project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Renaturing and promoting biodiversity in apple orchards in Girona - POMELIFE
Renaturalización y promoción de la biodiversidad en plantaciones de manzano de Girona - POMELIFE

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The main objective is to define a design for apple tree orchards to make agricultural activity compatible with the conservation and promotion of biodiversity through the following specific objectives:
• Diagnose and catalogue the current biodiversity situation in apple orchards
• Design and assessrenaturing actions to improve the establishment and promotion of biodiversity (flower borders and strips, hedges and plant cover)
• Implement renaturing actions on pilot farms and measuring their impact on enhancing biodiversity
• Disseminate and transfer the knowledge gained to facilitate implementing renaturing on other farms and in other areas


El objetivo principal es definir un diseño para las plantaciones de manzana con el fin de compatibilizar la actividad agraria con la conservación y promoción de la biodiversidad mediante los siguientes objetivos específicos:
- Realizar un diagnóstico y catalogar la situación actual de la biodiversidad en las plantaciones de manzana
- Diseñar y evaluar actuaciones de renaturalización para mejorar el establecimiento y la promoción de la biodiversidad
- Implementar las actuaciones de renaturalización en fincas piloto y evaluar su impacto en la mejora de la biodiversidad
- Difundir y transferir el conocimiento adquirido para facilitar la implementación de la renaturalización en otras fincas y zonas


This project is structured into four activities, in line with their objectives and expected results:

  • Activity 1: Diagnosing and cataloguing apple orchard biodiversity
  • Activity 2: Designing and assessing renaturing actions
  • Activity 3: Implementing renaturing actions on pilot farms
  • Activity 4: Transferring results to the sector


El presente proyecto se estructura en 4 actividades según el objetivo que engloba y el resultado esperado:

  • Actividad 1: Diagnóstico y catalogación de la biodiversidad de las plantaciones de manzanos
  • Actividad 2: Diseñar y evaluar las actuaciones de renaturalización
  • Actividad 3: Implementar las actuaciones de renaturalización en fincas piloto
  • Actividad 4: Transferencia de resultados en el sector


Intensifying agricultural practices raises farm profitability and productivity, but also alters the landscape and reduces biodiversity in agrosystems, favouring the appearance of pests. It is therefore essential to restore habitats to re-establish biodiversity, thereby providing a buffer from pest-causing organisms. In this sense, the project includes several actions to promote wild life in apple orchards by: incorporating strips of flowers and hedges as refuges for predators; improving the habitat by creating refuges to favour birds of prey, mustelids, sauria and ophidia; using mammals, insectivorous birds and bats as a control, which also balances the ecosystem by helping control pests and reduce the use of phytosanitary products.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 83634

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Miquel Roig

    Project coordinator