogopgeleid en sommigen van hen zijn goed in marketing en willen graag innoveren. Een zwak punt is dat maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen te lang zijn genegeerd. De heersende cultuur is nog steeds conservatief en voorlopers worden niet gewaardeerd. Een grote groep boeren is niet bereid zich te ontwikkelen en te innoveren. Het is niet gemakkelijk om ze aan boord te krijgen.

Er zijn ook bedreigingen van buiten het bedrijf: het gebrek aan transparantie tussen de verschillende duurzaamheidskeurmerken, consumenten die niet bereid zijn te betalen voor de kwaliteit die zij vragen, het negatieve imago van veehouders dat door de media wordt verspreid, de extra arbeidskrachten die nodig zijn en bedreigingen voor specifieke gebieden, zoals veengronden met een hoog waterpeil of de druk op graslanden voor stedelijk gebied en infrastructuur. Mogelijkheden liggen in de groeiende markt voor speciale producten, het feit dat weidende koeien worden gezien als onderdeel van de Nederlandse identiteit en de lokale verbondenheid met de consument. Bovendien zijn er volop mogelijkheden om de ecosysteemdiensten die graslanden bieden te herwaarderen.

Grazing has many advantages. Not only do Dutch people like to see grazing cows in the landscape, there are also benefits with respect to animal health. The claws of grazing cows are usually strong and healthy. Grazing cows get more exercise and can better express their natural behaviour since there is more space in the meadow. The transmission of infectious diseases is reduced and cows lower in rank in the natural herd behaviour have less stress. However, there are also disadvantages of grazing, e.g. cows can suffer from heat stress and are at risk with regard to certain parasites.

The question is whether grazing will be healthy in the future. There are a number of issues related to this question. To what extent do developments with respect to nature, such as raising water levels, more insects, plants, birds and animals have a beneficial effect on the health of the grazing cow? What influence does grassland have on the cow's metabolism and on the dynamics of parasites that live on or between the grasses? The warmer climate is also a concern: it is clear that high temperatures and high humidity are stressful for cows. A solution is to graze at night, but then the cows are indoors during the day. Cows produce a lot of heat and moisture and when they are close together in a barn this can lead to high temperatures. Minimising the losses that can be caused by metabolic disorders and other health risks deserve attention. Current protocols need to be adapted to the new developments. The risks of grazing to the health of the cow in the future, in a warmer climate and in an environment with more biodiversity, need to be properly mapped out so that they can be managed. Then, healthy cows will continue to graze the Dutch landscape in the future.

Beweiding heeft voordelen. Niet alleen zien Nederlanders graag koeien in de wei, er zijn ook voordelen voor de gezondheid van de dieren. De klauwen van weidende koeien zijn meestal sterk en gezond. Weidende koeien krijgen meer beweging en kunnen hun natuurlijk gedrag beter uitoefenen omdat er meer ruimte is in de weide. De overdracht van infectieziekten wordt verminderd en koeien die lager in de rangorde staan hebben minder stress. Er zijn echter ook nadelen verbonden aan beweiding, koeien kunnen bijvoorbeeld last hebben van hittestress en risico lopen op bepaalde parasieten.

De vraag is of weidegang in de toekomst gezond zal blijven voor koeien. Er zijn een aantal zaken die verband houden met deze vraag. In hoeverre hebben ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de natuur, zoals de verhoging van het waterpeil, meer insecten, planten, vogels en dieren een gunstig effect op de gezondheid van de grazende koe? Welke invloed heeft grasland op de stofwisseling van de koe en op de dynamiek van de parasieten die op of tussen de grassen leven? Het warmere klimaat is ook een punt van aandacht: het is duidelijk dat hoge temperaturen en een hoge luchtvochtigheid stressvol zijn voor koeien. Een oplossing is om 's nachts te weiden, maar dan zijn de koeien overdag wel binnen. Koeien produceren veel warmte en vocht en wanneer ze dicht bij elkaar in een stal staan kan dit leiden tot hoge temperaturen. Ook het minimaliseren van risico’s op stofwisselingsstoornissen en andere gezondheidsrisico's verdient aandacht. Huidige diergezondheidsprotocollen moeten worden aangepast aan de nieuwe ontwikkelingen. De risico's van weidegang voor de gezondheid van de koe in de toekomst, in een warmer klimaat en in een omgeving met meer biodiversiteit, moeten goed in kaart worden gebracht.

The grazing system of herb-rich grasslands determines the (re)growth, the intake and the grass residuals. Optimisation of grass intake and therefore of milk production depends on the amount of dry matter (quantity), but also on the forage quality. Herbs and leguminous plants can ensure a better protein content. Plant diversity provides a diverse and deep root system and leads to more soil life. Since the rooting depth of herb-rich grassland is greater, the establishment and release of nutrients from deeper layers is often better in a herb-rich grassland than in a monoculture of perennial ryegrass. Herbs that do well in grassland are mainly chicory and narrow plantain. Furthermore, the leguminous plants such as white and red clovers are particularly effective when mineral fertiliser input is reduced.

Estimating the grass intake of the herd, or of the individual cow, is often difficult. The occurrence of herbs, like chicory and plantain, in grasslands makes it even more difficult to estimate the intake. Rising plate meters are often unsuitable for measuring these herb-rich grasslands due to more stem-rich material. In practice, the intake of herb-rich grassland is therefore often underestimated.

Het beweidingssysteem van kruidenrijke graslanden bepaalt de (her)groei, de opname en de grasresten. Optimalisatie van de grasopname en dus van de melkproductie is afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid droge stof, maar ook van de kwaliteit van het voer. Kruiden en vlinderbloemigen kunnen zorgen voor een beter eiwitgehalte. Plantdiversiteit zorgt voor een divers en diep wortelstelsel en leidt tot meer bodemleven. Omdat de bewortelingsdiepte van kruidenrijk grasland groter is, is de opname van nutriënten uit diepere bodemlagen vaak beter in kruidenrijk grasland dan in een monocultuur van hoofdzakelijk raaigras. Kruiden die het goed doen in grasland zijn voornamelijk cichorei en smalle weegbree. Bovendien zijn vlinderbloemigen zoals witte en rode klaver bijzonder effectief wanneer kunstmestgiften laag zijn.

Het inschatten van de grasopname van de veestapel, of van de individuele koe, is vaak moeilijk. De aanwezigheid van kruiden, zoals cichorei en weegbree, in graslanden maakt het nog moeilijker om de opname te schatten. Grashoogtemeters zijn vaak niet geschikt voor het meten van deze kruidenrijke graslanden, omdat er meer stengelrijk materiaal is. In de praktijk wordt de droge stof opname van kruidenrijk grasland daarom vaak verkeerd ingeschat.

Fertilizer ordinance in forage farms and increasing nutrient efficiency in arable and grassland areas is becoming increasingly important, especially in regions with high livestock density. A membrane filtration system was presented as a slurry treatment process, aiming to reduce the amount of liquid manure produced, the costs for storage and transport and the number of transport routes, to concentrate nutrients and to separate nitrogen and phosphate for a targeted fertilisation. The nutrients are concentrated in the solid phase. The separation of slurry and the use of the liquid phase to fertilise grassland is of particular interest, as slurry penetrates the soil faster and the roots achieve a higher degree of efficiency.

The filtration process consists of three stages:

1. Solid-liquid separation: a screw press separates about 80% of the dry matter and 85% of the phosphate from the slurry (stackable and transportable material - input material for biogas plants)

2. Ultrafiltration: a membrane technology separates all fine particles. This mem-brane efficiently prevents clogging, which is a general problem in many other filtration systems, resulting in a liquid nutrient concentrate with reduced phosphate content

3. Reverse osmosis: a membrane technology used in seawater desalination isolates dissolved substances and separates a large part of the slurry as clean water (permeate), producing clean water for irrigation/cleaning/discharge into water bodies as well as a nutrient concentrate rich in N, S and K and well-suited for fertilisation.

This system can be a solution for farmers with high livestock density. The cost and technical complexity of this system is very high, so more farmers need to work together to use it efficiently.

Die Düngemittelverordnung in Futterbaubetrieben und die Steigerung der Nährstoffeffizienz in Acker- und Grünlandgebieten gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung, insbesondere in Regionen mit hoher Viehdichte. Als Slurry-Behandlungsverfahren wurde ein Membranfiltrationssystem vorgestellt, das darauf abzielt, die Güllemenge, die Kosten für Lagerung und Transport sowie die Anzahl der Transportwege zu reduzieren, Nährstoffe zu konzentrieren und Stickstoff und Phosphat für eine gezielte Düngung zu trennen. Die Nährstoffe werden in der festen Phase konzentriert. Von besonderem Interesse ist die Trennung der Gülle und die Nutzung der Flüssigphase zur Düngung von Grünland, da die Gülle schneller in den Boden eindringt und die Wurzeln einen höheren Wirkungsgrad erreichen.

Der Filtrationsprozess besteht aus drei Stufen:

1. Fest-Flüssig-Trennung: Eine Schneckenpresse trennt etwa 80% der Trockensubstanz und 85% des Phosphats aus der Aufschlämmung (stapelbares und transportables Material - Inputmaterial für Biogasanlagen).

2. Ultrafiltration: Eine Membrantechnologie trennt alle Feinpartikel. Diese Membran verhindert effizient das Zusetzen, was bei vielen anderen Filtrationssystemen ein allgemeines Problem darstellt, was zu einem flüssigen Nährstoffkonzentrat mit reduziertem Phosphatgehalt führt.

Umkehrosmose: Eine Membrantechnologie, die in der Meerwasserentsalzung eingesetzt wird, isoliert gelöste Substanzen und trennt einen großen Teil der Aufschlämmung als sauberes Wasser (Permeat), wobei sauberes Wasser für die Bewässerung/Reinigung/Einleitung in Gewässer sowie ein Nährstoffkonzentrat mit hohem N-, S- und K-Anteil und guter Düngefähigkeit erzeugt wird.

A successful establishment of the grass sward is important for Magnus Nilsson, Eldsberga in south Sweden. He sows his leys in September, after harvest of an early crop like winter barley or rape. Clover establishment is known to be more risky in autumn. In previous trials, sowing in September has generally been considered too late in Sweden. However, this system shows the opposite, as the clover content is higher and more evenly distributed.

To be successful, the preceding crop has to be early maturing for early harvest. Winter barley and rape achieve this. Late sowing of ley is only successful where the climate is mild enough, which in Sweden means only in the south. A growth period is needed after sowing the ley for good establishment. A weakness is that a ley established in pure stand does not qualify for payment as an Ecological Focus Area in the current EU subsidy system. A ley established in the traditional way, undersown in a spring cereal, would do this. Apart from these disadvantages, there are many advantages in sowing ley in pure stands, e.g. less competition for the crop, no need for chemical spraying, which could suppress the clover, and no straw to damage the newly established ley plants.

En framgångsrik etablering av vallen är viktig för Magnus Nilsson, Eldsberga i södra Sverige. Han sår sina vallar i september, efter skörd av en tidig gröda såsom höstkorn eller höstraps. Klöveretablering är känt för att vara mer riskabelt under hösten. I tidigare försök har sådd i september allmänt betraktats som för sent i Sverige. Detta system visar emellertid det motsatta, eftersom klöverinnehållet är större och mer jämnt fördelat jämfört med tidigare sådd.

För att bli framgångsrik måste föregående gröda ha tidig mognad för tidig skörd. Höstkorn och höstraps uppnår detta. Sen sådd av vall är bara framgångsrik där klimatet är tillräckligt milt, vilket i Sverige bara betyder i söder. En tillväxtperiod behövs efter sådd av vallfrö för god etablering. En svaghet är att en vall som är etablerad i renbestånd inte är berättigad till betalning som ett ekologiskt fokusområde i det nuvarande EU-subventionssystemet. En vall som etableras på det traditionella sättet, som vallinsådd i en vårsädesgröda, skulle göra detta. Bortsett från dessa nackdelar, finns det många fördelar med att så vall i renbestånd, t.ex. mindre konkurrens från grödan, inget behov av kemisk bekämpning, vilket skulle kunna missgynna klövern, och ingen halm som kan skada de nyetablerade vallplantorna.

This practice and science meeting was conducted at Borgeby Field Days, the largest open fair in Sweden. It was already very dry in Sweden at the time of the event, and the demonstration plots with different grass species were very drought-stressed. One of the innovative farmers came from an area that is more or less dry every year, Åke Johansson from Färjestaden in the southeast. He has developed a method to establish leys under dry conditions. The goal is to have no more than half a day from tillage start on ploughed ground until sowing is finished. The solution is a harrow fitted with a mounted small seeder for grass mixtures. It was designed for this farm six years ago, to achieve quicker ley establishment and avoid drying out the soil. After harrowing, the farmer uses a centrifugal fertiliser spreader for sowing barley. Then he harrows to 3 cm depth and rolls in one pass, and after this sows the ley using the same machinery.

Lucerne and tall fescue with hybrids were also subject of intense discussions, as they are considered to be more drought tolerant than other species. However, the conclusion was that with such a dry summer as in 2018, it would not help to have these species. In the past lucerne was used in pure stands, but now it is mixed with more fast-establishing grass/grasses to better control the weeds. He needs to buy un-mixed grass and lucerne to be able to make a proper lucerne inoculation.

Detta möte genomfördes på Borgeby Fältdagar, Sveriges största utomhusmässa för lantbruk. Det var redan mycket torrt i Sverige vid evenemanget och demonstrationsrutorna med olika vallarter var mycket torra. En av de innovativa bönderna kom från ett område som är mer eller mindre torrt varje år, Åke Johansson från Färjestaden i sydost. Han har utvecklat en metod för att etablera vallar under torra förhållanden. Målet är att det går högst en halv dag från jordbearbetning på plöjd mark tills sådden är klar. Lösningen är en harv utrustad med en liten såmaskin för vallfröblandningar. Den designades för denna gård för sex år sedan för att uppnå en snabbare etablering och undvika att torka ut jorden. Efter harvning använder lantbrukaren en centrifugalgödselspridare för sådd av korn. Sedan harvar han till 3 cm djup samt vältar i ett drag, och efter detta sår han vallfrö med samma maskin.

Lusern och rörsvinglar samt dess hybrider var också föremål för intensiva diskussioner, eftersom de anses vara mer torktoleranta än andra arter. Slutsatsen blev dock att med en så torr sommar som 2018 skulle det inte hjälpa ens att ha dessa arter. Tidigare använde Åke lusern i renbestånd, men nu blandas den med snabbetablerade vallgräs för att bättre kunna kontrollera ogräset. Han måste köpa oblandade gräsarter och lusern för att kunna göra en ordentlig ympning av lusernen.

Is summer grazing for dairy cows a tool to increase profitability? Martin Johansson, Köinge in south-west Sweden, has 90 organic cows (Swedish Red and Holstein) and 160 ha of arable land, of which 100 ha is temporary grassland. For him, grazing is fundamental to achieve high income per hectare.

In the field, the farmer has large paddocks, which can be divided by a simple electric fence to adjust the size of the paddock to the grass consumption per day. The current aim is to change paddock twice a day during the summer. Martin assesses grass growth by walking the fields once a week to monitor development, and over time, he has learnt to estimate the grass cover. He also clips some samples from a 0.5 m × 0.5 m area, to determine herbage biomass and dry matter content.

Strengths of this farming system are an increased profitability with more grazed area and easier work with grazing than with indoor feeding. A weakness is finding other similar farmers with whom to share experiences. Opportunities are a more efficient production and a better work distribution throughout the year by concentrating the calving to autumn. The main threat is a very high dependency on the weather (rain and drought).

Är sommarbetet för mjölkkor ett sätt att öka lönsamheten? Martin Johansson, Köinge i sydvästra Sverige, har 90 ekologiska kor (SRB och Holstein) och 160 ha åkermark, varav 100 ha är vall. För honom är bete grundläggande för att uppnå stor inkomst per hektar.

På fälten har lantbrukaren stora fållor, som kan delas med ett enkelt elektriskt staket för att anpassa storleken på fållan till betesåtgången per dag. Det nuvarande målet är att byta fålla två gånger om dagen under sommaren. Martin utvärderar betestillväxten genom att gå över åkrarna en gång i veckan för att övervaka utvecklingen, och med tiden har han lärt sig att uppskatta betestillgången. Han klipper också några prover från ett 0,5 m × 0,5 m område för att bestämma betesmängden och torrsubstansinnehållet.

Styrkan i detta betessystem är en ökad lönsamhet med mer betesareal och lättare arbete med betesmark än med inomhusfoder. En svaghet är att hitta andra liknande lantbrukare med vilka han kan dela erfarenheter. Möjligheterna är en effektivare produktion och en bättre arbetsfördelning under året genom att koncentrera kalvningarna till hösten. Det största hotet är ett starkt väderberoende (regn och torka).

At Tuna farm, located in southeast Sweden, the aim is not to buy concentrate, but to produce high-quality protein from the farm’s own grassland. The protein in the forage must meet the demand of 450 bulls raised for 16 months on the farm and be suitable for sale to milk producers. Only small amounts of grain, but no concentrates, are added in the feed mix. With a good strategy, the farmer is able to produce much forage with a high content of both protein and energy. He makes his own seed mixture based on lucerne, which is not common in Sweden. He harvests a large amount of forage on three farms, with 2500 ha in total. This demands a well-adapted ensiling management and excellent planning capacity to cut the different fields in the right order with good logistics. Silage is made very carefully. The fresh grass, which is rather soft, must be well pre-wilted. Silo packing takes time and is done carefully. The silage is covered with plastic sheeting and then a double layer of plastic. Losses must be minimal.

The farmer has a burning interest in grassland management and is inspired by reading grazing magazines and by information on the internet. He thinks it important to dare to test new ideas that can develop to innovations. He prefers to have excess silage to sell to dairy farmers if needed. He did that last year, resulting in an immediately increased milk production.

På Tuna gård, som ligger i sydöstra Sverige, är målet inte att köpa koncentrat utan att producera protein av hög kvalitet från gårdens egna vallar. Proteinet i fodret måste tillgodose efterfrågan från 450 tjurar som hålls i 16 månader på gården samt vara lämpligt som foder för försäljning till mjölkproducenter. Endast små mängder spannmål, men inget koncentrat, tillsätts i foderblandningen. Med en bra strategi kan bonden producera mycket foder med ett stort innehåll av både protein och energi. Han gör sin egen vallfröblandning baserad på lusern, vilket inte är vanligt i Sverige. Han skördar en stor mängd foder på tre gårdar med totalt 2 500 ha. Det krävs en väl organiserad ensileringskedja och detaljerad planering för att slå de olika fälten i rätt ordning för att få bra logistik. Ensileringen görs mycket noggrant. Det färska gräset, som är ganska mjukt, måste vara väl förtorkat. Silopackningen tar tid och görs noggrant. Ensilaget täcks med plastfolie och sedan med dubbla lager plast. Förlusterna måste vara minimala.

Bonden har ett brinnande intresse för vallens hantering och blir inspirerad av att läsa tidskrifter om vall och bete samt av information på internet. Han tycker att det är viktigt att våga testa nya idéer som kan utvecklas till innovationer. Han föredrar att ha ett överskott av ensilage för att kunna sälja till mjölkbönder om det behövs. Han gjorde det förra året, vilket resulterade i en omedelbart ökad mjölkproduktion.

Next to demonstration plots with different mixes and varieties, the importance of good grazing management was high lightened at the annual largest open fair in Sweden, Borgeby Field Days in the very south of Sweden. It is important to different strategies to show the potential of grazing instead of feeding cattle and sheep indoors all year around. There are difficulties in measuring the dry matter (DM) yield of the sward. From one of the innovation farms, Skogsgård, Anna Carlsson had brought some pots with samples in different development stages from pastures with grasses. By cutting a 0.25 m² area, it is simple to measure the amount of grass available in a paddock. The biomass is weighed and DM content is easily estimated. Another take-home message was a system for fast fencing with plastic wires to delimit a paddock when you know the exact area for the daily feeding needs for your grazing stock. As an example, one of the samples showed a canopy closure at 2,800 kg DM/ha. By demonstration of the described pots, it is easy to understand and discuss the theory behind the optimal time for grazing – when the plant has three leaves – to achieve a biologically and economically viable grass growth.

Bredvid demonstrationsrutor med olika vallfröblandningar och vallarter, informerades besökarna om vikten av god betesskötsel på Sveriges årliga största öppna mässa, Borgeby Fältdagar i södra Sverige. Det är viktigt att visa betespotentialen med olika strategier istället för att utfodra nötkreatur och får inomhus året runt. Det är svårt att mäta torrsubstans (ts) i befintligt vallbestånd. Från en av innovationsgårdarna, Skogsgård, hade Anna Carlsson tagit med några krukor med vallprover i olika utvecklingsstadier från betet. Genom att klippa en yta på 0,25 m² är det enkelt att mäta mängden tillgängligt bete i en fålla. Biomassan vägs och ts-innehållet uppskattas lätt. Ett annat medskick var ett system med snabbstängsel med plasttrådar för att avgränsa en fålla, när man känner till den exakta storleken som behövs för det dagliga utfodringsbehovet utifrån betesbeståndet. Som ett exempel visade ett av proverna ett slutet betesbestånd med 2 800 kg ts/ha. Genom demonstration av de beskrivna krukorna är det lätt att förstå och diskutera teorin bakom den optimala tiden för bete – när växten har tre blad – för att uppnå en biologiskt och ekonomiskt hållbar betestillväxt.

Four practice and science meetings were conducted at Skogsgård, an organic dairy farm in south Sweden, included in the Inno4Grass project. Anna and Anders Carlsson focus on improvement of grazing management to utilise the grass more efficiently. With better knowledge about grass growth through the whole season, the farmers have achieved better grass quality, and the dairy production has become more profitable with more grazing. It is important to understand is the demand line, which is influenced by e.g. number of cattle, additional concentrate and compensatory growth. Grass are measured nearly every week on the farm. This is important, but can also be hard to prioritise when much other jobs need to be done. An advantage with a heterogeneous discussion group that meets several times is that the grass growth can be followed during the season. The discussion group helped both farmers and advisors feel more confident in checking grass growth and quality. This is always a critical point in the grazing management. One important outcome from the practice and science meetings to achieve good grass quality is better understanding of the importance of fast grazing of a paddock and of returning to the same paddock when the grass has regained three leaves.

Fyra möten genomfördes på Skogsgård, en ekologisk mjölkgård i södra Sverige, inkluderad i Inno4Grass-projektet. Anna och Anders Carlsson fokuserar på förbättring av betesskötseln för att utnyttja betesvallen mer effektivt. Med bättre kunskap om betestillväxt under hela säsongen har bönderna uppnått bättre gräskvalitet och mjölkproduktionen har blivit mer lönsam med mer bete. Det är viktigt att förstå att betesbehovet påverkas av t.ex. antal nötkreatur, tillskottsfoder och kompensatorisk tillväxt. Betet mäts nästan varje vecka på gården. Detta är viktigt, men kan också vara svårt att prioritera när många andra jobb behöver göras. En fördel med en heterogen diskussionsgrupp som möts flera gånger är att betestillväxten kan följas under säsongen. Diskussionsgruppen hjälpte både jordbrukare och rådgivare att känna sig mer säkra på att kontrollera betestillväxt och kvalitet. Detta är alltid en kritiskt moment i betesskötsel. Ett viktigt resultat från dessa möten är bättre förståelse för vikten av snabb avbetning av en fålla för att uppnå god beteskvalitet och att återvända till samma fålla när gräset har återfått tre blad.

The seven farms in the small cooperative 'Sju Gårdar' sell organic milk products under their own label to meet the market and consumers. The development of this added-value concept started in 2008, with locally produced, organic and climate-certified products as key marketing concepts. An important prerequisite for market success is proximity to a large city. Another positive consequence of proximity to the city is the possibility to arrange study visits for students from different schools and universities to increase consumers´ knowledge step by step. However, the farmer also reported specific challenges with farming close to the city, e.g. with transport and the risk of sabotage. In Sweden, there is a growing number of animal rights activists, or what some would call terrorists, and many farmers have been threatened in different ways. The slightly higher milk price achieved by Sju Gårdar also has a cost, in the form of much work in selling and distributing the various products; milk, yoghurt, fermented milk, crème, crème fraiche and sour crème. The products are processed by other companies, but it is both essential and advantageous to have the possibility to sell any surplus to the larger company, especially in the starting-up phase.

De sju gårdarna i det lilla kooperativet 'Sju Gårdar' säljer ekologiska mjölkprodukter under sitt egna varumärke för att möta marknaden och konsumenterna. Utvecklingen av detta mervärdeskoncept började 2008 med lokalt producerade, ekologiska och klimatcertifierade produkter som viktigt marknadsföringskoncept. En viktig förutsättning för marknadsframgång är närheten till en stor stad. En annan positiv konsekvens av närheten till staden är möjligheten att ordna studiebesök för studenter från olika skolor och universitet för att öka konsumenternas kunskap steg för steg. Bonden rapporterade emellertid också specifika utmaningar med lantbruk nära staden, t.ex. med transporter och risken för sabotage. I Sverige finns det ett växande antal djurrättsaktivister, eller vad vissa skulle kalla terrorister, och många lantbrukare har blivit hotade på olika sätt. Det något högre mjölkpriset som uppnåtts av Sju Gårdar har också en kostnad i form av mycket arbete med att sälja och distribuera de olika produkterna; mjölk, yoghurt, filmjölk, grädde, crème fraiche och gräddfil. Produkterna förädlas av andra mejeriföretag, men det är både väsentligt och fördelaktigt att ha möjlighet att sälja överskott till det större företaget, särskilt i startfasen.

In Sweden, strategies to cope with drought have gained importance during the last decade because of the ongoing climate change recurrent summer drought. Åke Johansson, Färjestaden has a farm with 320 dairy cows in one of the driest regions in Sweden, Öland. There are several parts in his drought strategy:

• When establishing ley, the whole sowing process has to be quick to retain soil moisture.

• Lucerne is an essential part of the seed mixture. It is inoculated and sprayed with Basagran 5G against weeds.

• Controlled traffic farming (CTF) saves the legumes from obvious wheel tracks.

• Drainage control is beneficial. Åke minimises unnecessary drainage by soil dams in open ditches.

• Harvest starts immediately when the sward starts to dry out.

Irrigation equipment was installed in 2015 on a dairy farm with 140 cows plus recruitment, owned by Mattias and Christer Wahlström in Skärlöv, close to the Baltic Sea. A pond that occupies 2-8 ha and holds 125,000 m3 collects surface water during the rainy seasons. With 5.5 km of pipeline and 30 sprayers, 130 ha can be irrigated at a time, using two cannons and a boom. Forage yield increased by 300% thanks to this investment! That released 35 h of arable land for cash crops.

I Sverige har strategier för att hantera torka fått betydelse under det senaste decenniet på grund av den pågående klimatförändringens återkommande sommartorka. Åke Johansson, Färjestaden har en gård med 320 mjölkkor i en av de torraste regionerna i Sverige, Öland. Det finns flera delar i hans torkstrategi:

• Vid etablering av vall måste hela såningsprocessen vara snabb för att bibehålla markfukten.

• Lusern är en viktig del av fröblandningen. Den ympas och ogräsbekämpas senare med Basagran 5G.

• Fasta körspår räddar baljväxter från uppenbara hjulspår.

• Dräneringskontroll är fördelaktigt. Åke minimerar onödig dränering genom markdammar i öppna diken.

• Vallskörden börjar omedelbart när vallen börjar lida av torkan.

Bevattningsutrustning installerades 2015 på en mjölkgård med 140 kor plus rekrytering, som ägs av Mattias och Christer Wahlström i Skärlöv, nära Östersjön. En damm som upptar 2-8 ha och rymmer 125 000 m3 samlar ytvatten under regnperioderna. Med 5,5 km rörledning och 30 sprutmunstycken kan 130 ha bevattnas i taget med två kanoner och en bom. Foderavkastningen ökade med 300% tack vare denna investering! Man kan nu använda 35 ha åkermark till avsalugrödor.

The Jon-Jon conventional farm in Bollnäs in central Sweden focuses on optimising silage. The farm has 160 dairy Holstein cows in an Automatic Milking System (AMS). Good quality, many forage analyses and skill in optimising animal rations are part of this. Mapping of tube silos and an Excel spreadsheet on silage use make this possible. In mapping, an account is made of where silage of different types is situated, the amounts and corresponding silage analysis. By entering the total stock of silage in a spreadsheet, the use can be planned until next harvest, which can be up to a year ahead. This is an economic method to ensure enough silage and makes it possible to avoid excess storage of silage. In 2015, 12,192 kg energy corrected milk (ECM) per cow was produced, with 1.41 Euro per kg DM as an average. Another innovative farmer, Anna Carlsson, Skogsgård, Getinge in south Sweden, makes use of different decision-making tools to improve grazing efficiency on their organic farm. She stresses the importance of clipping quadrats in the fields, and thereafter drying and weighing the material before putting the figures into the Irish tool to calculate the grass wedge. In the beginning, it is difficult to estimate the amounts of grass grown, but the eye becomes trained over time.

På den konventionella gården Jon-Jon i Bollnäs i centrala Sverige fokuserar man på optimering av ensilage. Gården har 160 mjölkkor av Holstein-ras som mjölkas med ett automatiskt mjölkningssystem (AMS). God kvalitet, många foderanalyser och att skickligt optimera foderstater är en del i gårdens framgång. Ett protokoll över ensilagekorvarna, i form av ett Excelblad, gör detta möjligt. I protokollet görs en redogörelse för var ensilage av olika typ ligger, mängderna och motsvarande ensilageanalys. Genom att ange den totala mängden ensilage i ett kalkylblad kan användningen planeras till nästa skörd, vilket kan vara upp till ett år framåt. Detta är en ekonomisk metod att säkerställa att det finns tillräckligt med ensilage och som gör det möjligt att undvika överskottslagring. År 2015 producerades 12 192 kg energikorrigerad mjölk (ECM) per ko, med 1,41 Euro per kg DM i genomsnitt.

En annan innovativ lantbrukare, Anna Carlsson, Skogsgård, Getinge i södra Sverige, använder sig av olika beslutsverktyg för att förbättra beteseffektiviteten på deras ekologiska gård. Hon betonar vikten av att klippa provrutor i fälten, därefter torkas och vägs materialet innan hon för in siffrorna i det irländska verktyget för att beräkna ”beteskilen”. I början är det svårt att uppskatta mängden gräs som odlas, men man lär sig genom övning.

Pâtur’Plan is a software developed in France with an advisory company in 2015 to help farmers to better anticipate grazing management. The main objective is to plan decisions (grazing, cutting, supplements feeding…) according the herd demand and the grass growth expected. Pâtur’Plan can be download on the Elvup site via internet ( The objective of this Practice and Science Meeting, organised two times, in May 2017 and 2018 was to exchange with farmers and advisors on Pâtur’Plan use and to consolidate farmers, sometimes uncomfortable with the anticipative approach. This meeting is based on the feedback of experiences with Pâtur’Plan. The participants explained to the others what they have done, what was interesting, complicated, unsuccessful and how they have (or not) solved the problems. Everyone spoke about his own experience and the others discussed. This meeting was extremely rich and exciting for all the participants. They continue to learn and exchange their experiences. To conclude the visit, we have visited the INRA platform to « discover » how Pâtur’Plan is used in an experimental farm. The final evaluation was largely positive with a common conclusion that Pâtur’Plan helps us to be more confident about our decisions which can be now be constructed less empirically.

