project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improving honey production and obtaining new value-added products through the use of fungi with functional applications
Mejora de la producción de miel y obtención de nuevos productos con valor añadido mediante la utilización de hongos con aplicaciones funcionales

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1. Improving bee immunity and honey production through the supplementation of fungal and mushroom-based functional foods.
2. Producing two value-added products: honeys enriched with the bioactive compounds present in the mushrooms fed to the bees; and a syrup made from honey and mushroom extracts for human consumption.


1.La mejora de la inmunidad de las abejas y de la producción de miel gracias a la suplementación de alimentosfuncionales basados em hongos.
2.Obtención de dos productos con valor añadido: mieles enriquecidas con compuestos bioactivos presentes en loshongos que se suministraran a las abejas y un jarabe hecho con base en miel y extractos de hongos, destinado alconsumo humano.


1. Installation of hives.
2. Mushroom growing.
3. Obtaining extracts for bees and syrup.
4. Analysis of the non-alcoholic extracts and the composition of the honey to be included in the syrup.
5. Developing and producing the solid feed formula.
6. Treatments in hives.
7. Syrup formulation development and validation.
8. Analysis of bees and honey.
9. Dissemination plan.
10. Drafting the documents.


1.Instalación de colmenas.
2.Cultivo de hongos.
3.Obtención de extractos para las abejas y para un jarabe.
4.Análisis de los extractos no alcohólicos y de la composición de la miel que se incluirá en el jarabe.
5.Desarrollo de la formula del alimento sólido y producción.
6.Tratamientos en las colmenas.
7.Desarrollo de la formula y validación del jarabe.
8.Análisis de las abejas y de la miel
9.Plano de divulgación.
10.Redacción de documentos.


The decline in bee populations observed worldwide is directly affecting the quantity and quality of bee products, mainly honey. Currently, its production in the European Union (EU) fails to cover even half of the internal demand for honey, making the EU a major importer of the product. Thus, in order to operate in highly competitive markets, honey production in Catalonia needs to improve and increase, as the market has the capacity to absorb all the product is produces. Given that honey composition can be affected by dietary factors, it is plausible to hypothesise that the healthy compounds present in mushrooms could be passed on to honey and thus confer additional beneficial properties with a potentially favourable impact on human health. Therefore, another of the main objectives of this project is to characterise and quantify bioactive compounds in the fungi (or derived metabolites) that could appear in the honey and serve as indicators its health properties, such as beta-glucans, triterpenes, fatty acids, ergosterol, and the general metabolite profile of honey using an omics approach: metabolomics.
Taking into account the health potential of reishi and shiitake mushroom extracts and honey, in this project we also hypothesise that the addition of honey and mushroom extract(s) to a syrup could enhance basic aspects of the human immune system, such as the response to pathogenic bacteria.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 233539.2

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator