project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group


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Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Romania
Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Romania
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The project proposes the realization of an eco-innovative technology of sequential harvesting of seed, seed conditioning and oil production. The technology involves the harvesting of the hemp in two separate sequences, the inflorescences and the stems, at a single pass of the harvesting equipment. The inflorescences will be subjected to the conditioning operation, whereby segregation and cleaning of the seeds are carried out, which is carried out by means of specialized separation equipment, the seeds being used for oil extraction with specialized equipment. Re-introduction of the hamp into the economic circuit represents relevant business opportunities for farmers.


Se propune dezvoltarea unor echipamente tehnologice, eco-inovative, de recoltare secventiala a canepei, conditionarea semintelor si obtinerea uleiului.Tehnologia presupune recoltarea canepei in doua secvente separate, inflorescentele respectiv tulpinile, la o singură trecere a echipamentului de recoltat. Inflorescentele vor fi supuse operatiei de conditionare prin care se realizeaza separarea si curatarea semintelor, operatie ce se efectueaza cu ajutorul unui echipament specializat de separare, semintele fiind utilizate la extragerea uleiului cu un echipament specializat. Reintroducerea canepei in circuitul economic reprezinta noi oportunitati de afaceri pentru fermieri.


The objective of the project in GO will be achieved through the following activities:
- Designing, executing and experimenting with the innovative technical equipment, proposed for the eco-innovative application of hemp harvesting technology: Flowering and hemp strains harvesting equipment; Seed conditioner equipment; Oil Extraction Equipment (Leader)
- Demonstration of technology and equipment functionality; (Lider, P1, P2)
- Widely disseminating the results of the co-operation project. (Lider, P1, P2)
- Establishing ecological hemp culture and providing the energy base for the development of the testing and demonstration activities, from the farmer's own resources.


Obiectivul proiectului in cadrul GO va fi realizat prin urmatoarele activităţi:
- Proiectarea, realizarea si experimentarea echipamentelor tehnice inovative propuse pentru aplicarea tehnologiei de eco-inovative de recoltare a cânepei: Echipament de recoltat inflorescente si tulpini de canepa; Echipament de conditionat seminte; Echipament pentru extragerea uleiului;  
- Demonstrarea funcționalității tehnologiei şi a echipamentelor; 
-Diseminarea pe scară larga a rezultatelor proiectului de cooperare.
- Infiinţarea culturii ecologice de cânepă si asigurarea bazei energetice pentru desfășurarea aditivităților de testare-demonstrare, din surse proprii de către fermier.


The project concerns the actions, investments, transactions relating to the products in Annex I to the TFEU, in Brussels nomenclature Chapter 15 / 15.07. Stable, fluid or solid vegetable oils, crude, purified or refined and Chapter 57 / 57.01: Hemp (Cannabis sativa), raw, scalded, combed or otherwise prepared, but spun; tow and waste (including lint).
The project aims to develop products, techniques and processes by implementing a cross-cutting eco-innovative sequencing technology (eg inflorescences and stems), seed separation and oil production. The technical equipment proposed for application of the technology will be tested on the hemp field set up by the farmer. Good cooperation will be achieved within the operational group in order to create a knowledge base for this technology applied in the Buzau, Ilfov rural area, but also in other areas. Through cooperation between the farmer and INCD, innovation and diversification of agricultural products, with superior nutritional properties and the utilization of biomass in the agricultural sector, are encouraged.
The technology proposed for execution in the OG group is specifically aimed for the farmers that cultivate or are intending to develop hemp seed and / or hemp fibre culture on small or medium surfaces, accessible to those with minimum technical facilities.
Implementation of the proposed technology to farmers, the use of the knowledge gained during the project and dissemination of the obtained results, provides the basis for the development of new businesses opportunities for farmers, by obtaining hemp products with high added value, development of collaborations between groups and producers, the ultimate goal being to increase turnover

Additional information

Perceived need for project outcomes:
From traditional experience, hemp is considered a powerful plant that does not require pesticides, grows fast enough and helps to renew the growing land. After hemp cultivation, the land becomes in the following year, suited for the cultivation of cereals, because hemp kills weeds. Also, the amount of chemical fertilizer required for good production is much lower than in other crops.
The technical difficulty (excluding legislation) for the implementation, development and exploitation of this hemp crop, is harvesting and processing.
The project aims at developing products, techniques and processes by developing an eco-innovative technology of sequential harvesting of hemp, inflorescences and stems, seed conditioning and oil production.
The proposed technology, compared to harvesting with the cereal combine harvester, consists in harvesting the hemp in two separate sequences, the inflorescences and the stems, at a single pass of the harvesting equipment, collecting the inflorescences. Conditioning (seed drilling and cleaning) should be carried out with specialized equipment adapted for the tractor or for an electric motor.
Through the implementation of the proposed technology, the competitiveness of the primary producers improves by diversifying the products offered to the market, which gives them a firm integration in the agro-food chain, according to the quality schemes appropriate to this sector, with multiple possibilities for development and cooperation at the organizations, producers and interprofessional level, hemp culture, by its by-products: oil, fiber, straw hull, cakes resulted from seed pressing, can have multiple areas of use.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014RO06RDNP001 Programul Național de Dezvoltare Rurală pentru perioada 2014 - 2020
Main geographical location

€ 356216

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The proposed technology for the GO group is specifically aimed at farmers who cultivate or intended to grow hemp seed and / or hemp fiber on small and medium areas.

Main expected results of the project:

-Technical project for technical equipment and eco-innovative technology for harvesting and processing of hemp products:

-Eco-innovative technology for harvesting and processing hemp products,

-Equipment for harvesting inflorescence's and hemp strains,

-Seed conditioning equipment

-Extraction equipment for oil

-Experimental report of technical equipment;

-Demonstration report on the equipment functionality;

-Materials for results dissemination.

Tehnologia propusa spre realizare in cadrul grupului GO se adresează in mod special fermierilor care cultiva sau au în intenție de a dezvolta cultura de cânepă pentru semințe şi/sau fibră pe suprafețe mici și medii.

Principalele rezultate asteptate ale proiectului:

Proiect tehnic de execuție pentru echipamentele tehnice şi tehnologia eco-inovativa de recoltare si procesare a produselor din cânepa

-Tehnologie eco-inovativa de recoltare si procesare a produselor din cânepa,

-Echipament de recoltat inflorescențe şi tulpini de cânepa,

-Echipament de condiționat semințe

-Echipament pentru extragerea uleiului.

-Raport de experimentare a echipamentelor tehnice;

-Raport de demonstrare privind funcționalitatea echipamentelor tehnice

-Materiale  pentru diseminarea rezultatelor.


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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

Project partners


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    Project partner