project - Research and innovation

Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables (OPTIMA)
Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables (OPTIMA)

Completed | 2018 - 2022 Other
Completed | 2018 - 2022 Other
Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt


OPTIMA will develop an environmentally friendly Integrated Pest Management (IPM) framework for vineyards, apple orchards and carrots by providing a holistic integrated approach which includes all critical aspects related to integrated disease management, such as i) novel bio-PPPs use, ii) disease prediction models, iii) spectral early disease detection systems and iv) precision spraying techniques. It will contribute significantly to the reduction of the European agriculture reliance on chemical PPPs resulting in reduced use of agrochemicals, lower residues and reduced impacts on human health.


see objectives in English


1. Optimise early disease detection method and disease prediction models; 2. Screen and evaluate, first in lab then in field, biological and synthetic PPPs for maximal disease control; 3. Implement new precision spraying technologies on smart sprayer prototypes; 4. Create a DSS for supporting the operator in selecting appropriate time, PPP type and sprayer settings for each application; 5. Evaluation of new IPM elements in the field; 6. Assess health, environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the proposed IPM system.


see activities in English

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών (Kentrikos Tomeas Athinon)

€ 3425600

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Derzeit wird der Seiteninhalt nach Möglichkeit in der Muttersprache angezeigt

32 Practice Abstracts

Apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, is a major disease in world-wide apple production. Apple growing environments usually characterized by cool and rainy summers, favor this disease, which requires intense chemical control measures. The disease affects leaves, buds, flowers and fruits and sometimes twigs. Symptoms include twisted and puckered leaves that have black, circular scabby spots on the underside. On the upper surface the spots look velvety and have an olive-green, sooty appearance. As the disease progresses, the leaves get yellow and drop. The fruit develops scabby spots that are tan and sunken.

In organic agriculture, copper and sulfur compounds are the most important fungicides allowed for the control of apple scab. The use of copper was reduced by the European Union Regulation 2018/1981 to 4kg/ha/year, because of its toxicity to soil and microorganisms.

OPTIMA project searches alternative products to reduce the use of copper-based formulations. Tests are in progress in Italy and Spain with biological plant protection products such as: Trichoderma spp., Bacillus spp., Pythium oligandrum, Aureobasidium pullulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sweet orange essential oil.

Planting of resistance or tolerant varieties, elimination of crop residues (e.g. overwintering leaves), the use of natural products such as laminarin or potassium bicarbonate, the use of Decision Support Systems to optimize PPPs use and application timing are the recommendations suggested to farmers to reduce the number of copper based treatments.

El hongo Venturia inaequalis, provoca el moteado en manzano, una enfermedad muy relevante en la producción mundial de manzanas. El clima en los campos de manzanos, favorecen esta enfermedad y por ello se requieren intensas medidas de control químico. La enfermedad afecta a las hojas, los brotes, las flores y los frutos, y a veces incluso a las ramas nuevas. Los síntomas incluyen hojas retorcidas que presentan manchas negras y circulares en el envés. Las manchas se presentan en la superficie superior, con un aspecto aterciopelado y un color verde oliva con hollín. A medida que la enfermedad avanza, las hojas amarillean y se caen. La fruta desarrolla manchas que son de color un color amarronado y están hundidas.

En la agricultura ecológica, los compuestos de cobre y azufre son los fungicidas más importantes permitidos para el control del moteado en manzano. El uso del cobre fue restringido por el Reglamento de la Unión Europea 2018/1981 a 4kg/ha/año, debido a su toxicidad en el suelo y los microorganismos.

El proyecto OPTIMA busca productos alternativos para reducir el uso de formulaciones a base de cobre. Se han realizado ensayos en Italia y España con productos fitosanitarios biológicos como: Trichoderma spp., Bacillus spp., Pythium oligandrum, Aureobasidium pullulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, aceite esencial de naranja.

La plantación de variedades resistentes o tolerantes, la eliminación de los residuos del cultivo (como las hojas que pasan el invierno), el uso de productos naturales como Laminarin o el bicarbonato potásico, el uso de sistemas de soporte a la decisión para determinar el momento aplicación son recomendaciones que se sugieren a los agricultores para reducir el número de tratamientos a base de cobre.

Apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, is a major disease in world-wide apple production. Apple growing environments usually characterized by cool and rainy summers, favor this disease which requires intense chemical control measures. The disease affects leaves, buds, flowers and fruits and sometimes twigs. Symptoms include twisted and puckered leaves that have black, circular scabby spots on the underside. On the upper surface the spots look velvety and have an olive-green, sooty appearance. As the disease progresses, the leaves get yellow and drop. The fruit develops scabby spots that are tan and sunken.

OPTIMA project searches alternative products to reduce the use of chemical PPPs and optimize their efficacy. The control strategy is based on the use of preventive action products, used immediately before any infectious rains, and integrated, if necessary, by curative treatments with retroactive products to block the infection within a certain number of hours since its inception. Currently preventive fungicides registered in EU include: anthraquinone (dithianon), dithiocarbamates (mancozeb, metiram), ftalimid (captan), pyridinamine (fluazinam), guanidine (dodine), SDHI (penthiopyrad, fluopyram, fluxapyroxad), strobilurin (trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin). Curative products include: anilino pyrimidine (cyprodinil, pyrimethalin) and azole (difenoconazole).

Resistance to strobilurin and IBE fungicides were reported therefore the use of different active ingredients and tank mix are recommended to prevent the spread of resistance.

El hongo Venturia inaequalis, provoca el moteado en manzano, una enfermedad muy relevante en la producción mundial de manzanas. El clima en los campos de manzanos, favorecen esta enfermedad y por ello se requieren intensas medidas de control químico. La enfermedad afecta a las hojas, los brotes, las flores y los frutos, y a veces incluso a las ramas nuevas. Los síntomas incluyen hojas retorcidas que presentan manchas negras y circulares en el envés. Las manchas se presentan en la superficie superior, con un aspecto aterciopelado y un color verde oliva con hollín. A medida que la enfermedad avanza, las hojas amarillean y se caen. La fruta desarrolla manchas que son de color un color amarronado y están hundidas.

El proyecto OPTIMA busca productos alternativos para reducir el uso de productos químicos y optimizar su eficacia. La estrategia de control se basa en el uso de productos de acción preventiva, utilizados inmediatamente antes de episodios de lluvia, y si es necesario, combinado con tratamientos curativos mediante productos retroactivos para bloquear la infección. Los fungicidas preventivos registrados actualmente en la UE son: antraquinona (ditianon), ditiocarbamatos (mancozeb, metiram), ftalimid (captan), piridinamina (fluazinam), guanidina (dodina), SDHI (pentiopiram, fluopiram, fluxapyroxad), estrobilurina (trifloxistrobin, piraclostrobin). Los productos curativos incluyen: anilino pirimidina (ciprodinil, pirimetalina) y azol (difenoconazol).

Se han notificado resistencias a los fungicidas de estrobilurina e IBE, por lo que se recomienda el uso de diferentes ingredientes activos y la mezcla de ellos en los tanques para evitar la propagación de las resistencias.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices for carrots in open field tested in the OPTIMA project were compared based on field trials (July-October 2021), in Aquitaine, France. The OPTIMA IPM practices included innovations in smart sprayers and the use of biological plant protection products (bio-PPPs), which were compared against a baseline representing current practice.

The choice of environmental, human health, and cost indicators, as well as the definition of their importance, derives from literature and consultation of stakeholders. The set of indicators encompassed climate change and photochemical ozone formation (Environmental Life Cycle Assessment), risk to pollinators, risk to other beneficial insects, and risk to soil organisms (Environmental Risk Assessment), risks to human health in the local community, namely for farmers (Human Risk Assessment), and operational costs for farmers.

The multi-criteria assessment clearly endorses the use of the smart sprayer configuration. This is particularly observed in the reduction of the risk to soil organisms (64%). Concerning bio-PPPs, results singled out the incorporation of Heliosoufre (a bio-PPP containing sulphur, causing chronic risk to bees), and a recommendation to be replaced in the future.

Les pratiques de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs (IPM) pour les carottes en plein champ testées dans le projet OPTIMA ont été comparées sur la base d'essais en plein champ (juillet-octobre 2021), en Aquitaine, France. Les pratiques IPM OPTIMA comprenaient des innovations dans les pulvérisateurs intelligents et l'utilisation de produits phytosanitaires biologiques (bio-PPP), qui ont été comparées à une base de référence représentant la pratique actuelle.

Le choix des indicateurs environnementaux, de santé humaine et de coûts, ainsi que la définition de leur importance, sont issus de la littérature et de la consultation des parties prenantes. L'ensemble des indicateurs englobait le changement climatique et la formation d'ozone photochimique (par l'évaluation environnementale du cycle de vie), le risque pour les pollinisateurs, le risque pour les autres insectes utiles et le risque pour les organismes du sol (évaluation du risque environnemental), les risques pour la santé humaine dans la communauté locale, notamment pour les agriculteurs (évaluation du risque humain), et les coûts opérationnels pour les agriculteurs.

L'évaluation multicritères approuve clairement l'utilisation de la configuration du pulvérisateur intelligent. Ceci est particulièrement observé dans la réduction du risque pour les organismes du sol (64%). En ce qui concerne les bio-PPP, les résultats ont mis en évidence l'incorporation d'Heliosoufre (un bio-PPP contenant du soufre, entraînant un risque chronique pour les abeilles), et une recommandation pour le remplacer à l'avenir.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices for apple orchards tested in the OPTIMA project were compared based on field trials (February-July 2021), in three different farms in Zaragoza, Spain. The OPTIMA IPM practices included different technological innovations in smart sprayers and biological plant protection products (bio-PPPs), which were compared against a baseline representing current practice.

The choice of environmental, human health, and cost indicators, as well as the definition of their importance, derives from literature, and consultation of stakeholders. The set of indicators encompassed climate change and photochemical ozone formation (Environmental Life Cycle Assessment), risk to pollinators, risk to other beneficial insects, and risk to soil organisms (Environmental Risk Assessment), risks to human health in the local community, namely for farmers (Human Risk Assessment), and operational costs for farmers.

Comparing two IPM practices in the same farm, one using only synthetic PPPs and the other one using also some bio-PPPs, the multi-criteria assessment clearly endorses the latter, which minimized toxicity to human and ecological receptors (from 20% to honeybees to over 60% to soil organisms), as well as decreased life-cycle impacts.

Las prácticas de Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP) para manzanos, probadas en el proyecto OPTIMA se testearon con ensayos de campo (febrero-julio de 2021), en tres fincas diferentes de Zaragoza, España. Las GIP de OPTIMA incluía diferentes innovaciones tecnológicas en cuanto a pulverización inteligente y productos fitosanitarios biológicos, que se compararon con agricultores de referencia de la zona.

La elección de los indicadores ambientales, de salud humana y de costes, así como la definición de su importancia, se deriva de la literatura y de la consulta a las partes interesadas. El conjunto de indicadores abarcó el cambio climático y la formación de ozono fotoquímico (evaluación del ciclo de vida medioambiental), el riesgo para los polinizadores, el riesgo para otros insectos beneficiosos y el riesgo para los organismos del suelo (evaluación del riesgo medioambiental), los riesgos para la salud humana en la comunidad local, concretamente para los agricultores (evaluación del riesgo humano), y los costes operativos para los agricultores.

Al comparar dos prácticas de GIP en la misma explotación, una que utiliza únicamente productos fitosanitarios sintéticos y otra que utiliza también algunos productos fitosanitarios biológicos, la evaluación multicriterio avala claramente esta última, minimiza la toxicidad para los receptores humanos y ecológicos (desde el 20% para las abejas hasta más del 60% para los organismos del suelo), así como la disminución de los impactos del ciclo de vida.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices for vineyards tested in the OPTIMA project were compared based on field trials (May-August 2021) in Piedmont, Italy. The OPTIMA IPM practices included different technological innovations: smart sprayers, biological plant protection products (bio-PPPs), EDS (Early Detection System) and DSS (Decision Support System). They were compared against a baseline representing current practice.

The choice of environmental, human health and costs indicators, as well as the definition of their importance, derives from literature, and consultation of stakeholders. The set of indicators encompassed climate change and photochemical ozone formation (Environmental Life Cycle Assessment), risk to pollinators, risk to other beneficial insects, and risk to soil organisms (Environmental Risk Assessment), risks to human health in the local community, namely for farmers (Human Risk Assessment), and operational costs for farmers.

The multi-criteria assessment clearly endorses the use of bio-PPPs, which originated a risk reduction to human (99% lower) and ecological (30-80% lower) receptors. IPM using the experimental EDS was hindered by the impacts of scouting, namely increased labor costs and environmental impacts of using diesel, calling for more sustainable scouting strategies.

Le strategie di difesa integrata del vigneto provate nell'ambito del Progetto OPTIMA sono state confrontate sulla base dei risultati delle prove di campo condotte tra Maggio e Agosto 2021 in Piemonte, Italia. Il protocollo OPTIMA prevedeva l'impiego di diverse innovazioni: un atomizzatore smart tecnologicamente evoluto, prodotti fitosanitari di origine biologica, strumenti per la diagnosi precoce della malattia (EDS), sistemi di supporto decisionale (DSS). Il confronto è stato effettuato con la tecnica di distribuzione degli agrofarmaci convenzionale, generalmente in uso. La scelta degli indicatori ambientali, inerenti la salute umana ed economici, è stata fatta sulla base della letteratura scientifica e delle indicazioni fornite dagli stakeholders. Gli indicatori hanno compreso gli aspetti inerenti il cambiamento climatico (Environmental Cycle Life Assessment), i rischi per gli impollinatori e per gli insetti utili, per gli organismi del suolo (Environmental Risk Assessment), i rischi per la salute umana delle comunità locali e in particolare degli agricoltori (HumanRisk Assessment) ed i costi operativi per gli agricoltori. La valutazione multifattoriale ha chiaramente promosso l'impiego dei prodotti fitosanitari biologici che consentono di quasi azzerare l'impatto dei trattamenti sulla salute umana (-99%) e di contenere alquanto quello sull'ambiente (-30% / -80%). I benefici ottenibili grazie all'impiego di strategie di lotta integrata con l'uso dell'EDS per la diagnosi precoce delle malattie sono stati mascherati dall'impatto notevole in termini di tempo e carburante necessari per eseguire l'operazione di scouting, che dovrà essere possibile effettuare con modalità più sostenibili.

The main objective of the European project OPTIMA, funded by the H2020 program, has been the development of tools for the implementation of Integrated Pest Management. A decision support system (DSS), a device for the early detection of diseases (EDS) and three variable application equipment (vines, carrots and apple trees) have been developed. In addition, a complete guide on the use of bio-PPPs has been prepared: what products to use, how to combine them and how to apply them. The developments have been evaluated in collaboration with carrot growers in south-western France.

The results highlight the need to continue with the development of the decision support system, making it more precise for carrot cultivation, especially in relation to the control of Alternaria. Similar conclusions have been obtained after field validation of the early detection system, although the results indicate that it is a very interesting device. Regarding the application of products based on the characteristics of the vegetation, this showed a double benefit in terms of deposition in the crop and a significant reduction in drift using low drift nozzles and aerial assistance. In addition, the data shows that there are no differences in terms of biological effectiveness, concentrating the sprays in the exact area of the crop, thus reducing soil loss and drift. The OPTIMA IPM system therefore provides solutions to reduce the use of plant protection products and the risk of environmental contamination by reducing product drift.

L'objectif principal du projet européen OPTIMA, financé par le programme H2020, a été le développement d'outils pour la mise en œuvre de la lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs. Un système d'aide à la décision (DSS), un dispositif de détection précoce des maladies (EDS) et trois équipements d'application variables (vignes, carottes et pommiers) ont été développés. En outre, un guide complet sur l'utilisation des bio-pesticides a été préparé : quels produits utiliser, comment les combiner et comment les appliquer. Les développements ont été évalués en collaboration avec des producteurs de carottes du sud-ouest de la France.

Les résultats soulignent la nécessité de poursuivre le développement du système d'aide à la décision, en le rendant plus précis pour la culture de la carotte, notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte contre l'Alternaria. Des conclusions similaires ont été obtenues après la validation sur le terrain du système de détection précoce, bien que les résultats indiquent qu'il s'agit d'un dispositif très intéressant. Quant à l'application de produits en fonction des caractéristiques de la végétation, elle a montré un double avantage en termes de dépôt dans la culture et une réduction significative de la dérive en utilisant des buses à faible dérive et une assistance aérienne. En outre, les données montrent qu'il n'y a pas de différences en termes d'efficacité biologique, concentrant les pulvérisations dans la zone exacte de la culture, réduisant ainsi la perte de sol et la dérive. Le système OPTIMA IPM apporte donc des solutions pour réduire l'utilisation des produits phytosanitaires et le risque de contamination de l'environnement en réduisant la dérive des produits.

The main objective of the European project OPTIMA, funded by the H2020 program, has been the development of tools for the implementation of Integrated Pest Management. A decision support system (DSS), a device for the early detection of diseases (EDS) and three sprayers for Variable Rate Application (vines, carrots and apple trees) have been developed. In addition, a complete guide on the use of bio-PPPs has been designed: which products to use, how to combine them and how to apply them. The result has been evaluated in collaboration with the Épila Fruit Growers Association in Spain.

The results have shown the interest and benefits of both the decision support system and the device for early detection. Regarding the use and potential benefits of bio-PPPs, the results of the evaluation of the biological efficacy of the selected products show that the same efficacy values can be obtained as with products of synthetic origin, in this case for the control of mottled apple (Venturia inaequalis).

Regarding the results obtained with the variable application equipment, it should be noted that the system has worked perfectly. The implemented technology has allowed an adequate characterization of the vegetation that has resulted in a reduction of PPP of around 20%, with the same values of reduction of the amount of water applied. As a consequence, the work capacity of the equipment has been significantly improved, the application time has been reduced and, above all, drift reduction values close to 40% have been obtained compared to those obtained with the traditional technology used by the farmers in the area.

El objetivo principal del proyecto europeo OPTIMA, financiado por el programa H2020, ha sido el desarrollo de herramientas para la implementación de la Gestión Integrada de Plagas. Se han desarrollado un sistema de ayuda a la decisión (DSS), un dispositivo par ala detección precoz de enfermedades (EDS) y tres equipos de aplicación variable (viña, zanahorias y manzanos). Además, se ha elaborado una completa guía sobre el uso de bio -plaguicidas: que productos utilizar, como combinarlos y como aplicarlos. El resultado se ha evaluado en colaboración de la Asociación de Fruticultores de Épila.

Los resultados han demostrado el interés y los beneficios tanto del sistema de ayuda a la decisión como del dispositivo para la detección precoz. Respecto al uso y beneficios potenciales de los bio-plaguicidas, los resultados de la evaluación de la eficacia biológica de los productos seleccionados demostraron que se pueden obtener los mismos valores de eficacia que con los productos de origen sintético, en este caso para el control den moteado de la manzana (Venturia inaequalis).

En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos con el equipo de aplicación variable, cabe destacar que el sistema ha funcionado perfectamente. La tecnología implementada ha permitido una adecuada caracterización de la vegetación que ha derivado en una reducción de producto fitosanitario de alrededor den 20%, con los mismos valores de reducción de la cantidad de agua aplicada. Como consecuencia, se ha mejorado considerablemente la capacidad de trabajo de los equipos, reduciendo el tiempo de aplicación y, sobre todo, se han obtenido valores de reducción de la deriva cercanos al 40% comparándolos con los obtenidos con la tecnología tradicional empleada por los agricultores de la zona.

The main objective of the European project OPTIMA, funded by the H2020 program, has been the development of tools for the implementation of Integrated Pest Management. A decision support system (DSS), a device for the early detection of diseases (EDS) and three variable application equipment (vines, carrots and apple trees) have been developed. In addition, a complete guide on the use of bio-PPPs has been prepared: what products to use, how to combine them and how to apply them. The developments have been evaluated in the wine-growing area of Canelli (Italy), in collaboration with farmers in the area.

Regarding the decision support system, the results have not shown improvements compared to other systems already used by producers. However, the proposed strategy for the use of bio-PPPs showed similar results to those obtained with the conventional application, being possible to reduce the amount of PPP. As for the variable application equipment (modification of the air flow and the amount of phytosanitary product), the results have made it possible to reduce the amount of product applied (18%) and reduce the amount of product lost due to drift (64%) in comparison with the technology used by farmers. And all of this while maintaining the same pest and disease control values. In line with what is established in the European strategy from the field to the table.

Il principale obiettivo del Progetto Horizon 2020 OPTIMA è stato lo sviluppo di strumenti per l'implementazione della lotta integrata (IPM). Un sistema di supporto decisionale (DSS), uno strumento per effettuare la diagnosi precoce delle malttie (EDS) e tre irroratrici smart a rateo variabile (per vigneto, carote in pieno campo e meleto rispettivamente) sono stati sviluppati. Inoltre, è stata preparata una guida completa per l'utilizzo degli agrofarmaci biologici: quali utilizzare, come associarli/alternarli, quando distribuirli. Gli sviluppi sono stati valutati in vigneto nella zona di Canelli (AT, Italia), in collaborazione con i viticoltori locali. Per quanto concerne il sistema di supporto decisionale sviluppato in OPTIMA, esso non ha fornito particolari miglioramenti rispetto a quelli già in uso. Tuttavia, la strategia di difesa dalla peronospora basata anche sull'impiego di prodotti biologici ha fornito risultati analoghi a quella convenzionale in termini di efficacia. Grazie all'impiego dell'atomizzatore smart a rateo variabile si è risparmiato il 18% di prodotto fitosanitario e si è ridotta la deriva del 64% rispetto ai trattamenti convenzionali, in linea con quanto raccomandato dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito della strategia "Farm to fork".

When spraying plant protection products (PPP), farmers have a responsibility to prevent it from drifting as well as harming the environment, human health, and food safety in other ways. One way to mitigate the impact of PPP is to improve the efficiency of spray applications through increasing depositions on the target crop and reducing losses to the environment. Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been drafted to aid the farmers in setting up and using their sprayer in an efficient manner. Besides more general BMPs, an additional specific BMP for carrot growers and their boom sprayer is given. Main objective is to match the spray distribution to the canopy to avoid spray losses by adjusting the number of nozzles, spray angle, nozzle spacing and distance to the target. When appropriate, the use of off-center nozzles is encouraged. Bed spraying and the use of variable nozzle spacing to adjust the spray distribution to the target zone can also be considered.

Lorsqu'ils pulvérisent des produits phytosanitaires (PPP), les agriculteurs ont la responsabilité d'éviter qu'ils ne dérivent et ne nuisent à l'environnement, à la santé humaine et à la sécurité alimentaire d'une autre manière. Une façon d'atténuer l'impact des PPP est d'améliorer l'efficacité des applications de pulvérisation en augmentant les dépôts sur la culture cible et en réduisant les pertes dans l'environnement. Les meilleures pratiques de gestion (BMP) ont été rédigées pour aider les agriculteurs à installer et à utiliser leur pulvérisateur de manière efficace. En plus des BMP plus générales, une BMP supplémentaire spécifique pour les producteurs de carottes et leur pulvérisateur à rampe est fournie. L'objectif principal est d'adapter la répartition de la pulvérisation au couvert végétal pour éviter les pertes de pulvérisation en ajustant le nombre de buses, l'angle de pulvérisation, l'espacement des buses et la distance par rapport à la cible. Le cas échéant, l'utilisation de buses excentrées est encouragée. On peut également envisager la pulvérisation sur les planches et l'utilisation d'un espacement variable des buses pour ajuster la répartition de la pulvérisation à la zone cible.

When spraying plant protection products (PPP), farmers have a responsibility to prevent it from drifting as well as harming the environment, human health, and food safety in other ways. One way to mitigate the impact of PPP is to improve the efficiency of spray applications through increasing depositions on the target crop and reducing losses to the environment. Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been drafted to aid the farmers in setting up and using their sprayer in an efficient manner. Besides more general BMPs, specific BMPs for growers and their apple orchard sprayer are listed:

1) Match the air support to the canopy target and density. Air assistance is used to enhance transport of droplets in the canopy by moving and lifting the foliage and thus improving spray penetration, deposition and coverage, including the underside of the leaves. However, inappropriate design and fan settings can have a negative effect on spray deposition and losses. Excessive air flow rates should be avoided and air deflectors (if present) should be adjusted to match the canopy and symmetry in air flow rate on both sprayer sides.

2) Match the spray distribution to the canopy to avoid spray losses by adjusting the number of nozzles, spray angle, nozzle spacing and distance to the target. When appropriate, the use of off-center nozzles is encouraged.

Cuando los agricultores aplican productos fitosanitarios, tienen la responsabilidad de evitar la deriva, así como de perjudicar al medio ambiente, la salud humana y la seguridad alimentaria entre otros. Una forma de mitigar el impacto de los pesticidas es mejorar la eficacia de las aplicaciones de pulverización, aumentando la deposición en el cultivo objetivo y reduciendo las pérdidas. Se ha redactado una guía de buenas prácticas para ayudar a los agricultores a instalar y utilizar su pulverizador de forma eficiente. Además de Buenas prácticas de carácter general, se enumeran las también más específicas para los agricultores en el cultivo de manzanos:

1) Adecuar la asistencia de aire al objetivo y la densidad de la vegetación. La asistencia de aire se utiliza para mejorar el transporte de las gotas, moviendo y levantando el follaje y mejorando así la penetración, la deposición y el recubrimiento de la pulverización, incluido el envés de las hojas. Sin embargo, un ajuste inadecuado del ventilador puede tener un efecto negativo en la deposición y sobre todo en las pérdidas. Deben evitarse los caudales de aire excesivos y los deflectores de aire (si los hay) deben ajustarse a la vegetación y la simetría en ambos lados del pulverizador.

2) Adaptar la distribución del líquido pulverizado a la vegetación, con tal de evitar las pérdidas ajustando el número de boquillas, el ángulo de pulverización, la separación de las boquillas y la distancia al objetivo. Cuando sea apropiado, se recomienda el uso de boquillas de punta.

When spraying plant protection products (PPP), farmers have a responsibility to prevent it from drifting as well as harming the environment, human health, and food safety in other ways. One way to mitigate the impact of PPP is to improve the efficiency of spray applications through increasing depositions on the target crop and reducing losses to the environment. Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been drafted to aid the farmers in setting up and using their sprayer in an efficient manner. Besides more general BMPs, specific BMPs for vine growers and their vineyard sprayer are listed:

1) Match the air support to the canopy target and density. Inappropriate design and fan settings can have a negative effect on spray deposition and losses. Excessive air flow rates should be avoided and air deflectors (if present) should be adjusted to match the canopy and symmetry in air flow rate on both sprayer sides.

2) Consider the use of variable air flow rate systems. Adjusting the air flow with respect to the target characteristics (e.g. canopy density measured using ultrasonic sensors) on the go, allows increasing the canopy deposition, while reducing spray drift and losses.

3) Match the spray distribution to the canopy to avoid spray losses by adjusting the number of nozzles, spray angle, nozzle spacing and distance to the target. When appropriate, the use of off-center nozzles is encouraged.

Durante l'applicazione degli agrofarmaci gli agricoltori hanno la responsabilità di prevenirne la dispersione fuori bersaglio ed i conseguenti effetti nocivi sull'ambiente e sulla salute umana. Un modo per ridurre l'impatto ambientale dei prodotti fitosanitari è migliorare l'efficienza dell'irrorazione rendendo massimi i depositi di prodotto sul bersaglio e minimizzando le perdite nell'ambiente. Una serie di Buone Pratiche sono state messe a punto per assistere gli agricoltori nel regolare ed utilizzare nella maniera più efficiente la propria macchina irroratrice. Oltre a Buone Pratiche valide in generale su tutte le colture, ne sono state individuate alcune specifiche per i viticolori, in particolare: 1) Adeguare la portata dell'aria alla dimensione e densità del bersaglio. Una regolazione del ventilatore non appropriata può avere effetti negativi sulla qualità della distribuzione. Evitare l'impiego di portate d'aria eccessive ed utilizzare i deflettori, quando presenti, per adeguare il profilo di distribuzione dell'aria a quello della vegetazione e per ottenerne una simmetria sui due lati della macchina. 2) Per aumentare i depositi e ridurre le perdite, considerare l'impiego di sistemi in grado di adeguare automaticamente la portata dell'aria all'entità della vegetazione oggetto del trattamento, misurata ad esempio con sensori ad ultrasuoni. 3) Adeguare il profilo di distribuzione dello spray al bersaglio in modo da evitare perdite. Selezionare il numero di ugelli attivi più opportuno, in base alla loro posizione, all'angolo di apertura dei getti e alla distanza dal bersaglio. Quando utile, prevedere l'impiego di ugelli con getto asimmetrico (fine barra) per indirizzare più precisamente il liquido sul bersaglio.

When spraying plant protection products (PPP), farmers have a responsibility to prevent it from drifting as well as harming the environment, human health, and food safety in other ways. One way to mitigate the impact of PPP is to improve the efficiency of spray applications through increasing depositions on the target crop and reducing losses to the environment. Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been drafted to aid farmers in setting up and using their sprayer in an efficient manner. These BMPs are the following:

1) Consider the use of smart sprayers enabling to spray only where and when needed using sensors and advanced spray technologies to maximize target deposition with minimal losses and PPP use.

2) Be aware of the full and minimum spray volume settings. The minimum PPP dose prescribed on the label must be respected even when the spray volume is varied/reduced to match crop size, canopy density or disease conditions.

3) Select appropriate nozzles (such as flat fan, drift reducing, and off-center nozzles) and settings to avoid spray drift, run-off and direct losses to the ground.

4) Consider variable rate application systems. Variability in canopy characteristics and disease pressure typically result in over- and under-spraying when using a constant rate application.

5) Avoid too high tank mix temperatures (> 35 to 40°C) when using bio-PPPs. High temperatures in the spray mix may affect the vitality and effectiveness of bio-PPPs.

Alternaria leaf blight caused by the fungus Alternaria dauci is the major foliage disease of carrots in most areas of production. A. dauci causes severe defoliation in carrot crops, especially under conditions of high moisture and temperature. While foliar symptoms are the most common, A. dauci can also infect stems, inflorescences and seeds developing in umbels. Foliar symptoms appear as small, green-brown lesions. The lesions enlarge and infected tissue becomes dark brown to black. OPTIMA project developed best management practices for controlling this disease, after evaluating the efficacy of novel plant protection products. The control strategy is based on the use of highly resistant varieties and a mixing route including the bio-PPPs/PRIs Sonata® (Bacillus pumilus), Heliosoufre® (Sulphur+co-formulant based on derivates Terpenes from pine), LBG-01F34® (Potassium phosphonates) alternated with the new generation PPPs Luna Sensation® (fluopyram+ trifloxystrobin) and then Dagonis® (fluxapyroxad + difenoconazole). It is recommended to use the normal suggested dose of each PPP to prevent the development of A. dauci fungicide resistant isolates and to avoid the curative use of bio-PPPs/PRIs under high disease pressure. Other practical recommendations are the use of commercial treated seeds, no excess of nitrogen fertilization and avoid leaving crop residues in the field. It is highly recommended the use of disease forecast models to optimize PPPs use and application timing. In organic farming, it is recommended to combine multiple doses of the bio-PPPs/PRIs Sonata®, Heliosoufre®, LBG-01F34® (Potassium phosphonates) and varieties offering intermediate level of resistance or use varieties with a high level of resistance only.

La brûlure des feuilles causée par le champignon Alternaria dauci est la principale maladie du feuillage des carottes dans la plupart des zones de production. A. dauci provoque une défoliation sévère des cultures de carottes. Le projet OPTIMA a développé les meilleures pratiques de gestion pour contrôler cette maladie, après avoir évalué l'efficacité de nouveaux produits phytosanitaires. La stratégie de lutte est basée sur l'utilisation de variétés hautement résistantes et sur un itinéraire de mélange comprenant les bio-PPP/IPR Sonata® (Bacillus pumilus), Heliosoufre® (Soufre+co-formulant à base de dérivés de Terpènes de pin), LBG-01F34® (Phosphonates de potassium) alternés avec les PPP de nouvelle génération Luna Sensation® (fluopyram+ trifloxystrobine) puis Dagonis® (fluxapyroxad + difenoconazole). Il est recommandé d'utiliser la dose normale suggérée de chaque PPP afin de prévenir le développement d'isolats résistants aux fongicides d'A. dauci et d'éviter l'utilisation curative des bio-PPP/IRP sous une forte pression de la maladie. D'autres recommandations pratiques sont l'utilisation de semences commerciales traitées, pas d'excès de fertilisation azotée et éviter de laisser des résidus de culture dans le champ. Il est fortement recommandé d'utiliser des modèles de prévision des maladies pour optimiser l'utilisation des PPP et le calendrier d'application. En agriculture biologique, il est recommandé de combiner plusieurs doses des bio-PPPs/PRIs Sonata®, Heliosoufre®, LBG-01F34® (phosphonates de potassium) et des variétés offrant un niveau de résistance intermédiaire ou d'utiliser uniquement des variétés présentant un niveau de résistance élevé.

Apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, is a major disease in world-wide apple production. Apple growing environments usually characterized by cool and rainy summers, favor this disease, which requires intense chemical control measures. The disease affects leaves, buds, flowers and fruits and sometimes twigs. Symptoms include twisted and puckered leaves that have black, circular scabby spots on the underside. On the upper surface the spots look velvety and have an olive-green, sooty appearance. As the disease progresses, the leaves get yellow and drop. The fruit develops scabby spots that are tan and sunken.

OPTIMA project developed best management practices for controlling this disease, after investigating the efficacy of novel plant protection products.

The control strategy is based on the use of a mixing route including bio-PPPs /PRIs (Laminarin, potassium bicarbonate) alternated with the new generation PPPs fluxapyroxad and then dithianon with a normal dose. It is recommended to avoid using lower of the recommended dose of synthetic PPPs to prevent the development of Venturia inaequalis fungicide resistant isolates and the curative use of bio-PPPs/PRIs under high disease pressure. In organic farming it is recommended to combine multiple doses of the bio-PPPs/PRIs laminarin and potassium bicarbonate and resistant varieties where available.

El hongo Venturia inaequalis, provoca el moteado en manzano, una enfermedad muy relevante en la producción mundial de manzanas. El clima en los campos de manzanos, favorecen esta enfermedad y por ello se requieren intensas medidas de control químico. La enfermedad afecta a las hojas, los brotes, las flores y los frutos, y a veces incluso a las ramas nuevas. Los síntomas incluyen hojas retorcidas que presentan manchas negras y circulares en el envés. Las manchas se presentan en la superficie superior, con un aspecto aterciopelado y un color verde oliva con hollín. A medida que la enfermedad avanza, las hojas amarillean y se caen. La fruta desarrolla manchas que son de color un color amarronado y están hundidas.

El proyecto OPTIMA desarrolló unas buenas prácticas para el control de esta enfermedad, tras investigar la eficacia de nuevos productos fitosanitarios.

La estrategia de control se basa en el uso de una estrategia que mezcla Biopesticidas /PRIs (Laminarin, bicarbonato de potasio) alternados con pesticidas de nueva generación (fluxapyroxad y ditianon). Se recomienda evitar el uso de dosis inferiores a las recomendadas, en productos sintéticos para evitar el desarrollo de resistentencias, por parte de individuos de Venturia inaequalis y el uso curativo de los biopesticidas/PRIs cuando la presión de enfermedad sea alta. En la agricultura ecológica se recomienda combinar múltiples dosis de los Laminarin y bicarbonato potásico así como variedades resistentes si las hay disponibles.

Grape downy mildew, caused by the obligate parasite Plasmopara viticola, attacks all European varieties and may cause large losses of production, especially in warm and humid climates. The pathogen affects all green parts of the vine, especially the leaves, and also the branches. Common symptoms include oily, yellowish and angular lesions on leaves, located between the veins, but also necrosis of the stem or shoot. As the disease progresses, after warm and humid nights, a white mycelium (downy mildew) can be observed on the lower leaf surface.

OPTIMA project developed best management practices for controlling this disease, after investigating the efficacy of novel plant protection products.

The control strategy is based on the use of a mixing route including bio-PPPs/PRIs (Cerevisane, Essential oil of sweet orange, Bacillus pumilus and B. amyloliquefaciens) alternated with the new generation PPPs oxathiapiprolin + zoxamide and mandipropamide + zoxamide with a normal dose. It is recommended to use the normal suggested dose of each PPP to prevent the development of Plasmopara viticola fungicide resistant isolates and to avoid the curative use of bio-PPPs/PRIs under high disease pressure. In organic farming it is recommended to combine multiple doses of the bio-PPPs/PRIs Cerevisane and Essential oil of sweet orange and resistant varieties where available, in order to reduce the use of copper fungicides.

La peronospora della vite, causata dal patogeno obbligato Plasmopara viticola, attacca tutte le varietà europee e può causare grosse perdite di produzione, soprattutto nei climi caldi e umidi. L’agente patogeno colpisce tutte le parti verdi della vite, in particolare le foglie ed anche i grappoli. I sintomi più comuni includono lesioni clorotiche, macchie d’olio e angolari sulle foglie, situate tra le vene, ma anche necrosi dello stelo o dei germogli. Con il progredire della malattia, dopo notti calde e umide, si può osservare un micelio biancastro sulla superficie fogliare inferiore.

Il Progetto OPTIMA ha sviluppato buone pratiche per il contenimento di questa malattia, dopo aver studiato l’efficacia di nuovi prodotti fitosanitari.

La strategia di lotta si basa sull’uso combinato di mezzi biologici di lotta e induttori di resistenza (Cerevisane, olio essenziale di arancio dolce, Bacillus pumilus e B. amyloliquefaciens) alternati con i fungicidi di nuova generazione oxathiapiprolin + zoxamide e mandipropamide + zoxamide a dose di etichetta.

Si raccomanda di utilizzare le dosi di etichetta per ogni sostanza attiva al fine di prevenire lo sviluppo di ceppi resistenti a Plasmopara viticola e di evitare l’utilizzo curativo di mezzi biologici di lotta e induttori di resistenza in presenza di un’elevata pressione delle malattia. In agricoltura biologica si consiglia di combinare dosi multiple di Cerevisane e Olio essenziale di arancio dolce con varietà resistenti, ove disponibili, al fine di ridurre l’impiego di fungicidi rameici.

OPTIMA EDS is a fully functional smart camera-based disease detection system. Although significant advances have been made in the field of image-based plant disease detection, it must be acknowledged that in studies found in literature the disease detection was performed on fixed-size datasets with limited variation, making them only partially relevant for a real-world field application. Within OPTIMA an integrated Early Detection System (EDS) that can be used in commercial orchards, vineyards and open fields is developed. Deep learning based disease detection using color RGB cameras for the detection of apple scab in orchards, downy mildew in vineyards and Alternaria in carrot fields are applied. The system consists of a smart camera, image processing pipeline, localization through a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) system and wireless connection to a decision support system (DSS). The system can be operated while mounted on a platform that drives through the orchard, vineyard, or field with a speed of 1.5 km/h. Final system performance was a detection score (F1) of 66% for downy mildew in grapes, 45% for scab in apple and 42% for Alternaria in carrot. These scores are on spot level, when translated to spraying resolution the measurements are higher. False color images extracted from multispectral data clearly identify the disease spots in carrot and apple. Nevertheless a multispectral based deep learning classifier does not outperform the RGB based classifier, presumably due to the fact RGB based pre-trained networks were used.

OPTIMA DSS is a fully functional Decision Support System that operates as a valuable tool in the hands of European producers for predicting disease outbreaks (5-day prediction) regarding 3 main plant pathogens that cause severe economic losses to vineyards (Downy mildew), apples (Apple scab) orchards and carrots (Alternaria leaf blight) by generating qualitative and quantitative degradation of the agricultural goods produced. The DSS is freely accessible in and functions by exploiting data from weather services’ networks. The DSS allows a better understanding of the infection risk based on the optimum conditions for diseases’ early symptoms occurrence in order to properly and timely control the potential outbreaks and finally lead to a significant reduction of chemical PPPs applied. The map presents several areas in different coloring, located in Spain (Zaragoza region), France (Bordeaux region), Italy (Piemonte region) and Greece (Thessaly, Evia and Attica regions). The color scale indicates the four risk levels: green for no risk; yellow for low risk; orange for medium risk; and red for maximum risk. Furthermore, users have the ability to select the “Ideal spraying” button for displaying the appropriateness of the meteorological conditions for spraying application (5-day prediction) on a specific selected time-point. This holistic IPM approach is targeting to lower chemical inflows in food production chain, lower residues and reduce impacts on human health and the environment.

Το OPTIMA DSS είναι ένα πλήρως λειτουργικό σύστημα υποστήριξης λήψης αποφάσεων που λειτουργεί ως πολύτιμο εργαλείο στα χέρια των Ευρωπαίων παραγωγών για την πρόβλεψη ασθενειών των φυτών (πρόβλεψη 5 ημερών) σχετικά με 3 κύρια παθογόνα που προκαλούν σοβαρές οικονομικές απώλειες σε αμπελώνες (περονόσπορος), μηλαιώνες (φουζικλάδιο) και καρότα (αλτερναρίωση) προκαλώντας ποιοτική και ποσοτική υποβάθμιση των παραγόμενων γεωργικών προϊόντων. Το DSS είναι ελεύθερα προσβάσιμο στη διεύθυνση και λειτουργεί αξιοποιώντας δίκτυα μετεωρολογικών υπηρεσιών. Το DSS επιτρέπει την καλύτερη κατανόηση του κινδύνου μόλυνσης με βάση τις βέλτιστες συνθήκες για την εμφάνιση πρώιμων συμπτωμάτων των ασθενειών, προκειμένου να ελεγχθούν σωστά και έγκαιρα οι πιθανές εξάρσεις και τελικά να μειωθεί η χρήση των χημικών ΦΠΠ που εφαρμόζονται. Ο χάρτης παρουσιάζει ποικίλες περιοχές με διαφορετικούς χρωματισμούς, που βρίσκονται στην Ισπανία (περιοχή Zaragoza), τη Γαλλία (περιοχή Bordeaux), την Ιταλία (περιοχή Piemonte) και την Ελλάδα (περιοχές Θεσσαλίας, Εύβοιας και Αττικής). Η χρωματική κλίμακα υποδεικνύει τα τέσσερα επίπεδα κινδύνου: πράσινο για κανένα κίνδυνο, κίτρινο για χαμηλό κίνδυνο, πορτοκαλί για μεσαίο κίνδυνο, και κόκκινο για μέγιστο κίνδυνο. Επιπλέον, οι χρήστες έχουν τη δυνατότητα να επιλέξουν την επιλογή «Ideal spraying» για την εμφάνιση της καταλληλότητας των μετεωρολογικών συνθηκών για εφαρμογή ψεκασμού (πρόβλεψη 5 ημερών) σε ένα συγκεκριμένο επιλεγμένο χρονικό σημείο και περιοχή. Αυτή η ολιστική προσέγγιση IPM στοχεύει στη μείωση των εισροών χημικών ΦΠΠ στην αλυσίδα παραγωγής τροφίμων, στη μείωση των υπολειμμάτων τους και στη μείωση των επιπτώσεών τους στην ανθρώπινη υγεία και το περιβάλλον.

During OPTIMA, regular meetings with selected carrot growers and advisers, a Focus Group (FG), were held in order to agree on the project developments, so to achieve tangible results applicable in the field on a broad scale. This regarding: 1) timing of application using the OPTIMA Decision Support System (DSS); 2) management of application using OPTIMA Early Detection System (EDS): 3) selection of crop protection strategy and PPP/bio-PPP; 4) use and set up of smart sprayers.

Three sessions of FG meetings were held from April 2020 to November 2021 and a questionnaire was submitted to further end users and advisers who took part in field demonstrations at the OPTIMA experimental carrot fields. The feedback received, both from FG and end users, indicated that OPTIMA DSS was appreciated but needed to include references to the crop stage and the irrigation scheme, EDS was judged very promising and raised the interest of growers, provided it could be managed automatically while operating in the field. The introduction of alternative PPPs and bio-PPPs was welcome and especially bio-PPPs were considered interesting, as already some of them are coming into practice. Finally, the OPTIMA smart sprayer for carrots was very appreciated, especially regarding the achieved benefits in reducing spray drift and losses, with the possibility to customize the nozzle spacing on the boom in function of the crop bed swaths.

Pendant OPTIMA, des réunions régulières avec des producteurs de carottes et des conseillers sélectionnés, un Focus Group (FG), ont été organisées afin de s'entendre sur les développements du projet, de manière à obtenir des résultats tangibles applicables sur le terrain à grande échelle. Ceci concerne : 1) le calendrier d'application à l'aide du système d'aide à la décision (OAD) OPTIMA DSS ; 2) la gestion de l'application à l'aide du système de détection précoce (EDS) OPTIMA : 3) la sélection de la stratégie de protection des cultures et du PPP/bio-PPP ; 4) l'utilisation et l'installation de pulvérisateurs intelligents.

Trois sessions de réunions FG ont eu lieu d'avril 2020 à novembre 2021 et un questionnaire a été soumis à d'autres utilisateurs finaux et conseillers qui ont participé à des démonstrations sur le terrain dans les champs de carottes expérimentaux OPTIMA. Le retour d'information reçu, tant de la part du FG que des utilisateurs finaux, a indiqué que le DSS OPTIMA était apprécié mais devait inclure des références au stade de la culture et au schéma d'irrigation, l'EDS a été jugé très prometteur et a suscité l'intérêt des cultivateurs, à condition qu'il puisse être géré automatiquement lors du fonctionnement sur le terrain. L'introduction de PPP alternatifs et de bio-PPP a été bien accueillie et les bio-PPP ont été jugés intéressants, car certains d'entre eux sont déjà mis en pratique. Enfin, le pulvérisateur intelligent OPTIMA pour les carottes a été très apprécié, notamment en ce qui concerne les avantages obtenus en matière de réduction de la dérive et des pertes de pulvérisation, avec la possibilité de personnaliser l'espacement des buses sur la rampe en fonction des largeurs de planches de la culture.

During OPTIMA, regular meetings with selected apple orchard growers and advisers, a Focus Group (FG), were held in order to agree on the project developments, so to achieve tangible results applicable in the field on a broad scale. This regarding: 1) timing of application using the OPTIMA Decision Support System (DSS); 2) management of application using OPTIMA Early Detection System (EDS): 3) selection of crop protection strategy and PPP/bio-PPP; 4) use and set up of smart sprayers.

Three sessions of FG meetings were held from February 2020 to June 2021 and a questionnaire was submitted to further end users and advisers who took part in field demonstrations at the OPTIMA experimental apple orchard plots. The feedback received, both from FG and end users, indicated that OPTIMA DSS was considered useful and well structured, even if still to be improved especially concerning info on the spray volume suggested. EDS was considered an interesting option for the future, but at the moment it was rated still not sufficiently affordable to be trusted on its apple scab diagnosis and to improve in smartness for use in the field. The introduction of alternative PPPs and bio-PPPs with respect to those typically applied was moderately appreciated, especially more evidence of their biological efficacy was required, as bio-PPPs are still not used at all in the apple orchard area of Epila. The OPTIMA smart sprayer for apple orchard was very appreciated, as it demonstrated to enable the reduction of spray volumes and PPP consumption, therefore mitigating the environmental impact. Some concerns were however pointed out about the cost of such advanced equipment, which could considerably affect its profitability.

Durante el proyecto OPTIMA se llevaron a cabo reuniones periódicas con fruticultores de manzanos y asesores, un grupo de discusión, formado para evaluar la evolución del proyecto, para lograr resultados aplicables sobre el terreno. Los temas tratados fueron: 1) el momento de la aplicación mediante el sistema de soporte a la decisión (SSD) de OPTIMA; 2) la gestión de la aplicación mediante el sistema de detección precoz (SDP) de OPTIMA; 3) la selección de la estrategia de productos para la protección de cultivos (biopesticidas y sintéticos); 4) Puesta en marcha de un pulverizador inteligente. Entre febrero de 2020 y junio de 2021 se celebraron tres reuniones del grupo de trabajo y se envió un cuestionario a otros fruticultores y asesores de la zona. Los comentarios recibidos, tanto del grupo de trabajo como de los usuarios finales, indicaron que el SSD de OPTIMA se consideraba útil y bien estructurado, aunque todavía debía mejorarse, especialmente en lo que respecta a la información sobre el volumen de pulverización sugerido. El SDP se consideró una opción interesante para el futuro, pero por el momento todavía no era lo suficientemente asequible como para confiar en su diagnóstico del moteado. La introducción de biopesticidas y productos alternativos apreciada por gran parte de los encuestados, pero son necesarias más pruebas de eficacia biológica, ya que los biopesticidas todavía no se utilizan de Épila. El pulverizador inteligente de OPTIMA para manzano fue muy bien valorado, ya que demostró reducir el volumen de aplicación y del consumo fitosanitarios y, por lo tanto, el impacto medioambiental. Sin embargo, se señalaron algunas preocupaciones sobre el coste de un equipo tan avanzado, que podría afectar considerablemente a su rentabilidad.

During OPTIMA, regular meetings with selected vineyard growers and advisers, a Focus Group (FG), were held in order to agree on the project developments, so to achieve tangible results applicable in the field on a broad scale. This regarding: 1) timing of application using the OPTIMA Decision Support System (DSS); 2) management of application using OPTIMA Early Detection System (EDS): 3) selection of crop protection strategy and PPPs/bio-PPPs; 4) use and set up of smart sprayers. 3 sessions of FG meetings were held from Jan '20 to Jul. '21 and a questionnaire was submitted to further end users and advisers who took part in field demonstrations at the experimental vineyard plots. The feedback received, both from FG and end users, indicated that OPTIMA DSS was considered useful and well structured, even if still to be improved especially concerning the prediction downy disease model and concerning the spatial resolution. EDS was generally considered promising, but still not mature to be used in current field activities as it requires too much time for scouting. The introduction of alternative PPPs and bio-PPPs with respect to those typically applied was welcome as it would provide an added value to the grapes product, nevertheless there were still some doubts about their efficacy in comparison to conventional products. Finally, the smart sprayer for vineyards was very much appreciated, especially the electric fan able to modulate the air flow in function of the canopy density and the spray variable rate were rated as the main improvements enabling to reduce PPP consumption and spray drift. Growers however underlined the need to keep the final cost of such sprayers contained, in order to get an economical benefit from the achieved savings in PPPs and fuel.

Nel corso del Progetto OPTIMA è stato consultato regolarmente un Focus Group per concordare lo sviluppo delle attività e raggiungere risultati tangibili e soluzioni applicabili in campo su vasta scala, in particolare riguardo a: 1) individuazione dell'epoca d'intervento ottimale sulla base di quanto indicato dal Decision Support System (DSS); 2) gestione del trattamento sulla base di quanto indicato dal sistema di diagnosi precoce della malattia (EDS); 3) scelta della strategia di difesa e dei prodotti fitosanitari (anche biologici); 4) utilizzo e regolazione dello smart sprayer. Tre sessioni di incontri con il FG tra Febbraio 2020 e Luglio 2021 ed un questionario sottoposto ad ulteriori tecnici e viticoltori che hanno preso parte alle dimostrazioni pratiche presso i vigneti dove sono state svolte le prove sperimentali hanno permesso di evidenziare che il DSS sviluppato in OPTIMA è considerato utile e ben strutturato, tuttavia ancora migliorabile, soprattutto il modello previsionale per la peronospora e la risoluzione spaziale. L'OPTIMA EDS è stato giudicato uno strumento promettente, ma al momento non ancora utilizzabile praticamente, poichè richiede tempi lunghi per l'esecuzione dello scouting. L'impiego di prodotti, anche di origine biologica, alternativi a quelli normalmente utilizzati per la difesa della vite dalla pernospora, è ritenuto utile per incrementare il valore del prodotto finale ma permane qualche dubbio sulla loro efficacia biologica. Infine lo smart sprayer OPTIMA sviluppato per il vigneto è stato molto apprezzato, per la possibilità di ridurre l'impiego di agrofarmaci e minimizzare la deriva. Il costo di tali irroratrici evolute, tuttavia, dovrebbe rimanere contenuto per offrire reali vantaggi economici.

OPTIMA include a huge number of laboratory trials in order to select the optimal spraying configuration, among others, for apple crop. Apple crop is a deciduous tree, which does not permit to make trials all the year, because in some periods it does not present vegetation. For this reason, five artificial apple trees were designed with the aim of analyzing phytosanitary application techniques under laboratory conditions.

The structures were build using a base iron tubes where wooden cylindric masts were inserted, and at the same time, main branches, also made of wood, were inserted into the masts. The artificial leaves branches, made of plastic, are composed of 42 leaves each one.

Five structures were build following the same characteristics of the orchard apple trees in Spain, were the field trials will be carried out of the project. The height of each tree is 3,5 m and 1,64 m of width.

The foliar branches were analyzed using a planimeter in order to evaluate the target vegetation area. In each artificial tree were placed a total of 110 leaf branches. The leaf branches can be modified in order to simulate different crop stages of the apple trees cobbering the whole range since an initial crop stage to the full vegetation that reaches at the ending of the season.

The artificial vegetation has been validated to ensure its usefulness. No statistical differences were observed between the constructed vegetation and the previous tests carried out in the pilot zone, with the real vegetation, regarding the spray coverage under the same treatment conditions.

Different spraying configurations were tested in the artificial trees with the aim to evaluate the coverage and select the optimal spraying configuration for this crop.

El proyecto OPTIMA incluye numerosos ensayos de laboratorio, con el objetivo de seleccionar la configuración óptima de pulverización, entre otros, para el cultivo de manzano. El manzano es un árbol caduco, lo cual no permite realizar ensayos durante todo el año. Por esta razón, se diseñaron cinco manzanos artificiales, con el objetivo de analizar técnicas aplicaciones de fitosanitarios en condiciones de laboratorio.

Las estructuras se construyeron utilizando tubos de hierro base donde se insertaron mástiles cilíndricos de madera, y al mismo tiempo en éstos se insertaron ramas principales, también de madera. Las ramas de las hojas artificiales, hechas de plástico, están compuestas por 42 hojas cada una.

Se construyeron cinco estructuras con las mismas características que los cultivos de manzanos en España, donde se realizarán los ensayos del proyecto. El tamaño de cada árbol es de 3,5 m de altura y 1,64 m de anchura.

Las hojas artificiales se analizaron mediante un planímetro para evaluar el área de vegetación objetivo. En cada árbol artificial se colocaron un total de 110 ramas foliares. La cantidad estas ramas se puede modificar para simular distintos estadios de ciclo del manzano.

Se ha realizó una validación de la vegetación artificial para asegurar su utilidad. No se observaron diferencias estadísticas entre la vegetación construida y los ensayos previos realizados en la zona piloto, con la vegetación real, en cuanto al recubrimiento de la pulverización bajo las mismas condiciones de tratamiento.

Se probaron diferentes configuraciones de pulverización en los árboles artificiales con el objetivo de evaluar el recubrimiento y seleccionar la configuración óptima para este cultivo.

One of the objectives of H2020-OPTIMA project is to develop a smart-sprayer for a more efficient and sustainable use of Plant Protection Products (PPP) in apple trees. The starting point was the Futur Inverter Qi 9.0 H3O (Pulverizadores Fede S.L., Cheste, Spain), which represents the high level of the technology available in the market.

Twelve different nozzles technologies which may lead to an improvement in the distribution were selected and tested in laboratory conditions. During the trials, vertical distribution of all the configurations were evaluated using a vertical test bench (AAMS-Salvarani, Maldegem, Belgium). Complementarily, coverage trials were arranged using artificial apple trees and measured using water sensitive papers (Syngenta, Bassel, Switzerland) placed in twelve different positions, 4 levels in height and 3 in depth. During the process, air characteristics for the selected sprayer’s configurations were measured and characterized using a 2D anemometer at the outlet section of the sprayer.

Results from the different experiments showed that, for the considered apple canopy characteristics, the best spray technologies were the Lechler IDK 90 02 at 10.9 bar and Lechler IDK 90 03 at 4.9 bar, both flat fan spray pattern.

For the two tests, the optimal airflow settings were a large rotary speed of the fan with a blade angle of 30º, generating 26195m³/h. The main difference between both configurations was the generated droplet size, an important characteristic with a clear and direct influence on the environmental risk (spray drift), coverage and bio-efficacy. OPTIMA project will evaluate drift and bio-efficacy in future trials, to encounter the optimum technology for the orchard apple crop.

Uno de los objetivos del proyecto H2020-OPTIMA es desarrollar un pulverizador inteligente para realizar aplicaciones de productos fitosanitarios de forma eficiente y sostenible en manzanos. El punto de partida es el pulverizador Futur Inverter Qi 9.0 H3O (Pulverizadores Fede S.L., Cheste, Spain), que representa el máximo nivel de tecnología disponible en el mercado.

En el laboratorio se probaron, doce tecnologías de aplicación diferentes que pudieran suponer una mejora. En los ensayos, se evaluó la distribución vertical de las configuraciones, utilizando un banco de pruebas vertical (AAMS-Salvarani, Maldegem, Belgium). De forma complementaria, se realizaron ensayos de recubrimiento utilizando vegetación artificial y papel hidrosensible (Syngenta, Bassel, Switzerland) situado en doce posiciones diferentes, 4 niveles de altura y 3 de anchura. Durante el proceso, se caracterizó con un anemómetro 2D el flujo de aire a la salida de la sección, para las distintas configuraciones seleccionadas del pulverizador.

Los resultados confirmaron que, para las características de la vegetación de los manzanos, las mejores tecnologías de pulverización fueron la Lechler IDK 90 02 a 10.9 bar y la Lechler IDK 90 03 a 4.9 bar, ambas boquillas de abanico.

Para los dos test, el caudal de aire optimo fue con la marcha alta del ventilador con 30º de ángulo de las aspas, generando 26195m³/h. La mayor diferencia entre las configuraciones fue la generada por el tamaño de gota, una característica claramente influyente en el riesgo medioambiental (deriva de la pulverización), recubrimiento y eficacia biológica. El proyecto OPTIMA evaluará la deriva y la eficacia en experimentos futuros, con tal de encontrar la tecnología óptima para el cultivo de manzano.

Carrots are high value crops, that unfortunately demand high amounts of fungicides to be applied in numerous applications to properly control Alternaria leaf blight. Severe epidemics of this disease can reduce the yield up to 40 to 60%. Under high pressure, no single control measure is sufficient to manage the disease adequately on its own. Therefore, the disease management currently relies on the combination of plant protection products (PPPs), the use of partial resistant varieties and monitoring with a disease forecaster. The use of PPPs (synthetic or biologic) could be reduced by the use of band spray applications instead of broadcast applications, by using an appropriate nozzle configuration (combination of nozzle type, size, spray angle) at optimal nozzle height and distance. These optimal settings depend on the carrot growth stage, planting system and cultivar, which determine the leaf foliage width and thus the target zone. As an example, configurations with 4 nozzles per bed (either 4 standard flat fan nozzles XR 80 04 or XR 80 02, 4 air induction nozzles AI 80 04, or 2 air induction nozzles AI 110 04 in combination with 2 off-center nozzles AIUB 85 04) have been shown to have a clear advantage over standard broadcast applications, with lower application rates (L/ha), much lower losses outside the target zone (up to 33%), good uniformity, and higher deposition for target zone widths from 1.2 to 1.8 m in a planting system with 1.83 m beds and 0.5 m inter-bed distance. In addition, the lowest levels of spray deposition recovery were obtained with the broadcast application with XR 110 04 nozzles, justifying the improvement of spray applications of carrot crops with optimized technologies using adjusted nozzles types and band spray configurations.

In the ambit of OPTIMA WP4 activities a set of laboratory and field tests were carried out in order to select the optimal configuration of a Caffini Synthesis tower shaped air-assisted sprayer, starting point for the development of the OPTIMA smart sprayer for vineyards. In laboratory tests aimed at assessing the vertical spray profiles using different types of nozzles (conventional hollow cone, conventional flat fan and air induction flat fan) were made using an ad hoc test bench. Results pointed out that the most effective sprayer configurations to precisely match the vine target at full growth stage were obtained activating 6+6 nozzles flat fan nozzles operated at 4 bar pressure. Tests made with a sonic anemometer to evaluate the air velocities on the target pointed out that setting the PTO revolution speed at 450 rev/min and using the low fan gear enabled to get average air velocites between 4 and 6 m/s in correspondence of the target, which is the optimal range to maximise spray deposition and prevent spray drift. Field tests pointed out that using the optimised sprayer configurations with flat fan nozzles, either conventional or air induction, the average spray deposit on the leaves increased by 40% with respect to that obtained using a reference conventional axial fan sprayer equipped with hollow cone nozzles operated at 14 bar pressure.

Nell'ambito delle attività del Progetto OPTIMA - WP4 sono state condotte prove in laboratorio ed in campo mirate a selezionare la configurazione ottimale di un atomizzatore a torretta Caffini Synthesis, punto di partenza per lo sviluppo dello "smart sprayer" OPTIMA per il vigneto. In laboratorio sono state condotte prove per la determinazione del profilo di distribuzione verticale impiegando diverse tipologie di ugelli (a turbolenza convenzionali, a fessura convenzionali e a fessura antideriva) ed utilizzando un apposito banco prova. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che l'impiego di 6+6 ugelli a fessura alla pressione di 4 bar consente di coprire precisamente la parete del vigneto nelle condizioni di pieno sviluppo vegetativo. Le prove svolte impiegando un anemometro sonico per misurare la velocità dell'aria in corrispondenza del bersaglio hanno evidenziato che impostando il regime di rotazione della PTO a 450 giri/min e utilizzando la marcia lenta del ventilatore è già possibile ottenere velocità medie dell'aria sul bersaglio dell'ordine di 4-6 m/s, valori ottimali per favorire il deposito delle gocce sul bersaglio e contenere il rischio di generare deriva. Dalle prove di campo è inoltre emerso che utilizzando le configurazioni ottimizzate della macchina con ugelli a fessura, sia convenzionali che antideriva, il deposito medio riscontrato sulle foglie è aumentato del 40% rispetto a quello ottenuto con un atomizzatore convenzionale di riferimento equipaggiato con ugelli a turbolenza convenzionali attivati alla pressione di esercizio di 14 bar.

Alternaria leaf blight caused by the fungus Alternaria dauci is the major foliage disease of carrots in most areas of production, responsible for important economic losses worldwide. A. dauci causes severe defoliation in carrot crops, especially under conditions of high moisture and temperature. While foliar symptoms are the most common, A. dauci can also infect the stems, the inflorescences and seeds developing in umbels. Foliar symptoms appear as small, green-brown lesions. The lesions enlarge and infected tissue becomes dark brown to black, sometimes surrounded by a chlorotic halo.

Control of Alternaria dauci is mainly based on the use of different fungicides as no biocontrol product is approved for carrots. OPTIMA project is searching into alternative products to reduce the use of synthetic chemicals. Tests are in progress in France and Greece with biological plant protection products including Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus, seaweed or plant extracts, Trichoderma spp. First results in greenhouse trials are promising.

Practical recommendations are: the use of commercial treated seeds and partial resistant varieties; reasoned nitrogen fertilization and without excess; avoid leaving crop residues on the plot; the use of Disease forecast models to optimize pesticide use and application timing.

La brûlure foliaire causée par le champignon Alternaria dauci est la principale maladie du feuillage des carottes dans la plupart des zones de production, responsable d'importantes pertes économiques dans le monde. A. dauci provoque une défoliation grave des cultures de carottes, en particulier dans des conditions d'humidité et de température élevées. Bien que les symptômes foliaires soient les plus courants, A. dauci peut également infecter les tiges, les inflorescences et les semences de carotte. Les symptômes foliaires apparaissent sous forme de petites lésions brun-vert. Les lésions s'agrandissent et le tissu infecté devient brun foncé à noir, parfois entouré d'un halo chlorotique.

La lutte contre Alternaria dauci repose principalement sur l'utilisation de différents fongicides, car aucun produit de lutte biologique n'est approuvé pour les carottes. Le projet OPTIMA recherche des produits alternatifs pour réduire l'utilisation de produits chimiques de synthèse. Des tests sont en cours en France et en Grèce avec des produits de biocontrôle parmi lesquels on trouve des Bacillus, des extraits d’algues ou de plantes, des Trichoderma spp. Les premiers résultats des essais en serre sont prometteurs.

En attendant la mise sur le marché de produits de biocontrôle vis-à-vis d’A. dauci, les recommandations pratiques sont l'utilisation de semences commerciales traitées et de variétés partiellement résistantes; une fertilisation azotée raisonnée et sans excès; éviter de laisser des résidus de récolte sur la parcelle; l'utilisation de modèles de prévision des maladies pour optimiser l'utilisation des pesticides et leur calendrier d'application.

Grape downy mildew, caused by the parasite Plasmopara viticola, attacks all European varieties and may cause large losses of production, especially in warm and humid climates. The pathogen affects all green vine parts, especially leaves and bunches. Main symptoms include oily, yellowish and angular lesions on leaves, located between the veins and necrosis of the stem or shoot.

OPTIMA project is searching alternative products to reduce the use of chemical pesticides and optimize their efficacy.

Both pre-infection (protective) and post-infection (systemic or penetrant) fungicides are widely used for the control of grape downy mildew. Pre-infection fungicides include copper-based fungicides, dithiocarbamates (e.g. mancozeb, metiram), phtalimides (folpet) and quinones (dithianon) that are applied close to an infection event. Post-infection should be applied as soon as possible after an infection event and prior to the appearance of oilspots. Currently registered in EU post-infection fungicides include: phenylamides (e.g. melalaxyl, benalaxyl), QiI (e.g. amisulbrom, ciazofamid), phosphonates (e.g. fosetyl-aluminum, potassium phosphonate), QoSI (e.g. ametoctradin), carboxylic acid amides (e.g. mandipropamid, iprovalicarb, dimethomorph, benthiavalicarb, valifenalate), benzamides (e.g. zoxamide, fluopicolide), QoI (e.g. famoxadone, pyraclostrobin), oxathiapiprolin, fluazinam and cymoxanil.

Fungicide resistance to some of these chemicals, such as QoI or CAA fungicides, have been reported and in order to prevent the development of fungicide resistance, practical recommendations are to apply the at-risk fungicides in combinations as a tank mix and to rotate fungicides with different mechanisms of action.

Grape downy mildew, caused by the obligate parasite Plasmopara viticola, attacks all European varieties and may cause large losses of production, especially in warm and humid climates. The pathogen affect al green parts of the vine, especially the leaves, and also the bunches. Common symptoms include oily, yellowish and angular lesions on leaves, located between the veins, but also necrosis of the stem or shoot. As the disease progresses, after warm and humid nights, a white mycelium (downy mildew) can be observed on the lower leaf surface.

Biological control of grape downy mildew is mainly based on the application of copper compounds as contact fungicides, leading to accumulation of this heavy metal in the topsoil in many European countries. As a consequence, the use of copper fungicides is now restricted by European Union Regulation 2018/1981 to 4kg/ha/year. OPTIMA project is searching alternative products to reduce the use of copper-based formulations. Tests are in progress in Greece and Italy on biological plant protection products such as Trichoderma spp., Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Pythium oligandrum, Bacillus pumilus, Aureobasidium pullulans, laminarin, eugeniol, geraniol and thymol.

Practical recommendations are: the use of tolerant varieties or at least of less sensitive varieties; balanced fertilization with reduced nitrogen to avoid excessive vigour and canopy development; the use of natural products and elicitors to enhance plant self-defence that are registered in several EU countries such as cerevisane and orange oil; the use of Decision Support Systems to optimize pesticide use and application timing.

Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) is an endemic disease that effects vineyards worldwide. The disease can cause severe crop loss when it is not detected in an early stage. Early detection as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) system would be enormously beneficial to not just the farmer but also to the wider environment. In the scope of OPTIMA W2, a state-of-the-art decision support system (DSS) will be used to determine the risk of disease outbreak. In this research, we investigated the early detection of downy mildew with deep-learning and spectral analysis, as input to the DSS, in order to precisely localise and quantify the infection, so that appropriate plant protection product type, dose, timing and location will be recommended. Image data was acquired in the field and in the greenhouse, using a high spatial resolution color camera (10 Mp). Disease spot classification was done with deep-learning using a convolutional neural network (CNN) that was trained and tested on the high resolution RGB images. Ground truth anotations were done by experienced crop experts. The CNN (we used YOLOv3) had a precision of 89.5% and a recall of 82.3%. From our research, we conclude that downy mildew can be detected in an early stage with RGB image based deep-learning.

Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) is an endemic disease that effects vineyards worldwide. The disease can cause severe crop loss when it is not detected in an early stage. Early detection as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) system would be enormously beneficial to not just the farmer but also to the wider environment. In the scope of OPTIMA W2, a state-of-the-art decision support system (DSS) will be used to determine the risk of disease outbreak. In this research, we investigated the early detection of downy mildew with spectral image analysis, as input to the DSS, in order to precisely localise and quantify the infection, so that appropriate plant protection product type, dose, timing and location will be recommended. Image data was acquired in the field and in the greenhouse, using a spectral camera with high spectral resolution (200 bands). The spectral images were processed by a linear discriminant analysis that highlighted that the wavelengths at 550, 720, and 750 nm were most discriminative for classifying mildew infection from healthy leaf tissue. From our research, we conclude that downy mildew can be detected in an early stage with or spectral image analysis using a selection of wavelenght bands.

Spanish farmers from the pilot zone (Épila, Zaragoza), were consulted in the OPTIMA project framework, in order to catalogue their working conditions in apple fields. The objective was also to record their expectations with the IMP OPTIMA system and therefore serve as a realistic guide for future work in the project.

Concerning plant protection strategy, the major part of the farmers declared to follow voluntary or mandatory protocols of IPM. Spanish producers, also declared to mix two or more synthetic PPP for the same application, but concerning the use of bio-PPP, it was observed that the farmers generally do not mix them together with other products. It has to be noticed that no specific bio-PPP are commonly used for treatments in the examined pilot area, at exception of the copper and sulphur based products, that are considered as “bio-PPP”, and they are very reticent to use this kind of formulates.

Regarding spraying equipment, the majority of farmers are using a conventional axial fan sprayer, with or without deflectors.

Majority of the interviewed farmers and field technicians, has considered the development of disease early detection instruments and refined disease prediction models as the most promising activity within OPTIMA project.

Concerning the spray adjustment, and determination of most adequate volume rate, most of farmers indicated that they do not consider the canopy structure to determine the volume rate. The only changes they use to arrange is the working pressure and, eventually, forward speed. They were a little bit sceptic to reduce the amount of liquid/pesticide.

En el marco del proyecto OPTIMA, se consultó a los agricultores españoles de la zona piloto (Épila, Zaragoza) con el fin de catalogar sus condiciones de trabajo en el cultivo de manzanos. El objetivo era también registrar sus expectativas sobre el GIP de OPTIMA y, por lo tanto, servir como una guía realista para el futuro trabajo del proyecto.

La mayor parte de los agricultores declararon seguir protocolos voluntarios u obligatorios de Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP). Los productores españoles también declararon que suelen mezclar dos o más productos fitosanitarios en una misma aplicación, pero en lo referente al uso de productos fitosanitarios biológicos, se observó que, por lo general, ninguno de los agricultores los mezcla con otros productos. Hay que tener en cuenta que, en el área piloto, normalmente no se utilizan bio, a excepción de los productos a base de cobre y azufre que se consideran como "bio-plaguicidas", y que son muy reticentes a utilizar este tipo de formulados.

En cuanto a los equipos de pulverización, la mayoría de los agricultores utilizan un pulverizador convencional con ventilador axial, con o sin deflectores.

La mayoría de los agricultores y técnicos entrevistados, han considerado el desarrollo de sistemas de detección precoz de enfermedades y el perfeccionamiento de los modelos de predicción, como la actividad más prometedora dentro del proyecto OPTIMA.

En cuanto al ajuste del pulverizador y la determinación del volumen, la mayoría de los agricultores indicaron que no tienen en cuenta la estructura de la vegetación. Los únicos cambios que realizan, son sobre la presión de trabajo y, eventualmente, la velocidad de avance. Se mostraron un poco escépticos en cuanto a la reducción de la cantidad de líquido/pesticida.

In the ambit of OPTIMA WP1 activities a survey aimed at collecting indications from farmers about their needs and expectations concerning OPTIMA IPM approach was carried out in the vineyard pilot area in Italy, in Piemonte region. Results pointed out that most of farmers actually follow IPM voluntary plant protection strategy but they generally do not use bio-PPPs in particular for the control of downy mildew. They are generally in favour of the adoption of bio-PPPs provided that the efficacy is proven and that the fequency of the application can be compatible with other operations to carry out in the vineyard. Farmers look also for the development of new bio-PPPs enabling to protect vines from other diseases like golden flavescence and Escà disease. In general terms the interviewed farmers declared to be interested in the development of more precise Decision Suppport Systems able to address them in the timing and management of spray application and they also encouraged the development of tools for early disease detection. One concern was pointed out regarding the realization of smart sprayers which should be not too much complicated to operate and especially not too much expensive if compared to a conventional one. OPTIMA IPM approach was therefore considered interesting but farmers remarked the importance to link environmental with economical sustainability.

Nell'ambito delle attività del Progetto OPTIMA - WP1 è stata condotta su un campione di viticoltori dell'area pilota in Piemonte un'indagine finalizzata a conoscere i requisiti e le aspettative degli agricoltori riguardo alla strategia di difesa integrata proposta nel Progetto OPTIMA. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che la maggioranza dei viticoltori intervistati segue strategie di difesa integrata volontaria ma generalmente non applica prodotti biologici, in particolare per il contenimento della peronospora. Gli agricoltori sono comunque favorevoli all'impiego di prodotti biologici, purchè di comprovata efficacia e la cui frequenza di applicazione non interferisca con le altre operazioni colturali da effettuare nel vigneto. Gli agricoltori guardano con favore anche allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, anche biologici, per contenere altre patologie della vite quali la flavescenza dorata e il mal dell'esca. In termini generali gli intervistati hanno dichiarato di essere interessati allo sviluppo di nuovi modelli previsionali più precisi in grado di indirizzarli nella tempistica e modalità di intervento per la distribuzione degli agrofarmaci ed hanno accolto positivamente la prospettiva di poter contare sugli strumenti per la diagnosi precoce delle malattie che saranno sviluppati nell'ambito del progetto OPTIMA. E' stata peraltro sottolineata l'esigenza di non complicare eccessivamente la strumentazione delle macchine irroratrici e di manterne il costo accessibile. L'aprroccio della strategia di lotta integrata OPTIMA è stato quindi giudicato interessante ma gli agricoltori hanno evidenziato l'esigenza di combinare la sostenibilità ambientale con quella economica.

In the ambit of OPTIMA WP1 activities, a survey aimed at collecting indications from farmers about their needs and expectations concerning OPTIMA IPM approach was carried out in the carrot pilot area in France, in Nouvelle Aquitaine region. Results pointed out that farmers generally follow IPM voluntary plant protection strategy but only few applications concerns bio-PPP. Carrot growers do not use bio-PPPs for the control of Alternaria D as no bioproduct is currently registered in France. Growers are generally in favor of the adoption of bio-PPPs. Farmers showed interest in the development of new bio-PPPs enabling to protect carrot crop form other diseases. In general terms, the interviewed farmers declared to be interested in the development of more precise Decision Support Systems able to address them in the timing and management of spray application and they also encouraged the development of tools for early disease detection. Farmers showed great interest in the development of optimized sprayer since the localization of sprays is a factor of the reduction of the quantities of PPP. OPTIMA IPM approach was therefore considered interesting but farmers pointed out complementary actions to the project such as the development of resistant varieties, the quantification of fungi spores and the use of electrostatic spraying.

Dans le cadre des activités du WP1 d'OPTIMA, une enquête visant à recueillir les indications des agriculteurs sur leurs besoins et leurs attentes concernant la démarche OPTIMA IPM a été réalisée dans la zone pilote de la carotte en France, en région Nouvelle Aquitaine. Les résultats ont montré que les agriculteurs suivent généralement la stratégie volontaire de protection phytosanitaire de la lutte intégrée, mais que seules quelques applications concernent la bio-PPP. Les producteurs de carottes n'utilisent pas de bio-PPP pour la lutte contre Alternaria D car aucun bioproduit n'est actuellement homologué en France. Les producteurs sont généralement favorables à l'adoption des bio-PPP. Les producteurs ont montré un intérêt pour le développement de nouvelles bio-PPP permettant de protéger les cultures de carottes contre d'autres maladies. D'une manière générale, les agriculteurs interrogés ont déclaré être intéressés par le développement de systèmes d'aide à la décision plus précis, capables de les prendre en compte dans le calendrier et la gestion des pulvérisations, et ils ont également encouragé le développement d'outils de détection précoce des maladies. Les agriculteurs ont manifesté un grand intérêt pour le développement de pulvérisateurs optimisés puisque la localisation des pulvérisations est un facteur de réduction des quantités de PPP. L'approche OPTIMA IPM a donc été jugée intéressante mais les agriculteurs ont souligné les actions complémentaires au projet telles que le développement de variétés résistantes, la quantification des spores de champignons et l'utilisation de la pulvérisation électrostatique.

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