Pâtur'Plan est un logiciel développé en France avec une société de conseil en 2015 pour aider les agriculteurs à mieux anticiper la gestion du pâturage. L'objectif principal est de planifier les décisions (pâturage, fauche, apports de compléments...) en fonction de la demande du troupeau et de la croissance attendue de l’herbe. Pâtur'Plan est téléchargeable sur le site Elvup via internet ( L'objectif de cette rencontre Pratique et Science, organisée à deux reprises, en mai 2017 et 2018, était d'échanger avec les agriculteurs et les conseillers sur l'utilisation de Pâtur'Plan et de conforter les agriculteurs, parfois gênés par l'approche anticipative. Cette rencontre s'appuie sur le retour d'expérience de Pâtur'Plan. Les participants ont expliqué aux autres ce qu'ils ont fait, ce qui était intéressant, compliqué, sans succès et comment ils ont (ou non) résolu les problèmes. Chacun a parlé de sa propre expérience et les autres ont discuté, échangé leur point de vue. Cette réunion a été extrêmement riche et passionnante pour tous les participants. Ils continuent à apprendre et à échanger leurs expériences. Pour conclure la journée, nous avons visité la plateforme INRA pour " découvrir " comment Pâtur'Plan est utilisé dans une ferme expérimentale. L'évaluation finale a été largement positive avec une conclusion commune : Pâtur'Plan nous aide à être plus confiants dans nos décisions qui peuvent maintenant être construites de manière moins empirique.

Grazing management anticipation. Can the DSS Pâtur’Plan help farmers? The main objective of the meetings organised two times, in 2017 and 2018, was to help farmers to better anticipate grazing management and to learn to use Pâtur’Plan, a farm level DSS. Each, meeting had 10 to 14 participants, predominantly dairy farmers but also extension services, advisors and agricultural college teachers. The first part of this P&SM, in the morning, was dedicated to understanding why anticipation and flexibility are key aspects of the success of grazing, with a researcher conference and intense exchanges with the participants. A visit to the grazing platform of the INRA experimental farm served to support the proposals of the conference, and to practice grass height measurements with plate meter. In the afternoon, the participants learned how to use Pâtur’Plan ( using their own farm situation as example. They started by defining the platform (number of paddocks, area, type of grasslands, etc.), the herd characteristics, the actual grass availability and to develop the seasonal grass growth curve using the weekly information received. They then learned to simulate, to adapt different scenarios for the next month-6weeks and to evaluate the consequences of their decisions. At the end of this meeting, they were able to use Pâtur’Plan and to produce an anticipated grazing plan. At the end of the meeting, the software Pâtur’Plan was offered to the participants, convinced that it will be useful to them.

Anticiper la gestion du pâturage. Pâtur'Plan peut-il aider les éleveurs ? L'objectif principal de ces journées de formation, organisées à deux reprises en 2017 et 2018, était d'aider les agriculteurs à mieux anticiper la gestion du pâturage et d’apprendre à utiliser Pâtur'Plan, un outil d’aide à décision à l’échelle de l’exploitation. Chaque journée a réuni 10 à 14 participants, principalement des producteurs laitiers, mais aussi des agents du développement, des conseillers et des enseignants d'écoles d'agriculture. La première partie de cette rencontre Pratique et Science, le matin, a été consacrée à comprendre en quoi l'anticipation et la flexibilité sont des éléments clés de la réussite au pâturage, avec la conférence d’un chercheur et des échanges dynamiques avec les participants. La visite de la plate-forme de pâturage de la ferme expérimentale de l'INRA a permis de conforter les idées diffusées lors de la conférence et de pratiquer la mesure de la hauteur de l'herbe à l'aide d'un herbomètre. L'après-midi, les participants ont appris à utiliser Pâtur'Plan en prenant comme exemple leur propre élevage. Ils ont commencé par définir la surface dédiée au pâturage (nb de parcelles, superficie, type de prairies...), les caractéristiques du troupeau, la disponibilité réelle de l'herbe et développer la courbe de croissance saisonnière de l'herbe à partir des informations reçues chaque semaine. Ils ont ensuite appris à simuler, à adapter différents scénarios pour le mois ou les 6 semaines à venir et aussi à évaluer les conséquences de leurs décisions. A la fin de cette journée, les participants savent utiliser Pâtur'Plan et aboutir à un planning de pâturage prévisionnel.

Herb-rich grasslands in the Netherlands usually have a high biodiversity. These grasslands can be obtained by reseeding herbaceous seed mixtures, or by extensification of grasslands. Both have their advantages. Reseeding leads to quick results, the herbs immediately germinate and this may result in a faster increase of different plants and insects present. A big advantage of the currently available seed mixtures is that they can produce a lot of dry matter. Major drawbacks are that grassland has to be destroyed which lead to C losses. Furthermore, the management of herbaceous grasslands is challenging under Dutch standard fertilization regimes and management. In addition, it is not possible to spray herbicide on unwanted herbs because the desired herbs would also be negatively affected. The great advantage of extensification is that it is a natural process. No artificial fertiliser needs to be purchased and native species are expected to recolonize the grassland. This practice is also better for C storage. However, the low productivity of these grasslands makes them less attractive for farmers. It might be interesting to slowly extend the ditches and field margins to these types of grasslands to increase biodiversity, which could also have a positive effect on water quality. More research needs to be done on management of herbaceous grasslands without artificial fertilizers and on soil life under various conditions.

Kruidenrijke graslanden in Nederland hebben meestal een grote biodiversiteit. Deze graslanden ontstaan door zaadmengsels met kruiden te zaaien of door extensivering van grasland. Beide methoden hebben hun voordelen. Opnieuw inzaaien leidt tot snelle resultaten, de kruiden ontkiemen onmiddellijk en dit kan resulteren in een snellere toename van verschillende planten en insecten. Een groot voordeel van de huidige beschikbare zaadmengsels is ook dat ze veel droge stof kunnen produceren. Een belangrijk nadeel is dat grasland moet worden gescheurd, wat leidt tot koolstofverliezen. Bovendien is het beheer van kruidenrijk grasland een uitdaging onder het standaard Nederlandse bemestingsregime. Het is niet mogelijk om ongewenste kruiden te spuiten met een herbicide, omdat de gewenste kruiden dan ook verdwijnen. Het grote voordeel van de methode van extensivering is dat het een natuurlijk proces is. Er hoeft geen kunstmest te worden gekocht en de verwachting is dat inheemse soorten het grasland opnieuw zullen koloniseren. Deze methode is ook beter voor koolstofopslag. De lage productiviteit van extensieve graslanden maakt ze echter minder aantrekkelijk voor boeren. Het kan interessant zijn om de sloten en akkerranden langzaam uit te breiden naar dit soort grasland om de biodiversiteit te vergroten, wat ook een positief effect kan hebben op de waterkwaliteit. Er moet meer onderzoek worden gedaan naar het beheer van kruidenrijk grasland zonder kunstmest en naar het bodemleven onder verschillende omstandigheden.

On the farm of Sean Hennessy, Bandon, Cork (Ireland) it is important to build up the grass supply on the farm in order to be able to stay on the pasture until mid-November without the grass running out. It's important to measure the grass with PastureBase Ireland (, the target was to achieve an average farm cover of 1.100-1.200 kg DM/ha by mid-September. This means that were usually grazing covers of 1.,400 kg Dm/ha, pregrazing yield would have to increase to 2.,000 kg DM/ha+. Rotation length would also have to be extended to 35 days or more in order to be able to achieve this pregrazing yield. In order to be able to utilise these heavy covers, cows would have to graze on 12 hr blocks to meet residuals of 4 cm. The aim to stay out grazing until mid/late November and close up the farm with 650 kg DM/ha. Research shows that every day at grass in autumn is worth € 1.80 in the autumn/cow/day, however every day at grass in the following spring is worth € 2.70/cow/day.

The motivation of the farmer was to build grass on the farm, to be able to stay out grazing in the autumn and still have enough grass supply to let cows out grazing in February. The farmer was targeting to graze 65% of the farm in October and the remaining 35% of the farm in November to have enough grass back on the farm for February grazing.

With drought conditions during summer 2018, it was very important for Michael Quigley in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary (Ireland) to close off the farm in autumn 2018 to have grass on the farm for spring 2019. An aspect of the management is that 60% of the farm should be grazed in October and closed off until the following spring. This would guarantee grass supply to allow for early turnout in February. The remaining 40% of the farm could be grazed in November and allow for late grazing in the year (mid/late November). The paddocks beside the milking parlour, dry paddocks, paddocks with multiple access and water points should be grazed in October to have these paddocks available for grazing again in February and March 2019.

Dealing with wet weather conditions would be a challenge for grazing in October and November. Strip grazing using 12 hr blocks would be useful to minimise damage and to protect regrowth. Dry paddocks will be grazed in wet weather and heavy soils will be graze in periods of dry weather.

The motivation of the farmer is to extend the grazing season, but to close off the farm with enough grass to allow for early turnout in February, minimise the amount of silage being fed in total and maximise milk solids production per cow.

PatureBase Ireland ( is a grass measuring software to allow farmers to quantify the amount of grass on the farm, to monitor growth rate on the farm and to assess total tonnage of dry matter being produced per hectare on the farm.

A new PastureBase off-line app has been developed, including grass measurement, recording of graze dates, recording of fertiliser and recording of milk sales.

The new offline app could save time when measuring grass, as there is no need to enter the house and type grass covers in to the computer. The importance of measuring grass to make good decisions on a day-to-day basis but also to identify underperforming paddocks on farms at the end of the year. The paddocks should be soil-sampled and targeted for reseeding.

Recording the correct graze date and pregrazing yield is essential to capture the correct growth rates and annual tonnage for these paddocks. Recording the correct fertiliser on paddocks to be able to capture the correct response and growth rates as a result on N, P and K applied.

Measuring grass using PastureBase Irland offline app can capture covers around the farm while walking the farm. Therefore, when the farm has measured the last paddock, an average farm cover, growth rate, cover/LU and can also generate a wedge. The motivation of the farmers was to reduce workload when measuring grass by being able to carry out the grass covers on the phone. The challenge for the farmers was also poor broadband/internet connection when measuring grass; however the app is offline which means that farmers can measure grass using their phone without any delays/loss of data.

The farm of Danny Cemin, Ballintubber, Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick (Ireland) is focused on grass targets as the transition from spring into summer, keeping quality covers of 1,400 kg DM/ha ahead of the cows when grazing and grazing down to 4 cm. By keeping 1,400 kg DM/ha covers ahead of cows, it is possible to maximise milk solids production per cow, graze down to 4 cm (as pre grazing was not too high and stem content was low) and promote quick regrowth on farms.

The farmer measures grass on PastureBase Ireland ( and thinks that a cover of 180 kg DM/LU the maximum amount of grass that can be available at any one time, and any surplus grass above this target should be cut as surplus bales of silage. When measuring grass, the objective is to match supply and demand to maximise grass quality. The farmer also monitores the growth pattern of the plants to make sure that perennial ryegrass is being grazed at the 3rd leaf stage, when its leafy and digestible. When the plant reaches the 4th leaf stage, the 1st leaf dies and lignin content increases.

Grass measurement allows the farmers to identify grass surpluses and deficits quickly, and react to these changes. This in turn allows him to reduce, or cut out, or meal feeding in spring.

The motivation is to maximise milk solids production per cow during the mid-season from grass, reduce/minimise the amount of concentrates being fed and to cut surplus bales when possible to build a reserve of high quality silage in the yard.

Colin Doherty in Adare in Co. Limerick (Ireland) had calved cows out grazing day and night. The farmer was carrying out innovations such as on-off grazing, strip grazing and temporary roadways to be able to achieve this. Grass was being allocated with a strip wire and back fence.

The farmer was using a spring rotation planner on PastureBase Ireland ( to allocate area per day to have enough grass to start the 2nd rotation in early April. Early N application in the spring would promote grass growth and allow for more grass availability in the spring.

The farmer was also using a backfence to protect regrowth and to allow grazed areas to recover. The farmer also had a feed-budget completed on PastureBase Ireland to monitor grass supply.

The objective was to incorporate as much grass in the diet as possible in the spring to reduce the cost of production. Early Nitrogen and early grazing are essential components to stimulate grass growth in the spring.

Future strategies were to graze in short grazing bouts to minimise damage (12 hr blocks), use a back fence to protect regrowths on grazed areas, meet residuals of 4 cm to have quality grass for the next rotation and graze low covers 800 - 1200 kg DM/ha where number of cows calved were low to graze larger areas and to have grass regrowth for the 2nd rotation.

LJ Ryan, Dundrum, Co. Tipperary was using a strip wire to allocate grass daily. The farmer would assess the number of cows calved and their intakes to be able to allocate an area for the day. The farmer was also using a back-fence to protect regrowth and to allow grazed areas to recover.

The farmer was setting up a temporary fence (5 ft wide) to walk cows to the back of paddocks without damaging the rest of the paddock. This meant that there was a “track” along the side of the paddock (3 ft wide) from the cows walking, but the rest of the paddock was protected. This was a clever innovation, particularly on heavy soils in poor weather conditions.

Multiple access points to enter/exit paddocks are extremely useful to reduce traffic in small areas when cows are entering paddocks after milking, or exiting paddocks prior to milking.

The farmer was carrying out innovations such as on-off grazing to be able to graze in wet weather. The farmer had a feed-budget completed on PastureBase Ireland ( to monitor grass supply.

Early slurry and urea application in the spring would promote grass growth and allow for more grass availability in the spring. Slurry was targeted at low index soils (soils deficient in P and K) and areas where grass covers were low.

Main actions for the future are to strip graze low covers 1st and backfence every day to protect regrowths. Target low covers with slurry. The spur roadway can create access to the back of paddocks without damaging the rest of the paddock and good roadway network is essential to create access to grass.

John Trant, Clongoweswood, Co. Kildare (Ireland) has calved cows out grazing day and night with 2 kg concentrates only in the diet. The farmer is carrying out innovations such as on-off grazing, strip grazing and temporary roadways to be able to achieve this. The farmer also has a feed-budget completed on PastureBase Ireland ( to monitor grass supply. The farmer could see that due to the mild winter he had enough grass supply on the farm to graze day and night with 2 kg concentrates and no silage. Early N application in the spring would promote grass growth and allow for more grass availability in the spring. Slurry is spread on areas of the farm where there was not much grass and ½ bag Urea/acre is applied on the rest of the farm in early February to stimulate spring growth.

The farmer is very focused on grazing grass in the spring as he realised the lower cost of production and increased profitability of the system by early turnout.

The motivation of the farmers is very much economic and labour efficiency, having cows grazing day and night increased profit on farms and reduced workload on the yard. To graze areas with low covers to cover area and to increase regrowth for the second rotation. The farmer however thinks that the farm should have received a combination of organic and chemical N to stimulate growth.

Grazing infrastructure on the farm of Conor McGrath, Tullamore, Co. Offally (Ireland) such as roadways, paddock size, water trough placement, flow and size, gaps, spur roadways, strip grazing etc. is essential for grazing, especially when conditions are challenging in the spring and autumn. The farmer uses strip grazing on 48 hr grazing bouts in the spring and autumn to avoid damage and to protect regrowth. Early turnout can increase weight gains in the cattle while also saving costs on concentrates and feeding silage, not to mention fixed costs of keeping cattle in the shed. The main aspects of management are:

• Increased animal performance - high quality diet with minimal supplements

• Recondition swards for the year ahead – stimulate growth and improve quality

• Maximise spring grass utilisation & minimise sward decay

• Reduce workload on the farm

• Achieve target post-grazing height of 3.5 cm

• Spring Nitrogen (N) application is essential to boost growth on all paddocks

The motivation of the farmer was to minimise the cost of production. The farmer does this by early turnout in the spring, take silage out of the diet, enter low covers for grazing and by grazing down to a residual of 4 cm. By focusing on grass, the farmers minimise the threat of relying on imported feed.

Main action for the future:

• Continue to grow as much grass per hectare and maximise production of kg/beef/ha and build a reserve of silage for the farm

• Grass is the cheapest source of feed on the farm, so continue to focus on it rather than alternative feeds

• Keep using innovative management practices/grazing infrastructure to extend the grazing season and reduce costs

In Sardinia (Italy), a farmer has chosen to reduce the cost of milk production by increasing the amount of fresh grass and hay produced on-farm. In his 77-hectare farm, a limit to cultivation is represented by stony soils. This is why he is promoting the use of forage crops that do not require an annual soil tillage, i.e. temporary grasslands that last at least 2 years. He cultivates a variety of temporary grasslands, both under rainfed conditions and irrigation, based on annual self-reseeding clovers, medics, other legumes in pure stands and in mixture with cereals or grasses. In detail, he cultivates a mix of sulla and common chicory; a mixture of annual ryegrass, common chicory and bur medic; sulla in pure stand; Ladino clover in pure stand; Lucerne. A corn field is seeded every year to produce grain. Sheep are moved 2-3 times a day to graze in different plots.

The farmers gained several benefits from the adoption of this innovative forage chain:

• The forage production is constant along the year;

• Higher forage production per hectare;

• A good amount of crude protein is available in grasslands in all seasons;

• Sheep can graze several species and are healthier;

• Corn benefits from residual nitrogen in the soil when this crop follows legumes and their mixtures;

• Lower amount of N-fertilizers;

• Forage self-sufficiency has been achieved.

Nonetheless, an accurate integration of grasses to sheep diet is needed during spring, when an excess of crude protein is available in pastures. Moreover, additional work is required to manage daily animal transfers. Irrigation is needed to boost forage production in summer and to favour mixtures establishment in early sowings at the end of summer. The coaching of advisors is recommended to adopt this forage system.

In Sardegna, un allevatore ha deciso di ridurre il costo di produzione del latte delle sue pecore incrementando la quota di pascolo verde e di fieno autoprodotto. Nella sua azienda di 77 ha, ha in prevalenza suoli pietrosi. Questo è il motivo per il quale l’allevatore ha scelto di coltivare erbai poliennali a base di leguminose che non richiedono arature annuali. Egli ne coltiva un’ampia varietà, in aridocoltura ed in regime irriguo, tra i quali anche leguminose in purezza e in miscuglio. In dettaglio, coltiva miscugli di (i) sulla e cicoria da foraggio (ii) loglio rigido, cicoria e medica polimorfa; e monocolture di sulla, trifoglio ladino ed erba medica. In aggiunta, coltiva mais da granella. Le pecore vengono fatte pascolare su 2-3 diverse colture ogni giorno.

I benefici ottenuti sono:

- Migliore distribuzione della produzione foraggera durante l’anno;

- Maggiore produzione per ettaro;

- Buona disponibilità di proteina durante le varie stagioni;

- Le pecore pascolano su varie essenze e godono di migliore salute;

- Il mais in rotazione beneficia dell’azoto residuo nel suolo;

- Riduzione delle concimazioni azotate;

- È stata raggiunta l’autosufficienza foraggera aziendale.

Tuttavia, questo sistema presenta alcune criticità. Occorre effettuare un’accurata integrazione della dieta degli ovini con graminacee in primavera, quando i campi presentano un eccesso di proteina. Inoltre, lo spostamento giornaliero degli animali tra le varie colture richiede un lavoro addizionale. La possibilità di irrigare è un requisito necessario per avere la produzione di foraggio in estate e per favorire l’insediamento degli erbai che sono seminati in anticipo a fine estate.

Grass measurement is the key in day to day decision making on the farm of John Murray Carrick in Suir (Ireland). He has a paddock system which is essential to protect regrowths and to have quality pregrazing yield (1400 kg DM/ha). John is combining diploids and tetraploids in a mixture, creating a dense, high quality sward. The main aspects of management are:

• Rotation length should be approximately 18 - 21 days

• Target pre-grazing yields between 1,300 - 1,600 kg DM/ha

• Graze to 4 cm post-grazing sward height

• Remove grass surpluses as round bale

• Keep topping to a minimum, as it is very labour intensive

• Mid-season pasture quality can be improved by alternating paddocks that have been grazed with those that have been harvested for first and second cut silage

The motivation of the farmer was to produce as much milk from grass as possible to minimise the cost of production. By increasing the amount of milk produced from grass, the farmer is lowering the cost of production and increasing profit. This means that the system is sustainable both in a good and poor milk price year. It is important that investment in grazing is prioritised to give the maximum return in the future. The farmer does this by measuring grass in the mid-season, entering low covers for grazing and by grazing down to a residual of 4 cm. By focusing on grass, the farmer minimises the threat of relying on imported feed.

The Bride and Blackwater discussion group generally meet once per month on a farm to discuss grassland management. They explained at the meeting in Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork (Ireland) that their objectives for the spring were to keep cows out at grass to maximise milk solids per cow, reduce cost of production (grass is cheaper than silage and concentrates) and to reduce the workload in the yard. We analysed the research at the meeting and every day at grass was worth € 2.70/cow/day, so for 100 cows it was € 270 profit for the farmer. Farmers agreed that in challenging weather conditions, innovative management practices were necessary to keep cows out grazing. Farmers were letting cows out for 2-3 hr grazing bouts to minimise the amount of damage particularly on heavy soils.

The main aspects of management are:

• The earlier cows are turned out in the spring, the more profit a farmer will make

• Grazing in the spring reduces the required silage and concentrates in the diet

• Spring grazing also reduces workload on the farm such as feeding out, liming cubicles and collecting slurry

• Spring grazing increases milk solids per cow compared to grass silage

• Grass is the cheapest source of feed on the farm and should be maximised in the cows diet

The motivation of the farmer was to produce as much milk from grass as possible to minimise the cost of production. The farmer does this by turning out cows to pasture in early spring and compact spring calving system. By focusing on grass, the farmers minimising the threat of relying on imported feed.

Fergus Austin, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary (Ireland) is part of a working group of farmers measuring the amount of grass on farms to make sure that there is enough supply on farms and not to run into a deficit. Nearly all farmers at the group have a stocking rate of 3+ Livestock Units/ha on the milking platform, so the farmers agreed that a cover/cow of 180 - 200 kg DM per Livestock Unit to begin the 2nd rotation. The main aspects of management are:

• When measuring grass, the objective is to match supply and demand to maximise grass quality

• Grass measurement allows Fergus to identify grass surpluses and deficits quickly, and react to these changes

• Grass measurement allows Fergus to know when to reduce, or cut out, meal feeding in spring

• Grass is the cheapest source of feed on the farm and should be maximised in the cows’ diet

The motivation of the farmer was to produce as much milk from grass as possible to minimise the cost of production. Measuring grass could aid in increasing the amount of grass in the diet by maintaining adequate supply on farms and by making decisions early in terms of supplementation/ harvesting surplus grass. Grass measurement will aid in grazing perennial ryegrass at the 3-leaf stage, prior to the establishment of the 4th leaf and the deterioration in quality in the plant. The objective for every farmer at the meeting is to graze quality covers of 1,400 kg DM/ha down to 4 cm to have quality grass in subsequent rotations.

The motivation of Ger Dineen (Kilnamytra, Co. Cork, Ireland) is to produce as much beef from grass as possible to minimise the cost of production and to minimise workload on the farm. The farmer does this measuring grass all year round, turning out cattle to pasture in early spring, compact spring calving system and focusing on soil fertility. By focusing on grass, the farmers minimise the threat of relying on imported feed.

The farmer measures grass using the grass-hopper (a GPS-equipped rising plate meter allowing the direct use of the data within PastureBase Ireland). The farm is walked once per week and a grass surplus/deficit is identified as a result. The farmer can then make decisions to cut surplus bales or to increase meal feeding based on grass supply.

The main aspects of management are:

• Measuring grass is important to give the farmer confidence to turn out livestock early

• Measuring grass gives the farmer confidence to cut surplus bales when growth exceeds demand

• Paddock system is essential for grazing

Main actions for the future:

• Continue to grow as much grass per hectare and maximise production of kg beef/ha and build a reserve of silage for the farm

• Grass is the cheapest source of feed on the farm, so continue to focus on it rather than alternative feeds

• Keep using innovative management practices/grazing infrastructure to extend the grazing season and reduce costs

• Continue measuring grass to make good day-to-day decisions regarding grazing covers and to generate quality end of year reports to assess DM production, number of grazing’s and, paddocks that need to be reseeded

The history of Ed Payne’s farm (Tulsk, Co. Roscommon, Ireland) lies in the suckler, beef and sheep enterprises. In 2009 the decision was made to convert to a dairy enterprise. Grassland was traditionally grazed by set stocking, however a paddock system was incorporated into the dairy enterprise and is paying huge dividends for the farm. The farm grew 15.5 tonnes DM/ha and achieved 10 grazing events in each paddock in 2017. The Payne’s built knowledge on grassland management and incorporated it in to their farm through discussion group meetings with a local Teagasc advisor since converting to dairying. Soil samples are taken on the milking platform every year and on all other land every second year. Grass measuring is carried out over 40 times per year to gather data to help the farm grow and utilise more grass. Large efforts are being made to extend the grazing season on this farm like on-off grazing, strip grazing, back fence, multiple access points, roadways etc. Grazing season length was 275 days in 2017 (15th Feb to 15th Nov).

The main outcome in terms of grassland measurement was that it takes the guesswork out of managing grass. The farmer is able to identify grass surpluses and deficits quickly and cut surplus bales quickly if necessary. The farmer knows when to reduce, or cut out, meal feeding in spring based on the average farm cover carried out through measurement. Grass is the cheapest source of feed on the farm and should be maximised in the cow’s diet.

The dairy farm of Billy, Mark and Liam Heffernan (Dunnamaggin, Co. Kilkenny Ireland ) was a monitor farm under the Glanbia (Co-op who processes milk) joint programme for 3 years from 2008 to 2010. Reseeding must be combined with managing, and where necessary increasing, soil fertility. Productive grassland farms must have perennial ryegrass dominated swards. Recent Moorepark research shows that old permanent pasture produces, on average, 3 t DM / ha per year less than perennial ryegrass dominated swards. Old permanent pasture is up to 25 % less responsive to available nutrients such as nitrogen than a perennial ryegrass dominated sward.

The key traits in grass seed in a grass- based production system are:

• High quality

• High seasonal production

• Good persistency score

• Combining diploids and tetraploids in a mixture creates high quality swards on the farm.

The main outcomes of the meeting were:

• Reseed and graze monoculture swards to identify which varieties work best on the farm and to see the value of different monocultures

• The farmers are identifying top performing varieties

• Identification and assessment of different grass varieties

• Discussion groups are very beneficial for knowledge generation and exchange

• The objective is to produce more milk from grass by using top varieties of grass

Eddie O’Donnell (Golden, Co. Tipperary, Ireland) uses PastureBase Ireland Performance ( to identify the number of grazings, number of silage cuts, annual tonnage DM grass per hectare, number of grassland measurements, growth curve, decisions, reseeding etc. that is being performed on his dairy farm.

The farmer is focusing on soil fertility, which is the key to growing and utilising quality grass (lime, P and K). The farmer has spread lime to have a pH of 6.2 - 6.5 on the farm and low index paddocks were targeted with slurry and compound fertiliser to increase the soil index (soil results are based on soil index’s on P & K from 1-4, 1 being poor and 4 being high) on the farm. Traditionally, there were pigs on the farm, so indexes were generally 3 or 4 in the past, as a result of the pig slurry.

The motivation of the farmer was to produce as much milk from grass as possible to minimise the cost of production and to minimise workload on the farm. The farmer does this by measuring grass all year round, turning out cows to pasture in early spring, compact spring calving system and focusing on soil fertility and reseeding. The farm system comprises a spring calving herd, feeding 500 kg meal/cow/year and growing 18 t DM grass/ha.

Future strategy:

• Continue to grow as much grass per hectare and produce milk solids and build a reserve of silage for the farm

• Grass is the cheapest source of feed on the farm, so continue to focus on it rather than alternative feeds

• Continue to use the EBI (Economic Breeding Index) to breed a cow that will go in calf every year and produce quality milk solids from grass

This focus of output and profit on this farm is stemmed from high grass utilization. Tim Crowley (Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland) sold 422 kgs milk solids/cow to the co-op in 2017 or 1122 kg/ha. The target is to sell 1350 kgs/ha of milk solids from a predominately grazed grass diet.

The herd EBI (Economic Breeding Index- Irelands genetic merit on cows) of this Holstein/Friesian herd is € 113. Calving interval was 367 days in 2017 and the six-week calving rate has hovered around 80 % in the last five years.

Tim is reseeding annually using monocultures from the Pasture Profit Index (an index in Ireland ranking the most profitable grass varieties to use on farms).

• Grass is the key driver to profit on this farm

• Grass measurement is key in day to day decision making on the farm

• Combining diploids and tetraploids in a mixture creates a dense, high quality sward

• Reseeding must be combined with managing grass, and where necessary increasing soil fertility

Future strategy:

• Continue to grow as much grass per hectare and produce milk solids and build a reserve of silage for the farm

• Continue to use the EBI to breed a cow that will go in calf every year and produce quality milk solids from grass (suitable for the grass based system).

• Reseed using the top performing varieties from the Pasture Profit Index to maximise grass quality and tonnage. With regular reseeding the grass growth capacity of the farm can be increased substantially and the annual return of investment is large (repaid in 1-2 years)

The short-grass grazing technique consists in letting dairy cows graze generally on a single plot, possibly several, keeping constantly a low grass height between 6 and 8 cm. In practice, it is necessary to have a pasture area of about 0.3 ha per cow and that the size of the plots can be adapted. This grazing system offers grass of excellent quality throughout the season.

This grazing system has many advantages:

• Providing young grass with high nutritional value throughout the grazing season

• Development of weeds is diminished because of the grazing intensity. Especially interesting for organic farms

• Less acidosis (small intakes all day long) and improved health of the cows

• More stable and persistent lactation with an improved stability of the rates throughout the grazing season

• Improved carrying capacity of the soil (high tillering of the grass) and constant grass yields

• Calmer behaviour of the cows

Main drawbacks of this grazing system:

• It requires a good management of the plot sizes

• More fragile system in case of prolonged growth stop (no grass in case of drought)

Main recommendations for any farmer interested in this system:

• Having enough available grazing surfaces around the farm

• Monitoring carefully the growth rate of the grass and the size of the plot

• Possibility to adapt the original technic to fit different contexts and aims, both in conventional and organic farming

• Breeding towards grazing suitability as well as seasonal calving are both options to enhance the effectiveness of this system

La technique de pâturage court consiste à laisser les vaches laitières sur une seule parcelle, éventuellement plusieurs, en maintenant constamment une faible hauteur d'herbe entre 6 et 8 cm. Dans la pratique, il est nécessaire d'avoir une superficie de pâturage d'environ 0,3 ha par vache et que la taille des parcelles puisse être adaptée. Ce système de pâturage offre une herbe d'excellente qualité tout au long de la saison.

Ce système de pâturage présente de nombreux avantages :

• Fournir aux jeunes graminées une valeur nutritive élevée tout au long de la saison de pâturage.

• Le développement des mauvaises herbes est diminué à cause de l'intensité du pâturage. Particulièrement intéressant pour les fermes biologiques

• Moins d'acidose (petites prises toute la journée) et une meilleure santé des vaches

• Lactation plus stable et longue avec une meilleure stabilité des taux tout au long de la saison de pâturage

• Meilleure portance du sol (tallage élevé) et rendements constants de l'herbe

• Vaches plus calmes

Principaux inconvénients de ce système de pâturage :

• Nécessite une bonne gestion de la taille des parcelles

• Système plus fragile en cas d'arrêt prolongé de la croissance (pas d'herbe en cas de sécheresse)

Principales recommandations pour tout agriculteur intéressé par ce système :

• Avoir suffisamment de surfaces de pâturage disponibles autour de la ferme

• Surveiller attentivement le taux de croissance de l'herbe et la taille de la parcelle

• Possibilité d'adapter la technique à différents contextes et objectifs, tant en agriculture conventionnelle qu'en agriculture biologique.

