project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Promotion of bean growing Catalonia through the production of innovative canned and potted Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Ganxet beans
Fomento del cultivo de judías de Cataluña mediante conservas innovadoras para la DOP Mongeta del Ganxet

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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The general objective of the project is the optimisation of both the crop and the thermal treatment of Ganxet bean preserves in order to achieve a product that is objectively identifiable due to its sensory quality, maximising respect for the characteristics presented by the PDO Ganxet bean when it is cooked without thermal preservation treatment. These new preserve formats must enable the companies that form part of this task force to open up the preserved bean market and maximise the profitability of the Protected Designation of Origin of this legume both locally and internationally.


El objetivo general del proyecto es la optimización tanto del cultivo como del tratamiento térmico de la
conserva de las alubias del Ganxet, con la finalidad de conseguir un producto que sea objetivamente
reconocible por su calidad sensorial, respetando al máximo las características que presenta la alubia del
Ganxet DOP cuando se cuece sin tratamiento térmico de conserva. Esta nueva o nuevas
presentaciones de conserva deberían permitir a las empresas que forman parte de este Grupo
Operativo, abrirse camino en el mercado de las alubias en conserva y rentabilizar al máximo el sello de
la DOP que tiene esta legumbre, tanto a nivel local como internacional.


Generally, the actions planned in the project are:
1. Quantitatively determine the objective sensory differences between the various commercial formats of Ganxet beans.
2. Multi-site testing, establishing different genotype and environment combinations for the optimisation of the crop, taking into account any associated problems, such as fungal diseases.
3. Study of the most suitable preservation method by means of sterilisation and/or pasteurisation, in trays or jars.


1. Determinar cuantitativamente las diferencias sensoriales objetivas entre las diferentes presentaciones
comerciales de alubias del Ganxet.
2. Realizar un ensayo multilocalidad, estableciendo diferentes combinaciones genotipo y ambiente, para
la optimización del cultivo, teniendo en cuenta las problemáticas asociadas, como las enfermedades
3. Estudio del método de conservación idóneo mediante esterilización i/o pasteurización, en barquetas o potes

4. Estudio de parámetros nutricionales mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas.
5. Diseño de envases y logos para el nuevo producto . Estudio con consumidores para
evaluar la aceptación.


The Ganxet bean is a quality legume that is highly prized by consumers. However, it is not often sold canned or potted. This is due to the techniques used in its preservation, especially sterilisation, which significantly alter its organoleptic properties and sensorily make it similar to other bean preserves, which when cooked using conventional methods would present significant sensory differences. Accordingly, as consumers cannot recognise their quality, they are not willing to pay a higher price for these beans.
Taking into account that the end product that reaches the consumer is the result of many factors, it seems that we can act on various levels to reduce the effects of thermal treatment and try to maintain objective sensory differences between the preservation of an excellent raw material and one of lower quality. The multifactorial nature of the problem requires solutions on various levels: the type of germplasm to be used, its handling in production, environmental cultivation conditions and the preservation methodology to be used.
The task force that has been constituted for the development of the project is made up of companies and entities with significant experience as Ganxet bean producers, processors, marketers and researchers. The members of this task force propose finding Ganxet germplasm combinations, along with different management systems for the crop, and designing a protocol for the preparation of the preserve to produce an end product that is as similar as possible to the Ganxet bean culinary preparations commonly found in restaurants or homes.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 208820

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator