project - Research and innovation

i2connect - Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture and forestry
i2connect - Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture and forestry

Ongoing | 2019 - 2024 France
Ongoing | 2019 - 2024 France
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i2connect aims to fuel the competencies of advisors who will support and facilitate interactive innovation processes responding to multiple challenges in European agriculture and forestry. i2connect focuses on i) creating a professional network of advisors aimed at mutual coaching and experience sharing; ii) strengthening their skills and competencies, through the identification of best practices of advice across Europe and developing of a targeted training program, peers networking and cross visits; iii) strengthening their role through a better understanding of National AKIS and iv) identifying tools that contribute to an enabling and inclusive environment for advisory services.


see Objectives in English


The project is organised in 7 Work packages: - WP1: bases, frames & approaches for joint action (inc. the production of 30 National AKIS reports & the development of the AS Database)

- WP2: Identify & analyse best practices from a range of practical cases across Europe

- WP3: Develop tools, methods & didactical strategies to strengthen advisor’s capacity to support

interactive innovation

- WP4: Facilitate the innovation network through training sessions, cross-visits, pilot projects, networking activities & summer schools for future advisors

- WP5: Communication, dissemination & synergies

- WP6 & 7: involves the project management, coordination & Ethics issues


The same as previous version (English)


In Europe, there are a good examples showing advisors active as innovation brokers and facilitators in "interactive innovation projects", but these examples are still limited in number. Rural Development programmes offer funding in European regions for EIP-AGRI Operational Groups aimed at stimulating such interactive processes for bridging the gap between practice and research. Farm and Forestry advisors are still considered to support the “linear knowledge transfer model”. There is still lack of understanding about what is behind the specific roles of advisors in the different stages of the process and the necessary competencies going along with it. Moreover, implications for advisory organisations for their managers and further AKIS decision makers to create an enabling environment for innovative advisors and innovation processes are unclear. This hampers the effectiveness of the EIP-AGRI programme and other interactive innovation initiatives in the EU.

However, there are many new and original cases of innovation support provided by farm and forestry advisors across Europe, induced by recent EU policies. Many of these examples have not been systematically exploited to update the advisors’ communities in a given country and even less to advisors in the wider EU contexts. Replicable best practices must be made available to other advisors through information, dedicated tools, formal training, peer-to-peer learning and networking activities. Furthermore, there is a need for awareness-raising of managers of advisory services and/or managing authorities at an EU-wide level, so as to develop an “innovation culture” among managers of advisory services and AKIS actors.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 4999943

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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Project coordinator

  • Project coordinator