• Orienter l'élevage vers l'aptitude des vaches au pâturage ainsi que le vêlage saisonnier permettent d'améliorer l'efficacité de ce système.

Water deficit in the soil and periodic droughts are threats that can be the limiting factor for securing forage production in many dairy farms in Poland, especially in the Wielkopolska region. The problem is particularly serious in farms producing feeds on grasslands localized on light soils.

The Andrzej Szulc farm in Mikołajewo due the very light and permeable soils have been struggling with this problem since ever but have developed solutions that allow the farm to produce milk on a very high level. To secure the forage production, the farmer decided to install an irrigation system that can be used for temporary grassland and other arable crops. He has decided to install a ramp-transferred semi-automatic irrigation system that is less labour-intensive and generates less maintenance costs during the operation. Thanks to this investment, the forage production can be independent from the water soil conditions and it allowed the use of new grass mixtures containing high-yielding species and varieties, mainly Italian and hybrids ryegrasses. The analysis highlighted that there is a need to implement actions to increase soil water retention or implement investments in active irrigation systems. Concerning the use of new grass and legume species and varieties that are more suitable for grassland during period of soil water deficit, farmers need to take into consideration the risk of water deficiency during the establishment of leys. Furthermore, they need to carefully and wisely choose seed mixtures that will be a compromise between reducing the level of forage production and better resistance of grasses and legumes to drought. A good example could be a mixture of lucerne with smooth-leafed tall fescue.

Niedobory wody w glebie i okresowe susze są zagrożeniem, które może być czynnikiem ograniczającym zabezpieczenie bazy paszowej w wielu gospodarstwach mlecznych w Polsce, a zwłaszcza w Wielkopolsce. Problem ten jest szczególnie ważny w gospodarstwach produkujących pasze na użytkach zielonych zlokalizowanych na glebach lekkich.

Gospodarstwo Andrzeja Szulca w Mikołajewie ze względu na bardzo lekkie i przepuszczalne gleby od zawsze boryka się z tym problemem, jednak przez lata gospodarowania w takich warunkach opracowano rozwiązania, które pozwalają produkować mleko na bardzo intensywnym poziomie. W celu zabezpieczenia produkcji pasz, rolnik zdecydował się zainstalować system nawadniania, który może być wykorzystywany na użytkach zielonych oraz w innych uprawach. Rolnik zdecydował się zainstalować półautomatyczną deszczownię rampową, której obsługa jest mniej pracochłonna i generuje mniejsze koszty utrzymania w trakcie eksploatacji. Dzięki tej inwestycji produkcja pasz może odbywać się w sposób niezależny od warunków pogodowych i jednocześnie pozwala na zastosowanie nowych mieszanek traw zawierających wysokoplenne gatunki i odmiany, głównie życicy wielokwiatowej i mieszańcowej. W trakcie analizowania tego rozwiązania podkreślono, że istnieje potrzeba wdrożenia działań mających na celu zwiększenie retencji wody w glebie lub realizacji inwestycji w systemy nawadniania. W odniesieniu do wykorzystywania nowych gatunków traw i roślin motylkowatych oraz odmian, które są bardziej odpowiednie na użytki zielone w okresie niedoboru wody w glebie, rolnicy muszą wziąć pod uwagę również ryzyko niedoboru wody podczas zakładania nowych użytków.

Near Mont Saint Michel, a couple of farmers raise dairy cows to produce organic milk. After the crisis of 2009, they have decided to develop grazing on their farm and even aim for a maximum-grazing system. For this purpose, they are learning about grazing management from experimental farms and are often participating in discussion groups. They put in place various techniques including rotational grazing. They have planted chicory in their grasslands, more drought resistant plant and are using a grassland species mixture, which facilitates the work organization. They are also using a topping technique consisting in mowing the grass before letting the cows graze on mown grass because in this way the cows eat also the outgrown grass. They are enlarging the grazing area thanks to parcel exchanges and acquiring extra parcels. They are crossing their cows according to the characteristics of each breed (Holstein x Jersey x Scandinavian Red) with the objective of having lighter animals. They now have 0.50 ha/cow instead of 0.35 and, in September, were in a situation that even if the grass would stop growing, there would still be enough grass available to feed the cows for another 90 days. They plan to reduce the number of animals per ha to adapt to the drying environment, to extend the life of their grasslands, to reduce tillage and replant trees and hedgerows in and around plots. Despite the economic and climatic context, the farmers dare to test solutions to reduce their system weaknesses and are seeking out opportunities that allow them to improve even further.

Près du Mont Saint Michel, deux agriculteurs élèvent des vaches laitières pour produire du lait biologique. Après la crise de 2009, ils ont décidé de développer le pâturage sur leur ferme et même de viser un système pâturant au maximum. Pour cela, ils se renseignent sur la gestion des prairies auprès de fermes expérimentales et participent souvent à des groupes d'échange. Ils ont mis en place diverses techniques, notamment le pâturage tournant. Ils ont implanté de la chicorée dans leurs prairies, une plante plus résistante à la sécheresse et utilisent un mélange prairial, ce qui facilite l'organisation du travail. Ils utilisent également la technique de topping qui consiste à faucher avant de laisser les vaches pâturer l'herbe fauchée. Ils élargissent la zone de pâturage grâce aux échanges parcellaires et au franchissement d'une ligne de chemin de fer. Ils croisent leurs vaches en fonction des caractéristiques de chaque race (Holstein x Jersey x Scandinave Rouge) dans le but d'avoir des animaux plus légers. Ils ont maintenant 50 ares/vache au lieu de 35 et ont atteint en septembre plus de 90 jours de stock de fourrage sur pied. Ils prévoient de réduire le chargement pour s'adapter à l'environnement de plus en plus sec, pour prolonger la durée de vie de leurs prairies, pour réduire le travail du sol et pour replanter des arbres et des haies vives dans et autour des parcelles. En dépit du contexte économique et climatique, les agriculteurs osent tester des solutions pour réduire les faiblesses de leur système et recherchent des opportunités leur permettant de s'améliorer encore.

The organic farm (currently in conversion) of Catherine Faux is a polyculture farm with suckler cows and ewes regularly grazing together. For 8 years, the strategy has focused on farm autonomy and on short marketing chain. Grassland management is crucial, as is the production of meslin (a mix of straw cereals and legumes sown together, i.e.: wheat, rye, field peas, faba bean). The meslin is often a double-purpose crop (immature forage or grain) that can be harvested after a few months at different stages depending on the climatic conditions of the year and the objectives of the farmer.

The mixed herd allows a more efficient utilisation of grassland and cover crops. Given the advantages of mixed herds, it is recommended to diffuse the information about its advantages.

For grassland management, the recommended approaches concern the use of overseeding to extend the duration of temporary meadows (sod seeding to repair degraded patches in grassland with aggressive varieties such as ryegrass or withe clover). Another innovation is agroforestry to enhance grassland resilience, but also to facilitate rotational grazing as the trees can help the subdivision into paddocks.

The benefits of the on-farm production of meslin are very significant for forage self-sufficiency. Thanks to this crop, the farm is certain to produce enough fodder, either in grains if the climate is favorable, or in silage in case of wet harvest. However, improvements can still be made: to produce the own seeds and to look for other more advantageous mixtures (in order to improve milk or meat yield or to sell a forage surplus on the market).

La ferme biologique (actuellement en conversion) de Catherine Faux est une ferme en polyculture-élevage avec des vaches allaitantes et des brebis qui pâturent ensemble régulièrement. Depuis 8 ans, la stratégie s'est concentrée sur l'autonomie de l'exploitation et sur la commercialisation en circuit court. La gestion des prairies est cruciale, tout comme la production de méteil (mélange de céréales à paille et de légumineuses semées ensemble : blé, seigle, pois des champs, féverole). Le méteil est souvent une culture à double usage (fourrage ou grain immature) qui peut être récoltée après quelques mois à différents stades selon les conditions climatiques de l'année et les objectifs de l'exploitant.

Le troupeau mixte permet une utilisation plus efficace des prairies et des couverts végétaux.

Pour la gestion des prairies, les approches recommandées concernent l'utilisation du sursemis pour prolonger la durée des prairies temporaires (ensemencement des prairies dégradées avec des variétés agressives comme le ray-grass ou le trèfle). Une autre innovation est l'agroforesterie pour améliorer la résilience des prairies, mais aussi pour faciliter le pâturage tournant, car les arbres peuvent aider à la subdivision en parcelles.

Les avantages de la production de méteil à la ferme sont très importants pour l'autosuffisance en fourrage. Grâce à cette culture, l'exploitation est assurée de produire suffisamment de fourrage, soit en céréales si le climat est favorable, soit en ensilage en cas de récolte humide. Cependant, des améliorations peuvent encore être apportées : produire ses propres semences et rechercher d'autres mélanges plus avantageux (amélioration du rendement en lait ou en viande, vente du surplus de fourrage sur le marché).

Seed has become very expensive in the meantime. Therefore, reseeding should be targeted at existing gaps within a sward. The topic of the meeting was the sensor-supported automatic replanting detection, which uses LED light to detect gaps in the grass sward and then controls and distributes the optimum amount of seed.

At the beginning of the meeting, the farmer presented his farm and his grassland management. The farmer is very interested in new techniques to improve his grassland and tries out many new things. Pictures of the sensor and the technology served as information material and as a basis for the discussion, as well as an information folder with all the important tips brought by the Düvelsdorf company. The seeds for the oversowing are sown with a harrow and a prism roller. The advantage is the automatic detection of gaps in the sward and the targeted reseeding. This is how seed can be saved. The disadvantage is the very high cost of the sensor. During the discussion, an experimental plan was worked out to investigate the effectivity of the sensor. The farmers showed interest in testing the sensor on own grasslands with sufficient gaps in the grass sward. Fritzmeier has the advantage of readjusting the sensor and optimizing the control system because the farmer provides important data through the use of the machine.

Saatgut ist inzwischen sehr teuer geworden. Daher sollte die Nachsaat auf bestehende Lücken innerhalb einer Wiese ausgerichtet werden. Thema des Treffens war die sensorgestützte automatische Wiederbepflanzungserkennung, die mit LED-Licht Lücken in der Grasnarbe erkennt und dann die optimale Saatgutmenge steuert und verteilt.

Zu Beginn des Treffens stellte der Landwirt seinen Betrieb und seine Grünlandwirtschaft vor. Der Landwirt ist sehr an neuen Techniken zur Verbesserung seines Grünlandes interessiert und probiert viele neue Dinge aus. Als Informationsmaterial und Diskussionsgrundlage dienten Bilder des Sensors und der Technik sowie eine Informationsmappe mit allen wichtigen Tipps des Düvelsdorfer Unternehmens. Die Samen für die Übersättigung werden mit einer Egge und einer Prismenrolle ausgesät. Der Vorteil ist die automatische Erkennung von Rasenlücken und die gezielte Nachsaat. So kann Saatgut gerettet werden. Der Nachteil sind die sehr hohen Kosten des Sensors. Während der Diskussion wurde ein Versuchsplan ausgearbeitet, um die Wirksamkeit des Sensors zu untersuchen. Die Bauern zeigten Interesse daran, den Sensor auf eigenen Rasenflächen mit ausreichenden Lücken in der Grasnarbe zu testen. Fritzmeier hat den Vorteil, dass der Sensor neu eingestellt und das Steuerungssystem optimiert wird, da der Landwirt durch den Einsatz der Maschine wichtige Daten liefert.

The raw fibre content of Festuca arundinacea is high compared to other grasses, although sampling/harvesting takes place before the generative phase. In field trials, crude fibre contents of more than 26 % DM were found. This led to the question when the crude fibre accumulation begins for Festuca arundinacea.

First results of investigations on the maturity development of Festuca arundinacea show that it already had high crude fibre contents before attaining a development stage suitable for cutting. However, there are variety-specific differences in the degree of maturity. Further evaluations about weather conditions and site characteristics are currently being planned, as these will certainly help to explain these differences. The seed weight proportion of Festuca arundinacea in seed mixtures must be reconsidered. The aim is to find a compromise between the requirements for forage quality and the weight proportion of seed required to ensure the establishment of Tall fescue due to its comparatively low competitive strength.

Advantages: Tall fescue is suitable also for locations that are not suitable for ryegrass, especially in dry weather or on bog sites, with high groundwater levels and flooding.

Disadvantages: The demands on the elasticity in terms of harvest timing will increase in the future as a result of climate change. However, these requirements are inadequately met by the currently available varieties.

Der Rohfasergehalt von Festuca arundinacea ist im Vergleich zu anderen Gräsern hoch, obwohl die Probenahme/Ernte vor der generativen Phase erfolgt. In Feldversuchen wurden Rohfasergehalte von mehr als 26 % TM festgestellt. Dies führte zu der Frage, wann die Rohfaserakkumulation für Festuca arundinacea beginnt.

Erste Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen zur Reifegradentwicklung von Festuca arundinacea zeigen, dass sie bereits hohe Rohfasergehalte hatte, bevor sie eine schneidbare Entwicklungsphase erreichte. Allerdings gibt es sortenspezifische Unterschiede im Reifegrad. Weitere Auswertungen über Wetterbedingungen und Standorteigenschaften sind in Planung, da diese sicherlich helfen werden, diese Unterschiede zu erklären. Der Saatgutgewichtsanteil von Festuca arundinacea in Saatgutmischungen muss überdacht werden. Ziel ist es, einen Kompromiss zwischen den Anforderungen an die Futterqualität und dem Gewichtsanteil des Saatgutes zu finden, der erforderlich ist, um die Etablierung des Großen Schwingel aufgrund seiner vergleichsweise geringen Wettbewerbskraft zu gewährleisten.

Vorteile: Der Hochschwingel eignet sich auch für Standorte, die nicht für Weidelgras geeignet sind, insbesondere bei trockenem Wetter oder auf Moorflächen, mit hohen Grundwasserständen und Überschwemmungen.

Nachteile: Die Anforderungen an die Elastizität in Bezug auf den Erntezeitpunkt werden in Zukunft durch den Klimawandel steigen. Diese Anforderungen werden jedoch von den derzeit verfügbaren Sorten nicht ausreichend erfüllt.

In order to discuss current economic developments and the situation on the dairy market on the one hand and to exchange information about the Irish grazing system and the conditions in the North German pasture region on the other hand, the farmer union brought together different stakeholders. The Irish grazing system is characterized by high pasture productivity potential, low variability in seasonal supply and quality, home produced feed and sustainable and volatile product prices and rising costs.

Economic developments mainly addressed the fact that prices for cheese or butter were stable, whereas prices for milk powder were in a crisis phase due to full stocks. In particular, adaptation options for the Irish grazing system and the requirements that would have to be created for successful implementation in Northern Germany were discussed. What is needed is public relations work and bringing the consumers closer to agriculture. As innovative idea, which is already offered in this year for the first time for cyclists, there is the so-called „milk cow route“. Life-sized steel cows on the road not only show the way, but also provide consumers with a lot of information about milk and agriculture in the form of QR codes. This concept is now to be disseminated more widely, as it is intended to increase awareness of grassland regions and agriculture.

Um einerseits die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die Situation auf dem Milchmarkt zu diskutieren und andererseits Informationen über das irische Weidesystem und die Bedingungen in der norddeutschen Weideregion auszutauschen, brachte der Bauernverband verschiedene Interessengruppen zusammen. Das irische Weidesystem zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Weideproduktivitätspotenzial, geringe Schwankungen des saisonalen Angebots und der Qualität, heimisches Futter und nachhaltige und volatile Produktpreise sowie steigende Kosten aus.

Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung betraf vor allem die Tatsache, dass die Preise für Käse oder Butter stabil waren, während sich die Preise für Milchpulver aufgrund voller Lagerbestände in einer Krisenphase befanden. Insbesondere wurden Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für das irische Weidesystem und die Anforderungen, die für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung in Norddeutschland zu schaffen wären, diskutiert. Was wir brauchen, ist Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und die Annäherung der Verbraucher an die Landwirtschaft. Als innovative Idee, die bereits in diesem Jahr erstmals für Radfahrer angeboten wird, gibt es den sogenannten "Milchkuhweg". Lebensgroße Stahlkühe auf der Straße weisen nicht nur den Weg, sondern versorgen die Verbraucher auch mit vielen Informationen über Milch und Landwirtschaft in Form von QR-Codes. Dieses Konzept soll nun weiter verbreitet werden, da es das Bewusstsein für Grünlandregionen und Landwirtschaft schärfen soll.

Since autumn 2018, the Schwarting/Vos family from Stadland in Lower Saxony have been milking their 130 lactating dairy cows with an automatic milking system - three single milking robots have been installed in the old milking parlour. Nothing out of the ordinary in this day and age. A special feature, however, is that Jörg Schwarting wants to maintain full grazing over the summer despite the change in milking technology. The farmer manages 92 hectares, being exclusively permanent grassland. The cows can graze on 68 hectares. In the region, grazing offers a cost advantage. Together with their milking technician, they looked for a solution. In the end, they decided on a three-way selection. The movement of the cows to the planned grazing area is encouraged by offering them fresh pasture. A so-called ABA model was implemented: in this system, two grazing areas are always used in parallel. This means that at certain times and with certain milking rights, the cows can only walk in the direction of pasture A and, after a certain time and with certain milking rights, in the direction of pasture B. In between there is the stable with the three milking robots. The selection gates controls the path network and the cows. For the cows, the bait is the sure knowledge that fresh, tasty fodder is available after milking on the pasture. In the full grazing system, this is the newly allocated part of the pasture. For the third milking, the cows are lured over the grass silage on the feed alley.

Seit Herbst 2018 melkt die Familie Schwarting/Vos aus dem niedersächsischen Stadland ihre 130 laktierenden Milchkühe mit einem automatischen Melksystem - drei Einzelmelkroboter sind im alten Melkstand installiert. Nichts Ungewöhnliches an diesem Tag und in dieser Zeit. Eine Besonderheit ist jedoch, dass Jörg Schwarting trotz der Umstellung der Melktechnik die Vollweide über den Sommer beibehalten will. Der Landwirt verwaltet 92 Hektar, die ausschließlich Dauergrünland sind. Auf 68 Hektar können die Kühe weiden. In der Region bietet die Beweidung einen Kostenvorteil. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Melktechniker suchten sie nach einer Lösung. Am Ende entschieden sie sich für eine Drei-Wege-Auswahl. Die Bewegung der Kühe auf die geplante Weide wird durch das Angebot von frischem Weideland gefördert. Es wurde ein sogenanntes ABA-Modell implementiert: In diesem System werden immer zwei Weideflächen parallel genutzt. Das bedeutet, dass die Kühe zu bestimmten Zeiten und mit bestimmten Melkrechten nur in Richtung Weide A und nach einer bestimmten Zeit und mit bestimmten Melkrechten in Richtung Weide B gehen können. Dazwischen befindet sich der Stall mit den drei Melkrobotern. Die Auswahltore steuern das Wegenetz und die Kühe. Für die Kühe ist der Köder das sichere Wissen, dass nach dem Melken auf der Weide frisches, leckeres Futter zur Verfügung steht. Im Vollweidesystem ist dies der neu zugeordnete Teil der Weide. Für das dritte Melken werden die Kühe über die Grassilage auf der Futterbahn angelockt.

In South Sardinia (Italy), a sheep farmer replaced a part of the surface devoted to annual crops with self-reseeding pasture legumes. His aim was to increase the forage availability and quality during spring, when grasses dry up, and to avoid ploughing of his shallow soils. The presence of acidic soils does not allow the use of lucerne. The farmer chose to test several innovative legumes (Trifolium michelianum, T. incarnatum, T. subterraneum, Ornithopus sativus and Medica polymorpha) in mixtures with cereals or grasses.

Some positive aspects associated to the sowing of these species were:

- Soil characteristics: higher carrying capacity during rainy periods, control of erosion, higher N content, no tillage in sloping soils

- Higher biodiversity

- Flexible agronomic decisions: mixtures can be based on legume seeds with different hardseededness, with a positive impact on pasture establishment and persistence

- Animal production and products: higher yields, improved quality

Nonetheless, several critical points need attention:

- Weeds management in the year of establishment. It is important to mow residues after grazing, manage grazing to avoid a different grazing pressure on the grassland species by sheep and increase legume seed bank, stopping grazing at the early-flowering phase of legumes

- Mixtures need to be composed by adapted species, chosen on the basis of type of soil, grassland use and precipitation levels

- Possible accumulation of parasites in self-reseeded grasslands after years.

To adopt successfully self-reseeding annual pastures in other farms, the farmer recommends to establish self-reseeded grasslands in soils with a poor natural seed bank and to look for technical assistance by the local extension service.

Nel Sud della Sardegna (Italia), un allevatore di ovini da latte ha introdotto le leguminose da pascolo auto-riseminanti, con lo scopo di aumentare la disponibilità foraggera e migliorare la qualità del pascolo durante la primavera e di evitare le arature nei suoli poco profondi.

L’allevatore ha testato diverse specie di leguminose adatte ai suoli acidi aziendali (Trifolium michelianum, T. incarnatum, T. subterraneum, Ornithopus sativus, Medica polymorpha), in miscuglio con cereali o graminacee.

L’uso di queste specie ha mostrato diversi vantaggi:

• Maggiore portanza del suolo nei periodi piovosi, controllo dell’erosione, più azoto disponibile;

• Aumentata biodiversità;

• Flessibilità nella composizione dei miscugli, che possono comprendere semi a diverso grado di durezza, con un impatto positivo sull’insediamento del pascolo e sulla sua persistenza;

• Maggiori produzioni animali e migliorata qualità.

Tuttavia, occorre tenere conto di alcuni aspetti critici:

• Gestione delle infestanti nell’anno di insediamento. È necessario sfalciare i residui non pascolati ed evitare che le pecore effettuino una differente pressione selettiva sulle diverse specie presenti.

• I miscugli devono essere composti da specie adatte al tipo di suolo, al tipo di utilizzo del pascolo e alla pluviometria annuale e stagionale;

• Con gli anni, i parassiti si accumulano nei pascoli auto-riseminati.

Per adottare con successo le specie autoriseminanti, è consigliabile per gli altri allevatori di effettuare la coltivazione preferibilmente in suoli con una banca di seme naturale povera, e di rivolgersi all’assistenza tecnica per garantirsi il successo all’impianto.

The new regulations of the German Fertiliser Ordinance mean that the use of farm fertilisers is becoming more important. The declaration of goods (labelling) is becoming important for donors/importers to comply with the provisions of the Fertiliser Ordinance in addition to the other requirements. The procedures for recycling or upcycling of farm fertilisers are manifold; it remains to be seen whether these procedures can already be implemented in practice and which requirements must be met.

Based on the example of the Witte plant (upgrading manure through composting), related to readiness for marketing, economic efficiency, legal framework conditions and robustness of the composting technology, this technology was thoroughly examined. In addition to the strengths and weaknesses of the method, opportunities and implementation were discussed. The Witte plant as a technology was assessed as innovative, but to solve the entire problem of fertiliser surplus in some regions of Germany by means of this approach was regarded as an impossible task. The Witte plant can be one of many solutions and is rather a partial solution of the whole problem.

The main risks are costs for logistics, registrations, absorption limits and the formulation of the definition of fertiliser, waste or soil. The entire value chain could benefit from these solutions. All parties involved agreed on this and continue to see many adjusting screws for the reduction of nutrient inputs in the future.

For further work, additional expertise is needed. Since there cannot be a single solution for this general problem, support of additional experts, practitioners and politicians is needed.

Mit den neuen Regelungen der Düngemittelverordnung gewinnt der Einsatz von Wirtschaftsdünger an Bedeutung. Die Warendeklaration (Kennzeichnung) wird für Geber/Importeure immer wichtiger, um neben den anderen Anforderungen auch die Bestimmungen der Düngemittelverordnung einzuhalten. Die Verfahren für das Recycling oder die Verwertung von landwirtschaftlichen Düngemitteln sind vielfältig; es bleibt abzuwarten, ob diese Verfahren bereits in der Praxis umgesetzt werden können und welche Anforderungen erfüllt sein müssen.

Am Beispiel der Anlage Witte (Aufwertung von Gülle durch Kompostierung), bezogen auf Marktreife, Wirtschaftlichkeit, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Robustheit der Kompostiertechnik, wurde diese Technologie gründlich untersucht. Neben den Stärken und Schwächen der Methode wurden auch die Chancen und die Umsetzung diskutiert. Die Anlage Witte als Technologie wurde als innovativ bewertet, aber die Lösung des gesamten Problems des Düngemittelüberschusses in einigen Regionen Deutschlands mit diesem Ansatz wurde als unmögliche Aufgabe angesehen. Das Werk Witte kann eine von vielen Lösungen sein, bleibt aber eine Teillösung des gesamten Problems.

Die Hauptrisiken sind Kosten für Logistik, Registrierungen, Absorptionsgrenzen und die Formulierung der Definition von Düngemittel, Abfall oder Boden. Von diesen Lösungen könnte die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette profitieren. Darin waren sich alle Beteiligten einig und sehen auch in Zukunft viele Stellschrauben zur Reduzierung des Nährstoffeintrags.

Für die weitere Arbeit ist zusätzliches Fachwissen erforderlich.

There is a decreasing demand from the practice for dairy cattle bred for roughage intake, with different targets for grazing and indoor housing. Therefore, the Grassland Centre has taken up the discussion together with the Advisory Service of Wesermarsch. From the point of view of the grassland farmers, there is currently a confusing use of different breeding types in contrast with the original breed goal. In addition, the breeding organizations made similar observations.

There are some challenges for grassland farmers practicing grazing management: the transition from winter to summer ration and vice versa; a loss of Body Condition Score and milk yield. Another challenge is to keep the drive paths in good condition and to make the best out of the location factor (marsh and peat soil, udder and claw health). Other points are the calculation of the feed ration with grass, pasture, maize and concentrate feed and the aspect that fodder conservation is needed. Further, a good herd management and thoughts about the feeding- and milking regime are necessary. There are risks like parasites, acidosis, urea-, protein- and fat content, which are more difficult to manage in the pasture than in the stable. Thoughts about investments (whether for the stable or for the pasture) and extreme weather conditions need to be done.

The breeding associations point out that the farmers should set their breeding goals and present them to breeding organisations.

Die Nachfrage aus der Praxis nach Milchvieh, das für die Raufutteraufnahme gezüchtet wird, nimmt ab, mit unterschiedlichen Zielen für die Beweidung und den Innenausbau. Deshalb hat das Grasland-Zentrum die Diskussion gemeinsam mit der Beratungsstelle der Wesermarsch aufgenommen. Aus Sicht der Grünlandbauern gibt es derzeit eine verwirrende Verwendung verschiedener Zuchttypen im Gegensatz zum ursprünglichen Rassenziel. Darüber hinaus machten die Zuchtorganisationen ähnliche Beobachtungen.

Für Grünlandbauern, die Weidemanagement betreiben, gibt es einige Herausforderungen: den Übergang von der Winter- zur Sommerration und umgekehrt; ein Verlust an Body Condition Score und Milchertrag. Eine weitere Herausforderung ist es, die Fahrwege in gutem Zustand zu halten und das Beste aus dem Standortfaktor (Sumpf- und Torfboden, Euter- und Klauengesundheit) herauszuholen. Weitere Punkte sind die Berechnung der Futterration mit Gras-, Weide-, Mais- und Kraftfutter und der Aspekt, dass Futterkonservierung erforderlich ist. Weiterhin sind ein gutes Herdenmanagement und Überlegungen über das Fütterungs- und Melkregime notwendig. Es gibt Risiken wie Parasiten, Azidose, Harnstoff-, Protein- und Fettgehalt, die auf der Weide schwieriger zu kontrollieren sind als im Stall. Überlegungen zu Investitionen (ob für den Stall oder für die Weide) und extremen Wetterbedingungen müssen angestellt werden.

Die Zuchtverbände weisen darauf hin, dass die Bauern ihre Zuchtziele festlegen und den Zuchtorganisationen vorstellen sollten.

The fact that almost one out of three dairy farms in Lower Saxony no longer allows its animals to graze at all, points out the importance of the type of husbandry in the barn. Therefore, the effects of different system on the animals, the environment, consumers and farmers' purses have been studied in the project "System Analysis Milk” and discussed with practitioners and other actors from the industry.

The results show that pasture had a positive effect on the welfare and health of the cows. As the number of grazing hours increased, there were fewer lame animals and animals with hairless spots. Without grazing, more lame cows were counted than in systems with grazing. In the winter months, farms with year-round stable farming and grazing farms performed equally well. The grazing farms had weaknesses in feeding. The average body condition score of dairy cows was too low during the grazing season. The milk yield was higher in farms without grazing (approx. + 1,000 kg per cow). An optimal number of grazing hours could not be determined. Dairy cows need a very good pasture management to adapt to the variability of the feed supply. If this is the case, they have good conditions on the pasture to keep themselves healthy. However, since also grazing cows spend the winter in the stables, there were hardly any differences between grazing and non-grazing farms at the end of the winter season. The pasture in summer cannot compensate a "bad" stable in the winter! Grazing cows must be offered an animal-friendly barn during winter.

Die Tatsache, dass fast jeder dritte niedersächsische Milchviehbetrieb seine Tiere überhaupt nicht mehr weiden lässt, verdeutlicht die Bedeutung der Art der Haltung im Stall. Daher wurden die Auswirkungen des unterschiedlichen Systems auf die Tiere, die Umwelt, die Verbraucher und die Geldbörsen der Bauern im Projekt "Systemanalyse Milch" untersucht und mit Praktikern und anderen Akteuren aus der Industrie diskutiert.

Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Weide positiv auf das Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit der Kühe auswirkt. Mit zunehmender Anzahl der Weidestunden gab es weniger lahme Tiere und Tiere mit haarlosen Flecken. Ohne Beweidung wurden mehr lahme Kühe gezählt als in Systemen mit Beweidung. In den Wintermonaten entwickelten sich die Betriebe mit ganzjähriger Stall- und Weidebetrieb gleichermaßen gut. Die Weideflächen hatten Schwächen in der Fütterung. Der durchschnittliche Körperzustand der Milchkühe war während der Weidesaison zu niedrig. In weidefreien Betrieben war die Milchleistung höher (ca. + 1.000 kg pro Kuh). Eine optimale Anzahl von Weidestunden konnte nicht ermittelt werden. Milchkühe benötigen ein sehr gutes Weidemanagement, um sich an die Variabilität der Futterversorgung anzupassen. In diesem Fall haben sie gute Bedingungen auf der Weide, um sich gesund zu halten. Da aber auch grasende Kühe den Winter in den Ställen verbringen, gab es am Ende der Wintersaison kaum Unterschiede zwischen grasenden und nicht grasenden Betrieben. Die Weide im Sommer kann einen "schlechten" Stall im Winter nicht ausgleichen! Weidekühen muss im Winter ein tierfreundlicher Stall angeboten werden.

The Holthusen farm has 220 dairy cows on pasture from April to October and starts grazing with pre-grazing heights of 5 to 6 cm. Due to difficult weather conditions in autumn 2017 and summer 2018, the farm had in the same year a great forage shortage of conserved forage and fresh grass on pasture. The cows lost more body condition over the grazing season as usual and the milk fat decreased. A group of Irish and German farmers analysed the farms strengths and weaknesses based on the feed shortage and gave suggestions directly to the farmer.

As strengths, enough area on the milking platform for 24 h grazing, calf health, good building conditions and the dense sward on the peat soil were mentioned. Unfortunately, dairy cows that calf in late summer lost more body condition compared to cows that calf in spring. There are not enough feed spaces in the shed, which affects higher stress level for young heifers and can mean a loss of body condition. A low grass regrowth rate can be the result of the short pre-grazing height. The shallow rooting system means also a high risk for grass under dry conditions. The unfavourable breed for grazing was listed as a further weakness.

Improvement strategies were identified: to switch to a two-block seasonal calving in early spring and late autumn as a smooth cross-over to a spring calving herd and to increase the use of cross-breeds. Further improvement strategies were to increase artificial insemination instead of using bulls for the first try and to build more feeding spaces.

Der Holthusen Bauernhof hat von April bis Oktober 220 Milchkühe auf der Weide und beginnt mit Weidehöhen von 5 bis 6 cm. Aufgrund der schwierigen Wetterbedingungen im Herbst 2017 und Sommer 2018 hatte der Betrieb im selben Jahr einen großen Futtermangel an konserviertem Futter und frischem Gras auf der Weide. Die Kühe verloren über die Weidesaison wie gewohnt mehr Kondition und das Milchfett nahm ab. Eine Gruppe irischer und deutscher Landwirte analysierte die Stärken und Schwächen des Betriebes aufgrund der Futterknappheit und gab dem Landwirt direkt Vorschläge.

Als Stärken wurden genügend Fläche für 24 h Beweidung, Kälbergesundheit, gute Gebäudebedingungen und die dichte Grasnarbe auf dem Torfboden genannt. Leider verloren Milchkühe, die im Spätsommer ein Kalb bekamen, mehr Körperkondition als Kühe, die im Frühjahr ein Kalb bekamen. Es gibt nicht genügend Futterplätze im Stall, was sich auf das höhere Stressniveau für junge Färsen auswirkt und zu einem Verlust der körperlichen Verfassung führen kann. Eine geringe Nachwachsrate des Grases kann das Ergebnis der kurzen Rasenweide sein. Das flache Wurzelsystem bedeutet auch ein hohes Risiko für Gras unter trockenen Bedingungen. Die ungünstige Rasse für die Beweidung wurde als weitere Schwäche aufgeführt.

Es wurden Verbesserungsstrategien identifiziert: Umstellung auf eine saisonale Zweiblockkalbung im frühen Frühjahr und Spätherbst als reibungsloser Übergang zu einer frühlingskalbenden Herde und verstärkte Verwendung von Kreuzungstieren. Weitere Verbesserungsstrategien waren die Erhöhung der künstlichen Besamung anstelle von Bullen für den ersten Versuch und der Bau von mehr Futterplätzen.

In Germany and South Tyrol, it is not common to measure grass growth on pastures weekly. Many farmers estimate their grass growth by eye. This is because the benefit of measuring is not obvious for many farmers. In addition, there are no equations for Northern German conditions, which are needed for measuring grass with tools like Rising Plate Meter or “Grasshopper”.

Three pilot farms in Northern Germany determined the grass growth with simple grass shears once a week during the last grazing season. One of the farmers talked about his experiences in the frame of the cross-visit of LRC (Laimburg Research Center). The farmer mentioned that measuring grass was trained and that he corrected his measuring with his eyes. It is important to determine the grass growth in kg DM/ha rather than centimetres. The data is a strong and objective basis for decision-making on pasture and in the shed. Information about grass growth is necessary for quantitative specifying of supplementary feeding in the shed. Furthermore, the farmer gets a good overview on temporal grass development. Trends can be quickly identified, so that management adjustments can be made.

As disadvantages, he mentioned a high expenditure of time for manual measurement tools (shears, manual Plate Meter). Data need to be transmitted in a database, which is only available in English language. Digital tools as a digital Rising Plate Meter or Grasshopper would mean higher costs. Based on the disadvantages, farmers from South Tyrol explained that there is no understanding or acceptance of colleague farmers for the measurements.

In Deutschland und Südtirol ist es nicht üblich, das Graswachstum auf Weiden wöchentlich zu messen. Viele Bauern schätzen ihr Graswachstum mit dem Auge, denn der Nutzen der Messung ist für viele Landwirte nicht offensichtlich. Außerdem gibt es keine Gleichungen für norddeutsche Verhältnisse, die für die Messung von Gras mit Werkzeugen wie Rising Plate Meter oder "Grasshopper" benötigt werden.

Drei Pilotbetriebe in Norddeutschland bestimmten in der letzten Weidesaison einmal pro Woche das Graswachstum mit einfachen Grasscheren. Einer der Bauern sprach über seine Erfahrungen im Rahmen des Cross-Besuchs von LRC (Laimburg Research Center). Der Landwirt erwähnte, dass das Messen von Gras trainiert wurde und dass er seine Messung mit den Augen korrigierte. Es ist wichtig, das Graswachstum in kg TM/ha und nicht in Zentimetern zu bestimmen. Die Daten sind eine solide und objektive Grundlage für die Entscheidungsfindung auf der Weide und im Stall. Informationen über das Graswachstum sind notwendig für die quantitative Festlegung der Ergänzungsfuttermittel im Stall. Außerdem erhält der Landwirt einen guten Überblick über die zeitliche Entwicklung des Grases. Trends können schnell erkannt werden, so dass Managementanpassungen vorgenommen werden können.

Als Nachteile nannte er einen hohen Zeitaufwand für manuelle Messgeräte (Schere, manuelles Plattenmessgerät). Die Daten müssen in einer Datenbank übertragen werden, die derzeit nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar ist. Digitale Werkzeuge wie ein digitales Plattenmessgerät würden höhere Kosten bedeuten. Anhand der Nachteile erklärten die Südtiroler Bauern, dass es kein Verständnis oder keine Akzeptanz der Kollegen für die Messungen gibt.

The objectives are clearly defined - to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural peat soils and to improve the economic situation of farms. In two model regions, representatives from agriculture, the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture, Science and the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) have been working on solutions for some time. As a result, sites with peat soils are irrigated by damming water ditches or by underfloor irrigation using drainage systems. Underground irrigation, a new method developed in the Netherlands, is used to channel water from ditches into the areas via drainpipes. All actors agree that adapted irrigation can reduce high losses and secure production. The water management is good for the image, helps to maintain the rural areas and to fight mice.

However, the opportunities are countered by fears on the part of farmers. For grazing on irrigated moorland, lower water levels are necessary. In addition, they fear about high water, about higher building costs and that irrigation could become more complex and increase the nature conservation interest in the areas and thus restrict the cultivation possibilities of the areas. The terrain is uneven, which is why adaptions to harvesting technology need to be done.

While it is still too early for concrete solutions from the projects running until 2019 and 2020, respectively, underground irrigation is already emerging as a promising method of doing justice to agriculture and climate protection. The ongoing measurements of greenhouse gas emissions are also invaluable.

Die Ziele sind klar definiert - die Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen aus landwirtschaftlichen Torfböden und die Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Situation der Betriebe. In zwei Modellregionen arbeiten Vertreter der Landwirtschaft, der Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen und des Landesamtes für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG) seit einiger Zeit an Lösungen. So werden Standorte mit Torfböden durch Stauwassergräben oder durch Unterbodenbewässerung mit Drainagesystemen bewässert. Mit der in den Niederlanden entwickelten neuen Methode der Unterflurbewässerung wird das Wasser aus Gräben über Abflussrohre in die Gebiete geleitet. Alle Beteiligten sind sich einig, dass eine angepasste Bewässerung hohe Verluste reduzieren und die Produktion sichern kann. Die Wasserwirtschaft ist gut für das Image, hilft bei der Erhaltung der ländlichen Gebiete und bei der Bekämpfung von Mäusen.

Den Chancen stehen jedoch Ängste der Landwirte gegenüber. Für die Beweidung auf bewässerten Mooren sind niedrigere Wasserstände erforderlich. Darüber hinaus fürchten sie sich vor Hochwasser, vor höheren Baukosten und der Tatsache, dass die Bewässerung komplexer werden könnte und das Naturschutzinteresse an den Gebieten erhöht und damit die Anbaumöglichkeiten der Flächen eingeschränkt werden. Das Gelände ist uneben, weshalb Anpassungen an die Erntetechnik vorgenommen werden müssen.

Für konkrete Lösungen aus den bis 2019 bzw. 2020 laufenden Projekten ist es zwar noch zu früh, aber die Unterflurbewässerung entwickelt sich bereits zu einer vielversprechenden Methode, um Landwirtschaft und Klimaschutz gerecht zu werden. Auch die laufenden Messungen der Treibhausgasemissionen sind von unschätzbarem Wert.

Twenty-seven farmers and advisors from North Germany travelled according to the topic “The Irish way of grazing” to several commercial and research farms in Ireland. At the end of the journey, the participants compared based on a strengths and weaknesses- analysis the grazing systems in Ireland with the common system in Northern Germany.

In Ireland, grazing management is part of agricultural education. There are offers for discussion groups to have an exchange with other farmers and advisory services too. They manage their grazing with tools and systems based on their growth rate data. Their system is less vulnerable to dairy crises and less dependent on protein feed imports. On the other hand, the indoor animal welfare standard and biodiversity level are lower than in Germany. The Irish dairy market is very dependent on export because of low variety of production branches on the farm.

In Germany, buildings are in good condition and high quality silage is produced. The standards to control animal welfare and to control food are also high. German farms often have diverse production systems like agritourism as an additional production branches. However, there is a limited knowledge about grazing because the agricultural education does not focus on it. There is not much information about different grazing systems and not a big market for grazing equipment like measurement tools and no system to analyse growth data. The high standard of buildings and technologies means high investment costs and thus strong economic vulnerability during crises times.

Siebenundzwanzig Landwirte und Berater aus Norddeutschland reisten zum Thema "The Irish Way of Grazing" zu mehreren Landwirtschafts- und Forschungsbetrieben in Irland. Am Ende der Reise verglichen die Teilnehmer anhand einer Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse die Weidesysteme in Irland mit dem gemeinsamen System in Norddeutschland.

In Irland ist die Weidewirtschaft Teil der landwirtschaftlichen Ausbildung. Es gibt Angebote für Diskussionsgruppen, sich mit anderen Landwirten auszutauschen und auch Beratungsdienste. Sie verwalten ihre Beweidung mit Werkzeugen und Systemen, die auf ihren Wachstumsdaten basieren. Ihr System ist weniger anfällig für Milchkrisen und weniger abhängig von Proteinfutterimporten. Andererseits sind der Tierschutzstandard in Innenräumen und das Niveau der Biodiversität niedriger als in Deutschland. Der irische Milchmarkt ist aufgrund der geringen Vielfalt der Produktionszweige auf dem Betrieb stark vom Export abhängig.

In Deutschland sind die Gebäude in gutem Zustand und es wird hochwertiges Silage produziert. Auch die Standards für die Kontrolle des Tierschutzes und der Lebensmittel sind hoch. Deutsche Bauernhöfe verfügen oft über unterschiedliche Produktionssysteme wie den Agritourismus als zusätzliche Produktionszweig. Das Wissen über den Weidegang ist jedoch begrenzt, da sich die landwirtschaftliche Ausbildung nicht darauf konzentriert. Es gibt nicht viele Informationen über verschiedene Weidesysteme und keinen großen Markt für Weideanlagen wie Messgeräte und kein System zur Analyse von Wachstumsdaten. Der hohe Standard von Gebäuden und Technologien bedeutet hohe Investitionskosten und damit eine starke wirtschaftliche Verwundbarkeit in Krisenzeiten.

Due to difficult weather conditions in spring and autumn, especially in 2018, it was necessary for pasture farmers to have good roadways to expand the grazing season into late autumn because of a great shortage of forage. The Hanken farm is on peat soil and relies on good roadways. The two herds get access to pasture over two main roads with different subsoils. The group discussed about advantages and disadvantages of different subsoils:

- Concrete roads are durable and usable for bigger machineries but need to be checked for small cracks and loose stones, which can get stuck in the cow’s hoof.

- Old thick rubber mats from the railway crossings are durable, soft ground is good for the hoof’s health, cows prefer to walk on mats than on concrete roads.

- Geotextile as underground is needed for construction of roadways on peat soils/high-organic matter soils.

The farmer was inspired by his Ireland trip last spring and built a typical Irish roadway with different layers of material on peat soil. Since some construction material is unavailable in Germany, he used the diameter specification from Ireland for the different layers.

- Irish roadway with German material on peat soils can be easily created

- Topsoil should not be removed on peat soil

- Geotextile should be put underneath

- Slope must be ensured that water can drain off to the side

- Dust-like material should be used for the top layer, because it hardens quickly under good weather conditions

Aufgrund der schwierigen Witterungsbedingungen im Frühjahr und Herbst, insbesondere 2018, war es für die Weidebauern aufgrund des großen Futtermangels notwendig, über gute Treibewege zu verfügen, um die Weidesaison bis in den Spätherbst hinein auszudehnen. Der Bauernhof Hanken liegt auf Torfboden und verfügt über gute Treibewege. Über zwei Hauptwege mit unterschiedlichem Untergrund erhalten die beiden Herden Zugang zur Weide. Die Gruppe diskutierte über Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Untergründe:

- Betonstraßen sind langlebig und für größere Maschinen geeignet, müssen aber auf kleine Risse und lose Steine überprüft werden, die im Huf der Kuh stecken bleiben können.

- Alte dicke Gummimatten von den Bahnübergängen sind langlebig, weicher Boden ist gut für die Gesundheit des Hufes, Kühe gehen lieber auf Matten als auf Betonstraßen.

- Geotextilien als Untergrund werden für den Bau von Fahrbahnen auf Moorböden/Hochorganischen Böden benötigt.

Der Landwirt ließ sich von seiner Irlandreise im vergangenen Frühjahr inspirieren und baute eine typisch irische Fahrbahn mit verschiedenen Materialschichten auf Torfboden. Da in Deutschland ein Teil des Baumaterials nicht verfügbar ist, verwendete er für die verschiedenen Schichten die Durchmesserspezifikation aus Irland.

- Irische Fahrbahn mit deutschem Material auf Torfböden kann leicht erstellt werden.

- Oberboden sollte auf Torfboden nicht entfernt werden.

- Geotextil sollte darunter verlegt werden.

- Es ist darauf zu achten, dass das Wasser seitlich abfließen kann.

- Für die Deckschicht sollte staubförmiges Material verwendet werden, da es bei guten Wetterbedingungen schnell aushärtet.

The cooperative "Marguerite Happy Cow" is existing since 2015 and brings together regional dairy farmers and processors. About 10 dairy farmers are involved for a production of about 4 million litres milk per year, next to one feed supplier and two cheese factories. The different actors of the sector must respect a precise set of specifications, which aim is to produce a differentiated-quality milk, based on grass and on local production. Another goal is to give the producers a fair income for this quality.

From now on, consumers are also allowed to take part into the co-op. The discussion brought these following pros and cons up:

Benefits for the farmer:

• Better well-being of the cows thanks to a diet mainly based on grazed grass in pastures and guaranteed without GMO

• Reduced ecological footprint due to local livestock feed and geographical proximity of different stakeholders in the industry

• Promoting family farming on a human scale and local jobs that cannot be relocated

• Requirements specifications are realistic and adaptable to the farm without too many investments

• Creation of a connection between producer and consumer, allowing discussion between them

• The milk price is less volatile than the milk price on international markets

• A premium is being paid to the farmers for delivering their milk to the co-op

Disadvantages for the farmer:

• Obligation to buy the concentrates from one specific feed supplier

• Difficult management of milk urea content during summer, due to the almost exclusively grass-based diet

La coopérative "Marguerite Happy Cow" existe depuis 2015 et regroupe des producteurs laitiers et des transformateurs régionaux. Une dizaine de producteurs laitiers sont impliqués dans une production d'environ 4 millions de litres de lait par an, à côté d'un vendeur d'aliments et de deux fromageries. Les différents acteurs de la filière doivent respecter un cahier des charges précis dont l'objectif est de produire un lait de qualité différenciée, basé sur l'herbe et la production locale. Un autre objectif est d’assurer un revenu équitable aux producteurs pour cette qualité.

Désormais, les consommateurs peuvent également participer à la coopérative. L’analyse du système a fait ressortir les avantages et les inconvénients suivants :

Avantages pour l'agriculteur :

- Meilleur bien-être des vaches grâce à une alimentation principalement à base d'herbe pâturée en prairie et garantie sans OGM

- Empreinte écologique réduite grâce à l'alimentation animale d’origine locale et à la proximité géographique des différents acteurs de l'industrie

- Promouvoir l'agriculture familiale à taille humaine et les emplois locaux non délocalisables

- Le cahier des charges est réaliste et adaptable à l'exploitation sans trop d'investissements

- Création d'un lien entre le producteur et le consommateur, permettant la discussion entre eux

- Le prix du lait est moins volatil que le prix du lait sur les marchés internationaux

- Une prime est versée aux agriculteurs pour la livraison de leur lait à la coopérative

Inconvénients pour l'agriculteur :

- Obligation d'acheter les concentrés à un fournisseur spécifique d'aliments

- Gestion difficile de la teneur en urée du lait pendant l'été en raison de l'alimentation presque exclusivement à base d'herbe

Since keeping dairy cattle on the very steep grassland of the 8.5 ha farm was no longer profitable, Helmut Grossgasteiger decided in 2006 to change the management. With only low investments, he converted his parents' cow tie stall into a loose housing and introduced organic farming with grazing goats to reduce the workload. Since the sale of goat milk was difficult, he decided to refine the milk on the farm and set up a farm cheese dairy.

The about 70 dairy goats of the ‘Weiße Deutsche Edelziege’-breed graze from mid-April to the end of October on the steep, 4.5-hectare pasture, which is also mown once per year. The grazing form is a continuous variable stocking. The remaining grassland is used as a meadow with 2-3 cuts per year. In addition to grass and hay from the farm grassland, the goats receive 400 g of a grain mixture daily. The seasonal lambing in spring leads to a reduction in the amount of work required in the winter months and thus enables the family to take time out and relax.

In the farm cheese dairy, 30,000 l of milk are processed annually and completely refined into cheese. The seasonally available products are marketed to local gastronomy, resellers and in the farm shop.

The prerequisites for grazing are the presence of contiguous grazing areas close to the farm and a learning phase concerning how to manage the animals and the pasture. Especially in the first few years, periodical overseeding is necessary to promote the transformation of meadows into pastures with a dense sward. Since the goats are exposed to high parasite pressure due to grazing, regular deworming is necessary.

Da die Milchviehhaltung auf dem sehr steilen Grasland des 8,5 ha großen Betriebes nicht mehr rentabel war, beschloss Helmut Grossgasteiger 2006 umzustellen. Mit nur geringen Investitionen baute er den Kuhstall seiner Eltern in eine lockere Unterkunft um und führte den ökologischen Landbau mit Weideziegen ein, um die Arbeitsbelastung zu reduzieren. Da der Verkauf von Ziegenmilch schwierig war, beschloss er, die Milch auf dem Bauernhof zu veredeln und eine landwirtschaftliche Käserei zu gründen.

Von Mitte April bis Ende Oktober weiden die rund 70 Milchziegen der Weißen Deutschen Edelziege auf der steilen, 4,5 Hektar großen Weide, die ebenfalls einmal im Jahr gemäht wird. Die Weideform ist dabei eine variable Standweide. Das restliche Grünland des Betriebes wird als Wiese mit 2-3 Schnitten pro Jahr genutzt. Neben Gras und Heu vom hofeigenen Grünland erhalten die Ziegen täglich 400 g/Tier einer Getreidemischung. Die saisonale Lammarbeit im Frühjahr führt zu einer Reduzierung des Arbeitsaufwands in den Wintermonaten und ermöglicht es der Familie, sich eine Auszeit zu nehmen und zu entspannen.

In der Hofkäserei werden jährlich 30.000 l Milch verarbeitet und vollständig zu Käse veredelt. Die saisonal verfügbaren Produkte werden an die lokale Gastronomie, Wiederverkäufer und im Hofladen vermarktet.

Voraussetzung für die Beweidung sind das Vorhandensein von zusammenhängenden Weideflächen in der Nähe des Betriebs und eine Lernphase über den Umgang mit den Tieren und der Weide. Gerade in den ersten Jahren ist eine regelmäßige Überwachung notwendig, um die Umwandlung von Wiesen in Weiden mit dichter Grasnarbe zu fördern.

In Emilia-Romagna Region, in Reggio Emilia Province, a farmer decided to modernize his farm management through a very innovative idea in the context of the Italian peninsula. His herd is composed of mainly Modenese breed, an autochthonous breed with a remarkable attitude for dairy. The ratio of proteins and fats in milk is 1:1, very important to produce Parmigiano reggiano di sola Modenese, moreover it has high levels of fatty acids. The 70 hectares grassland are managed by rotational grazing. The grass/legume species used to establish it are those commonly used in the area. Of the total surface, 30 ha are dedicated to mowed permanent grasslands, with Medicago sativa, Dactylis glomerata and Trifolium repens. The remaining 40 ha are grazed and are composed of Trifolium repens, Festuca arundinacea and Dactylis glomerata. The grazing area is overseeded every two years. The innovation concerns the utilization of a mobile milking parlour, used for lactating cows directly on the grazing area. This tool makes it possible to milk cows without moving them to a traditional milking parlour and to allow them to graze freely in the paddock. Each time the area is grazed according to the expected livestock density, the farmer simply moves the fences to create a new paddock and the mobile milking parlour is moved. Other advantages generated by this innovation are the easier milking management, which is carried out directly in the field, the easier cleaning of the mobile parlour and less udder problems (somatic cells, mastitis, etc.).

In Emilia-Romagna, nella Provincia di Reggio-Emilia un allevatore ha deciso di ammodernare la gestione aziendale attraverso un’idea molto innovativa per quanto riguarda la penisola italiana. La mandria è composta prevalentemente da Modenesi, una razza autoctona locale con una spiccata attitudine alla produzione di latte. Il pascolo è turnato su una superficie di 70 ha. Le specie utilizzate per la realizzazione di questo pascolo polifitico sono tra quelle comunemente utilizzate nella zona. Della superficie totale, 30 ha sono dedicati a prati permanenti destinati allo sfalcio con Medicago sativa e Trifolium repens mentre i restanti 40 ha sono destinati al pascolo e composti da Trifolium repens, Festuca arundinacea e Dactylis glomerata. La porzione di prato destinata al pascolamento viene sovrasseminata ogni 2 anni. L’importante innovazione riguarda l’utilizzo di una giostra mobile per la mungitura, usata con le vacche in lattazione direttamente sul pascolo. Questo strumento permette quindi di mungere le vacche senza necessariamente riportarle in sala mungitura, ma lasciandole libere di pascolare nell’area destinata. Ogni volta che la superficie viene pascolata secondo il carico bestiame previsto, per l’allevatore è sufficiente spostare i recinti per creare un nuovo paddock, a seconda del fabbisogno della mandria, e spostare anche la giostra di mungitura. Ulteriori vantaggi realizzati da questa innovazione riguardano la gestione e le operazioni di pulizia che sono rese più semplici.

In Lombardy, in the Franciacorta area, the farmer has decided to breed his Hereford cattle with a rearing system, which is very innovative in that region. The “Il Colmetto” farm, in Brescia Province, has a herd of 20 cows, 10 calves and 5 heifers. Rearing is semi-wild with the possibility to get into a shade windbreaks shelter, thus allowing great freedom to the herd. The grazing area comprises 200 hectares of permanent grassland managed with some of the most common species in that region, including Lolium perenne, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis, Trifolium repens. During the whole spring season, the animals feed themselves exclusively by grazing, while in winter they are given a hay mixture composed by grasses and legumes. The hay mixture is obtained from those parts of the grassland areas that are not grazed. Mobile paddocks are used to mark the grazing area, using electrified mobile fences. These can be easily moved when necessary, depending on the expected stocking rate. The estimated required area is about 1 hectare per week that the herd consumes freely. Another very important aspect concerns the breed purity maintenance: the breeder decided to use only artificial insemination to preserve all breed characteristics. During the heat period, cows are moved in a dedicated paddock to allow the artificial insemination. Breed management is based on suckler cows, with the milk being just used for calf needs. The meat is sold directly in the farm shop and, in part, cooked and served at the “Il Colmetto” farmhouse.

In Lombardia, nella zona della Franciacorta, un allevatore ha deciso di allevare la sua mandria di Hereford in modo innovativo per l’area in questione. La fattoria Il Colmetto (BS), ha una mandria composta da 20 vacche, 10 vitelli e 5 manze. L’allevamento è semibrado, gli animali, all’occorrenza, possono recarsi in un ricovero composto da capanne ombreggianti frangivento.

I pascoli a disposizione sono di 200 ha di superfice con un’area di prato stabile gestito con alcune delle specie più comuni nella zona, tra cui Lolium perenne, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis, Trifolium repens. Durante la bella stagione gli animali hanno si alimentano esclusivamente con il pascolo, mentre in inverno viene loro somministrato fieno misto di graminacee e leguminose. I fieni si ottengono da quelle porzioni di pascolo che, a turno, non vengono occupate. Vengono utilizzate recinzioni elettrificate mobili per delimitare l’area di pascolo, a seconda del carico di bestiame previsto. Il fabbisogno in superficie calcolato è di un ettaro a settimana. Un ulteriore aspetto molto importante riguarda il mantenimento della purezza di questa razza da carne: infatti l’allevatore ha deciso di utilizzare la fecondazione artificiale per preservare tutte le caratteristiche che rendono questa razza un’eccellenza nel settore. Solo durante questo periodo, gli animali vengono relegati in poste dedicate.

La gestione della mandria è diretta verso la linea classica vacca-vitello senza produzione di latte che è a esclusiva disposizione del vitello. La carne viene venduta direttamente nello spaccio aziendale e, in parte, cucinata e servita presso l’agriturismo Il Colmetto.

The Dutch participative project "Maximum milk from grass" has worked to gain more insight into milk quality. To this end, a group of farmers and other stakeholders cooperated with the company Delta Instruments from Drachten, which developed a fatty acid calibration package. This package is intended as a tool for improving feeding regimes, increasing cow performance and, above all, an early warning system for increased risks of ketosis and other feeding related diseases in individual cows. The milk was analysed at the VVB Veluwe IJsselstreek with an infrared spectrometer from Delta. Using two indicators, NEFA and Denovo, advice can be given on the best herd's and individual cows' feed strategy.…

In addition to fat, protein, urea and somatic cell count, the contents of short (C4-C14) and long fatty acid chains were measured. Pasture grass seems to correspond to a higher percentage of short-chain fatty acids. The number of samples in this project was too small to reliably determine effects. However, targeted follow-up research can reveal whether the current botanical composition leads to maximum milk from grass or whether, for example, herbaceous grasslands offer better prospects. Distinguishing yourself as a dairy farmer with measurably better milk is an opportunity. What still needs to be worked on is a clear interpretation of the measurements. This will be easier if there are more results. The quick availability of results after a measurement is a strong point of this method, as it allows direct management control.

Het Nederlandse project "Maximaal melk uit gras" zocht meer inzicht in melkkwaliteit. Een groep van boeren en andere belanghebbenden werkte samen met het bedrijf Delta Instruments uit Drachten, dat een kalibratiepakket voor vetzuren heeft ontwikkeld. Dit pakket is bedoeld als een instrument voor het verbeteren van rantsoenen, het verbeteren van de prestaties van koeien en vooral als een early warning system voor verhoogde risico’s op ketose en andere voedingsgerelateerde ziekten bij individuele koeien. De melk werd geanalyseerd bij VVB Veluwe IJsselstreek met een infraroodspectrometer van Delta. Met behulp van twee indicatoren, NEFA en Denovo, kan advies worden gegeven over de beste voerstrategie voor de totale veestapel en voor individuele koeien.…. Naast vet, eiwit, ureum en celgetal werden ook de gehaltes aan korte (C4-C14) en lange vetzuurketens gemeten. Weidegras lijkt in verband te staan met een hoger percentage korte vetzuurketens. Het aantal monsters in dit project was echter te klein om de effecten betrouwbaar te kunnen bepalen. Doelgericht vervolgonderzoek kan uitwijzen of de huidige botanische samenstelling leidt tot maximaal melk uit gras of dat bijvoorbeeld kruidenrijke graslanden betere vooruitzichten bieden. Jezelf onderscheiden als melkveehouder met meetbaar betere melk is een kans. Waar nog aan gewerkt moet worden is een duidelijke interpretatie van de metingen. Dit wordt eenvoudiger als er meer resultaten zijn. De snelle beschikbaarheid van resultaten na een meting is een sterk punt van deze methode, omdat het directe controle via het management mogelijk maakt.

Compartmented continuous grazing (“Nieuw Nederlands Weiden”) is an adapted set-stocking system for stocking rates up to 10 animals per ha in which the cows rotate on a daily basis between six compartments on one platform (which is the total area where the animals can graze). Each day, cows are moved to a new compartment and in a period of 5-6 days, they rotate on five or six compartments. The (variable) sixth compartment is cut for silage to increase sward utilisation. Therefore, cows come back in the same compartment after 5-6 days. The average grass height in the compartments is kept constant (8-12 cm) so that daily regrowth is available for intake. The gap between daily regrowth and animal demand is filled with supplementation.

The grazing system was developed a few years ago in the Netherlands as a system that combines high grazing efficiency with ease of labour in dairy systems that have a high stocking rate and a high milk production per cow. Compartmented continuous grazing was discussed in-field by a group of teachers, scientists and farmers, together with a farmer that practices the system. It was concluded that the system is easy to implement, can be done on every farm, does not require a lot of labour / management skills and gives good result with respect to milk production and grass utilisation. The area on the farm that is available for grazing will be optimally used with this grazing system.

Nieuw Nederlands Weiden is een beweidingssysteem voor het weiden van maximaal 10 dieren per ha, waarbij de koeien elke dag een vers stuk gras krijgen en roteren tussen zes percelen van gelijke grootte op één beweidingsplatform (dat is de totale oppervlakte waar de dieren kunnen grazen). Elke dag worden de koeien verplaatst naar een nieuw perceel en in een periode van 5-6 dagen roteren ze over vijf of zes percelen. Het (variabele) zesde perceel wordt beweid of voor kuilvoer gemaaid om de grasbenutting te verhogen. De koeien komen na 5-6 dagen terug in hetzelfde perceel. De gemiddelde grashoogte in de percelen wordt constant gehouden (8-12 cm) zodat de dagelijkse hergroei beschikbaar is voor de koeien. Het verschil tussen de dagelijkse hergroei en de behoefte van de koeien wordt opgevuld met bijvoeding.

Nieuw Nederlands Weiden is enkele jaren geleden in Nederland ontwikkeld als een systeem dat een hoge beweidingsefficiëntie combineert met een hoge arbeidsefficiëntie in een intensief productiesysteem met hoge melkproducties per koe. Een groep docenten, onderzoekers en boeren bediscussieerde dit systeem samen met een boer die het in de praktijk toepast. Belangrijke conclusies waren dat het systeem eenvoudig toe te passen is, op elk bedrijf kan worden toegepast, niet veel arbeids- en managementvaardigheden vereist en goede resultaten oplevert met betrekking tot de melkproductie en het grasgebruik. De beschikbare oppervlakte voor beweiding wordt met Nieuw Nederlands Weiden op een goede manier benut.

The farm of Boer Bart in Rotstergaast is based on the philosophy that the system must be sustainable for thousand years. An important pillar in this philosophy is the herb-rich grassland. The famer maintains his herb-rich grassland by an intensively grazing system. The grazing cows are his machinery.

