project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Innovative solutions to reduce the use of nitrifiers in cooked meat preparations without affecting food safety andorganoleptic quality
Soluciones innovadoras para optimizar el uso de nitrificantes en elaborados cárnicos cocidos manteniendo la seguridad alimentaria y la calidad organoléptica

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Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
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The main objectives of this project are to answer the following questions:
- What can be done to prevent the loss of so much functional nitrite during the process? When and how is it added? Whatparameters help preserve its functionality.
- What adjuvants (chemical and technological) enhance the functionality of residual nitrite?


Los objetivos principales de este proyecto son dar respuesta a las siguientes cuestiones:

- ¿Qué hay que hacer para que no se pierda tanto nitrito funcional durante el proceso? En qué momento y cómo se añade. ¿Qué parámetros ayudan a preservar su funcionalidad?

- ¿Qué adyuvantes (químicos y tecnológicos) potencian la funcionalidad del nitrito residual?


Actions carried out:
- Meta-analysis of the kinetics of nitrites in cooked meats.
- Testing of chemical and physical alternatives in meat inoculated with Clostridium sporogenes (a surrogate of C. botulinum accepted in testing).
- Assessment of the organoleptic effects that influence quality and sales. Assessment of the effect of the raw material and of the production process on the residual nitrite and nitrate content and on the sensory characteristics of the product. Comparison of different product cooking methods.


Las acciones que se han llevado a cabo:

- Metaanálisis bibliográfico sobre la cinética de los nitritos en cocidos.

- Ensayo de alternativas químicas y físicas en masas cárnicas inoculadas con Clostridium sporogenes ("surrogate" de C. botulinum aceptado por ensayos).

- Evaluación de los efectos organolépticos que repercuten en calidad y ventas. Evaluación del efecto de la materia prima y del proceso de producción en el contenido de nitrito y nitrato residual y en las características sensoriales del producto. Comparación de diferentes métodos de cocción del producto.


This project arose out of the concern among companies for the safety and/or risk posed to consumer health by the use of nitrifying salts. The centuries-old use of nitrates and nitrites in meat derived-products has been subject to much controversy for the last 50 years. Currently, while consumer associations and some professionals are pushing government authorities to reduce the total allowable quantity or even ban it, many scientists are studying endogenous metabolism of nitrogen oxides, obtained from protein deamination, and stress that the amount ingested via meat-derived products is proportionally much lower than that produced endogenously, while also assessing its beneficial role as a cardio-regulator and antibacterial agent.
Companies manufacturing cooked meat products must ensure product quality over a very long shelf life (4 to 6 months), in many cases in sliced products. Thus it is essential to continue using nitrite as an additive to ensure safety, as only a part of the added nitrites are present after cooking, and it is necessary for them to remain active throughout the product shelf life, to help maintain quality and microbiological safety.
This project studied the kinetics of nitrifiers in cooked meat products and their antimicrobial effects. From the information obtained, companies will be able to propose new formulations for their products and will better understand how to apply nitrites during the product manufacturing process in order to ensure food safety and prolong its shelf life.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 125002.79

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator