project - Innovative project

Implementation plan for BioEnergy Farm
Bioenergia farmi rakendusplaan

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The BioEnergy Farm project was concerned with increasing the use and production of bioenergy and biofuels in agriculture.

To achieve this goal, it offered farmers, foresters and landowners free access to:

Reliable information on bioenergy and biofuels

Calculation tools necessary to evaluate profitability of bioenergy and biofuels for each individual case

Expert advice and support

The European BioEnergy Platform is a place where you can find all of the above, for free, in seven languages: English, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Estonian, and French.

What is more, BioEnergy Farm also organized workshops for farmers to present them the possibilities of bioenergy in agriculture, familiarize them with the Online BioEnergy Scan and teach how to interpret the results. BioEnergy Farm also took farmers on excursions, to show them how projects dealing with biogas, biomass combustion, and energy crops are realized. Having completed the Online BioEnergy Scan with a positive result, farmers received support from experts who analyzed their specific situation and proposed most feasible solutions. The experts also assisted in preparing a business plan for a bioenergy project implementation.

The BioEnergy Farm project reached out to the public through the press, electronic newsletters, and through being present at farmers? exhibitions. The goal was to encourage farmers, foresters and land-owners to take into consideration bioenergy use and production and to provide them with tools and knowledge necessary to find the most profitable option.


Bioenergia Farmi projekt tegeles bioenergia ja biokütuste kasutamise ja tootmise edendamisega.

Selle eesmärgi saavutamiseks pakuti projekti kestel ning ka peale selle lõppu talupidajatele ning metsa- ja maaomanikele vaba juurdepääsu:

Usaldusväärsele informatsioonile bioenergia ja biokütuste kohta

Kalkulaatoritele, mis on vajalikud hindamaks bioenergia ja biokütuste tasuvust konkreetses olukorras

Ekspertide soovitustele ja toele

BioEnergia Farm organiseeris ka seminare talupidajatele selgitades neile bioenergia võimalusi põllumajanduses, tutvustades neid Inernetipõhist BioEnergia Kalkulaatorit ja õpetades selle tulemustest arusaamist. BioEnergia Farm viis maaomanikke ka ekskursioonidele näidates kuidas biogaasi, biomassi põletamise ja energiakultuuride projektid on tööle hakanud. Kui Internetipõhine BioEnergia Kalkulaator andis positiivse tulemuse, sai põllupidaja abi asjatundjatelt, kes analüüsisid konkreetset situatsiooni ning soovitasid kõige tulusamaid lahendusi. Asjatundjad aitasid ka äriplaani koostamisele bioenergia projekti teostamiseks.


The BioEnergy Farm project was concerned with increasing the use and production of bioenergy and biofuels in agriculture.

To achieve this goal, it offered farmers, foresters and landowners free access to:

Reliable information on bioenergy and biofuels

Calculation tools necessary to evaluate profitability of bioenergy and biofuels for each individual case

Expert advice and support

The European BioEnergy Platform is a place where you can find all of the above, for free, in seven languages: English, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Estonian, and French.

What is more, BioEnergy Farm also organized workshops for farmers to present them the possibilities of bioenergy in agriculture, familiarize them with the Online BioEnergy Scan and teach how to interpret the results. BioEnergy Farm also took farmers on excursions, to show them how projects dealing with biogas, biomass combustion, and energy crops are realized. Having completed the Online BioEnergy Scan with a positive result, farmers received support from experts who analyzed their specific situation and proposed most feasible solutions. The experts also assisted in preparing a business plan for a bioenergy project implementation.

The BioEnergy Farm project reached out to the public through the press, electronic newsletters, and through being present at farmers? exhibitions. The goal was to encourage farmers, foresters and land-owners to take into consideration bioenergy use and production and to provide them with tools and knowledge necessary to find the most profitable option.


Bioenergia Farmi projekt tegeles bioenergia ja biokütuste kasutamise ja tootmise edendamisega.

Selle eesmärgi saavutamiseks pakuti projekti kestel ning ka peale selle lõppu talupidajatele ning metsa- ja maaomanikele vaba juurdepääsu:

Usaldusväärsele informatsioonile bioenergia ja biokütuste kohta

Kalkulaatoritele, mis on vajalikud hindamaks bioenergia ja biokütuste tasuvust konkreetses olukorras

Ekspertide soovitustele ja toele

BioEnergia Farm organiseeris ka seminare talupidajatele selgitades neile bioenergia võimalusi põllumajanduses, tutvustades neid Inernetipõhist BioEnergia Kalkulaatorit ja õpetades selle tulemustest arusaamist. BioEnergia Farm viis maaomanikke ka ekskursioonidele näidates kuidas biogaasi, biomassi põletamise ja energiakultuuride projektid on tööle hakanud. Kui Internetipõhine BioEnergia Kalkulaator andis positiivse tulemuse, sai põllupidaja abi asjatundjatelt, kes analüüsisid konkreetset situatsiooni ning soovitasid kõige tulusamaid lahendusi. Asjatundjad aitasid ka äriplaani koostamisele bioenergia projekti teostamiseks.

Project details
Main funding source
Other rural development funds
Agricultural sectors
Crops (generic)

€ 1629131

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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1 Practice Abstracts

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Project coordinator