Horizon Europe project submission and management: a detailed user guide

About this guide

This comprehensive guide outlines the process for submitting and managing Horizon Europe projects, including practice abstracts, in the EIP-AGRI project database on the EU CAP Network website. It details the steps for registration, project detail entry, submission for review, and subsequent communication with the European Research Executive Agency (REA). 


As a Horizon Europe project contributor to the EIP-AGRI project database, you should proceed according to the following steps:

  1. The assigned contributor (e.g. project coordinator) registers and login by using the EU Login account. 
  2. The contributor encodes the project details and practice abstract(s).
  3. The contributor saves and submits the draft project including practice abstract(s) for review to the EU CAP Network website editorial team.
  4. The contributor downloads a PDF version of the practice abstract(s) and sends it to the European Research Executive Agency (REA) in line with the procedure for submitting project deliverables. 
  5. When the project has been submitted for review, the EU CAP Network website editorial team will do a conformity check but not review the content (this is done by REA, see point 6). Once the conformity check is finalised, the contributor will receive a notification email informing that: 
    1. The submission has been approved for publishing
    2. The submission has not been approved for publishing. The contributor will be advised to revise the project and re-submit it. 
  6. Once the project receives the feedback from REA after the project review meeting, the contributor should revise the practice abstracts if needed and re-submit for publishing. 

How to fill in the web form

Mandatory information 

  1. Project information in English language, which will be be automatically translated into 24 official EU languages
    1. Contributor of the text - role in the project (e.g. project coordinator)
    2. Title of the project
    3. Project acronym of the project title
    4. Grant agreement ID of the project: this is a key requirement for the project validation within the review workflow, as it must correspond with the details provided in the CORDIS database
    5. Project period: starting date and end date
    6. Horizon project type: Multi-actor, thematic network, advisory network or other Horizon funded project
    7. Total budget of the project indicating total cost and EU contribution in EUR
    8. Objective of the project in line with information included in CORDIS with focus on what and how the project addresses/seizes challenges/opportunities that are relevant fort he practioners/end-users (300-500 word count – no spaces)
    9. Description of the activities in line with information included in CORDIS outlining the main activities of the project (300-500 word count – no spaces)
    10. Keywords to be chosen from a pre-defined list 
    11. Project contribution to EU CAP specific objectives as referred to in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115. 
    12. Project contribution to the objectives of the EU strategies: the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy, the EU Biodiversity strategy, the Forestry strategy and the EU strategy on carbon removals
    13. Geographical location where the main project activities take place to enable search for knowledge and innovation adapted to local context. If the project activities take place in more location(s), other location(s) can be added.  
    14. Project coordinator (lead-partner) according to the cooperation/consortium agreement: name, address, e-mail, telephone, partner category (pre-defined list) and contact person of the entity 
    15. Official website of the project that will be published as contact information of the project in the EIP-AGRI project database.
    16. Practice abstract(s) outlining the following (max 1500 word count - no spaces):
      • Title of the practice abstract
      • Objective: what problems/opportunities does the project address that are relevant for the practitioners/end-users, and how will they be solved?
      • Result: which are the main outcomes of the project?
      • Recommendations: How can the end-users (e.g. farmers) make use of the results in practice? What would be the main added value/benefit/opportunities to the end-users if the generated knowledge is implemented?

Optional information

  1. Project partners: name, address, e-mail, telephone, partner category (pre-defined list) and contact person of the entity. If a project partner is added, the minimum information mandatory to add is name and partner category
  2. Audiovisual materials which are useful and attractive for practitioners submitted as URL or annex to the email (e.g. link to relevant websites, social media, videos, pictures, pdf files, other dissemination materials)
  3. Links to other website(s) / social media channels hosting information on the project (results) that are available after the project has ended, by preference using the existing local/regional/national communication channels that practitioners most often use.
  4. Description of the context of the project (e.g. drivers in legislation/ markets or other causes that were at the origin of the project, etc.; max. 1500 word count - no spaces) 
  5. Additional information: free text field which can be used (for example, for listing facilitating elements or obstacles for the implementation of the produced results, for suggestions for future actions/research, for messages to consumers, etc.; max. 1500 word count - no spaces)
  6. Project report/final report: An unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field. Max limit 50 MB. Allowed formats: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv.

Login to add or manage projects

If you want to add a Horizon Europe Project, you first need to authenticate and login into the EU CAP Network website.

  1. Navigate to the EU CAP Network website
  2. Navigate to the "About EIP-AGRI projects" page under the "Projects and practice" menu

    Website menu screenshot
  3. Please scroll down to the 'EIP-AGRI Common Format for Horizon' section. Once there, click the 'Add Horizon Europe Project' button to proceed.

    Add Horizon Europe project button screenshot
  4. By clicking on the button you will be redirected to the EU Login authentication page where you will be able to authenticate and login by using your EU Login account.

    For step-by-step instructions on authenticating with EU Login, as well as creating an account if this is your first time using EU Login, please consult the EU Login User Guide.

    EU Login screenshot
  5. After successful login you will be automatically redirected to the "My Dashboard" page where you can continue editing your Horizon Europe project

Submit а project

  1. Navigate to the EU CAP Network website 
  2. Login to the EU CAP Network website. For detailed instructions on how to login to the EU CAP Network website, see the login chapter on this User guide 
  3. From the user menu select "My Activities"

    User menu dropdown screenshot
  4. In the "Projects" tab click on the "New project +" button

    My dashboard - new project button screenshot
  5. Fill in the Horizon Europe 2023-2027 form (for details instructions on how to fill in a Horizon Project form, please see sub-chapter 3.1)
  6. From the "Save As" drop-down field, select 'In Review" (in order to send the project for review). When you send the project for review it WILL not be visible on the website. The project will be visible to the reviewers who are responsible for reviewing your project and publishing it. Once it is published by the reviewer it will be visible on the EU CAP Network website. Be aware that the reviewer might request revisions from you before publishing. 

    If you select "Draft" in the "Save As" drop-down, the project will not be sent for review. You will be able to come back later to edit the form and then submit it for review.

    Submission Workflow selection screenshot

    NOTE: It is important to know that on the website you always see the latest published version. This means that in case you decide to update your already published project, by editing it, the website will create a new (draft) version that will be again visible only to you and the reviewers (once you submit this new draft version for review). When the reviews validate and publish your new project version this will overwrite the previously published version. Thus on the website, you always see the latest published version of the website.

  7. Click on the "Save" button

Edit already published projects

  1. Navigate to "My Dashboard" page (Project tab) where you will see all you project and their statuses (you can only edit already published project)

    User My Dashboard screenshot
  2. Open the already published project that you want to edit and click on the Edit button

    Project Edit button screenshot
  3. Click on the 'Edit' button to access the Horizon Europe web form pre-populated with the existing project details. Here, you can modify the necessary fields before resubmitting it for review.

    Please note that editing a published Horizon Europe project generates a new 'Draft' version, which is subject to the same review process by the EU CAP Network's editorial team. The team will evaluate your changes to ensure they meet publication standards before updating the project on the website. In the meantime, the current version of the project will remain visible and unchanged.

Create a PDF version of my project

  1. Navigate to "My Dashboard" page (Project tab) where you will see all you project and their statuses.

    be aware that you can only download PDF versions of your projects that are "In Review" or "Published" (you can not download projects that are "Draft"). Once you download the PDF version of your "In Review" or already "Published" project, you will be able to submit its practice abstract(s) as a project deliverable to REA. 

    User My Dashboard screenshot
  2. Open the project that you want to download and click on the "Print" button

    Project Print button screenshot
  3. When clicking on the button, the PRINT preview of the project will be open and you will be able to save it as a PDF (downloads the PDF on your computer) or directly print (in case you have the needed printer setup.

    Project browser default print preview

Email notifications

The EU CAP Network website will automatically trigger specific email to you under the following circumstances: 

  1. Immediately when your project has been published in the website 
  2. Immediately when your project has been rejected and not published in the website
  3. Immediately when your project has been returned to you for further edits by the reviewer
  4. Immediately when your project has been removed from the website