1. Increasing the yield and quality of olives in the olive groves of the operational group's partners;
2. Development and production of premium quality extra virgin olive oil;
3. Increasing the competitiveness of agricultural holdings by applying modern methods of growing and processing olives
1. Povećanje prinosa i kakvoće maslina u maslinicima partnera operativne skupine;
2. Razvoj i proizvodnja ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja Premium kvalitete;
3. Povećanje konkurentnosti poljoprivrednih gospodarstava primjenom suvremenih metoda uzgoja i prerade maslina
Project details
- Main funding source
- Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
- Rural Development Programme
- 2014HR06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020
- Main geographical location
- Grad Zagreb
- Other geographical location
- Zadarska županija, Istarska županija
EUR 197441.45
Total budget
Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.
1 Practice Abstracts
Project will improve the production of olives using the mycorrhization process and develop a new product for human consumption.
- Increasing yield and quality of olives in olive groves
In the mycorrhization process, where the main ingredient is Trichoderma spp., the growth and development of olives is improved and the yield and quality of olive oil increases.Trichoderma species are saprophytic fungi (non-pathogenic).They are one of the most distinct antagonists in the microbiological world. Trichoderma in the soil ensure a positive health condition of the plant, increase resistance to diseases and do not affect other beneficial microorganisms. Some Trichoderma species also promote the development and growth of the plant itself. It is expected that the implementation of the project and the application of the aforementioned mycorrhization procedure on specific olive varieties will significantly contribute to the growth, development and health of the olive tree.
- Development and production of premium quality extra virgin olive oil
Increasing the competitiveness of agricultural holdings by applying modern methods of growing and processing olives
Agricultural farms will be able to offer new products on the market, such as extra virgin olive oil of premium quality with precisely defined qualitative parameters, and significantly increase income.
The purpose of the research is to apply the knowledge and experience gained during the implementation of the project to increase the efficiency of olive production in the Republic of Croatia by mitigating negative abiotic factors using the mycorrhization process, to increase the yield and quality of olive oil, which will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of agricultural holdings.
Predloženim projektom će se unaprijediti proizvodnja maslina primjenom postupka mikorizacije te razviti novi proizvod za ljudsku prehranu (ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Premium kvalitete).
- Povećanje prinosa i kakvoće maslina u maslinicima
U postupku mikorizacije, gdje je glavni sastojak Trichoderma spp., se poboljšava rast i razvoj maslina te povećava randman i kvaliteta maslinovog ulja. Trichoderma vrste jesu saprofitske gljivice (nepatogene). Jedne su od najizrazitijih antagonista u mikrobiološkom svijetu. Vrlo su prilagodljive i brzo rastu. Trichoderma u tlu osiguravaju pozitivno zdravstveno stanje biljke, povećavaju otpornost na bolesti i ne utječu na druge korisne mikroorganizme. Neke Trichoderma vrste osim toga, pospješuju razvoj i rast same biljke. Očekuje se kako će se provedbom projekta i primjenom navedenog postupka mikorizacije na specifičnim sortama maslina značajno doprinijeti rastu, razvoju i zdravlju drveta masline.
- Razvoj i proizvodnja ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja Premium kvalitete
Povećanje konkurentnosti poljoprivrednih gospodarstava primjenom suvremenih metoda uzgoja i prerade maslina
Poljoprivredna gospodarstva će na tržištu moći ponuditi nove proizvode kao ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Premium kvalitete točno određenih kvalitativnih parametara i značajno povećati prihode.
Svrha istraživanja je primjenom znanja i iskustva stečenih tijekom provedbe projekta povećati učinkovitost proizvodnje maslina na području Republike Hrvatske kroz ublažavanje negativnih abiotskih čimbenika primjenom postupka mikorizacije, povećati randmana i kvalitetu maslinovog ulja što će doprinijeti povećanju konkurentnosti poljoprivrednih gospodarstava.
Project coordinator
NIR analiza d.o.o.
Project coordinator
Project partners
Bovan d.o.o.
Project partner
Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Project partner
Stancija St. Antonio d.o.o.
Project partner