The famer tried two methods to create herb-rich grassland. One of the methods was overseeding with a special mixture of herbs, including chicory. The first years after the overseeding it was a success: a variety of herbs. However, after several years, the variation in species disappeared and some grass-species prevailed. Overseeding with a herb-rich mixture was not successful in the long term.

The other method was more natural. Herb-rich grassland was created by intensively grazing and avoiding land processing (only manuring). Every twelve hours, the farmer gives the cows a new piece of grassland (strip grazing). After an intensive grazing period, the grassland gets a resting period of four weeks. With this grazing system, a natural balance in grasses and herbs has been created. The farmer created and maintains his herb-rich grassland with this grazing system. In the system, the cows are grazing as much hours as possible in a year; they are grazing day and night. Only some months in the wintertime they are in the stable.

Het bedrijf van boer Bart in Rotstergaast is gebaseerd op de filosofie dat het systeem duizend jaar duurzaam moet zijn. Een belangrijke pijler in deze filosofie is kruidenrijk grasland. Het kruidenrijke grasland wordt beheerd middels een intensief beweidingssysteem. De grazende koeien zijn de oogstmachines.

Op het bedrijf zijn twee methoden getest om kruidenrijk grasland te krijgen. Een van de methoden was het doorzaaien met een speciaal mengsel van kruiden, waaronder cichorei. De eerste jaren na het doorzaaien was het een succes: er ontstond een verscheidenheid aan kruiden. Na enkele jaren verdween de variatie aan soorten echter en kregen enkele grassoorten de overhand. Doorzaaien met een kruidenrijk mengsel was daarmee op de lange termijn niet succesvol.

De andere methode was natuurlijker. Kruidenrijk grasland ontstond spontaan door intensieve beweiding en het vermijden van landbewerking (er vond alleen bemesting plaats). In het systeem weiden de koeien zoveel mogelijk uren per jaar; ze grazen dag en nacht. Slechts enkele maanden in de winter zijn ze in de stal. Om de twaalf uur geeft de boer de koeien een nieuw stuk grasland (stripgrazen). Na een intensieve beweidingsperiode krijgt het grasland een rustperiode van vier weken. Met dit beweidingssysteem wordt een natuurlijk evenwicht in grassen en kruiden gecreëerd.

Decision support tools contribute to effectively convert fresh grass into milk in grazing systems. For management support in rotational grazing systems, feed wedges can be beneficial. The well-known Irish and New Zealand feed wedges are suitable for full grazing systems. They have been adapted to Dutch conditions where they can be used in production systems with high milk production and supplementary feeding. In the Netherlands, there is an alternating use of grassland for grazing and cutting for silage. The Dutch feed wedge therefore contains a so-called cutting window. Unlike existing feed wedges, the Dutch feed wedge varies the size of the grazing platform, i.e. the size of the area that can be grazed. Furthermore, target yield and target residual (what is left after grazing) are fixed. In this way, paddocks can be assigned to grazing or for silage, and levels of supplementation can be adjusted. Paddocks planned to be used for silage are moved from the feed wedge to the cutting window where information is provided to determine the best time for cutting. The user can adjust the expected daily grass growth. Extensive information on the Dutch feed wedge can be found at (in Dutch).

Managementtools kunnen ondersteuning geven voor een effectieve omzetting van vers gras in melk bij beweiding. Bij omweiden zijn feedwedges nuttig. De bekende Ierse en Nieuw-Zeelandse feedwedges zijn geschikt voor omweiden. Deze feedwedges zijn aangepast aan de Nederlandse omstandigheden met hoge melkproducties en veel bijvoeding. In Nederland wordt grasland afwisselend beweid en gemaaid voor kuilvoer. De Nederlandse feedwedge bevat daarom een zogenaamd maaivenster. In tegenstelling tot de bestaande feedwedges is het bij de Nederlandse feedwedge mogelijk de grootte van het beweidingsplatform te variëren, d.w.z. het aandeel van het grasland dat kan worden beweid. Verder kunnen de inschaarhoogte en de uitschaarhoogte (wat er na de beweiding overblijft) vastgezet worden. Op deze manier kunnen percelen worden toegewezen aan beweiding of aan maaien en kan de hoeveelheid bijvoeding worden aangepast aan de omstandigheden. De percelen die voor voederwinning worden gebruikt, worden verplaatst van de feedwedge naar het maaivenster, waar het beste tijdstip voor maaien wordt bepaald. De gebruiker kan ook de verwachte dagelijkse grasgroei aanpassen. Uitgebreide informatie over de Nederlandse feedwedge is te vinden op (in het Nederlands).

To combine grazing with high milk production, flexible feeding systems are needed that cost-effectively integrate supplementary nutrients into the diets of cows grazing pasture. These so-called hybrid systems are profitable options to reach a high production per cow and per ha under grazing with increased flexibility and resilience, if properly designed and managed. Dutch scientists, farmers, students and teachers were inspired by a talk of Mr. Hugo Quattrochi that explained this system for Argentina, which has almost similar weather and climate conditions as north western Europe. The scene was set in an inspirational speech (, and further discussed during a workshop ( For high yielding dairy cows, it is important to focus on intake during grazing, since intake (energy) drives production. Pasture allowance is the key factor. Too much pasture allowance equals well-fed cows, low grass utilization and often poor pasture quality, while too little results in hungry cows, excellent pasture quality, less milk and higher grass utilization. In order to combine grazing with high milk production, effective use of pasture and supplements is needed. It is the art and science of balancing the needs of the cow with the needs of the pasture, now and in the future. Supplements are used to be in control of the cow (increase dry matter intake, increase efficiency of rumen fermentation) and to be in control of the pasture (fill feed gaps, keep residuals on target). In this way, a hybrid system (maximum grazing in combination with supplementary feeding when needed) leads to maximum use of fresh grass for milk production and cost-efficient production.

Om beweiding te combineren met een hoge melkproductie zijn flexibele systemen nodig die op een kosteneffectieve manier bijvoeding en beweiding combineren. Deze zogenaamde hybride systemen kunnen, mits goed ontworpen en beheerd, mét beweiding tot een hoge productie per koe en per ha leiden. Nederlandse onderzoekers, boeren, studenten en docenten werden geïnspireerd door een presentatie van Hugo Quattrochi uit Argentinië. Dit land heeft vergelijkbare weers- en klimaatomstandigheden als Noordwest-Europa. Het hybride systeem, dat daar wordt toegepast, werd door Hugo inspirerend geschetst (, en verder bediscussieerd tijdens een workshop ( In het hybride systeem is voor hoogproductieve melkkoeien voeropname tijdens beweiding belangrijk, omdat deze opname energie levert en de productie aandrijft. Toegankelijkheid tot de weide is de belangrijkste factor. Te veel weide-oppervlakte staan gelijk aan goed gevoede koeien, een lage grasbenutting en vaak een slechte weidekwaliteit, terwijl te weinig ruimte leidt tot hongerige koeien, een uitstekende weidekwaliteit, minder melk en een hogere grasbenutting. Om beweiding te combineren met een hoge melkproductie is een effectief gebruik van grasland en mengvoer noodzakelijk. Het is kunst en wetenschap om de behoefte van de koe in evenwicht te brengen met de behoefte van het grasland, nu en in de toekomst. Mengvoer wordt gebruikt om de koe te controleren en om de weide te controleren (opvullen van voertekorten, op peil houden van restvoer). Op deze manier leidt een hybride systeem tot een maximaal gebruik van vers gras voor de melkproductie en een kostenefficiënte productie.

Jakub Gorączka is a young farmer from Gulcz, a village located along the Noteć river. He graduated from Poznań University of Life Science. He has very wide knowledge and experience regarding dairy production and grassland management. He is also very open person who often shares his knowledge with other farmers. He has overtaken the dairy farm from his father Arkadiusz, who is still active and work together with his son. Family is focused on intensive dairy production from 75 Holstein-Frisian dairy cows with 9000 l/year average yield. The farm size is 70 ha and the whole area is devoted to the production of feed for animals. Most of the land is permanent meadows located along the Noteć river. Unfortunately, some of them are located on the other bank of the river, so they cannot be managed in an intensive way. Hence meadows located on the same bank as the farm must provide most of the required forage. To achieve this goal, the farmers decided to use Westerwold ryegrass together with dedicated mix of grasses and grassland renewal of the meadows every 5 years. Ryegrass and mix of other grasses are sown in the spring of the first year after ploughing, so already in the first year the farmers can obtain a high production of high-quality grass. This innovation has appeared to be very effective, so Jakub has decided to use this grass after harvesting barley. The farmers complain that very good quality sward located along Noteć are not fully utilised for animal production. From the whole village only two farms are still having cattle. The other issue missing is regulation of the river, so its level could support agriculture in an optimum way. It could be done by installing dams which would regulate water level in the river and in the result desired water level in ground.

Jakub Gorączka to młody rolnik z Gulcza, wsi położonej nad rzeką Noteć. Jakub ukończył studia na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym w Poznaniu. Posiada bardzo szeroką wiedzę i doświadczenie w zakresie produkcji mleka i gospodarowania na użytkach zielonych. Jest również bardzo otwartą osobą, która często dzieli się swoją wiedzą z innymi rolnikami. Przejął gospodarstwo mleczne od ojca Arkadiusza, który nadal jest zawodowo aktywny i pracuje razem z synem. Rodzina koncentruje się na intensywnej produkcji mleka od 75 krów mlecznych rasy HF o średniej wydajności 9000 l/rok. Powierzchnia gospodarstwa wynosi 70 ha, a cały obszar przeznaczony jest na produkcję pasz dla zwierząt. Większość gruntów to łąki położone wzdłuż rzeki Noteć. Niestety, niektóre z nich znajdują się na drugim brzegu rzeki, więc niemożliwe jest stosowanie na nich intensywnych technologii produkcji pasz. W związku z tym łąki położone na tym samym brzegu, na którym znajduje się gospodarstwo, muszą zapewniać większość niezbędnej paszy. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, rolnicy zdecydowali się na stosowanie życicy westerwoldzkiej wraz z odpowiednią mieszanką traw w procesie cyklicznej renowacji łąk co 5 lat. Życica wraz z mieszanką trawiastą wysiewana jest wczesną wiosną pierwszego roku po zaoraniu łąki jesienią, tak więc już w pierwszym roku rolnicy mogą uzyskać przyzwoitą produkcję wysokiej jakości runi. Ta innowacja okazała się bardzo skuteczna, dlatego Jakub postanowił wykorzystać tę trawę w formie poplonu po zbiorze jęczmienia ozimego. Rolnicy skarżą się, że bardzo dobrej jakości łąki położone wzdłuż rzeki Noteć nie są w pełni wykorzystywane w celach paszowych do produkcji zwierzęcej. Z całej wioski tylko dwa gospodarstwa rolne mają jeszcze bydło.

Gérard Grandin, an organic dairy farmer, partially milks his cows once-a-day, stops milking 2 months in winter and rears calves with nurse cows.

Mr. Grandin has a 100% grass system on 58 ha of permanent grassland. The average stocking rate is 1.4 LU / ha with an average production of 4000 L / cow. The diet is based on grass and hay only. Since this year, he produces certified hay milk. He uses no concentrate; therefore, feeding costs are very low.

The nurse cows are housed for 15 days together with the adopted calves and then they are turned out for grazing. A better health state with reduced risk of veal diseases was observed by turning out early young animals to graze. The nurse cows are mixed with the heifers in order to have only two herds to manage: the dairy cows and the replacement heifers.

Crossbreeding is used to get resilient animals adapted to the local environment. The farm has two bulls (this year Jersey and Angus), but depending on the year artificial insemination can be preferred. Herd management follows grass growth, with compact calving in March-April and cows being culled in the fall.

Grass management: 37 ha are accessible to dairy cows, i.e. 1.7 LU/ha on the milking platform and 5 ha are added for exceptional drought episode. Cows are moved every day to a new paddock, heifers every 3 or 4 days.

By adopting this strategy, the management choices of the farmer are driven by the working time rather than by production objectives. Mr. Grandin keeps improving his grass management to achieve grassland perpetuation and to provide ecosystem services (biodiversity, avoidance of soil erosion, carbon sequestration).

Gérard Grandin, éleveur laitier en agriculture biologique dans l’Orne a présenté son système où il pratique la monotraite partielle, l’arrêt de la traite l’hiver et l’élevage des veaux avec des vaches nourrices.

M. Grandin fonctionne avec un système 100% herbe de 58ha en prairie permanente. Le chargement moyen est de 1,4 UGB/ha avec une production moyenne de 4000 L/VL. La ration est uniquement basée sur l’herbe et le foin, avec depuis cette année un lait certifié lait de foin. Aucun concentré n’est administré, le coût alimentaire est donc très faible.

Les vaches nourrices sont gardées 15 jours en bâtiment le temps de l’adoption des veaux puis ensuite mises en pâture. Cette technique permet de réduire l’astreinte et les risques de maladie du veau en pâturant jeune. Les vaches nourrices sont mélangées avec les génisses pour n’obtenir que deux lots au pâturage : les vaches laitières et le lot de renouvellement.

Le croisement des races est utilisé pour obtenir des animaux rustiques et adapté aux conditions du milieu. La ferme utilise la monte naturelle avec deux taureaux, en fonction des années l’IA est privilégiée. La conduite du troupeau est liée à la croissance de l’herbe, avec des vêlages groupés en mars-avril et des vaches réformées à l’automne.

Gestion de l’herbe : 37 ha sont accessibles aux vaches laitières, soit 60 ares/UGB et 5 ha sont ajoutés pour passer l’épisode de sécheresse exceptionnel. Les vaches changent de parcelle quotidiennement et les génisses tous les 3 ou 4 jours.

En adoptant cette stratégie d’élevage, l’agriculteur pilote son exploitation par le temps de travail plutôt que par les objectifs de production. M. Grandin continue à améliorer la gestion de l’herbe pour pérenniser ses prairies et maintenir les services écosystémiques.

In Campania Region (Southern Italy), a group of six farmers facing financial difficulties, decided to join in a cooperative to make the most of their resources. In light of the difficulties that they faced in lasts years (taxes increase, production costs increase, fluctuation in milk prices), they bought in cooperation some machineries, such as a high-tech mower with working width till 3.80 m, and a round baler, which they would otherwise not be able to buy. The innovation in their grassland system consist in coordinating both the rotation of cultivated species and the timing of the machinery utilization. In fact, their forage system is aimed to obtain a diversified forage of high quality, managing an accurate rotation of several species and mixtures. Grassland rotation is 7-8 years, which are dedicated to alfalfa for 4 years and to grasses/legumes chosen accurately, such as Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), Italian rye grass (Lolium multiflorum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Thus, both the crop rotation as well as the haymaking method are of pivotal importance. For this reason, the farmers decided to buy a hay dryer system, that avoid mold formation, which is unfortunately frequent in this very humid area. These innovations led to a more efficient temporary grassland rotation and to a better accessibility to mechanization concerning tillage and forage conservation, therefore a better forage quality and a greater forage production.

In Campania, un gruppo di 6 allevatori in condizioni economiche difficili, hanno deciso di riunirsi in una cooperativa per sfruttare al meglio le proprie risorse. Alla luce delle difficoltà che hanno affrontato negli ultimi anni, hanno acquistato in cooperativa delle attrezzature, come una falciatrice ad alta tecnologia ed una rotoimballatrice, che altrimenti non avrebbero avuto modo di comprare. Il lato innovativo della loro pratica sta nell’avere coordinato sia il tipo di coltura che il momento di utilizzo dei veicoli da lavoro. Infatti la loro produzione foraggera è indirizzata verso una rotazione mirata di più specie e miscugli, al fine di ottenere un foraggio di qualità superiore e diversificato. La durata della rotazione dei prati è di 7-8 anni, dei quali 4 sono dedicati all’erba medica, mentre nei successivi si alternano specie foraggere che hanno un grande successo in questa regione, come il trifoglio incarnato, la loiessa ed il sorgo foraggero. Quindi la rotazione colturale diventa di centrale importanza, così come la corretta fienagione del materiale prodotto. Proprio per questo motivo, gli allevatori si sono coordinati anche per acquistare un sistema di essiccazione del fieno, che previene la formazione di muffe, purtroppo frequenti in quest’area geografica molto umida. Tutto ciò porta ad una più efficiente rotazione colturale delle specie foraggere ed una migliore accessibilità alle meccanizzazioni per quanto riguarda le lavorazioni, quindi una migliore qualità del foraggio ed una maggiore disponibilità del foraggio prodotto.

The main innovation of these meetings (2017 and 2018), held over two days (one in March and one in May every year with the same group of participants) was to help farmers to better anticipate grazing management and to learn to use Pâtur’Plan, a farm level DSS. The first day was dedicated to understanding why anticipation and flexibility are success keys at grazing, with a researcher conference and intense exchanges with the participants. A visit to the grazing platform of the INRA experimental farm served to support the proposals of the conference, and to practice grass height measurements with platemeter. In the afternoon, the participants learned how to use Pâtur’Plan using their own farm situation as example. They simulate, adapt different scenarios for the next month-6 weeks to evaluate the consequences of their decisions. At the end of the first day, they were able to use Pâtur’Plan and to produce an anticipated grazing plan. The second day, two months later, was devoted to feedback of experiences since the last meeting. With high motivation, all the participants explained to the others what they have done, what was interesting, complicated, unsuccessful and how they have (or not) solved the problems. Everyone spokes about his own experience and the others discussed. This second day was extremely rich and exciting for all the participants. They continue to learn and exchange their experiences. The software Patur’Plan was offered after the two days participation. The final evaluation was largely positive with a common conclusion that: Pâtur’Plan helps us to be more confident about our decisions which is now constructed less empirically.

L’innovation majeure de ces rencontres (réalisées en 2017 et 2018, sur 2 journées ; l’une en Mars et l’autre en Mai avec les mêmes participants), a été d’aider les éleveurs à mieux anticiper la gestion du pâturage et d’apprendre à utiliser Pâtur’Plan, un outil d’aide à la décision à l’échelle de l’exploitation. La 1ère journée a permis de mieux comprendre en quoi l’anticipation et la flexibilité sont les clefs du succès au pâturage. La visite des prairies pâturées de la ferme expérimentale de l’INRA du Pin-au-Haras a permis de concrétiser les explications diffusées pendant la conférence et de pratiquer la mesure de hauteur d’herbe avec l’herbomètre. L’après-midi, les participants ont appris à utiliser Pâtur’Plan avec pour exemple la situation et les données de leur propre ferme. Ils ont simulé, testé différents scénarios sur les prochaines 4 à 6 semaines afin d’évaluer les conséquences de leurs décisions. A la fin de cette journée, les éleveurs savent utiliser Pâtur’Plan et produire un calendrier de pâturage prévisionnel. La 2ème journée, qui a eu lieu 2 mois plus tard, a permis l’échange et le retour d’expérience. Les éleveurs ont expliqué aux autres, ce qu’ils ont fait, ce qui était intéressant, compliqué, insoluble et comment ils ont (ou pas) solutionné les problèmes. Cette seconde journée a été très riche et motivante pour tous les participants. Ils ont continué à apprendre à partir de leur propre expérience. Afin des deux journées, le logiciel Pâtur’Plan a été offert gratuitement à chaque participant. L’évaluation finale a été largement positive avec une conclusion collective : “Pâtur’Plan nous aide à être plus confiant dans nos décisions qui sont maintenant construites moins empiriquement.”

Grazing returns to the focal point of the dairy industry. Several initiatives to promote grass-based dairy products are beginning to add in their specifications a minimum grazing period, a maximum stocking rate and a minimum time spend for grazing daily. In the past, this criterion was only used in Protected Designation of Origins. Grazing is a well-known theme for dairy advisors. Supporting farmers to incorporate more grazing into the dairy cows diet does not seem to be a barrier. The two main constraints of grazing identified during the meeting with farmers, dairy industry, researchers and extension service are the lack of directly accessible area (new purchased land is rarely near the milking shed) and aversion to decreases of the individual milk yield of cows. Among the solutions to face the lack of accessible area: tunnels for crossing roads, mobile milking (much practiced in highland), and land exchange with neighbours. The latter is sometimes socially unappreciated because of such an emotional attachment to the land. It has been pointed out that some regions subsidise the installation of infrastructure to develop grazing and that the industry gives a better milk price to the farmer. This should allow investment to overcome some of these barriers. With regard to decreases of the individual milk yield of cows, two models emerge. Those who completely change the system and no longer think about the production per cow but rather income per hectare. And those who keep high-yielding dairy systems but include grazing up to half of the forage ration.

Le pâturage revient au centre des intérêts de la filière. Plusieurs initiatives de valorisation des produits laitiers commencent à mettre dans leur cahier des charges une durée de pâturage minimale. Autrefois, ce critère n’était utilisé que dans les AOP.

Le pâturage est un thème bien connu des conseillers de la filière laitière. L’accompagnement des éleveurs pour intégrer davantage de pâturage dans l’alimentation des vaches laitières ne semble pas être un frein. Les deux freins au redéveloppement du pâturage identifiés pendant la réunion sont le manque de surface directement accessible (le morcellement du parcellaire liés aux précédents agrandissements) et l’aversion à la perte de production par vache. Parmi les solutions avancées pour faire face au manque de surface accessible : le boviduc, la traite mobile (très pratiquée en montagne), l’échange parcellaire avec ses voisins. Ce dernier levier est parfois socialement peu accepté à cause de l’attachement à la terre. Il a été mis en avant que certaines régions subventionnent l’installation d’infrastructure pour développer le pâturage et que les transformateurs dans les démarches de lait de pâturage valorisent mieux le lait à l’éleveur. Ceci devrait permettre d’investir pour surpasser en partie ces freins. Vis-à-vis de la perte de production par vache, deux modèles ressortent. Ceux qui changent complètement de système et qui ne réfléchissent plus à la production par vache mais plutôt à la marge brute par hectare. Et ceux qui restent dans des systèmes laitiers à haute production par vache valorisant jusqu’à la moitié d’herbe pâturée dans la ration.

Sheep farming to be profitable requires a high productivity of ewes and labour but be careful about the costs of mechanization that negatively impact income. In order to meet these objectives, one of the pathways developed is outdoor lambing to reduce the time spend inside and therefore the need for stored forage combined with excellent grazing management. An innovative fence system based on flexible-sized cells is used to meet the daily demand of sheep and save time during the shift of animals (rotational grazing). Indeed, the cells from 0.125 to 0.50 ha area accommodate up to 200 sheep. A corridor system where several batches of animals are grazing in several adjacent plots in a row facilitates the shift of animals because, by transferring a single wire, the farmer is able to move up to 6 lots, or 1200 sheep, in less than 10 minutes every other day. Thanks to springs set up on the fence that make it flexible and an adaptation of the quad for electric insulation using a plastic pipe and steel bars going under the bike, there is no need to stop to pass the electrical wires, the farmer can roll over and avoid long opening and closing processes.

Taking two rows of six cells each into consideration, three mobile water troughs are placed at the intersection of each four cells (2 x 2 cells). Six animal batches are moved from the first row of six cells into the next row of six cells after two days. The three water troughs are moved every four days to serve the next twelve cells in which the animal batches are going to move in.

Thanks to these investments, it can adapt pasture rest period to grass growth and animal needs, by varying rotation length from 15 to 120 days depending on the season, all it needs is adjust the size of cells and let the grass grow.

L’élevage ovin viande pour être rémunérateur a besoin d’une forte productivité des brebis et du travail (nombre de brebis/UTH) mais attention aux charges de mécanisation qui impactent négativement le revenu. Afin de répondre à ces objectifs, l’une des voies développées est l’agnelage en plein air pour réduire les stocks associé à une excellente gestion du pâturage. Un système de clôture innovant basé sur des cellules de taille flexible est utilisé pour rationner et gagner du temps pendant la gestion du pâturage. En effet, les cellules de 12,5 à 50 ares accueillent jusqu’à 200 brebis suitées. Un système de couloir où plusieurs lots d’animaux sont adjacents facilitent le changement de paddock. L’éleveur peut déplacer jusqu’à 6 lots, soit 1200 brebis, en moins de 10 minutes grâce à la pose d’une clôture temporaire. A l’aide d’un système de ressort et à une adaptation du quad, plus besoin de s’arrêter pour passer les fils électriques, l’éleveur peut rouler dessus et éviter de longues manipulations d’ouverture et fermeture. Un abreuvoir mobile est utilisé à l’intersection de 4 cellules, ainsi pour 6 lots d’animaux, le système requière 3 abreuvoirs qui sont déplacés tous les 4 jours. Grâce à ces investissements, il peut adapter les temps de repos des prairies à la pousse de l’herbe et aux besoins des animaux, en faisant varier les rotations de 15 à 120 jours selon les saisons.

The dairy farm in Barterode has 130 cows and covers 120 hectares, of which 60 hectares are cultivated intensively with grassland. The grassland seeds are mixed with thin slurry for its application on the field. The grass seeds (mainly Lolium perenne) are added and mixed directly in the slurry tank (per tank 10 kg of seeds). The farmer applies 2 tanks of the mixture per ha, thus 20 kg seeds/ha. The farmer uses a self-made technique to suck the seeds slowly out of the bag into the slurry tank. The slurry must be very thin in order to provide well mixed seeds in the slurry allowing an even distribution and a slow infiltration of slurry into the soil. The combination of these grassland maintenance measures saves time and labor costs as both steps can be done at once, especially in the springtime. The grass silage achieves energy contents of 6.5-7.1 MJ NEL/kg DM. The sward is characterized by 99% of grasses, mainly Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis. The farm is planning to integrate strips of herbs into part of his grassland to become more resilient to drought.

Der Milchviehbetrieb in Barterode hat 130 Kühe und umfasst 120 Hektar, von denen 60 Hektar intensiv mit Grünland bewirtschaftet werden. Die Grünlandsamen werden für die Anwendung auf dem Feld mit dünner Gülle vermischt. Die Grassamen (hauptsächlich Lolium perenne) werden direkt im Güllebehälter zugegeben und gemischt (pro Tank 10 kg Saatgut). Der Landwirt trägt 2 Tanks der Mischung pro ha auf, also 20 kg Saatgut/ha. Der Landwirt saugt mit einer selbst entwickelten Technik die Samen langsam aus dem Beutel in den Güllebehälter. Die Gülle muss sehr dünn sein, um gut gemischtes Saatgut in der Gülle zu erhalten, das eine gleichmäßige Verteilung und ein langsames Eindringen der Gülle in den Boden ermöglicht. Die Kombination dieser Grünlandpflegemaßnahmen spart Zeit und Arbeitskosten, da beide Schritte gleichzeitig durchgeführt werden können, insbesondere im Frühjahr. Die Grassilage erreicht einen Energiegehalt von 6,5-7,1 MJ NEL/kg DM. Die Grasnarbe zeichnet sich durch 99% der Gräser aus, hauptsächlich Lolium perenne und Poa pratensis. Die Farm plant, Kräuterstreifen in einen Teil seines Grünlandes zu integrieren, um widerstandsfähiger gegen Dürren zu werden.

The farm, held in the fourth generation, currently owns 500 breeding ewes. It manages 150 hectares of permanent grassland, at both favourable and unfavourable sites, including shady valleys with acid soil at higher elevations. The grazing management is geared at maximising the proportion of pasture in the annual animal nutrition and maintaining diverse grassland swards. The more productive low-lying pastures are grazed first in the season with a sufficiently high grazing pressure to prevent shrub encroachment. Later in the season, the herd is moved to higher altitudes. Animals are kept at pasture as much as possible even in winter, grazing winter cover crops of local farms. Annually, 80 ha of grassland are mown for hay between June and August. At each field, the time of mowing is varied between years to increase plant diversity.

Payments from a results-based agro-environmental scheme for grassland biodiversity form an important pillar of the farm income. This scheme remunerates farmers based on the presence of indicator plant species. It consists of three levels with increasing amounts of per-hectare payment, depending on the number of indicator species present throughout the field (a minimum of four, six, or eight out of a list 31 species/species groups). Changing political / administrative frameworks (e.g. eligibility criteria for fields to receive direct payments) are particular challenges for a farm with this strategy.

Der Betrieb, der in der vierten Generation geführt wird, besitzt derzeit 500 Zuchtschafe. Sie bewirtschaftet 150 Hektar Dauergrünland an günstigen und ungünstigen Standorten, einschließlich schattiger Täler mit saurem Boden in höheren Lagen. Das Weidemanagement ist darauf ausgerichtet, den Anteil der Weiden in der jährlichen Tierernährung zu maximieren und diverse Grünlandflächen zu erhalten. Die produktiveren tief gelegenen Weiden werden zuerst in der Saison mit einem ausreichend hohen Weidedruck beweidet, um ein Übergreifen der Sträucher zu verhindern. Später in der Saison wird die Herde in höhere Lagen gebracht. Die Tiere werden auch im Winter so weit wie möglich auf der Weide gehalten und weiden im Winter als Deckgewächse auf lokalen Höfen. Jährlich werden zwischen Juni und August 80 ha Grünland für die Heuernte genutzt. Auf jedem Feld wird der Zeitpunkt des Mähens zwischen den Jahren variiert, um die Pflanzenvielfalt zu erhöhen.

Zahlungen aus einem ergebnisorientierten Agrarumweltprogramm für die biologische Vielfalt im Grünland bilden eine wichtige Säule des landwirtschaftlichen Einkommens. Diese Regelung vergütet die Landwirte nach dem Vorhandensein von Indikatorpflanzenarten. Sie besteht aus drei Ebenen mit zunehmender Hektarzahlung, abhängig von der Anzahl der im gesamten Feld vorkommenden Indikatorarten (mindestens vier, sechs oder acht aus einer Liste von 31 Arten/Artengruppen). Veränderte politisch-administrative Rahmenbedingungen (z.B. Förderkriterien für Felder, die Direktzahlungen erhalten) sind besondere Herausforderungen für einen Betrieb mit dieser Strategie.

Herb-rich grasslands in the Netherlands usually have a high biodiversity, which is getting increasingly important. Reseeding using seed mixtures containing herbs will increase their proportion in the sward. Reseeding can be done in two ways: by ploughing followed by reseeding or by overseeding (direct seeding into the sward without ploughing). Ploughing is in particular suitable in crop rotations (e.g. with maize), and the result is often more successful than overseeding. In addition, the final botanical composition can be easily influenced, e.g. on peat, herbs that can withstand wet and acidic conditions should be sown, and on sandy soil, the drought resistance of the herbs is particularly important. Disadvantages of ploughing are the loss of C and the associated costs of ploughing and seeding. It must also be taken into account that soil life is first seriously disturbed before it actually contributes to the increase in biodiversity. When a seed mixture is sown directly in the grassland, the soil structure remains largely intact, and so does the soil life. Through symbiosis, there is a chance of an increase in the dry matter yield. In addition, the costs are smaller. However, chances of successful germination are also smaller, because the existing vegetation may suppress the herbs.

Kruidenrijke graslanden in Nederland hebben meestal een grote biodiversiteit, wat steeds belangrijker wordt. Inzaaien met kruiden kan het aandeel kruiden in het grasland vergroten. Inzaaien kan op twee manieren, 1) door te ploegen, gevolgd door het zaaien of 2) door doorzaaien (rechtstreeks in de graszode zaaien zonder te ploegen). Ploegen is met name geschikt in de vruchtwisseling (bijvoorbeeld met maïs) en het resultaat is vaak succesvoller dan doorzaaien. Bovendien kan de uiteindelijke botanische samenstelling gemakkelijk worden beïnvloed. Op veen zijn bijvoorbeeld kruiden die bestand zijn tegen natte en zure omstandigheden belangrijk en op zandgrond is de droogtebestendigheid van de kruiden bijzonder belangrijk. Nadelen van ploegen zijn het verlies van koolstof en de bijbehorende kosten van de bewerkingen. Er moet ook rekening mee worden gehouden dat het bodemleven eerst wordt verstoord voordat het daadwerkelijk bijdraagt aan een toename in biodiversiteit. Wanneer een zaadmengsel direct in het grasland wordt gezaaid, blijft de bodemstructuur en het bodemleven grotendeels intact. Door symbiose is er een kans op een verhoging van de droge stof opbrengst. Bovendien zijn de kosten lager. De kans op een succesvolle ontkieming is echter kleiner, omdat de bestaande vegetatie de kruiden kan onderdrukken.

Customers start to perceive food not only as a source of nutrients but also as a source of bioactive components having a positive impact on their health/or that are pro-health. An increasing number of people appreciate the value of natural food produced with respect to the environment and animal health and welfare. The intensification of agricultural production, including particularly the efforts of dairy farmers for achieving the possibly highest milk yield, results in a lower milk quality, worsened cows health and increased number of medicaments given to them. The usage of antibiotics in animal husbandry in Poland is high, such that the Polish government took the action to reduce the problem of antibiotic resistance of farm animals to improve the public health. Animal welfare is also one of the priorities of EU politics. There is an easy and cheap way to improve cow’s health and welfare. The farmer, whose name is Marian Nowak, introduced grazing to his feeding system. 200 dual – purpose dairy cows have access to vast species-rich pastures which botanical composition is regularly enriched with grasses, legumes and herbs. With such an approach the farmer significantly reduced the costs of feeding, improved the quality of milk processed into dairy products directly on his farm and cut nearly to zero the marketing costs of such products, because customers willingly attend shops to buy cheese or yogurt they preferred. Interesting the conclusion was the farmer was not solely focused on farm income, maintaining a high standard of welfare of his herd is equally important for him/her.

Klienci zaczynają postrzegać żywność nie tylko jako źródło składników odżywczych, ale także jako źródło składników bioaktywnych, które mają pozytywny wpływ na ich zdrowie. Coraz więcej osób docenia wartość naturalnej żywności produkowanej z poszanowaniem środowiska oraz zdrowia i dobrostanu zwierząt. Intensyfikacja produkcji rolnej, w tym w szczególności wysiłki rolników produkujących mleko w celu osiągnięcia możliwie najwyższej wydajności mlecznej, skutkuje niższą jakością mleka, pogorszeniem stanu zdrowia krów i zwiększoną liczbą podawanych im leków. Stosowanie antybiotyków w hodowli zwierząt w Polsce jest tak wysokie, że rząd polski podjął działania zmierzające do zmniejszenia problemu oporności zwierząt hodowlanych na antybiotyki w celu poprawy zdrowia publicznego. Dobrostan zwierząt jest również jednym z priorytetów polityki UE. Istnieje łatwy i tani sposób na poprawę zdrowia i dobrostanu krów. Marian Nowak wprowadził wypas do swojego systemu żywienia krów mlecznych. Stado 200 sztuk krów mlecznych o dwukierunkowej użytkowości ma dostęp do rozległych, bogatych gatunkowo pastwisk, których skład botaniczny jest regularnie wzbogacany o trawy, rośliny motylkowate i zioła. Dzięki takiemu podejściu rolnik znacznie obniżył koszty żywienia, poprawił jakość mleka przetwarzanego na przetwory mleczne bezpośrednio w gospodarstwie i obniżył prawie do zera koszty marketingowe takich produktów. Klienci chętnie przychodzą do sklepów, aby kupić ser lub jogurt, który preferują, ponieważ wiedzą, że pochodzi z mleka produkowanego w oparciu o żywienie pastwiskowe. Interesujący był wniosek, że rolnik nie skupiał się wyłącznie na dochodach z gospodarstwa, ale równie ważne jest dla niego utrzymanie wysokiego stand...

Mr. Kokociński is developing his farm by renting land from farmers who have stopped their farming activities. Most of this land constitutes grasslands of very variable quality. To obtain the best possible results the farmer is using different, innovative cultivation methods. One of them was sowing grasses and legumes together. Every 2-3 years, grass seeds and legumes are purchased and sown one at a time. The sowing rate is 25kg of grasses and legumes 17kg per hectare. Grass and legumes seeds are sown individually, perpendicular to each other, to obtain uniform grass-legume sward. There is a high proportion of legumes in the sward, amounting to 40-50%. Sowing grasses and legumes together should guarantee obtaining uniform grass-legume swards. The farmer’s strategy which is not to maximize milk yield but rather to run more sustainable system. For the moment, the farmer is satisfied with the results of his innovation. The farmer’s grassland is high quality, with the milk production levels achieved. The main concern of farmer is economics. Milk price is not high enough, he knows that he still has to reduce costs and increase scale.

Pan Kokociński rozwija swoje gospodarstwo rolne, dzierżawiąc ziemię od rolników, którzy zaprzestali działalności rolniczej. Większość tych gruntów to użytki zielone o bardzo różnej jakości. Aby uzyskać jak najlepsze wyniki produkcyjne, rolnik stosuje różne, innowacyjne metody poprawy ich stanu. Jedną z nich było wzbogacanie runi łąkowej o rośliny motylkowate. Nasiona traw i roślin motylkowatych są kupowane co 2-3 lata i wysiewane oddzielnie. Dawka wysiewu wynosi dla traw 25 kg/ha i roślin motylkowatych 17 kg/ha. Nasiona traw i roślin motylkowatych wysiewane są oddzielnie, prostopadle do siebie, w celu uzyskania jednolitej runi trawiasto-motylkowatej. W runi występuje duży udział roślin motylkowatych, wynoszący 40-50%. Siew traw i roślin motylkowatych powinien gwarantować uzyskanie wyrównanej darni. Strategia rolnika polega na prowadzeniu bardziej zrównoważonego systemu chowu zamiast maksymalizacji wydajności mlecznej. W tej chwili rolnik jest zadowolony z wyników swojej innowacji. Użytki zielone rolnika są wysokiej jakości, przy osiągniętym docelowo poziomie produkcji mleka. Głównym przedmiotem zainteresowania rolników jest ekonomia. Cena mleka nie jest wystarczająco wysoka i rolnik zdaje sobie sprawę z konieczności dalszego obniżania kosztów i zwiększania skali produkcji.

On grasslands, normal slurry tankers are used to apply slurry by means of splash plate. Combining slurry applications for a number of farmers by organising producers groups, is a starting point of better slurry applications. Precise slurry application methods, including the usage of slurry tank equipped with drag hose unit, result in a better quality of plant material collected from grasslands and higher dry matter yield, while saving working time and reducing the use of mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Fertilization carried out by a trained person, regular laboratory slurry analysis increase the efficiency of the whole process. The precise slurry application methods are less harmful to the environment. This is relevant to the farmer in the context of the last change of legal nitrate regulations in Poland. The discussion during activity has also shown that such innovation can lead to less odour from slurry which is an issue in more densely populated areas.

Na użytkach zielonych zwykłe wozy asenizacyjne są używane do rozprowadzania gnojowicy za pomocą płytki rozpryskowej. Precyzyjne metody aplikacji gnojowicy, w tym zastosowanie beczkowozu wyposażonego w węże wleczone, skutkują wyższą wydajnością i lepszą jakością paszy zbieranej z użytków zielonych, przy jednoczesnej oszczędności czasu pracy i ograniczeniu stosowania mineralnych nawozów azotowych. Nawożenie przeprowadzane przez przeszkoloną osobę i regularna analiza laboratoryjna gnojowicy zwiększają efektywność całego procesu. Precyzyjne metody aplikacji gnojowicy są mniej szkodliwe dla środowiska. Jest to istotne dla rolnika w kontekście ostatniej zmiany przepisów prawnych dotyczących azotanów w Polsce. Dyskusja, która toczyła się w czasie spotkania, pokazała również, że takie innowacje mogą prowadzić do zmniejszenia odoru wydzielanego przez gnojowicę, co jest problemem na gęściej zaludnionych obszarach. Wskazano również, że łączenie zastosowań gnojowicy dla wielu rolników zorganizowanych w grupy producentów jest punktem wyjścia do zwiększania efektywności i różnorodności jej wykorzystania.

In Poland, most of the dairy farms are based on the indoor housing systems. This management is adapted for intensive maize-based dairy cow feeding systems with a focus of increasing milk production per head. More farmers have developed a different approach to increasing farm profit. They have not increased milk production, but adjusted to maintain a reasonable production level and reduced different production costs, maximising their own resources and improve overall farm profitability.

The RGD Brody is an experimental farm of Poznan University of Life Sciences. Part of the area belonging to the farm is located on organic lime based soils that are not suitable for cereal and plant production, as they were in permanent pasture. The farm's innovation is the feeding system, which includes grazing during the vegetation season with “half-day access” to pasture. The exact length of daily grazing depends on the lactation phase of the cows. The pasture offered is balanced with conserved and concentrate feeds when the animals are indoors.

Thanks to this innovation, it is possible to fully use the forage resources from permanent grasslands. Half-day access to pasture during the vegetation season is beneficial due to decreasing the milk production costs, the improvement of animal welfare and health, as well as improved milk quality which can obtain a higher milk price. The problem with grazing is the influence of soil moisture deficits or floods which can result in temporary feed deficits.

W Polsce większość gospodarstw mlecznych opiera produkcję na systemach alkierzowych. System ten jest dostosowany do intensywnego żywienia krów mlecznych opartego na kiszonkach z kukurydzy i nastawiony na zwiększenie produkcji mleka od sztuki. Coraz więcej rolników stosuje inne podejście do zwiększenia zysków gospodarstwa. Nie maksymalizują oni produkcji mleka od sztuki, lecz dostosowują ją w celu utrzymania rozsądnego poziomu zmniejszając koszty i wykorzystując maksymalnie własne zasoby, poprawiając ogólną rentowność gospodarstwa rolnego.

RGD Brody jest rolniczym gospodarstwem doświadczalnym Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. Część pól należących do gospodarstwa położona jest na glebach organicznych o podłożu wapiennym, które nie nadają się do produkcji zbóż i roślin uprawnych. Od zawsze wykorzystywane są jako trwałe użytki zielone. Innowacją w gospodarstwie jest system żywienia, który obejmuje w okresie wegetacyjnym wypas półdzienny. Dokładna długość dziennego wypasu zależy od fazy laktacji krów. Żywienie pastwiskowe jest bilansowane konserwowanymi i skoncentrowanymi paszami, gdy zwierzęta przebywają w pomieszczeniach.

Dzięki tej innowacji możliwe jest pełne wykorzystanie zasobów paszowych pochodzących z trwałych użytków zielonych. Półdzienny dostęp do pastwisk w okresie wegetacyjnym jest korzystny ze względu na niższe koszty produkcji mleka, poprawę dobrostanu i zdrowia zwierząt, a także poprawę jakości otrzymywanego mleka, które może uzyskać wyższą cenę. Wypas może być problematyczny w przypadku wystąpienia deficytów wody lub jej nadmiaru, sytuacje te mogą skutkować chwilowymi niedoborami paszy.

The goal of the arranged activity was to present the innovation of home constructed aerator for grasslands, but also to discuss its role in the whole grassland forage production system organized in the farm of Mr. Mariusz Duda. The aerator was constructed by the farmer as a solution of the problem with the natural organic peat-muck soil compaction of the grasslands increased by the use of heavy machinery. Due to the compaction, the relations of humidity and air are disrupted and results in a quick degradation of the periodically renovated grasslands. The farmer seeking a solution came up with an idea to construct a machine that will lead to loosening the soil in the sod layer and will improve the air-humidity relations. This way he created an aerator based on an old cultivator frame where instead of the original working elements he installed on a horizontal axis, flat plate cuts adopted from another machine. The plates are oriented vertically in the relation to the ground and are cutting the sod to a depth of 10-15 cm. This treatment is applied after every sward regrowth period. As a result, it is possible to produce larger amounts of grass-based forage for dairy cows, to improve the stability of the sward botanical composition and increase the fertilizer application efficiency.

The discussion showed the importance of improving grassland forage production, new adaptations need to improve sward productivity, but they need to be related to the knowledge of the local ecology. The presented example shows that each grassland sward can be very specific, but sometimes an individual approach to improve a poor grassland sward can be successful.

Celem zorganizowanego spotkania było zaprezentowanie innowacji w postaci własnej konstrukcji aeratora do użytków zielonych oraz omówienie jego roli w systemie produkcji pasz z użytków zielonych w gospodarstwie pana Mariusza Dudy. Aerator został skonstruowany przez rolnika jako rozwiązanie problemu naturalnego procesu zagęszczania się gleby torfowo-murszowej użytków zielonych, spotęgowanego przez wykorzystywanie ciężkich maszyn. Ze względu na zagęszczanie się gleby, stosunki wilgotnościowo-powietrzne w glebie są zakłócane i prowadzą do szybkiej degradacji, okresowo odnawianych użytków zielonych. Rolnik poszukując rozwiązania problemu wpadł na pomysł skonstruowania maszyny, która doprowadzi do rozluźnienia darni i poprawi stosunki wilgotnościowo-powietrzne. W ten sposób stworzył aerator na bazie starej ramy kultywatora, w którym zamiast oryginalnych elementów roboczych zamontował na poziomej osi kroje talerzowe z innej maszyny. Kroje są zorientowane pionowo w stosunku do podłoża i tną darń na głębokość 10-15 cm. Zabieg ten stosuje się po zbiorze każdego odrostu runi. W rezultacie możliwa jest produkcja większych ilości paszy dla krów mlecznych, poprawa stabilności składu botanicznego runi oraz zwiększone wykorzystanie stosowanych nawozów.

Przeprowadzona dyskusja wykazała jak ważna jest poprawa produkcji pasz na użytkach zielonych w gospodarstwach mlecznych, a wprowadzane nowe rozwiązania zwiększające produktywność łąk powinny być ściśle powiązane z wiedzą na temat lokalnego siedliska. Przedstawiony przykład pokazuje, że każdy użytek zielony może być bardzo specyficzny i czasami niezbędne jest indywidualne podejście do rozwiązania problemu.

Grazing is the most economical way for feeding ruminants. The grass resource should be used as best one can and ways to extend the grazing season should be sought for as it prevents from housing costs. Grassland can be as nutritious as a balance concentrate if exploited at the right stage. It is therefore possible to make productive and economical rations through the incorporation of a substantial amount of grazed grass in livestock diet.

A new method of grazing was set up, named “Herby” and tested by 120 farmers who are gathered in a co-op. Based on rotational grazing, the method aims at using grass at the optimum stage, the 3-leaf stage. Every week, farmers look at tillers of the grasses and count the number of leaves grown since the last use, grazing or cutting. According to this method, the 3-leaf stage is the optimum for grazing as it maximises grass growth, enables good regrowth after defoliation and gives high quality grass for lactating animals. Grazing should not be performed for more than three days on the same paddock and animals should be moved out before they reach the grass sheath of the third leaf. However, this last part was highly discussed because some tillers would be grazed lower than this. The resting period of pasture lasts from 20 to 150 days in order to wait for the new optimum stage. Farmers that have followed this new grazing management method have managed to increase the value of their pastures and to reduce the production costs. One of the main reason was some farmers did not use any method to manage grassland before, as measuring grass for example. Therefore 3-leaf stage helped farmers got more interest in their pasture and their management which is the main positive aspect of this method.

Le pâturage est le moyen le plus économique de nourrir les ruminants. La valorisation maximale de la ressource en herbe devrait être recherchée notamment par l’allongement de la saison de pâturage en limitant le temps et coût de la ration en bâtiment. Les prairies sont autant nutritives qu'un concentré équilibré énergie/protéine lorsqu’elles sont valorisées au bon stade. Il est donc possible d’avoir des rations productives et économiques avec une part importante d'herbe pâturée dans l'alimentation.

Une nouvelle méthode de pâturage a été développée, appelée "Herby" et testée par 120 éleveurs de la coopérative CAVAC. Basée sur le pâturage tournant, la méthode vise à utiliser l'herbe au stade optimal de 3 feuilles des graminées. Chaque semaine, les agriculteurs observent une dizaine de talles et comptent le nombre de feuilles qui ont poussé depuis la dernière utilisation. Selon cette méthode, le stade 3 feuilles est optimal pour le pâturage car il maximise la croissance de l'herbe, permet une bonne repousse après défoliation et donne une herbe de qualité pour les animaux en lactation. Le temps de pâturage par parcelle est limité à trois jours et les animaux changent de parcelle avant d'atteindre la gaine de la troisième feuille. Cependant, ce critère reste théorique et donne une tendance sur la sévérité de pâturage à respecter. La période de repos des prairies peut être très variable allant de 20 à 150 jours selon la pousse de l’herbe afin d'atteindre le nouveau stade 3 feuilles. Les agriculteurs qui ont suivi cette nouvelle méthode de gestion des pâturages ont amélioré la qualité de leur prairie et réduit les coûts de production. L'une des principales raisons vient du fait que certains n'utilisaient auparavant aucune méthode de gestion des prairies.

The very wet weather conditions in 2017 and the very dry ones in 2018 have changed the grassland species in many places. Weeds and other undesirable plant species such as the common couch grass (Elymus repens) are spreading more and more in grassland swards and are considerably worsening forage quality. Three farmers and two advisers from the chamber of agriculture met to discuss possible ways of controlling undesirable plants in grassland. In order to provide alternatives to glyphosate use, several ways of combating it, including mechanical control, were tried out on a degenerated sward.

The different methods were compared on a sward where couch grass (Elymus re-pens) had been developed. Among other things, ploughing was compared to the former common method combining a treatment with glyphosate with direct sowing. In comparison, a mulcher and direct sowing were used, and harrow were used. Many ideas from the farmers were tried out and tested on this demo system.

The results were as expected: the plough increased the presence of couch grass (Elymus repens) rather than declining it. The results with the harrow, were better than expected. The herbicide was the only one that worked.

Die sehr feuchten Wetterbedingungen im Jahr 2017 und die sehr trockenen im Jahr 2018 haben die Graslandarten vielerorts verändert. Unkräuter und andere unerwünschte Pflanzenarten wie das gewöhnliche Liegegras (Elymus repens) verbreiten sich immer mehr auf Graslandflächen und verschlechtern die Futterqualität erheblich. Drei Landwirte und zwei Berater der Landwirtschaftskammer trafen sich, um Möglichkeiten zur Bekämpfung unerwünschter Pflanzen auf Grünland zu diskutieren. Um Alternativen zur Verwendung von Glyphosat zu bieten, wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Bekämpfung, einschließlich der mechanischen Kontrolle, auf einer degenerierten Wiese ausprobiert.

Die verschiedenen Methoden wurden auf einer Wiese verglichen, auf der Liegegras (Elymus repens) entwickelt wurde. Unter anderem wurde das Pflügen mit der früher üblichen Methode verglichen, die eine Behandlung mit Glyphosat mit Direktsaat kombiniert. Im Vergleich dazu wurden Mulcher und Direktsaat eingesetzt, und es wurde eine Egge verwendet. An diesem Demo-System wurden viele Ideen der Landwirte ausprobiert und getestet.

Die Ergebnisse waren wie erwartet: Der Pflug erhöhte das Vorhandensein von Couchgras (Elymus repens), anstatt es zu verringern. Die Ergebnisse mit der Egge waren besser als erwartet. Das Herbizid war das einzige, das funktionierte.

After a very wet winter in 2017/2018, a group of farmers and advisors came together to discuss the optimal care for the sward in spring. In one farmer’s sward, various harrows, rollers and sowing techniques were investigated and presented, and the success of the measure was discussed directly in the group. The correct adjustment of the machines was important for all participants and was to be carried out directly on the site in consultation with the contractor. The choice of the harrow or the roller should in any case be adapted to the location and the site conditions so as not to stress the sward further.

In many areas the last harvest could not be carried out due to the high precipitation so: What to do in spring?

a. Consequences for spring grassland management

- Remove overhanging grass from the surface

- Even on wet surfaces despite danger of frost damage

- Re-seeding: Possibly higher sowing rate than usual

b. Consequences for forage quality

- The group of farmers and advisers agreed that grass samples had to be taken this year and that they had to be tested for fungal infestation.

- Use of silage additives: it was very important for all farmers to use the right silage additive for the first grass harvest in 2018.

The nutrient supply was also addressed: the conclusion was reached to analyze soil samples and to fertilize according to demand.

The right choice of grass mixture for successful replanting was presented by a consultant. It is also essential to pay attention to high-quality grasses.

All farmers were well informed after the event about the measures to be taken on their grassland to produce high-quality forage.

Nach einem sehr nassen Winter 2017/2018 traf sich eine Gruppe von Bauern und Beratern, um im Frühjahr über die optimale Pflege der Wiese zu diskutieren. Auf einer Farm wurden verschiedene Eggen, Walzen und Sätechniken untersucht und präsentiert, und der Erfolg der Maßnahme wurde direkt in der Gruppe diskutiert. Die richtige Einstellung der Maschinen war für alle Beteiligten wichtig und sollte in Absprache mit dem Auftragnehmer direkt vor Ort durchgeführt werden. Die Wahl der Egge oder der Walze sollte in jedem Fall an den Standort und die Standortbedingungen angepasst werden, um die Grasnarbe nicht weiter zu belasten.

In vielen Gebieten konnte die letzte Ernte aufgrund der hohen Niederschläge nicht durchgeführt werden: Was ist im Frühjahr zu tun?

a. Konsequenzen für die Bewirtschaftung von Frühlingsgrünland

- Entfernen Sie überstehendes Gras von der Oberfläche.

- Auch auf nassen Oberflächen trotz Frostschäden möglich

- Nachsaat: Möglicherweise höhere Aussaatmenge als üblich

b. Konsequenzen für die Futterqualität

- Die Gruppe der Landwirte und Berater war sich einig, dass in diesem Jahr Grasproben entnommen und auf Pilzbefall getestet werden müssen.

- Einsatz von Siliermittel: Es war für alle Landwirte sehr wichtig, für die erste Grasernte im Jahr 2018 das richtige Siliermittel einzusetzen.

Auch die Nährstoffversorgung wurde angesprochen: Es wurde die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, Bodenproben zu analysieren und bedarfsgerecht zu düngen.

Die richtige Wahl der Rasenmischung für eine erfolgreiche Wiederbepflanzung wurde von einem Berater vorgestellt. Es ist auch wichtig, auf hochwertige Gräser zu achten.

Alle Landwirte waren nach der Veranstaltung gut über die Maßnahmen informiert...

A meeting was organized at Ottorino Del Castello farm, located in Capracotta. Mr. Ottorino is well known farmer both for his Caciocavallo cheese and for the extensive rearing system he has adopted. His breeding system has caught the attention of several national television programs in which he has appeared. It has been a good opportunity for the dairy farm to increase their customers with this national exposure. In the area of Capracotta it is very difficult to manage land and crops, due to climate and soil conditions (cold and snowy winters, clay soils) the farm management is a very simple system. The municipality allows the Ottorino farm to use common lands for grazing, this way it helps to maintain the biodiversity of natural grasslands (avoiding shrub encroachment) and the local farmers businesses. The Ottorino farm does not have cultivated land or machinery but takes advantage of the wide biodiversity of Capracotta's natural grassland, which is rich in grasses (Festuca, Bromus), Orchis and Trifolium species. There is a collaboration with Flora Appenninica Garden”, a group of local researchers that advises the local farmers about grazing. The Ottorino farm has no paddocks but has adopted a free-grazing system. After the morning milking, 30 dairy cows of the Ottorino herd are allowed graze for the day. The herd returns to a small shelter in the late afternoon. The produced cheese is aromatic, tasty and very appreciated by the local market patrons. The Italian Simmental is a dual purpose breed, young males are sold to produce meat. Due to the simplicity of the system the Ottorino farm has a profitable business by selling products locally but also by having very low production costs.

Un incontro è stato organizzato presso l'azienda agricola Ottorino Del Castello, situata a Capracotta. Il signor Ottorino è un noto agricoltore famoso sia per il suo caciocavallo che per il sistema di allevamento estensivo che ha adottato. Il suo sistema di allevamento ha attirato l'attenzione di diversi programmi televisivi nazionali in cui è apparso. È stata una buona opportunità per l'azienda lattiero-casearia per aumentare i propri clienti con questa esposizione nazionale. Nella zona di Capracotta è molto difficile gestire terreni e colture, a causa delle condizioni climatiche e pedologiche (inverni freddi e nevosi, terreni argillosi) e la gestione aziendale è molto semplice. Il comune consente all'azienda agricola Ottorino di utilizzare i terreni comunali per il pascolo, contribuendo così a mantenere la biodiversità delle praterie naturali (evitando l'invasione arbustiva) e delle aziende agricole locali. L'azienda agricola Ottorino non dispone di terreni o macchinari coltivati ma sfrutta l'ampia biodiversità delle praterie naturali di Capracotta, ricche di erbacee (Festuca, Bromus), Orchis e Trifolium. C'è una collaborazione con “Flora Appenninica Garden", un gruppo di ricercatori locali che consiglia i fattori locali sul pascolo. L'azienda agricola Ottorino non ha un paddock ma ha adottato un sistema di pascolo libero. Dopo la mungitura mattutina, 30 vacche da latte della mandria possono pascolare per tutto il giorno. La mandria ritorna in un piccolo rifugio nel tardo pomeriggio. Il formaggio prodotto è aromatico, gustoso e molto apprezzato dai clienti del mercato locale. Il Simmental italiano è una razza a doppio scopo, i maschi giovani sono venduti per produrre carne. Grazie alla semplicità del sistema, l'azienda...

In Capracotta, three brothers have developed a closed chain cheese production, “Pallotta Farm and Dairy”.

Two brothers specialize in producing milk from Brown Swiss cows, the other brother manages a cheese factory producing a high-quality cheese locally. The climatic conditions of this area make it difficult to manage the herd outdoors, the grass is of medium quality. There is continual high levels of animal feeding and welfare, but sometimes cows are not maintained in herd and cow longevity is compromised. The main cause for this is the variable feed grass quality, which influences milk production levels.

A conventional farm could not use these natural grasslands for grazing with dairy cows, because of the energy they would lose grazing the steep surfaces and the lack of herbage production.

Farmers decided to take advantage of these natural pastures by using it for grazing heifers. The farm rangeland surface is divided in 10 hectare paddocks. Annually, in early May, heifers from 7 or 8 to 20 months are turned out to these paddocks to graze till October.

Grazing in this natural grassland allows the young animals to become stronger and more rustic. Heifers are physically better prepared for their production life. By adopting this rearing strategy, the farmers can reduce costs but it results in cattle being more healthy and productive in their lactating life.

A Capracotta, tre fratelli hanno sviluppato una produzione casearia a filiera chiusa, "Fattoria e Latteria Pallotta".

Due fratelli sono specializzati nella produzione di latte di vacche brune, l'altro fratello gestisce un caseificio che produce in loco un formaggio di alta qualità. Le condizioni climatiche di questa zona rendono difficile la gestione della mandria all'aperto, i pascoli sono di media qualità. I livelli di alimentazione e benessere degli animali sono costantemente elevati, ma a volte le vacche non sono mantenute in mandria e la loro longevità viene compromessa. La causa principale di questo fenomeno è la qualità variabile del foraggio, che influenza i livelli di produzione del latte.

Un'azienda agricola convenzionale non poteva utilizzare questi prati naturali per il pascolo delle vacche da latte, a causa dell'energia che queste avrebbero perso durante il pascolo sulle superfici ripide e della mancata produzione di erbacee.

Gli agricoltori hanno deciso di sfruttare questi pascoli naturali per utilizzare le giovenche al pascolo. La superficie dell'azienda è suddivisa in recinti di 10 ettari. Annualmente, all'inizio di maggio, le giovenche da 7 o 8-20 mesi vengono spostate in questi paddock per pascolare fino a ottobre.

Il pascolo in questo prato naturale permette ai piccoli animali di diventare più forti e più rustici. Le giovenche sono fisicamente più preparate per la loro vita produttiva. Adottando questa strategia di allevamento, gli agricoltori possono ridurre i costi e ottenere un bestiame più sano e produttivo nella periodo di lattazione.

Climate change challenges the current forage systems. It was common practice to continue grazing during the summer. However, the recent climate changes affect the growth of summer grass. In fact, the growth of some species stops beyond 25°C and others need a regular rainfall, a situation that is not always available anymore. New forage species are needed that better withstand climatic conditions. Forage chicory is one example. Due to its tap root, it is able to draw the water from deep soil layers and to better regulate its temperature, thus allowing continuing growing during heat waves. Its use is limited to grazing because of its high water content. It may be advantageously to combine it with legumes (clovers) to reduce nitrogen inputs. Its fast growth requires fast rotational grazing on the order of 3 weeks before returning to the first plot. This is almost twice as fast as a "classic" grassland grazing cycle at this time of the year. This kind of summer pasture means that in spring the accessible surface is reduced, because the growth of the vegetation starts later. The farmers need forage production in the summer without the need of performing a mechanical harvesting operation. However, its implementation requires a prior reflection on the paddocks to be chosen and the number of hectares needed to take advantage of its assets without being detrimental to forage autonomy. The length of the usual summer dry spell, proportion of the grazed mixture within livestock ration shall lead farmers in their reflection. Moreover, chicory keeps growing over the whole grazing season only if sown on deep soils. For example, one farmer seeded 22 ha for grazing all summer with 90 dairy cows at a seeding rate of 3 kg/ha of chicory and same amount of white and red clover each.

Le changement climatique remet en question les systèmes fourragers actuels. Il était courant de pâturer des prairies vertes pendant l'été. Cependant, les récents aléas climatiques ont limité la croissance des prairies. Certaines espèces fourragères sont en stress thermique au-delà de 25°C et ont des besoins réguliers en eau. D’autres espèces fourragères sont nécessaires pour s’adapter à ces nouvelles conditions climatiques telles que la chicorée fourragère. Grâce à sa racine pivotante, il est capable de puiser l'eau des couches profondes du sol et de mieux réguler sa température, permettant ainsi une croissance continue pendant les vagues de chaleur. Sa valorisation, surtout si dominante dans la prairie, se limite au pâturage en raison de sa forte teneur en eau. Il peut être avantageux de la combiner avec des légumineuses pour réduire les apports en azote dont elle est friande. Sa croissance rapide nécessite un pâturage en rotation rapide avec un temps de repos de l'ordre de 3 semaines. Au-delà la chicorée monte en graines, notamment à partir de la deuxième année. C'est presque deux fois plus rapide qu'un cycle de pâturage "classique" à cette période de l'année. En revanche au printemps, la surface accessible est réduite, car la croissance de la végétation commence plus tard. L’implantation de la chicorée nécessite une réflexion préalable sur la nature des sols, leur accessibilité et le nombre d'hectares à semer pour tirer parti de ses atouts sans nuire à l'autonomie fourragère de l’exploitation. La durée du stress thermique et la proportion de pâture dans la ration estivale sont aussi des éléments à prendre en compte. Sans oublier que le potentiel de croissance estivale de la chicorée est grandement impacté par la profondeur des sols.

In 2011, the farmer decided to convert to organic sheep farming because the tie stall had become too old for the cows and instead of rebuilding it, a simply and cost-effective adaption was targeted. A further reason for this change was that the steep areas in the immediate vicinity of the farm were too steep and thus too expensive for the production of forage. On these areas haymaking is nowadays no longer profitable despite the public payments, whereas grazing with small ruminants is a viable alternative.

Three paddocks are available to the 100 East Frisian dairy sheep (occasionally crossed with Lacaune). There, they can graze during the day and find shade under the existing shrubs and trees. The seasonal lambing, which begins at the end of January, reduces the work load in the winter months and allows therefore the farmer to take time off and to rest in this period. The off-farm forage purchase amounts to a total of 5,000 - 6,000 kg of maize, alfalfa and pelleted wheat bran per year only.

The sheep's milk is processed on farm. Vegetables and potatoes are also grown on farm. The farm products are marketed through the own farm shop, local retailers and hotels in the surroundings. The cooperation with the regional tourism is close. Farm guided tours are offered to guests who can also eat at the farm's restaurant. The aim is not only to sell customers a product, but also an experience.

As prerequisites for grazing, the existence of sufficient areas close to the farm and the learning of how to handle the animals and manage the pasture should be mentioned. In addition, particularly in the first few years, continuous oversowing is necessary in order to promote the conversion of meadows into pastures with a dense sward.

Im Jahr 2011 entschied sich der Landwirt für die Umstellung auf die biologische Schafhaltung, weil der Ankerstall für die Kühe zu alt geworden war und statt ihn wieder aufzubauen, wurde eine einfache und kostengünstige Anpassung angestrebt. Ein weiterer Grund für diese Veränderung war, dass die Flächen in unmittelbarer Nähe des Betriebs zu steil und damit zu teuer für die Futterproduktion waren. Auf diesen Flächen ist die Heuernte, trotz öffentlicher Gelder, heute nicht mehr rentabel, während die Beweidung mit kleinen Wiederkäuern eine sinnvolle Alternative ist.

Den 100 ostfriesischen Milchschafen (gelegentlich mit Lacaune gekreuzt) stehen drei Paddocks zur Verfügung. Dort können sie tagsüber grasen und unter den vorhandenen Sträuchern und Bäumen Schatten finden. Die saisonale Lammarbeit, die Ende Januar beginnt, reduziert die Arbeitsbelastung in den Wintermonaten und ermöglicht es dem Landwirt, sich eine Auszeit zu nehmen und sich in dieser Zeit auszuruhen. Der außerbetriebliche Futtermitteleinkauf beträgt insgesamt nur 5.000 - 6.000 kg Mais, Luzerne und Weizenkleie pro Jahr.

Die Schafsmilch wird im Betrieb verarbeitet. Gemüse und Kartoffeln werden auch auf dem Bauernhof angebaut. Die landwirtschaftlichen Produkte werden über den eigenen Hofladen, lokale Einzelhändler und Hotels in der Umgebung vermarktet. Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem regionalen Tourismus ist eng. Für Gäste, die auch im Restaurant des Hofes essen können, werden Farmführungen angeboten. Ziel ist es nicht nur, den Kunden ein Produkt, sondern auch ein Erlebnis zu verkaufen.

Als Voraussetzungen für die Beweidung sind das Vorhandensein ausreichender Flächen...

Since 2005, the farmer no longer produces any silage, as his grassland plots delivered different forage qualities, the silage bales were too big for the daily demand and the management of the high silo was too laborious. Since the local dairy had no marketing channel for silage-free milk at that time, a cheese dairy was built to process it on farm. In 2010, the cheese dairy was extended, a loose housing was built and a farm shop including a presentation room established.

Although the size of the own pastures around the farm was too small, the farmer was able to continuously lease land from other small farms in the surroundings ceasing the agricultural activities. Therefore, the size of the grazing area is now large enough to practice a continuous variable stocking (short sward grazing). The dairy cattle (Simmental and Braunvieh) can graze from April to late autumn, with the stable being accessible by the animals at any time.

The products are sold in the own farm shop and through several small purchasers. In the village there is also a close cooperation between agriculture and tourism, which enables an effective marketing circuit. Hotels use the products of the cheese dairy, in return tourists are offered guided tours through the farm. This creates, both for the resident population and for the tourists, a connection between local agriculture and regional products.

As prerequisites for grazing, enthusiasm and conviction of the farmer as well as experience through learning processes are required. There must be sufficient contiguous grazing areas located close to the farm which are not too steep. The livestock breeds must be slowly adapted to grazing, whereby individual performances are less important than robust animals.

Seit 2005 produziert der Landwirt keine Silage mehr, da seine Grünlandflächen unterschiedliche Futterqualitäten lieferten, die Silageballen für den täglichen Bedarf zu groß waren und die Bewirtschaftung des Hochsilos zu aufwändig war. Da die lokale Molkerei zu diesem Zeitpunkt über keinen Vertriebskanal für siliagefreie Milch verfügte, wurde eine Käserei gebaut, die sie im Betrieb verarbeiten sollte. Im Jahr 2010 wurde die Käserei erweitert, ein freistehendes Gebäude gebaut und ein Bauernladen mit einem Präsentationsraum eingerichtet.

Obwohl die Größe der eigenen Weiden um den Betrieb herum zu klein war, konnte der Landwirt kontinuierlich Land von anderen kleinen Betrieben in der Umgebung pachten und die landwirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten ausweiten. Daher ist die Größe der Weidefläche nun groß genug, um eine kontinuierliche variable Besatzung (Kurzrasenweide) zu betreiben. Die Milchkühe (Simmental und Braunvieh) können von April bis Spätherbst grasen, wobei der Stall für die Tiere jederzeit zugänglich ist.

Die Produkte werden im eigenen Hofladen und über mehrere kleine Abnehmer verkauft. Im Dorf gibt es auch eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Landwirtschaft und Tourismus, die einen effektiven Marketing-Kreislauf ermöglicht. Die Hotels verwenden die Produkte der Käserei, im Gegenzug werden den Touristen Führungen durch den Betrieb angeboten. Dadurch entsteht sowohl für die ansässige Bevölkerung als auch für die Touristen eine Verbindung zwischen der lokalen Landwirtschaft und den regionalen Produkten.

Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Beweidung sind Begeisterung und Überzeugung vom System sowie Erfahrungen durch Lernprozesse des Landwirtes erforderlich...

In France, the traditional agroforestry often consists in orchards in which fruit trees are mixed within grassland. In general, trees have a negligible negative impact (losses up to 10%) and sometimes they are even beneficial to grassland productivity. Nevertheless, the tree density seems important, as above 60 trees/ha forage yield strongly decreases, whilst an optimum around 30 trees/ha seems to be a good compromise when timber is sought after. Overall, the main limiting factor is the amount of light reaching grass. Therefore, trees management is important to favour grass yield regardless of their plantation density. Trees create a beneficial microclimate for animals during periods of extreme weather (cold or hot). They also have an impact on the physiological development of plants. By creating a delay at the start of growing season, grass keeps a high protein content for longer time, in comparison to grasslands without trees. This could be used for extending the grazing season, though slightly reducing the forage yield of grass.

Promising results of tree leaf quality analyses have highlighted the suitability of Morus alba and Fraxinus ornus for their digestibility and protein content. Other species seem interesting especially for their crude protein content. Trees have also the advantage of producing biomass at a time when grassland growth is slowing down. The obvious obstacle is forage harvest and the maintenance of the trees. Positive examples where trees are kept at a height accessible to grazing animals have been identified. Some farmers try to cultivate the trees in tight rows and harvest them as silage; others keep the hedgerows and cut branches in years of great forage stock deficit.

En France, l'agroforesterie est représentée par les pré-vergers où arbres fruitiers et prairies cohabitent. Dans ce cas, les arbres ont un impact négligeable sur la productivité de la prairie. Néanmoins, la densité d'implantation des arbres joue un rôle majeur, notamment pour les essences exploitées pour leur bois. Au-dessus de 60 arbres/ha le rendement fourrager diminue fortement, alors qu'un optimum d'environ 30 arbres/ha semble être un bon compromis. Le principal facteur limitant est la quantité de lumière captée par l'herbe. Ainsi, la gestion des arbres est importante pour favoriser le rendement en graminées quelle que soit leur densité de plantation. Les arbres créent un microclimat bénéfique pour les animaux pendant les périodes de conditions climatiques extrêmes. Ils ont également un impact sur le développement physiologique des plantes. L'herbe conserve ainsi plus longtemps une teneur élevée en protéines que dans les prairies sans arbres. C’est un levier pour prolonger la saison de pâturage, en réduisant légèrement le rendement en l'herbe.

Les résultats prometteurs des analyses de la qualité des feuilles des arbres ont mis en évidence l'aptitude de Morus alba et Fraxinus ornus pour leur digestibilité et leur teneur en protéines. Les arbres ont aussi l'avantage de produire de la biomasse à un moment où la croissance des prairies ralentit. Le principal frein est la récolte des feuilles et l'astreinte supplémentaire pour l’entretien des arbres. Des exemples existent où les arbres sont taillés à une hauteur accessible aux animaux pour le pâturage. Certains agriculteurs essaient de les cultiver en rangs serrés et de les récolter sous forme d'ensilage ; d'autres gardent les haies et coupent les branches lors de fort déficit fourrager.

Barn drying is a method of artificially drying the fodder by ventilation.

In principle, the grass is harvested at a dry matter content between 45% and 60%, after a first on field drying. This grass is, then, transported to the on farm drying barn, where it is dried and stored. The drying is done through a hot and/or dry air ventilation through the mass of grass.

This drying method has many advantages:

• Reduced forage losses in the field, in comparison to classic hay (that breaks the grass size through tedding, and so a bigger proportion stays on the field) ;

• Better nutritional quality of the grass, thanks to faster drying;

• Improvement of palatability and ingestion;

• Better forage quality that improves animal health and increases production; or at equivalent production, reduces concentrate consumption;

• A milk quality that is ideal for cheese production (few butyric bacteria).

The main criticism of this kind of installation is the very high cost of the initial investment.

Moreover this mode of harvest and drying management, which is more technical and more laborious than silage, is not suitable for everyone.

The main recommendations for any farmer interested in this method of drying are:

• Pay particular attention to the design of the installation

• Consider less expensive barn drying systems

• Acquire know-how for the management of the dryer

• Put in place a better valorization of the final product of the exploitation (milk, meat,…)

• Consider the overall direction of the farm in order to maximize the benefits of this method. For example, barn drying is very well adapted to organic production (better valorization of the meadow) and cheese production (few butyric bacteria).

Le séchage en grange est une méthode de séchage du fourrage forcé par ventilation.

En principe, l'herbe est récoltée à une teneur en matière sèche comprise entre 45% et 60%, après un premier séchage au champ. Cette herbe est ensuite transportée à la grange où elle est séchée et stockée. Le séchage se fait par une ventilation d'air chaud et/ou sec à travers la masse d'herbe.

Cette méthode de séchage présente de nombreux avantages :

- Réduction des pertes de fourrage au champ, par rapport au foin classique (risque météo, davantage de travail sur fourrage sec : fanage, andainage, pressage qui crée des pertes) ;

- Meilleure qualité nutritionnelle de l'herbe, grâce à un séchage plus rapide ;

- Amélioration de l'appétence et de l'ingestion ;

- Une meilleure qualité du fourrage qui améliore la santé des animaux et augmente la production ; ou à production équivalente, réduit la consommation de concentré ;

- Une qualité de lait idéale pour la production de fromage (peu de bactéries butyriques).

La principale critique de ce type d'installation est le coût très élevé de l'investissement initial.

De plus, ce mode de gestion de la récolte et du séchage, plus technique et plus laborieux que l'ensilage, n'est pas adapté à tous.

Les principales recommandations pour tout agriculteur intéressé par cette méthode de séchage sont :

- Porter une attention particulière à la conception de l'installation

- Envisagez des systèmes de séchage en grange moins coûteux

- Acquérir un savoir-faire sur la gestion du séchoir

- Rechercher une meilleure valorisation du produit final de l'exploitation (lait, viande...)

- Tenir compte de l'orientation générale de l'exploitation agricole afin de maximiser les avantages de cette méthode.

The Marguerite Happy Cow cooperative is made up of farmers, a manufacturer of cattle feed, a milk collector and a cheese factory. The different actors of the sector must respect a precise set of specifications. Broadly speaking, these target local production, fair remuneration and a particular milk quality for cheese production. In a way, we can say that this sector is halfway between conventional production and organic production.

Benefits for the farmer:

• Stable price of milk and higher price;

• Be part of a local industry that markets a good, healthy and natural product;

• To be able to apprehend the whole of a sector and to know all the actors;

• Common and motivating project, in development.

• Creation of a cooperative that includes consumers, allowing discussion with them.

Disadvantages for the farmer:

• Who says specifications says constraints and adaptations to adopt. Some constraints in the specifications are more difficult for some farmers to implement;

• Difficult management of milk urea in summer, due to the almost exclusively grass-based diet;

Other reviews:

• Exclusivity of certain actors in the sector: the food supplier, the dairy;

• According to some, the sector would be mainly based on marketing, because a good part of the conventional farms of the region already respect this specifications

La coopérative Marguerite Happy Cow est composée d'agriculteurs, d'un fabricant d'aliments, d'un collecteur de lait et d'une fromagerie. Les différents acteurs du secteur doivent respecter un cahier des charges précis. D'une manière générale, elles visent une production locale, une rémunération équitable et une qualité de lait propice à la production de fromage. On peut dire que ce secteur est à mi-chemin entre la production conventionnelle et la production biologique.

Avantages pour l'agriculteur :

- Prix stable du lait et prix plus élevé ;

- Faire partie d'une industrie locale qui commercialise un produit bon, sain et naturel ;

- Pouvoir appréhender l'ensemble d'une filière et connaître l'ensemble des acteurs ;

- Projet collectif, motivant en développement.

- Création d'une coopérative qui inclut les consommateurs et permet de discuter avec eux.

Inconvénients pour l'agriculteur :

- Un cahier des charges avec ses contraintes qui nécessitent des adaptations. Certaines contraintes du cahier des charges sont difficiles à mettre en œuvre pour certains agriculteurs ;

- Problème d'urée dans le lait en été, en raison de l'alimentation presque exclusivement à base d'herbe ;

Autres commentaires :

- Exclusivité d’approvisionnement des aliments et de collecte du lait ;

- Selon certains, le secteur serait principalement basé sur le marketing, car une bonne partie des exploitations conventionnelles de la région respectent déjà ce cahier des charges.

Dynamic rotational grazing aims at a reduced grazing period per plot, on an increased number of plots. The grazing management must be global for all the plots. Animals (e.g. cows, sheep) graze maximum 3 days per plot, but very often the duration is even reduced to only 1 day! The size of the plots is reduced to suit the needs of the herd over this short time. Fences are usually made of electrified movable wires to adapt to the grass availability. This grazing management enables to valorize grass at the best stage of development and allows a fast and abundant regrowth, without drawing on the reserves of the plants. The ingestion of the animals is also maximized with the rotational dynamic grazing. The rotation time, the time before coming back on the same plot, is variable, depending on the season and the speed of grass growth. The rest period varies from 18-20 days in the spring, during the peak of growth, to about 40 days in autumn (and possibly more in the summer, in case of drought).

In summary, dynamic rotational grazing aims to offer the herd grass at an optimum stage, thanks to high instantaneous stocking rate on small plots and rotation times adapted to grass growth dynamics.

Dynamic rotational grazing requires few investments. But grazing management is very technical and may require more time: the wires and fences must be moved, the farmer must monitor the grass growth and plan the grazing rotation. This circuit must be continuously adapted, in other words, a dynamic management is needed! However, the well-managed dynamic rotational grazing makes it possible to increase the productivity of the meadow, with a high grass quality. Due to the grazing pattern, it also improves the quality of grassland with the emerging of a denser grass with more clover.

Le pâturage tournant dynamique vise à réduire le temps de séjour par parcelle en augmentant le nombre de parcelles disponibles. La gestion du pâturage se fait en considérant l’ensemble des parcelles. Les animaux pâturent au maximum 3 jours par parcelle, mais très souvent la durée est réduite à un seul jour ! La taille des parcelles est réduite pour répondre aux besoins du troupeau pendant cette courte période. Les clôtures sont généralement faites de fils électriques mobiles pour s'adapter à la disponibilité de l'herbe. Cette gestion du pâturage permet de valoriser l'herbe au meilleur stade de développement et une repousse rapide et abondante, sans puiser dans les réserves des plantes. L'ingestion des animaux est maximisée grâce à la rotation dynamique des pâturages. Le temps de repos des parcelles est variable en fonction de la saison et de la vitesse de croissance de l'herbe. Le temps de repousse varie de 18-20 jours au printemps, au plus fort de la croissance, à environ 40 jours en automne.

En résumé, le pâturage tournant dynamique vise à offrir au troupeau une herbe à un stade optimal, grâce à un chargement instantané élevé sur de petites parcelles et des cycles de rotation adaptés à la dynamique de croissance de l'herbe.

Le pâturage tournant dynamique nécessite peu d'investissements. Mais la gestion du pâturage est très technique et peut demander plus de temps : déplacement des fils et clôtures, surveillance de la croissance de l'herbe et planification des cycles de pâturage. Ce circuit nécessite une gestion dynamique ! Cependant, le pâturage tournant dynamique bien géré augmente la productivité de la prairie tout en offrant une herbe de haute qualité et améliore la flore de la prairie avec l'émergence d'une herbe plus dense avec davantage de trèfle.

In Sardinia (Italy), some farmers carry out sod seeding with forage plants. They started using this technique with main objective to reduce the labour needed to carry out soil tillage in their 200 ha farm. Traditionally, the farm soils were ploughed during summer, then harrowed, seeded before the first autumn rains and, finally, rolled. Adopting sod seeding, the farmers had to wait for the first rains to perform the weed control with glyphosate, a compulsory practice with sod seeding. After that, they used a disc seeder to seed legume-grasses mixture (Squarroso Clover/Vetch mixed with oat or Italian rye grass). The farmers gained other benefits from the adoption of sod seeding:

- Timeliness of seeding at the most favourable conditions of soil moisture;

- Use of lower amounts of fuel (at most, 15 kg) and seeds per hectare

- Improved relative water content of soil (estimated +40%), which is important where rains are unpredictable and scarce during spring;

- Lower wear of the seeder working organs;

- Greater soil bearing capacity during rainy periods;

- Comparable (or even higher) harvested forage dry matter yield.

Nonetheless, the lower growth rate of grass in sod-seeded plots requires to well planning seeding time to have a satisfactory sward establishment at the start of the season.

To adopt successfully the sod-seeding in a new farm, the farmers recommended to ask to experts about the most adapted type of machine (disc or tine seeder) for the farm soils, and to test the best species and adapted varieties. Sod-seeding requires an accurate weed management before seeding to be a successful technique. Nonetheless, this aspect could be of minor importance for farmers where grazing is carried out, because grazing animals control the remaining weeds.

Quattro allevatori titolari di un’azienda di 200 ettari in Sardegna seminano le foraggere su sodo. L’utilizzo di questa tecnica è stato motivato dal loro desiderio di risparmiare lavoro in pre-semina. Le lavorazioni estive (aratura, frangizollatura, semina e rullatura), seguite dalla semina a fine estate, sono state soppiantate dal diserbo col glifosate, dopo le prime piogge autunnali. Poi, viene seminato un miscuglio di avena (o loietto) e trifoglio squarroso (o veccia) con una seminatrice su sodo a dischi. Gli allevatori hanno affermato di avere realizzato altri vantaggi:

- La tempestività di semina, alle migliori condizioni di umidità del suolo;

- Uso di minori quantità di gasolio (al massimo, 15 l) e di sementi per ettaro;

- Aumento del contenuto relativo di acqua nel suolo (stima del +40%), utile nel periodo primaverile;

- Minore usura degli organi lavoranti della seminatrice;

- Suolo con maggiore portanza durante i periodi piovosi;

- Resa in foraggio per ettaro uguale o superiore alla semina tradizionale.

Tuttavia, il tasso di crescita della piante appena insediate è inferiore rispetto alla semina convenzionale, pertanto occorre pianificare accuratamente le semine nelle aziende che effettuano il pascolamento.

Per adottare con successo la semina su sodo, gli allevatori raccomandano informarsi in anticipo su quale sia il tipo di seminatrice più adatto al tipo di suolo aziendale (seminatrice a dischi o a denti), e di testare le specie e varietà più adatte. La gestione delle malerbe prima della semina è di fondamentale importanza per ottenere buoni risultati. Tuttavia, questo aspetto potrebbe assumere una rilevanza minore per le aziende nelle quali si attua il pascolamento, in quanto gli animali contribuiscono...

A small mountain farm in Ahrntal (South Tyrol, Italy) bases his economic activities in summer (June to September) on a small herd of about 30 breeding sheep (breed: Tiroler Bergschaf) and on renting two huts located at the summer pastures to tourists. The sheep are free ranging on mountain pastures (22 ha; 2000 to 2800 m a.s.l.) with limited view because of the rough terrain. They can even move to the other side of the mountain in Austrian territory. In the past, one person spent one whole day per week looking for the herd by feet, checking that no animals were missing and they were in good conditions. Two years ago, a second-hand drone (50 cm diameter, 4 kg weight) transmitting aerial images to a remote monitor was bought with a small investment of about 2,600 €. Since then, the herd is first localized by means of the drone starting from the huts and flying about 25 m above ground. The animals are counted, and the herd is visited only if necessary. This strongly reduces both the frequency of the control walks as well as the time to reach the animals by feet. The position of the herd is known in advance, whilst the frequency of the remote controls can be increased because of the minor effort needed to perform them. This allows also additional targeted walks to prevent the herd accessing topographically dangerous areas, which resulted in a reduced loss of animals due to accidents. The prerequisites for an effective use of the drone are a learning phase to be able to pilot the drone and a detailed knowledge of the flown area. Until now, there were no complaints of the tourists concerning the drone flying the area, but this may be expected to happen if more farmers adopt this innovation. The permissions to fly this kind of drone without sight contact with it must be verified as well.

Ein kleiner Bergbauernhof im Ahrntal stützt seine wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten im Sommer auf eine kleine Herde von rund 30 Zuchtschafen und die Vermietung von zwei Hütten auf den Sommerweiden an Touristen. Die Schafe sind frei auf Almen. Die Flächen sind unwegsam und unübersichtlich. Die Schafe können sich sogar auf die andere Seite des Berges nach Österreich bewegen. In der Vergangenheit verbrachte eine Person einen ganzen Tag pro Woche damit, die Herde zu Fuß zu suchen und zu überprüfen, ob Tiere fehlen und ob sie in gutem Zustand waren. Vor zwei Jahren wurde mit einer kleinen Investition von rund 2.600 € eine gebrauchte Drohne gekauft, die Luftbilder auf einen Remote-Monitor überträgt. Seitdem wird die Herde zunächst mit Hilfe der Drohne von den Hütten aus lokalisiert. Die Tiere werden gezählt, und die Herde wird nur bei Bedarf besucht. Dies reduziert sowohl die Häufigkeit der Kontrollgänge als auch die Zeit, die benötigt wird, um die Tiere zu Fuß zu erreichen. Die Position der Herde ist im Voraus bekannt, während die Frequenz der Tierkontrollen einfach aufgrund des geringen Aufwandes erhöht werden kann. Dies ermöglicht auch zusätzliche gezielte Begehungen, um zu verhindern, dass die Herde topographisch gefährdete Gebiete erreicht, was zu einem geringeren Verlust von Tieren durch Unfälle führt. Voraussetzungen für einen effektiven Einsatz der Drohne sind eine Lernphase, um die Drohne steuern zu können, und eine detaillierte Kenntnis des beflogenen Gebietes. Bisher gab es keine Beschwerden der Touristen über die Drohne, die das Gebiet abfliegt. Dies ist jedoch zu erwarten, wenn mehr Bauern diese Innovation annehmen. Die Berechtigungen, diese Art von Drohne ohne Sichtkontakt zu fliegen, müssen ebenfalls überprüft werden.

The Künig farm is located at 1,100 m altitude in the Aurina Valley (South Tyrol, Italy), was taken over by Walter Steger in 2002. One year later, the cattle farm was converted to organic farming. In addition to agriculture, the farmer has a second mainstay in the hospitality sector. This made it necessary to reduce the workload on the farm in order to run both businesses. Therefore, the number of cows was reduced from 40 to 22 dairy cows and grazing was introduced. The great motivation of the farmer and the courage to change led to many different milking systems being tried out on the farm, including a milking robot. In the end, however, a simple milking parlour was built to reduce technical problems to a minimum. In addition to reducing the workload, the aim was to be independent of the need to buy additional forage, which is why the farmer relies on the Grausvieh breed, which is suitable for grazing even in steep terrain. The horned dairy cows graze on the rounded areas (6.5 ha) from mid-April to the end of October. The system of short sward grazing is practised. The leased meadows (16 ha), which are not near the farm, are used for hay production for the winter months. Due to the very good basic forage performance, concentrate can be completely dispensed with. The farmer does not own any machines himself, but borrows them via the Maschinenring (cross-farm machinery). This eliminates high investment costs. A certain flexibility is necessary when working with external machines. The service provided by the Maschinenring results in additional organisational expenditure.

Der Bauernhof Künig liegt auf 1.100 m Höhe im Ahrntal (Südtirol, Italien) und wurde 2002 von Walter Steger übernommen. Ein Jahr später wurde die Rinderfarm auf biologischen Anbau umgestellt. Neben der Landwirtschaft hat der Landwirt ein zweites Standbein im Tourismusgewerbe. Dies machte es notwendig, die Arbeitsbelastung auf dem Betrieb zu reduzieren, um beide Betriebe zu führen. Daher wurde die Anzahl der Kühe von 40 auf 22 Milchkühe reduziert und die Beweidung eingeführt. Die große Motivation des Landwirts und der Mut zum Wechsel führten dazu, dass viele verschiedene Melksysteme im Betrieb ausprobiert wurden, darunter ein Melkroboter. Am Ende wurde jedoch ein einfacher Melkstand gebaut, um technische Probleme auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. Neben der geringen Arbeitsentlastung sollte das Produktionssystem auch unabhängig von der Zufuhr externer Futtervorräte sein, weshalb der Landwirt auf die Rasse Grauvieh setzt, die auch in steilem Gelände weidefähig ist. Von Mitte April bis Ende Oktober grasen die gehörnten Milchkühe auf den betriebsnahen Flächen (6,5 ha). Dabei wir das System der Kurzgrasbeweidung praktiziert. Die gepachteten Wiesen (16 ha), die sich nicht in der Nähe des Hofes befinden, werden für die Heuproduktion genutzt. Aufgrund der sehr guten Grundfutterleistung kann auf Kraftfutter vollständig verzichtet werden. Der Landwirt besitzt selbst keine Maschinen, sondern leiht sie sich über den Maschinenring aus. Dadurch entfallen hohe Investitionskosten. Bei der Arbeit mit externen Maschinen ist eine gewisse Flexibilität erforderlich und der Service des Maschinenrings führt zu zusätzlichem Organisationsaufwand.

In southern Italy, the summer season is characterized by very high temperatures during the day. Heat stress can cause productive and reproductive problems to animals. In the Noci farm, located in Puglia, the breeder noted the reduction in the fertility and in the milk production in his Bruna breed cows during the grazing season in spring and summer. In fact, heat stress, combined with water drought, reduces the production of forage and determines the worsening of its quality and the efficiency of the forage conversion into milk. Due to lack of irrigation water and money for investments, the breeder was not able to increase his pasture productivity and opted for the replacement of the Brown breed with a more rustic one, and able to maximize the use of the available food resources, the Podolica breed. This dual-purpose native breed is more suited to the conditions of the area, being less sensitive to high temperatures and very suitable for poor pastures and wild breeding, showing fewer reproductive problems. Despite being less productive than the Bruna breed, the Podolica breed has a high quality milk that can be processed into a typical dairy production, the Caciocavallo podolico, which is sold to high prices to compensate for the lower production of milk. In addition, the Podolica, as a native breed, receives national and European subsidies that supplement the income of the farmers contributing to the conservation of local animal biodiversity.

The disadvantages associated with the farmer’s choice are

- Seasonality of milk production

- Difficult increase in milk production

Among the advantages, the income generated by the production of good quality meat.

Nel sud Italia, la stagione estiva è caratterizzata da temperature molto elevate durante il giorno. Lo stress termico può creare problemi produttivi e riproduttivi agli animali. Nell'azienda agricola Noci, situata in Puglia, l’allevatore ha notato la riduzione della fertilità e la produzione di latte nelle sue vacche di razza Bruna, tenute in stalla durante la stagione invernale e al pascolo durante la primavera e l’estate. Lo stress termico, abbinato alla carenza idrica, infatti, riduce la produzione di foraggio e determina il peggioramento della sua qualità, peggiorando l’efficienza della conversione foraggera in latte. Non potendo rendere il suo pascolo più produttivo per mancanza di acqua irrigua e di denaro per investimenti, l’allevatore ha optato per la sostituzione della razza Bruna con una più rustica ed in grado di massimizzare l’uso delle risorse alimentari disponibili, la Podolica. Questa razza autoctona a duplice attitudine è più adatta alle condizioni della zona, essendo meno sensibile alle alte temperature e molto adatta ai pascoli poveri e all’allevamento allo stato brado, e presenta minori problemi riproduttivi. Pur essendo meno produttiva della razza Bruna, la Podolica ha un latte di alta qualità che può essere usato per una produzione casearia tipica, il Caciocavallo podolico, che spunta prezzi più remunerativi a compensazione delle minori produzioni di latte. In aggiunta, la Podolica, in quanto razza autoctona, è destinataria di sovvenzioni nazionali ed europee che integrano il reddito dell'allevatore che contribuisce alla conservazione della biodiversità animale.

Gli svantaggi legati a questa scelta sono

- Stagionalità delle produzioni di latte

- Difficile incremento delle produzioni di latte

The sustainable use of forage resources in farms can be achieved through the adoption of good management practices, which aim to favour the maximization of animal quantitative and qualitative productions and the preservation of forage availability over the years, avoiding overgrazing.

In the demo farm Asciano, some aspects of the sustainable management of the forage resources of the farm were discussed: rotational grazing, determination of occupation and rest intervals, stocking rate and combination of forage species to increase the annual forage availability. The farm forage resources, mainly mowed, have been integrated by monocultures of Crimson clover and sulla, both sown with the minimum tillage technique, without the use of chemical fertilizers. Sulla monocrops yield up to 7 t of forage per year and can be both mown and used for grazing. Forage quality was checked by means of periodic laboratory analyses. The efficiency of the conversion of the various forage resources of sheep in selection for milk production was also indexed. Among the benefits achieved:

- Higher on-farm forage production;

- Soil conservation and minimization of erosion;

- Continuous monitoring of the quality and quantity of pastures and the related animal performances;

- Increase of milk production and the value of the flock.

The data collected in the demo farm are a reference for all breeders who intend to adopt the proposed forage system in their farms.

L’uso sostenibile delle riserse foraggere aziendali può essere realizzato mediante l’adozione di buone prassi gestionali, che hanno lo scopo di favorire la massimizzazione delle produzioni quali-quantitative animali e la conservazione della disponibilità foraggera negli anni, evitando il sovrapascolamento.

Nell’azienda innovativa sperimentale Asciano sono stati discussi alcuni aspetti della gestione sostenibile delle risorse foraggere presenti: pascolo a rotazione, determinazione del periodo di occupazione e di riposo, carico di animali e combinazione di specie foraggere per incrementare la disponibilità foraggera aziendale. Le risorse foraggere aziendali, gestite principalmente con lo sfalcio, sono state integrate da monocolture di trifoglio incarnato e di sulla, seminate con la tecnica di minima lavorazione, senza l’apporto di fertilizzanti chimici. La sulla può offrire produzioni fino a 7 t per anno di foraggio e può essere sfalciata e dopo utilizzata per il pascolo. Il monitoraggio della qualità dei foraggi è stato effettuato attraverso analisi periodiche di laboratorio. È stata, inoltre, indicizzata l’efficienza della conversione delle varie risorse foraggere di pecore in selezione per la produzione di latte. Tra i benefici conseguiti:

- maggiore produzione di foraggio in azienda e risparmio per l'acquisto di foraggio dal mercato

- conservazione del suolo e minimizzazione dell'erosione

- il monitoraggio continuo della quali-quantitativo dei pascoli e delle relative prestazioni animali

- aumento della produzione di latte e del valore del gregge.

I dati scientifici raccolti nell’azienda sono un valido riferimento per tutti gli allevatori che intendono replicare il sistema foraggero nella loro azienda

In the mountainous area of the Alta Langa, in Piedmont region (Italy), a sheep farmer uses a scientific approach for the sustainable management of his farm forage surfaces. Moreover, he does not use chemical fertilizers, he carries out the soil minimum tillage and the sheep reproduction follows the natural life cycle of the animal. The forage area is divided between two grass-legume mixtures, which component species has been chosen for their positive effects on the quality of the milk in terms of fatty acids, colour and taste. The first mixture is perennial, based on Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus. The other mixture is annual, based on Trifolium incarnatum, Avena sativa, and Vicia sativa. Regardless their use (grazing or hay production), the forage areas are managed under the supervision of an expert to maximize yield and nutritional quality. The breeding of the local sheep "Pecora delle Langhe" allows the farmer to enhance the quality of the cheese and the link with the territory. Pastures are the only feeding of the lactating sheep. In fact, concentrates are not used. This new approach has brought significant productive and economic benefits to the farmer. For instance, he obtained:

- The improvement of the quality of cheese (taste, taste and contents);

- Wider range of processed cheeses;

- The increase of the cheese price;

- The improvement of the general economic conditions, and the possibility to start a B&B business.

However, some farmer's difficulties remain:

- How to increase product sales;

- obtaining private or public subsidies for the expansion of agricultural activity;

- variable milk production along the year due to lactaction seasonality.

Nella zona montana dell'Alta Langa, un allevatore ovino utilizza un approccio scientifico per la gestione sostenibile delle superfici foraggere aziendali, a cui si aggiungono nessun utilizzo di fertilizzanti chimici, la lavorazione minima del suolo e la riproduzione delle pecore in funzione del ciclo di vita naturale dell’animale. La superficie seminata è ripartita tra due miscugli di graminacee-leguminose, il cui assortimento di specie ha effetti positivi sulla qualità del latte in termini di acidi grassi, colore e sapore. Il primo miscuglio è perenne, a base di Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus. L’altro è annuale, a base di Trifolium incarnatum, Avena sativa, e Vicia sativa. Le superfici inerbite, sia per il pascolo, sia per lo sfalcio, sono gestite con la consulenza di un esperto, in modo da massimizzarne la resa e la qualità nutrizionale. La razza ovina allevata, la locale "Pecora delle Langhe", consente di esaltare ulteriormente la qualità del formaggio ottenuto ed il legame col territorio. L’alimentazione delle pecore in lattazione si basa esclusivamente sul pascolo, senza uso di concentrati. Questo nuovo approccio aziendale ha portato notevoli benefici produttivi ed economici. Nello specifico, si sono ottenuti:

- il miglioramento della qualità dei formaggi (sapore, gusto e contenuti)

- l’ampliamento della gamma di formaggi prodotti

- l’aumento del prezzo del formaggio

- il miglioramento delle condizioni economiche generali, con possibilità di avviare un'attività di B&B.

Permangono, tuttavia, alcune difficoltà dell'azienda:

- aumentare le vendite di prodotto

- richiedere sussidi privati o pubblici per l'espansione dell'attività agricola...

In Belgium, almost all beef cattle are fattened indoor during about 10 – 12 months on the basis of maize, soybean meal and other cereals. This technique is very expensive. However, it is adapted to the dominant beef breed: the Belgian Blue. This breed requires systematic caesareans at calving, is very susceptible to health problems, requires a lot of medicine and has been bred for being fed by a dominance of concentrate in the diet. This implies high production costs. In the past, Belgian Blue meat price was significantly higher than other meat types, but recently the prices of good pieces of meat decreased a lot and the whole profitability of the system felt down.

It is possible to reduce these costs by raising new breeds, for instance the Aberdeen Angus, that are less demanding, less susceptible and are more able to transform grass into meat with low or no -additional concentrate use. This reduces dramatically costs while meat is sold at a higher price, especially if it is sold in short and local marketing chains. This breed can also overwinter outdoors, for instance in overwintering pads, on wood chips.

These elements are totally new and innovative for Belgian livestock breeders. They were explained to and discussed with students from agricultural schools and farmers. These ideas raised a lot of discussion and interest. These techniques have indeed the potential to simplify work, reduce production costs and increase income.

En Belgique, presque tous les bovins de boucherie sont engraissés à l’étable pendant environ 10 à 12 mois avec une ration à base de maïs, de tourteau de soja et d'autres céréales. Cette technique est très coûteuse. Cependant, elle est adaptée à la race de bovine dominante : le Blanc Bleu Belge. Cette race nécessite des césariennes systématiques lors du vêlage, est très sensible aux maladies, nécessite beaucoup de médicaments et a été sélectionnée pour être nourrie avec une dominance de concentré dans son alimentation. Cela implique des coûts de production élevés. Dans le passé, le prix de la viande de Blanc Bleu Belge était nettement supérieur à celui des autres types de viande, mais récemment, le prix des meilleurs quartiers de viande a beaucoup diminué et la rentabilité globale du système a baissé.

Il est possible de réduire ces coûts en élevant de nouvelles races, par exemple l'Aberdeen Angus, qui sont moins exigeantes, moins sensibles et plus aptes à transformer l’herbe en viande, avec une utilisation de concentré faible ou nulle. Cela réduit considérablement les coûts tandis que la viande est vendue à un prix plus élevé, en particulier si elle est vendue en circuits courts et locaux. Cette race peut également hiverner à l’extérieur, par exemple sur des plates-formes d’hivernage, sur des copeaux de bois.

Ces éléments sont totalement nouveaux et innovants pour les éleveurs belges. Ils ont été expliqués à des étudiants d'écoles d'agriculture et des agriculteurs. Ces idées ont suscité beaucoup de discussion et d’intérêt. Ces techniques peuvent en effet simplifier le travail, réduire les coûts de production et augmenter les revenus.

The Mairing farm is located at 1,450 m altitude in the Venosta Valley (South Tyrol, Italy) and has been managed by Harald Paris since 2003. Right after taking over the cattle farm, vegetable production was introduced as an additional mainstay. Since 2010, the vegetables (approx. 4000 m²) are organically produced. One year later also the dairy production was converted to organic farming. A Farm Holidays activity is the third mainstay of the farm.

On the 6.7 ha grassland area, 9 dairy cows and 2-3 young cattle are kept on average. The cows graze from May to mid-October on the contiguous grazing areas close to the farm buildings. In summer, the animals graze on the nearby woodland pasture (1.1 ha), which is also used at night on the hottest days. In addition to grazing, the grassland areas are also mown twice a year. Due to the high forage quality, only a small amount of cereal mixture is provided to the animals. In order to give the cows access to open-air areas during the winter months, a staircase has been built in the original tie stall, enabling the cows to reach the open-air area located behind the stall.

A prerequisite for the operation of the farm is the cooperation of the family, as the three different mainstays result in a high work intensity. The operational prerequisites for the implementation of pasture farming are the availability of areas close to the farm that are not too steep and to learn how to handle the animals on the pasture. Regular overseeding is important in order to promote and maintain a dense sward. For the future of the farm, there is already a concrete plan to convert the tie stall into a loose housing, as the farm holiday guests often criticize it.

Der Bauernhof Mairing liegt auf 1.450 m Höhe im Vinschgau und wird seit 2003 von Harald Paris geführt. Unmittelbar nach der Übernahme der Rinderzucht wurde als zusätzliches Standbein die Gemüseproduktion eingeführt. Seit 2010 wird das Gemüse unter den Bedingungen des biologischem Anbaus hergestellt. Ein Jahr später wurde auch die Milchproduktion auf biologischen Anbau umgestellt. Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof ist das dritte Standbein des Hofes.

Auf der 6,7 ha großen Grünlandfläche werden durchschnittlich 9 Milchkühe und 2-3 Jungtiere gehalten. Die Kühe weiden von Mai bis Mitte Oktober auf den angrenzenden Weideflächen in der Nähe der Wirtschaftsgebäude. Im Sommer weiden die Tiere auf der nahegelegenen Waldweide, die auch nachts an den heißesten Tagen genutzt wird. Neben der Beweidung werden die Grünlandflächen auch zweimal im Jahr gemäht. Aufgrund der hohen Futterqualität wird den Tieren nur eine geringe Menge Getreidemischung zugefüttert. Um den Kühen in den Wintermonaten den Zugang zu Auslaufbereichen zu ermöglichen, wurde im ursprünglichen Anbindestall eine Treppe gebaut, die es den Kühen ermöglicht, den Auslaufbereich hinter dem Stall zu erreichen.

Voraussetzung für den Betrieb des Betriebs ist die Zusammenarbeit der Familie, da die drei verschiedenen Säulen zu einer hohen Arbeitsintensität führen. Betriebliche Voraussetzungen für die Umsetzung der Weidewirtschaft sind die Verfügbarkeit von nicht zu steilen Flächen in der Nähe des Betriebs und der Umgang mit den Tieren auf der Weide. Regelmäßige Überwachung ist wichtig, um eine dichte Narbe zu fördern und zu erhalten. Für die Zukunft des Hofes gibt es bereits einen konkreten Plan, den Anbindestall in einen Laufstall umzubauen, wie es die Feriengäste oft kritisieren.

At age 10, Nicolas Braibant knew he would be a farmer. After having taken over the farm, he completely changed the production system. Since “livestock are easier to buy than land because of the price of land”, he increased the number of Belgian Blue beefs (BBB) heads from 200 to 400 in 12 years and intensified the breeding, causing a strong pressure on animal health (pathologies, many caesareans) and obtaining scarce economic results. In addition, in 1996, the crisis of BSE in Europe offered a degraded image of farmers to consumers. Nicolas reacted by creating the first butchery on the farm and found a better financial autonomy. In 2000, BBB cattle health problems still pushed the farmer for a change. Gradually, the more rustic Blonde d'Aquitaine (BA) replaced the BBB herd. The BA meat was highly appreciated by the 3,000 customers of the butcher shop. BA breed is not nasty, but wilder, and as fragile of the airways as the BBB. The secret for producing an excellent meat is a good fattening and a sufficiently long breeding.

As of 2007, the departure of a worker imposed another change, this time concerning the soil management: Nicolas had to work more efficiently. After a careful thought, the change of method: "Why still ploughing, even if it is practiced since always?” It seemed preferable to Nicolas to work in a more sustainable way, which has been reflected in the adoption of different techniques of soil tillage and treatments, soil conservation techniques and agroecology. Thanks to a very careful approach, Nicolas avoided big mistakes and currently, he does not plough anymore before winter.

For the future? “We must continue to evolve: curiosity, meetings, questioning what we are doing”.

A 10 ans, Nicolas Braibant savait qu’il serait agriculteur. Il lui restait à reprendre la ferme… et changer complètement le système de production. Le cheptel étant plus facile à développer que le foncier vu le prix des terres, le troupeau a grossi (de 200 à 400 Blanc-bleu belge BBB en 12 ans) et l’élevage s’est intensifié, avec une forte pression (pathologies, beaucoup de césariennes) et des résultats économiques pas très bons. Puis en 1996 il y eut la crise de l’ESB en Europe : image dégradée de l’élevage dans la presse. Nicolas crée alors la première boucherie à la ferme et constate une meilleure autonomie financière. En 2000, les problèmes de santé du bétail BBB poussent encore au changement. Progressivement le troupeau BBB évolue vers des Blondes d’Aquitaine (BA) plus rustiques. La viande est très appréciée par les 3.000 clients de la boucherie. La race n’est pas méchante, mais plus sauvage, et aussi fragile des voies respiratoires que le BBB. Le secret pour une excellente viande : un bon engraissement et un élevage suffisamment long.

A partir de 2007 s’instaure progressivement un nouveau changement provoqué par le départ d’un ouvrier : il fallait travailler mieux. Difficile changement de méthode et réflexion : « Pourquoi le labour, même s’il est pratiqué depuis toujours ? ». C’est un bouleversement où il apparaît préférable de travailler avec la nature et pas contre elle, ce qui se traduit par des techniques différentes du travail du sol et de traitements, des techniques de conservation des sols (TCS) et l’agroécologie. Grâce à une approche très prudente, Nicolas a évité les grosses erreurs et il ne laboure plus avant l’hiver.

Pour l’avenir ? Il faut continuer à évoluer : de la curiosité, des rencontres, remettre en question ce que l’on fait.

Jambjoule farm has gone through a series of stages, but the foundation is based on meetings and experimentation, especially since Bernard Convié and his partner Valérie did not come from the agricultural world. Thanks to these contacts, they acquired the needed practical knowledge. In 2004, they took over an extensive breeding farm, bought some ewes and received two Jersey cows. Once again, contacts opened up possibilities for them. They were involved into a Life project aimed at the conservation of calcareous grasslands, which led them to replace their herds with more rustic breeds. They evolved towards self-sufficiency both in inputs and in marketing. Initially, they started on-farm sales (milk and cheese), then they sold farm products through farmers' markets and the development of short marketing channels. Gradually, with little incremental investments, they enlarged their herd: the sheep in the service of nature reserves, the dairy cows and the needed equipment (milking room, barn). In 2015, they decided to build a cheese factory, from which they currently get the 50% of their turnover. Environmental payments are the second main source of income. The marketing is roughly divided into 3 circuits: wholesalers / buying groups, retailers, consumers. The farm is also autonomous for energy (photovoltaic plant, solar heating, and insulation of the cheese factory), water (well), wastewater treatment. At present, the herd is sufficient to guarantee the survival of the farm (24 lactating cows, 25-30 fattening pigs per year, 310 sheep, mothers + lambs). Now, most of the farmer effort is focussed on improving the quality of milk, cheese, pasture, and hay. In particular, Bernard tests over-sowing techniques to restore his pastures without plowing.

La ferme de Jambjoule est passée par une série d'étapes, mais le fondement repose sur les rencontres et l'expérimentation, surtout que Bernard Convié et sa compagne Valérie n'étaient pas issus du monde agricole. Avec les connaissances pratiques acquises par ces contacts ils reprennent une ferme d'élevage extensif en 2004, achètent quelques brebis et reçoivent deux vaches Jersey. A nouveau les contacts leur ouvrent des possibilités: ils sont intégrés dans un projet Life de conservation de pelouses calcaire qui les amènent à convertir leur troupeau vers des races plus rustiques. Ils s'engagnt vers l'autonomie en intrants et de commercialisation: vente à la ferme initialement (lait et fromages), puis par des marchés fermiers et le développement de circuits courts de commercialisation (Association "Agricovert"). Petit à petit, sans emprunt excessif, donc avec des investissements progressifs, ils ont agrandi leur troupeau: moutons au service des réserves naturelles et vaches laitières et les équipement (salle de traite, étable). En 2015, ils ont décidé de se doter d'une véritable fromagerie. Ce produit contribue à 50% de leur chiffre d'affaire; le deuxième poste est assuré par les primes environnementales. La commercialisation se répartit grosso modo en 3 circuits: grossistes/groupes d'achats, revendeurs, vente directe. L'autonomie est également énergétique: photovoltaïque, solaire thermique, isolation de la fromagerie, puits, lagunage. Actuellement le troupeau est suffisant pour garantir la perennité de l'exploitation (24 Jersey en lactation, 25-30 porcs en engraissement par an, 310 moutons, mères + agnelles). L'essentiel des efforts portent sur l'amélioration de la qualité: lait, fromage, pâturage, foin...

Intensive dairy farming with all year-round stall-feeding of lactating cows is the most common form of livestock farming in the mountain environment in South Tyrol. Due to unfavourable topography and climatic constraints (short vegetation period) the grassland management as meadows has a long tradition.

The innovative organic farmer strikes unusual, even if not new, paths in both respects by keeping suckler cows and beef cattle on hay meadows and pastures during the summer season. In the winter months, the animals are kept in a loose housing system where they only get hay from the own meadows, without import of off-farm forage.

Breeds suitable for a grazing management (Grauvieh, orignial Braunvieh) are crossed with a beef breed (Limousin) for meat production. The practiced grazing management system is a flexible rotational stocking, partially combined with cut use.

This operation mode leads to a reduction of labour intensity compared to indoor feeding, especially during the summer months when the animals are grazing. The produced high-quality meat is regionally marketed by a cooperative. This operation mode could also be profitable for small-structured farms in the mountain environment and is well combinable with a part-time job.

Prerequisites are the acceptance of the shift of the criteria to evaluate the personal success from maximum yield (revenue-oriented) to an economic productivity of the labour (income-oriented), the fulfilling of the necessary requirements for grazing management (size and topographic features, the use of animal breeds

suitable for grazing etc.) as well as the consumers’ demand for a seasonal, high-quality product.

In der Bergregion Südtirol stellt die intensive Milchviehwirtschaft mit ganzjähriger Stallhaltung der laktierenden Kühe die häufigste Form der Viehwirtschaft dar. Aufgrund der ungünstigen Topographie und der kurzen Vegetationszeit hat die Nutzung der Grünlandflächen als Wiesen eine lange Tradition. Der biologisch arbeitende Innovator beschreitet in beiden Hinsichten unübliche, wenn auch nicht unbedingt neue Wege, in dem er Mutterkühe und Mastrinder, ohne Zukauf von betriebsfremden Futter das halbe Jahr über auf Mähweiden und extensiven Weiden hält.

In den Wintermonaten befinden sich die Tiere im Freilaufstall und erhalten ausschließlich Dürrfutter der eigenen Wiesen.

Die weidetauglichen Rinderrassen werden mit geeigneten Rassen für die Fleischproduktion gekreuzt. Die Beweidung erfolgt aufgrund eines flexiblen Koppelsystems, welches zum Teil mit einer Mähnutzung kombiniert wird.

Diese Art der Viehwirtschaft resultiert in einer Reduzierung der Arbeitszeit während der Sommermonate gegenüber der traditionellen Milchwirtschaft, da die Tiere im Sommer über nicht im Stall, sondern auf der Weide sind.

Das qualitativ hochwertige Fleisch der Tiere wird regional, im Rahmen einer Genossenschaft, vermarktet.

Diese Form der Bewirtschaftung könnte auch für andere kleinstrukturierte Betriebe in Berglagen, die im Nebenerwerb geführt werden, gewinnbringend sein.

Als Voraussetzungen gelten der Perspektivenwechsel von einer umsatzorientierten auf eine einkommensorientierte Strategie, das Vorhandensein der betrieblichen Voraussetzungen (Größe, Topographie, Haltung weidetauglicher Rassen usw) sowie die bestehende Nachfrage seitens der Kunden für ein saisonal verfügbares, qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt

The farmer’s interest in the technology and his high motivation to achieve improvements led to reorganizing the 16-hectare mountain farm (South Tyrol, NE Italy) and to the organic certification in January 2018. There is room for testing new ideas thanks to the second business segment “Farm Holidays”. The actual innovation of the farm results from the interaction of several sub-innovations, which enable more cost-effective production and improved working conditions.

The dairy cattle are kept using the system of short sward grazing (German: Kurzrasenweide) in a way that the use of concentrates is low and the acquisition of external feed is hardly necessary. Following early mowing, the animals graze on the mowing pastures around the farm buildings from mid-April to the end of October and are only brought into the stable for milking. This requires livestock breeds (Braunvieh, Jersey) suitable for grazing, which can cover their energy demand from pasture herbage. The long grazing period reduces both fuel costs and working hours and facilitates the work on the farm. In winter, the animals are supplied with the farm’s own high-quality dry forage. The high roughage quality combined with reduced forage production costs is guaranteed by a well-functioning barn-drying system in combination with a dehumidifier and photovoltaic modules.

In order to be able to work effectively with the short sward grazing system, it is necessary to have sufficient contiguous areas located around the farm buildings and a dense sward resistant to trampling as well as comprehensive technical competence. However, the grassland needs to be constantly monitored and a quick reaction to the weather conditions is required.

Das Interesse des Landwirtes an der Technik sowie seine hohe Motivation Verbesserungen zu erwirken, führten zur Umstrukturierung des 16ha großen Betriebes (Südtirol, NO-Italien) und zur Biozertifizierung im Jänner 2018. Spielraum für das Testen neuer Ideen ist durch das zweite Standbein „Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof“ gegeben. Die eigentliche Innovation des Betriebs ergibt sich durch das Zusammenspiel mehrerer Teilinnovationen, die eine kostengünstigere Produktion und verbesserte Arbeitsbedingungen ermöglichen.

Die Milchrinder werden mithilfe des Systems der Kurzrasenweide so gehalten, dass der Kraftfuttereinsatz gering und der Zukauf von betriebsfremden Futtermitteln kaum notwendig ist. Im Anschluss an eine frühe Schnittnutzung weiden die Tiere von Mitte April bis Ende Oktober auf den arrondierten Mähweiden und werden nur zum Melken in den Stall gebracht. Dazu bedarf es weidetauglicher Rassen (Braunvieh, Jersey), die den Energiebedarf aus dem Weidefutter abdecken können. Die lange Weideperiode reduziert Treibstoffkosten sowie Arbeitszeit und erleichtert die landwirtschaftliche Arbeit. Im Winter werden die Tiere mit dem hofeigenen, qualitativ hochwertigen Dürrfutter versorgt. Die hohe Grundfutterqualität bei gleichzeitig reduzierten Futterproduktionskosten wird durch eine gut funktionierende Trocknungsanlage in Kombination mit Entfeuchter und Photovoltaikmodulen gewährleistet.

Um mit der Kurzrasenweide effektiv arbeiten zu können, bedarf es sowohl ausreichend arrondierte Flächen und geschlossene, trittfeste Grasnarben als auch eine umfassende fachliche Kompetenz. Es gilt nämlich, die Futterflächen ständig zu beobachten sowie rasch auf sich verändernde Wetterbedingungen zu reagieren.

The organic farm, located in a mountain environment in South Tyrol (NE Italy), is part of the Professional School of Agriculture and Home Economics Salern. The teaching facility is aware of its role as an educator of the “farmers of the future”, whereby value is given to sustainability. For didactic reasons, besides four dairy breeds (Braunvieh, Simmental, Tyrol Grey, Holstein Friesian) also milk sheep (Lacaune) are kept.

In summer, the animals graze on the pastures around the farm buildings. For the cattle, a combination of short sward grazing and mowing is practiced; for the sheep, the system of continuous stocking is used. A peculiarity of the pasture management on the farm is partly practicing a mixed grazing with sheep and cattle to reduce parasite pressure.

In developing countries, no arable crops suitable as human food should be wasted on animal nutrition. For these ethical-ecological reasons and to decrease costs, since 2016, besides the avoidance of silage, concentrates use was reduced. A maximum of 450 kg of a cereal mixture is fed per cow and lactation. This reduction can be obtained by a high roughage quality, which is achieved thanks to a well-working barn-drying system with heating combined with a dehumifidier. Higher milk prices are obtained through marketing as organic hay milk.

Grazing requires, on the one hand, enough contiguous areas located close to the farm buildings. On the other hand, there is a need for livestock breeds and lines suitable for grazing and able to cover their energy demand with pasture herbage and dry fodder. In addition, there must be a market for organic hay milk and farm products. An essential factor in the success of innovation is one’s own conviction that reducing concentrates makes sense.

Der Biobetrieb ist Teil der Land- und Hauswirtschaftsschule Salern (Südtirol, NO-Italien). Der Lehrbetrieb ist sich der Rolle als Ausbildner der „Bauern der Zukunft“ bewusst, wodurch Wert auf eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung gelegt wird. Aus didaktischen Gründen werden neben vier Milchrassen (Braunvieh, Fleckvieh, Grauvieh, Schwarzbunte) auch Milchschafe (Lacaune) gehalten.

Im Sommer weiden alle Tiere auf den angrenzenden Flächen. Für die Rinder wird eine Kombination aus Kurzrasenweide mit Schnittnutzung und für die Schafe das System der Koppel- und Umtriebsweide angewandt. Eine Besonderheit des Weidemanagements des Betriebes ist die teilweise Etablierung einer Mischweide mit Schafen und Rindern zur Reduktion des Parasitendrucks auf der Weide.

Um in Entwicklungsländern keine als Lebensmittel tauglichen Ackerkulturen als Tierfutter zu verschwenden, erfolgt seit 2016 aus ethisch-ökologischen Gründen sowie zur Kostenreduktion neben des Silageverzichts auch ein verringerter Kraftfuttereinsatz. Pro Kuh und Laktation werden max. 450 kg einer Getreidemischung verfüttert. Ermöglicht wird diese Reduktion durch eine hohe Grundfutterqualität, welche mittels Warmbelüftung mit Entfeuchter erreicht wird. Durch die Vermarktung als Bio-Heumilch werden zudem höhere Milchpreise erzielt.

Die Etablierung der Innovation erfordert ausreichend arrondierte, mäßig steile Flächen und weidetaugliche Nutztierrassen und -linien, die den Energiebedarf mit dem Weide- und Dürrfutter abdecken können. Zudem muss ein Absatzmarkt für biologische Heumilch und hofeigene Produkte gegeben sein. Essentiell für den Innovationserfolg ist die eigene Überzeugung hinsichtlich der Sinnhaftigkeit einer Kraftfutterreduktion.

The main species in Dutch grasslands is perennial ryegrass. Including herbs in Dutch grasslands for attracting meadow birds is innovative. The pros and cons of herb-rich grasslands were discussed in a meeting of scientists and practitioners on a farm on peat soil in the Alblasserwaard in the Netherlands. Scientific insights were summarised and can be found at A long grazing season and improving the amount of meadow birds are the main goals of the visited farmer. Herb-rich grasslands were analysed during the meeting in a SWOT-analysis:

• Strengths: improved animal health, better soil quality, higher biodiversity (e.g. insects and meadow birds), lower costs

• Weaknesses: lower protein yield per ha, lower forage quality, possibility of ‘poisonous’ herbs

• Opportunities: system valued by society, higher milk price, higher biodiversity, financial compensation for more nests of meadow birds

• Threats: inconsistent regulations and subsidies, not all herbs are suitable for peat soil (due to pH)

The farmer was positive about the inclusion of herb-rich grasslands in his farming system and will continue to work with this system. The following recommendations were given to further improve the system: rotation of maize and herb-rich grasslands; sowing of the newest and most optimal seed mixtures for meadow birds with herbs that are currently available on the market; consider using only specific parts of the land for herb-rich grassland (for example near ditches or in corners). It was concluded that more research is needed on the management of herb-rich grasslands, the benefits of herb-rich grasslands and, specifically for peat soil, on optimal seed mixtures.

De belangrijkste grassoort in Nederland is Engels raaigras. Het gebruik van kruiden in de Nederlandse graslanden voor het aantrekken van weidevogels is innovatief. De voor- en nadelen van kruidenrijke graslanden werden besproken in een bijeenkomst van mensen uit de praktijk en wetenschappers op een boerderij op veengrond in de Alblasserwaard in Nederland. De wetenschappelijke inzichten werden besproken en zijn te vinden op Voor de bezochte boer zijn een lang weideseizoen en het verbeteren van het aantal weidevogels de belangrijkste doelen. Tijdens de bijeenkomst werden kruidenrijke graslanden geanalyseerd in een SWOT-analyse:

-Sterke punten: betere diergezondheid, betere bodemkwaliteit, hogere biodiversiteit (bv. insecten en weidevogels), lagere kosten.

-Zwakke punten: lagere eiwitopbrengst per ha, lagere voederkwaliteit, mogelijkheid van 'giftige' kruiden

-Kansen: systeem dat door de samenleving wordt gewaardeerd, hogere melkprijs, hogere biodiversiteit, financiële compensatie voor meer nesten van weidevogels.

Bedreigingen: inconsistente regelgeving en subsidies, niet alle kruiden zijn geschikt voor veengrond (vanwege de pH-waarde).

De boer was positief over de kruidenrijke graslanden en blijft hiermee werken. De volgende aanbevelingen werden gedaan om het systeem verder te verbeteren: rotatie van maïs en kruidenrijke graslanden; het zaaien van de nieuwste en meest optimale zaadmengsels voor weidevogels met kruiden die momenteel op de markt verkrijgbaar zijn; overwegen om alleen specifieke delen van het land te gebruiken voor kruidenrijke graslanden (bijvoorbeeld in de buurt van sloten of in hoeken).

Aeres Farms in Dronten, the Netherlands, is targeting at maximum milk production from grazed grass. The system is a low-cost system with a long grazing season (240 days per year), use of grass clover, strip grazing and a spring-calving herd to synchronise the demand of the dairy cattle with the grass growth. This system is quite different from the common Dutch system that combines restricted grazing with additional feeding. The system was analysed by a group of scientists and practitioners. Main strengths of the system are: high grass utilisation, low feeding costs and low machinery costs. Main weaknesses are: much labour needed for the strip grazing system, not easily transferable to employees, open sod, no options to rotate with high-profitable arable crops. There are also opportunities and threats. Opportunities are to increase biodiversity by including herbs in the grasslands and to separately market the milk since this kind of extensive system is valued by society. Threats are animal health (worms) and regulations since this is not the common system and does not fit in all regulations. Furthermore, the urea content of the milk is too high in late summer.

The group recommended to further improve the system by shortening the calving period, decrease the urea content in late summer by supplementing with hay or wheat, decrease labour needed (for example by using automatic gate openers) and increase the value for society by sowing herb-rich grass, especially near houses and roads.

Aeres Farms in Dronten in Nederland richt zich op een maximale melkproductie uit weidegras. Er wordt gewerkt met een lage kosten systeem met een lang weideseizoen (240 dagen per jaar), gebruik van grasklaver, stripgrazen en een voorjaarsafkalvende veestapel om de energiebehoefte van de melkveestapel af te stemmen op de groei van het gras. Dit systeem is heel anders dan het gangbare Nederlandse systeem dat beperkte beweiding combineert met bijvoeding.

Het systeem van Aeres Farms is geanalyseerd door een groep mensen afkomstig uit de praktijk en wetenschappers. De belangrijkste sterke punten van het systeem zijn: hoog grasgebruik, lage voerkosten en lage machinekosten. De belangrijkste zwakke punten zijn: veel arbeid benodigd voor stripgrazen, minder makkelijk overdraagbaar op werknemers, open graszode, geen opties voor vruchtwisseling met zeer rendabele akkerbouwgewassen. Kansen zijn het vergroten van de biodiversiteit door kruiden in het grasland op te nemen en de melk apart op de markt te brengen, aangezien dit soort extensieve systemen door de samenleving worden gewaardeerd. Bedreigingen zijn diergezondheid (wormen) en regelgeving omdat dit niet het gebruikelijke systeem is en niet in alle regelgeving past. Bovendien is het ureumgehalte van de melk in de nazomer te hoog.

De groep adviseerde het systeem verder te verbeteren door de afkalftijd te verkorten, het ureumgehalte in de nazomer te verlagen door het rantsoen aan te vullen met hooi of tarwe, de benodigde arbeid te verminderen (bijvoorbeeld door het gebruik van automatische poortopeners) en de waarde voor de samenleving te verhogen door het zaaien van kruidenrijk gras, vooral in de buurt van huizen en wegen.

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