project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

FRUHPH: Application of ultra high-pressure homogenisation in fruit juices and wines to improve quality and additive-free preservation
FRUHPH: Aplicación de las Ultra Altas Presiones por Homogeneización en zumos de fruta y vinos para la mejora de la calidad y la conservación sin aditivos

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The main objective of the project is to test UHPH as a non-thermal physical technology for stabilising plant-based beverages such as wine, juices and concentrates in order to reduce the use of preservatives and improve their organoleptic properties. Some of other objectives are: validate UHPH technology in the plant-based beverage industry and study the shelf-life of pasteurised and sterile products storable at refrigerated and ambient temperatures, respectively, assess and quantify improvements in the nutritional and functional characteristics of the beverages obtained, assess improvements...


El objetivo principal del proyecto es probar la tecnología UHPH como tecnología física no térmica para la estabilización de bebidas de origen vegetal como es el vino, los zumos y concentrados para reducir el uso de conservantes y mejorar sus características organolépticas. Alguns d'altres objectius son: validar la tecnología UHPH a la industria de las bebidas de origen vegetal y estudiar la vida útil de productos pasteurizados y estériles almacenables a temperatura de refrigeración y ambiente, respectivamente, evaluar y cuantificar la mejora en las características nutricionales y funcionales de las bebidas obtenidas...


Apply yeast culture growth medium and for wine-making outside the seasonal period.

Avoiding adding sulphur or antimicrobial filtration.

The effectiveness of UHPH treatment in eliminating lactic acid bacteria will be studied.

Applying UHPH to the lees could speed up autolysis or yeast breakage, which can shorten the ageing period.

Stabilise them in physical-chemical and microbiological terms using various UHPH treatments


Aplicar medio de crecimiento de cultivos de levaduras o elaboración de vino fuera del periodo estacional.

Evitar dosificaciones de sulfuroso o filtraciones amicróbicas.

Se estudiará la efectividad del tratamiento por UHPH para eliminar las bacterias lácticas.

La aplicación de la UHPH a las lías puede producir una autólisis o rotura de las levaduras acelerada, pudiendo acortar el periodo de crianza.

Estabilización a nivel fisicoquímico y microbiológico utilizando varios tratamientos UHPH.



Ultra high-pressure homogenisation (UHPH) is an emerging physical technology with potential applications in the food industry. UHPH is a non-thermal, fast and efficient technique for sterilising liquids at low temperatures, thanks to its high capacity for inactivating microorganisms by cell disruption and inactivating oxidative enzymes that can damage the quality of the product. UHPH treatment improves the shelf life and physical-chemical and sensory stability of liquid foodstuffs, in line with a growing market trend.
This project aims to explore applications of UHPH technology in two food areas: (1) fruit juices, to obtain juices and concentrates that have undergone less processing, avoiding sterilising filtration and aggressive heat treatments; and (2) wines, applying this emerging technology at different stages of the wine-making process: in the must prior to fermentation in still and sparkling wine; for ageing in red wine; in sweet wines or on lees, reducing the need for adding sulphites and reducing or eliminating indigenous or contaminating microbial population. In general, the aim is to obtain juices, musts and wines with fewer additives (sulphites) and less processing but with an optimal, improved sensory and nutritional quality.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Barcelona, Tarragona

€ 203520

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator